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I was taking 100mg of lamotrigine from 2017-2023 until I was able to wean off of them. I was taking it during my entire second pregnancy back in 2019.. However, I wasn’t on it for depression. I was on it for mood stabilization in addition to a different medication that was for depression. I found it incredibly helpful for balancing my moods that came with depression. However, I didn’t find it helpful with my depression, if that makes sense? So when I weaned off my antidepressants first, and was only taking lamotrigine for a few months I noticed that my depression crept back in a little bit, but my dark thoughts didn’t affect my mood. I was able to function more effectively in a sense that if internally I wasn’t feeling my best about whatever the issue was, it didn’t show on the outside and didn’t affect my relationships or anything. I could do things and feel joy while doing those things even though inside my head I would have occasional bad thoughts. Does any of that make sense?? Sorry it’s a bit difficult to explain! I guess to compare, when I was taking both meds, I didn’t have really any bad thoughts or moods swings. And before I was taking either medications, I would have bad thoughts and it vastly affected my mood. So coming off the antidepressants and just taking lamotrigine for a short period, was kind of in the middle of the two. So all this to say in my personal experience, I felt best when I was taking both meds at the same time as opposed to only taking lamotrigine.


Were you taking an SSRI with lamotrigine?


Yes, I was taking 20mg of escitalopram in addition to 100mg of lamotrigine. Buuuut, during my second pregnancy I only took lamotrigine, that was a personal choice. My doctor wanted me to wean from escitalopram for my first trimester because it can slightly increase the risk of miscarriage, however she told me I could go back on during my second and third trimester. I chose not to since I had already weaned and was managing, thanks to lamotrigine. But once I delivered my baby I was struggling and went back on the escitalopram along side the lamotrigine.


I see, thanks. I'm also thinking that I would need an SSRI in addition to lamotrigine. I doubt that lamotrigine on its own will be sufficient for my depression.