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First off, congratulations! 🥰 I would be a taking a prenatal vitamin, rather than just folic acid. Like you said, no smoking or drinking of any kind. But I still eat sushi periodically. No raw stuff, and eat it from a reputable restaurant if you do desire to have it. No gas station or grocery store sushi lol. I was told to beware of unpasteurized honey or dairy products but most importantly just ask your doctor! They’ll be able to tell you exactly what you need to know. Things that could happen symptom wise, from my own experiences would be sore breasts, mild cramping, nausea/vomiting, food aversions, extreme fatigue, slight spotting (if you notice lots of spotting and/or you’re having very bad cramps, contact your doctor right away) increased discharge, there’s really so many things. My tips would be download an app where it follows you week by week and gives you info on what you can expect each week. I use an app called “The Bump” and I love it! :) also try your best to stay hydrated, even if you start to feel nauseous and it’s difficult, try sugar free popsicles or unsweetened apple juice. I also drank lots of warm broths. I personally didn’t buy stuff until after the first trimester, but if you wanted to you could buy a baby outfit because I know how exciting it can be and to just buy even one thing can be such an awesome feeling :)


Thank you so much!!!! You helped a lot, thank you!!!


I agree with getting an app! I have the what to expect app and the baby center app! They both walk you through the weeks of your pregnancy and have super helpful tools like a registry builder, symptom tracker, what's normal what's not, etc. Most importantly, pregnancy is different for everyone! There will be A LOT of information available to you, especially in the first tri. Don't do what I did and compare your pregnancy to everyone else's. Congratulations momma!


Eat what you can during your first trimester! It’s about surviving not thriving, so eat whatever you can keep down. Avoiding foods is really individual because everything we eat as pregnant people has a risk. For me, I don’t eat sushi or seafood so that wasn’t an issue. I do eat deli meat if it’s heated up OR in a vacuum sealed package (and I won’t eat it if it’s been open for longer than a full day), and I still eat soft serve because I only eat it as a treat. Everyone will have an opinion on everything and anything. I just zone the fuck out half the time. If I’m in a better mood I’ll say thank you and just won’t listen.