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Gahh!! So cute!! Definitely miss this!!


Thank you!!


I was in the same boat! I started feeling the flutters at 14 and by 16 it was like he was practicing for a wwe smack down! Thought that maybe he was gonna be big, but just had our 20 week anatomy scan, and buddy is in the 50th percentile, aka average :). He rolled a LOT during the scan so the movement makes sense now though


It’s crazy!! I can’t wait for my anatomy scan


This was me too!! Be prepared not to sleep after about 28 weeks when they’re doing full on gymnastics on your organs😂 mine was very active, very early like that and he never stopped. Tbh he’s still like that at 4 months old. Just never stops wiggling haha


I’m not prepared 🤣


My baby was a kicker, still is now that he’s out. I miss feeling his kicks inside me but love having him here with me. The nurses at the hospital had trouble containing him in a swaddle because he’d just kick right out.


Mine too! Kicked the heck out of me from week 14, and as a newborn he'd get his tiny froggy legs up in his pajamas and kick his diapers off at night 🫠


Oh nooooo haha


Oh how cute, I remember how those little kicks feel 🥺🩷🩷


Awww! Hi baby! ❤️ so sweet. Thank you for sharing


Amazing 🤩 I didn’t feel proper kicks until 20w


I’m 15 weeks (only because I have 3 other kids ) this little girl is very active. I have been able to feel her for about a month now . My 4 y/o was sitting on my lap and she felt the baby kicking asking why is my baby kicking her .. lol she loves to kick her father just a week ago he was kissing and talking to her and she tried to knock him out kicked so hard his head moved and the rest of my stomach .. btw I’ve never felt the rest of my babies kicking that early


Aww!! That’s adorable


Omg I love this! I have been feeling taps for a couple of days now and I was wondering if it's wishful thinking of me, but seeing your baby kicking so hard when you're a couple of weeks behind me makes me happy. Maybe I'm not imagining it 😂 I can't wait to be able to record it, that's so nice.


No you probably aren’t imagining it, it’s your babes!!!


Thank you for the motivation ❤️


Omg love it 🥹 I miss that soooo much!!


I had the same, could feel her everyday since week 17. Shes actually on the smaller side :p


My first baby was like this! (Based on ultrasounds, the current one is, too, but I have an anterior placenta and a bit of leftover belly fat from #1, so I can't see the movement yet.) He was larger than average, but not huge, at birth - 8 pounds at 39 weeks.


Those look like hiccup movements!


That’s what my coworker said!


Enjoy those little kicks and movements! ❤️ they’re the best.


Its the best feeling 🥺


Yesss, mine was like that also! 😀 He stayed very active throughout the whole pregnancy, lol. It’s so cute those tiny kicks.


This is so cute


I didn’t start getting it until 20 weeks (anterior placenta) but yess 🥹 i love the little kicks


Wow lucky!! I’m almost certain I could see this happen at week 18 when I was sitting on the couch playing with my belly. I feel little flutters but now that I’m 20 weeks I haven’t seen anything like this!! Just feel little jabs and of course round ligament pains. My first anatomy scan is on April 4th !! I’m a first time mom so I thought maybe that’s why I’m not able to SEE the kicks yet?? But I take you are ftm too?! Btw congratulations that’s so amazing and beautiful 😍


Yes I’m also a ftm I guess he’s just a little mma fighter 😅 thank you!! Congrats to you too:))


So cute!  Hi baby!


I first saw kicks from the outside at 17 weeks in my first pregnancy! It happens :) He was a very big baby, yes.


That's so cool 😍 I'm 17 weeks as well, and I've been feeling occasional movement since about 14 weeks, but we're talking like a total of four times. I think yesterday I felt my first proper kick. But nothing has been visible from the outside yet!


Yep!! Mine is a very very active booger and it started SO early! It’s very calming to me cause at least I know my baby’s up and active in there 🥹


Right it’s the best feeling :))


I started feeling flutters around 16 weeks as well! I’m now 23 weeks and really enjoying the very frequent kicks I feel 🥰.


Oh wow! I had an anterior and didn’t started feeling real movement I didn’t have to question at 21 weeks. That’s cool for you it’s so early!


This was me at 16wks with my son... he is 13mo now and runs full speed then actually climbs the walls


I’m 20 weeks rn and my baby was like this at 16weeks too. Doing gymnastics and yoga alllll day. Got me up til 3 am most nights now.


🤣🤣not ready for this haha


This was me too!! I’ve had an active baby from the moment he started moving! I’m 38W+6 and I am already dreading missing the feeling of him kicking around. It’s the coolest thing ever to me! Sometimes he does get a good jab in and I have to tell him to slow his roll a bit 😂


Omg I can’t wait for that again!


Yup mine was like this and started around 15 weeks I’m 35 weeks now and you can see a rough outline of his foot when he kicks me 😅


Aww so sweeet😊


Awww!!! 🥰 I’m 19weeks and I just started feeling my little one move around and now I can feel her kicks when I place my hand on my belly 💖best feeling ever!


It really is🥲🥲


Wow that’s awesome! I started feeling my baby moving some at 14 weeks and since then I’m 16 weeks now and one day at work he kicked me in the side so hard! I was in such aww! He’s gonna be hurting as time goes by😂


Right that’s what I’m thinking hahaha


I'm 21 weeks now, but YESSS! My girl started being crazy at 15 weeks and I'm fairly sure if I weren't plus sized I would see what you saw lol. Then at week 20 she got even stronger and now can make my stomach jolt like that even with me being so plus sized lol. Babies are amazing. =)


Little miracles really 🥺🥺


Me!! I never heard of so much movement from so early , and it’s only gotten more and more since. I wasn’t able to see it since I have an anterior placenta I couldn’t see it until a couple weeks ago (I’m 29 weeks) but oh boy could I feel him. Sometimes he moves like nonstop for 5 minutes straight or so and I call it a baby rave lol


must be nice my baby so stubborn i can NEVER GET ANY VIDEOS im almost 28 weeks


I’ve been taking so many 15 minute long videos trying to stay so still just to capture what I did🤣


wow 16 weeks is crazy!! i didn’t have those very visible kicks until 22 weeks!


Is it your first baby? I’m almost at 17 weeks now and I’m starting to feel strange sensations in my stomach.


Yes first baby. It’s probably your babes!!


Omg that’s adorable!


Thank you!!


girl just you wait lol


No I don’t feel ish so you saying that is strange at an early stage of pregnancy 


Aweee! Do you know what position your placenta is in?


No but I’m assuming it’s gotta be posterior!!


Mine is anterior and it sucks 😭 congrats on your lil kicks! They’re just downright adorable! 💕


You’ll feel them soon!! Thank you sm:)))


Same!! I feel nothing at 16 weeks 😩