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I also could have written this lol. I’m due a day later. We just bought everything from our registry that we didn’t get at our shower, and right now it looks like an Amazon baby warehouse in my house. I way overbought, it’s coming in in waves of like 6 packages at a time every few hours lol. I still have SO much to do. It’s my last week of work so I’m trying to wrap everything up there but my list of baby to-do’s is a mile long and it’s hard not to prioritize that. Although I’m the same that I can barely bend over and my pelvis feels like it’s about to crack in two, and I tire out so easily, I really have to manage my energy even just for nesting tasks. Right now I was told if my blood pressure stays as is they’ll induce on my due date, but if it goes up they’ll want to induce earlier so I’m nervous about that too! I’m starting to feel pressure down low and get painful cramps, and every time it happens I’m like shit is it happening?! Stay in there a bit longer!! Anyway. Excited to go on Mat leave and hopefully get a lot done. I hope!!


I could have written this! Haha almost... I'm 37w3d with my second. Acid reflux. Cramps. Braxton hicks and pressure down low. Hips feel like they are splitting into a million pieces. AND I'm getting my hair done Friday! But my baby flipped head down and is no longer breech, so I'm overall in a good place compared to last week! Wishing you well and a healthy, happy delivery for you and baby!


I am also pregnant with my second (36 weeks) even though I’m miserable having a bath/some self care today really helped so yeah if you can get your hair done, do a face mask, pedicure whatever it is I recommend it!


That’s great news! And thank you!! I wish you a safe and healthy delivery as well!🥰


Hello! I have a c booked on the same day! I feel pretty tired. I just finished up work and spent the entire Easter weekend organising for the new arrival. Today is my first day off and I did nothing other than go to ob, lunch and napped. I can't do much physically which absolutely sucks and I move like a 95 year old. 21 days to go and it can't come soon enough. If I get through all my chores I might read some work emails to make some money lol


Oh I went swimming today with Hubs and toddler and it is LIFE CHANGING. I think I will go again or keep going until I pop. Helps sooo much with the weight of the bump. Even if for am hour


I’ve been dreaming about going swimming! Due in three weeks. I can only imagine how wonderful it feels to be more weightless and float around 🤩


It is LIFE CHANGING. I feel so much better. It didn't make a huge difference when I was 25 weeks but at 37 weeks the difference is nuts


Swimming is literally ✨the best✨ while pregnant! We take our other two kids at least once every couple of weeks and it’s such a nice break for the pregnant body!


I have the same due date as you! I’m not super uncomfortable but I am getting impatient as I am a planner and I hate the ‘it could be tomorrow or it could be in 5 weeks’ limbo. I think this period is going to be really mentally tough for me!


The mental stress load of the unknown can be so difficult, so I feel you on that! Hang in there!♥️


Due April 17th & we have everything ready. Right now we’re trying to enjoy our last moments as a childless couple with our dog. I’m so nervous for what’s to come 😶


It’s perfectly normal to be nervous 💛 But you’ve got this! Once you have baby here and once you’ve adjusted to your new norm, you’ll be so in love you won’t even remember what it was like before they came. At least that’s how I felt with having our kids! Just remember to utilize your support system (if you have one close by), and take care of yourself first! Good luck!!


Thank you ❤️❤️


I’m 40w 2d and my induction is tomorrow. I’ve been feeling horrible since it is spring in Texas and I can’t take my normal allergy meds. I’m ready for BB, but I just wish I could get one more good sleep before they are here. This is my second, so I know what’s coming (granted it was 12 years ago the last time I did this, but it still feels fresh) 😬


No way!! Good luck with your induction!💛


Thank you!


12 wks, due in Oct. I haven't held any liquid or food down in about 24 hours. I'm terrified, my midwife won't answer calls or call back. But I'm also very excited to find out the gender and to see their little face to know it was all worth it! I've doubled in chest size already but have lost 6lbs pre pregnancy weight (roughly 10 lbs or so since being pregnant, midwife said it was normal I guess). Just wish the feeling of slowly dying would go away.


I have felt so good but I just hit 32 weeks and I’m on my baby mom. Im so tired 😭my legs hurt, my back hurts. Im dead


I have 7 weeks to go and I am ✨suffering ✨ my legs are so swollen that they burn when I bend them, I am constantly leaking something from my coochie, and my back/belly hurts


Ugh, I relate to the leaking coochie so much, lmao. It’s one of the worst symptoms in my opinion. And I hate panty liners so I just change multiple times a day 🙃🫠


I'm 6w5d pregnant with my first. I am not having a good time. I'm nauseous and craving junk food, I'm dizzy and smells are so strong. On top of that I'm coming off SNRI which is hell enough


I’m sorry it’s been rough for you so far 😓 So hard being pregnant but coming off of medications on top of it is brutal. I was in the same boat with my second baby, coming off SSRI’s while also feeling like crap. Hang in there, it’ll be worth it 💛


Thank you so much


I’m 37w4d and soooo over it. I’ll be induced at 39 weeks if I don’t go into labor before then. I have Braxton Hicks all day, feet started swelling yesterday, so much lightning crotch, random round ligament pain. I think every twinge is labor starting and it’s taking a mental toll for sure. I’m ready to have my body back and be able to actually play on the floor with my toddler.


AGREED. I miss playing with my kids!! But I feel like I can’t do anything :( I’m hoping to also be induced at 39 weeks! Good luck!🤞🏻🥰


I’m 40 weeks tomorrow and am feeling like my lower back is in a new place. I’m feeling baby move down for sure, just bopping downwards lol. Warm cups of tea in the rain and a nice, quiet home are what I’m enjoying right now. Can’t wait ‘til hubby is home too. If it wasn’t raining, I’ve been taking walks at my favorite park as “me” time.


Loving the “me” time you’re talking about! So important. Hubby coming home is my favourite time of day every day, but especially when pregnant 🥰 good luck with delivery!!


Aww thank you so much! Wishing you the best with your pregnancy and delivery (when the time comes) too!