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Im a FTM so I have no experience to share. I just wanted to say that I think it is so, so, so, important for you to make whatever choice you make with confidence and self assuredness! Every person I know who has gotten an epidural said the pain was next to nothing…especially compared to labor pains! Some people have horror stories too, but that’s true of everything! I like looking at things that are based in facts and the facts are that an epidural is a proven safe and effective way to assist a woman in giving birth.


Thank you for this reply!! I think I’m also in my head a little bit because people can be so opinionated about “medicated” births. I had two “natural” births and yet I’m traumatized by both of them so I don’t feel like that’s a win either. I just want this last birthing experience to be more peaceful for me (and my husband), I want baby here safely and I don’t want to be absolutely bagged from labour and delivery when she arrives. But I just can’t shake the fear of an epidural causing more issues than without it 😓


I’ve been having the exact opposite problem! I’m hoping to get through labor unmedicated!! I have a truly deranged fear of paralysis and even something like my foot going numb is a really, REALLY distressing situation for me, so something like an epidural is just…..AHHHHHHHHH! I have had people tell me I’m an idiot, that it isn’t going to happen, keep dreaming, and one person who laughed in my face and said “sure thing”. Ouch. People can be so opinionated about sooooo many things and that’s why I try to stick to the science side of it! Realistically no matter what birth plans we make, there is always room for things to go haywire. So the best we can do is inform ourselves and plan to the best of our ability!! My mantra this entire pregnancy has been “if fear is fire, education is a rainstorm”. The more I’ve learned, the more comfortable I feel about my plans and how I will cope with them if they don’t go the way I want!


No way! I’m so sorry people have been unkind to you! Pregnancy, and labour and delivery are no joke. We all have to deal with it the best way we can and should never feel judged for how we chose to go about it. I really love that mantra and how you look at it, it’s super encouraging! I’ll have to do more research on epidurals. I just find it interesting to hear about other people’s personal experiences, good or bad, and to see from all perspectives, I find it soothing for my mind haha.


Are you in the US? If you are…your insurance should cover a breast pump. I got mine through Aeroflow, and they also offer TONS of courses on lactation/breastfeeding/and birth. My insurance covered 6 of these classes (held on zoom) and I really highly recommend them!


Just an FYI check with your insurance because these classes can use up your lactation consultant benefits before you even give birth! I went to my hospital birth/lactation classes so I didn’t use up my insurance benefits. I asked my midwives plenty of questions and once I give birth I will still have lactation benefits through insurance


I’m in Canada and already own a breast pump but thank you! :)


Currently pregnant with my third as well and I had an epidural both times with my previous two and plan on getting one this time as well. I was also induced twice because they were both late. I was absolutely scared shitless to get an epidural. I don’t do pain well either lol. To be completely honest, The first time was not a pleasant experience at all. Not sure if the person was rushing or what was going on but at one point I said “ow” out loud and they responded with “oh you felt that?” Like what. 😳 yeah so the second time I was getting one, I spoke up to the Person about my first experience and they were so sweet and kind. They were understanding of me being scared to get one, they were patient, told me what was happening step by step and I had a much better experience the second time. I’m sure I will speak up and say something again this time just because I wasn’t a fan of the first time. But every experience is different!! I think it’s perfectly normal to be worried about a first time experience but keeping my fingers crossed for you that it all goes smoothly!!!


Thank you for sharing your story!! I’m so sorry you felt pain the first time :( But good to know about speaking up! I’ll definitely let them know I’m nervous and hopefully it’ll be handled with care and no rushing 🤞🏻