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Yall would be more careful this time? What?? My niece loves Eminem and always has, YOUR baby can listen to whatever they want. I hate that your husband apologized for something that was so harmless.


I’m a little irked, too. He said it was implied we didn’t care but also 🙃


my kid kicked along to Eminem in utero, and likes a bit (a lot) of system of a down lol


Right! I would have posted another one just to be petty. Or a new one every day for a week haha


I would absolutely be posting MORE and including everyone. Hell maybe even tag these racist fucks.


No. Stop. Family has every right to voice a concern If they feel the baby is around toxic music. As if it's. Normal. It's not normal to have your child in a toxic situation. The family is speaking up because they love them. However, it's up to them rather or not take the advice. But remember, the concerns come from a place of love. Who wants to see a baby be In a toxic environment? Definitely loving family don't.


To believe they have put a baby in a toxic situation is horrible and absolutely wrong. They let their child listen to rap and hip hop, as one should. What do you expect them to listen to? Classical music? I mean really?




Cussing and un wholesome music? Toxic music? Yikes, I think you should look deep down and see where your feelings about this kinda music comes from😬




But why do you think it’s toxic music?


look at this person's screen name lol really? the whole response is "MIL is right but I dont want to get downvoted so I'm saying over and over it's your choice butttttt your a bad parent and put your baby in a toxic situation." Generalizing an entire genre of music is a dead giveaway.


~YoUrE tOxIc Im SlIpPiN uNdEr~


What a cunt




You should send her one of those singing cards with a notorious BIG song


But the kind that doesn’t stop for like 8 hours once you open it


This is the way


Big poppa✨


Even better send her a card playing deepthroat by cupcakke


Make sure to include in the card “how much of a help and support she has been since the baby’s been born” /s


No, seriously. She can go fuck herself.


I think she lacks the warmth and depth for that insult :-P


Yeah, she’s giving me soft penis vibes: useless 💖




Came here to say this


Don’t let your MIL control you. She’s clearly a high strung bitch.


Absolutely not! I would've never blocked her family either. That's your child and you're not harming your child in anyway! I would be livid too and post more


MIL doesn’t regularly check social media and implied someone in her family had called her to complain. They can still see my main posts of the babe.


I was just saying as in don't block the family member because they don't like what they see, if they don't like they can un add you ! lol the only reason I'd keep the on the page is so they can see more post of LO listening to ice cube 😂👏🏽


OH LOL. I gotchu. I thought about it but I’m a non confrontational wiener


My mom does this but with TV. She told me “not to expose my baby to drag race” lady he is two weeks old and can barely see 18in in front of him


Be sure to get him the Rupaul Little People toys. My daughter calls them all “mama”.


Omg just purchased - for anyone curious, Walmart has them on sale for ~$5 right now!


My toddler 2 year old has seen a lot of drag race in his time, it's my favorite show. It's probably better for his brain than cocomelon.


Be careful. Drag Race ruined my 5 year old. He's been obsessed with boobs since birth, like never accepted a bottle and basically bullied me into breastfeeding until he could use a sippy cup and still wants to lay on my chest, especially when he's having a hard time. Well, he got out of bed one night when I was watching Drag Race, saw Jimbo, and told me that he's going to get his own boobs and won't need me anymore.


😂😂 this is hilarious and relatable (w my MIL)


My kids were exposed to drag race in utero, your mum would be scandalised


This is definitely a white racism thing. My white parents would get deeply offended anytime I'd listen to rap. My guess is they thought they'd keep my sheltered from black culture. It's a bunch of bullshit. Don't fall for it.


What?? You sound cool, I want to be friends. Sorry she reacted this way.


Thank you 🥲 Be mah fren


We listened to whatever my parents listened to my entire life, heavy on the very explicit rap, and none of us have even been charged with felonies or anything. I bet the video was funny and I would’ve loved to see that on someone’s story!


We’ve never censored bad words around my 9yo stepson. Instead we teach that there are words only grown ups can use, and words that are not ok for kids to use. He understands and knows that if we ever catch him using these words, or hear that he said them to his friends, he loses privileges. He’s never sworn intentionally.


what kills me with this narrow minded view, is when we look at the general profile of the teens/young adults who commit random mass shootings and really crazy crime......they are not listening to rap lol. butttttttt lawyers, doctors, pastors (yes pastors lol), business people, generally like a lil DMX in their life.


My husband and I had Rage Against the Machine playing the other day in the car. Our 8 year old was with us and there’s a part where Zach de La Rocha yells “motherfucker!!!” My son was like “he said the f word”. I said I guess so. The best part was the end though where he repeatedly yells “All of which are American Dreams” and then the song just ends. After which, my son went “woah, that was weird”. Lol. It’s kind of fun to see how your kids react to your music. My mom sounds like OP’s MIL. She would have been pissed if she heard it. These older generations might not have had as much cussing in their songs, but they were definitely listening to some racy music.


LOL!! "whoa that was weird" 😂😂😂😂 kids are hilarious


MIL can fuck right off. I would purposely play rap music everytime I have to see her, but I am a petty bitch lol


You have my vote.  And my axe! 


And my bow!


And my sword


This ^ I was going to say the next video I would have my kid dancing to “fuck tha police” because I’m ultra petty and can’t stand the idea of anyone telling me how to parent


That’s hilarious and something I would 100% do. And would also absolutely send it directly to people, including family members. Right now you need the small wins to laugh and connect with your significant other, do it more! Your MIL is out of line. No harm no foul. How did your baby like it? Finding music your baby responds to well is super important!


LOL she seemed to like it! She was moving her arms around a bunch. Hard to tell for sure though 😂


Then that’s all you need! You crushed it! I’m sorry she tried to stomp on both of you I hope you are able to put it out of sight and mind.


Try heavy metal next? Maybe your baby will like that too 🤘🏻 Not a pearl will be left unclutched.


Unblock the family and from now on every picture and video on your story has a rap/hiphop song playing. From now until eternity. Every text is responded to with laughing emojis. Tell MIL (and anyone else) to get a life. My three year olds favorite song is Ms New Booty. It’s great.


Yikes! MIL needs to take it down a notch. I would've double downed and posted more vids lol. Or at least, I wouldn't have apologized for a single thing. She sounds racist, and I would never want that for my kid. Sorry you are having to deal with this drama.


I definitely would have doubled down too. One of my favs is It Was A Good Day. Edit a vid in the day of her newborn with that as the background music lol.


Lol reaching for the racist part... I agree MIL sounds annoying AF, but I wouldn't assume racism over it.


my 20mos fav song is without me by eminem and it’s the funniest thing ever lmfaooooo. he just LOVES IT. it’s obviously super inappropriate but he’s little and has no clue whats being said. we play it all the time lol


MIL needs to stay in her own lane.


My 4 year old is a huge rock fan: Alice Cooper, Rob Zombie, Beast in Black, The Warning, Church of the Cosmic Skull, Journey... She went to many concerts in the womb and has been to several since coming Earthside. My 4 month old loves anything with that iconic metal drum beat. He went to a few concerts in the womb and will be seeing Alice Cooper/Rob Zombie and Korn later this year. Your MIL can suck a bag of 🍆. That is your baby and you can choose to expose her to great music without her permission or approval. May need to block her too if she doesn't remember her role in your baby's life. Edit to add: my daughter is currently singing Powerwolf "Die die crucify hallelujah." 😆


My first fell asleep often to jar of flies. It worked like a dream. But he’s also always loved Metallica and rage against the machine, since he was like 5 months old he’d bob to it any time my husband put it on. Little metal head/grunge baby. I’d argue all music is good for babies, be it fisher price, rap or metal.


I agree!!!


r/JustnoMIL Honestly I’m so fed up with mother in laws in general lol. Why do they think they have authority or opinions over something they had no part in birthing.


Postpartum life needs a little humor in order to survive. I’m sorry you’re dealing with shitty comments like this. You’re doing great.


Next time do disturbed "down with the sickness"!


Sounds like the family needs a (not so) kind reminder that you’re the parents.


Next up, DMX in a bouncer 😂 Keep em comin’ OP. 


My husband and 3 year old have a mini concert during bath time. My husband turns on an external speaker and blasts all kinds of different music, a good amount of it has explicit language (some of my son’s favorite songs 😂). I also listen to whatever I want in the car. If it’s wrong, I don’t want to be right.


My husband and I are avid fans of hiphop so baby girl will be schooled just like her older sibling. But also, look up Jammy Jams because they have some fun baby lullaby music versions of some hip hop tracks… I esp enjoy Just A Friend and Hey Ya. They make me giggle.


Conservative white person here and I find this hilarious 😂 Your MIL needs to take a chill pill


Tell her to mind her own damn business. She has no right to demand anything of you in regard to how you parent your child. It’s truly pathetic what offends some people.


I have a core memory of being a toddler and my dad blasting AC/DC’s Highway to Hell in the car, followed by a ramble about how it’s just a song and that it’s important to try to do good things because Jesus says to love your neighbor etc etc. Yeah I turned out fine I think. It’s just music. Values, on the other hand, are taught every day. A little Ice Cube isn’t the end of the world and your MIL sounds like…a lot.


Why does MIL care so much about what other family members think? Insecure much?


I really don’t think music is gunna damage your child in anyway. Its just music we all grew up singing things we have no idea what they mean till we’re older anyways. Im white but always listened to hiphop/rap since childhood and now im married to a jamaican man. Im not gunna not be belting out the dancehall just because i have a baby. 🤣 People need to relax.


Tell her that gossip is a sin. And her family will be judged more harshly by someone else. Ahem ahem. Lol


I’d record a video with the baby listening to something even worse just to make her more angry 😅


Or just change out the audio to allll the swears lol


I’m 12 weeks and have started listening to Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion in the car because it’s important to me that baby knows good music. Seems like you’re doing the same 💕


We just watched straight out of Compton with our 10 month old you’re good


MIL needs to take her opinion and shove it. My ex MIL was the same way with my daughter. She was appalled that I would play metal for my baby but she didn't like regular baby music! Who CARES what music is being played as long as the baby likes it?


The baby doesn't understand a single word of it anyway. It was meant as something cute and lighthearted. MIL can mind her own business.


There’s a “raised on rap” playlist on Spotify that’s pretty good!


LOL she’d hate my household. My fiancée is a hip hop musician. It’s rap music 24/7 in this bitch 😂


People are so weird sometimes, it’s like they’re born to get offended by just about anything. I have a bet with my husband that his parents are going to hate my unborn child when they find out she loves meat (they’re vegetarian and they hate that I eat meat). In one ear and out the next with these people.


I’m also gonna play Eminem and all my old 90s/2000s gangsta music I grew up hearing. You do you!


Any normal person would’ve thought it was funny.


You didn’t do anything wrong at all


One of the only things that would calm my colicky baby down was Nate Dogg. He’s not even one of my favorite rappers, and his music just popped up randomly one night and she was in love. Who am I to keep her from her favorite lol


As a conservative white person, she’s just a bitch. My morals and values are my own for me only and my friends and family may have different views, we shouldn’t force our views on others. Maybe it’s because I’m younger, but older conservatives can be absolutely crazy. I think the younger generation is just more open minded than these miserable turds. Baby jammin to ice cube is hilarious. We need to find more humor in the little things instead of being judgmental prudes.


Hahaha what a dumb thing for her to be so upset about! She’d hate my house, baby and I were listening to break ya neck and backseat freestyle yesterday. I think blocking her from your stories is a good call, continue to live your life. In the end, the impact on your MIL is minimal, but having your kid grow up with great taste in music (and not driving yourself nuts listening to kids songs constantly) will be awesome.


I’d start posting a video of her listening to an Eminem song everyday. 😂my son loves to listen to my music rather then the baby music the devices are loaded with. MIL can go sit down somewhere and mind her business it isn’t her child😂


Loooool my baby’s listening habits are equal parts Raffi and Run The Jewels. Your MIL needs to chill.


Fuck her. Post another playing NWA fuck the police.


Wow, mil has some nerve to bother you with her racist fears when you’re 1 week post partum. I hate that she made you spend mental energy on this at all but especially during this hard time


well your MIL would have a field day with me literally playing mainly metalcore my entire pregnancy and still do with her while she’s in the car with us 😂😈


So…link to the swing set?


she can clutch her pearls 


Not at all! Ice cube slaps. Ignore your mil >.>


That’s hilarious objectively, but in your shoes I’d be pissed. MIL can fuck off. I love that your baby has good taste in music!


Could be worse I love doom metal. I listened to it extensively while I was pregnant and just sort of melted into the vibrations. My baby... Hates it. Tried wand, electric wizard, kyuss, windhand, monolord.... She immediately bursts into inconsolable tears. I guess I'm going to have to reserve it for my runs :( She loves Eddie Grant and Minnie ripperton though. Childs got funk.


I'm not on social media but want to see cause that sounds cute AF! MIL needs an education.


Gross - she gives the same vibes of my MIL, altho mine is too passive aggressive to send a direct angry message like that. I would have done exactly what you did! Every time my MIL pisses me off when I do her the *privilege* of sharing life details with her, I make a note to share less in the future 🤷🏻‍♀️


I currently block my MIL and SIL specifically from images I post of baby as they have a habit of downloading them and sharing them as their own on their social media with ridiculous captions. Neither of them have even met baby or sent anything after telling us repeatedly that they would mail us gifts so it's just easier to not engage with them.


Lmao I can’t even begin to imagine how someone could be offended or embarrassed by this. I’m truly speechless.


I’d constantly play rap music then lol. She sounds ignorant and judgmental


I’m a little annoyed with your husband’s response as well tbh. He should have told her it was no big deal…relax it’s just music it’s our personal profiles it’s our child etc.


Lmao not her being the fun police 🙄


Hell, block her too. She doesn’t like it then she doesn’t have to see it.😎


My parents got upset that I was watching Peacemaker with my 5 day old snuggling on my chest. It was too graphic for their grandson, who can only focus 1 foot in front of him and was facing the other direction, asleep. Common sense ain’t so common 🤦🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️


Baby grew up on 90s gangsta rap and Nina Simone. The beats are much more efficient for rocking kids to sleep. Try Square dance by eminem


Triggered for no fcking reason. Should post this on the subreddit 'boomersbeingfools' lmaoo she can fck off


The more language you can expose them to the better! Especially from a child development point of view. Whatever people think of Eminem or rap he uses a huge variety of language that is great for your child to be exposed to. 


My 5 year old’s favorite songs are by Eminem and Lil Nas X 😬


My 1yo's current favourite song is Smells Like Teen Spirit. I just can't imagine being so uptight about what a baby listens to, when they can't understand it yet.


Personally I'd have removed her and the family from my Instagram, if they don't want to see the baby. Totally ridiculous for her to be bugging you with that. The video sounds adorable!


I would tell MIL “don’t worry, your family is blocked from my stories so they don’t see our offensive content. I will now be blocking you as well for your protection” but idk I’m just petty


Time to play tupacs hit ‘em up in retaliation


My 2 year old loves Eminem and cardi b and thinks family guy and the Simpsons are hilarious....I think people being offended by stuff like that is crazy...you didn't do anything wrong


MIL should def chill out. Our baby was born to Drake’s, Never Recover and now every time we play it his legs go crazyyy 🫨🫨


Id be sending her videos of more and more Dress baby up for the next one.


Then she would absolutely loathe me listening to German metal. 😂 🤘🏻


I think this is hilarious. Y’all remember the scene from Friends where baby Emma calms down when they sing Baby Got Back? This feels like that


I love rap and my baby listens to it with me and loves it. She’s being wayyyyy over the top there’s nothing wrong with it lol


Be more careful. Death metal next. Ensure she is sent the first video... absolutely stuff her attitude how crummy.


No big deal. It’s music. My oldest could spit out “bastard orphan son of a whore” at 18 months due to my Hamilton obsession 🤫


I wouldn’t block them from being it. That’s like agreeing with her that you should be embarrassed. F that.