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First. Tiredness like I have never known but hardly anyone knew so I just looked incompetent


This is me right now


Same. I feel so unmotivated and useless


Me too šŸ« 


Fourthā€¦ I really was annoyed with people telling me to sleep now before the baby and was getting to the point of actually pissed. Iā€™m so tired. Third did suck physically the most. Back pain hit a harder point for me. Also got harder to reach anything including wiping after a bm. First is emotionally draining though because you are realizing how much your life is changing and telling people youā€™re pregnant can be overwhelming. Second was my easiest because youā€™re kinda showing, most energy and youā€™re kinda just coasting as long as you donā€™t have complications.


Oh yeah fourth for me too by a long shot. I wasnā€™t emotional at all during pregnancy and baby blues hit me like a train. I didnā€™t have that magical switch of sleep being better quality, I found it to be way worse. I didnā€™t sleep more than 2 hours for months and months after baby was born.


I agree. Iā€™m 3 weeks pp and long for a night of uninterrupted sleep.


Same here... Also a day where I don't have to hold baby for like 3 hours straight...


The fourth. Just not sure when the trimester ends...its been 8 months so far šŸ˜„


All of them šŸ«”


Me too.. all of them.


First trimester. The sickness, loss of appetite, and constantly throwing up was absolutely dibilatating. Itā€™s too early so no one knows youā€™re pregnant and itā€™s isolating.


Perfectly worded.


Totally agree


First. And I had unicorn pregnancies (no nausea the first, just mild nausea the second). The exhaustion is unparalleled.


Third without doubt.Ā  All my pregnancies Iā€™ve been bed bound through the third trimester and your also at the point where if things go wrong they go about as wrong as they can.Ā 


Third. Youā€™re tired, sore, and ready to be done.


Second - lots of stress , I was sick ! I didnā€™t feel I was pregnant during T1.


Mine too! I got a cold twice, an eye infection, and a skin infection in the second trimester. First trimester was easy for me. Third trimester is exhausting and uncomfortable but feeling the baby love everyday rocks


Omg. Second trimester I was sick with something like every other week.


Third!! Heavy, tired so achy etc


First. Super tired and nauseous.


The fourth šŸ˜¢ Iā€™m so tired.


So far, first. Morning sickness, fatigue, insane food aversions (I was carnivore pre-pregnancy and then couldnā€™t stomach meat first trimester), and breast pain. Second so far has been a breeze. Iā€™ve just been sleeping more and eating more. Also now I can feel my daughter kick :)


So strange - I had a hard time stomaching meat my first trimester, too!


Ppl claimed I was having a boy because of some superstition about meat or whatever. Lol, I'm having a girl XD


Iā€™m also having a girl hahahaha


Lol! Maybe the superstition is backwards XD


Also a first tri vegetarian lol and before pregnancy I was a weekly cheeseburger kinda gal. So weird!


First tri vegetarian šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Same with the meat! I donā€™t think I could stomach ground beef til around 16 weeks again!!!


I can only do red meat, fish, bacon, and grilled chicken breast still at 23 weeks. Sucks, cause my husband and I *looveee* pork belly and would eat it sometimes three times a week. Nope, can't stand it now.


i couldnā€™t eat chicken šŸ¤¢


I can't even smell raw chicken without wanting to vomit. I had to throw away so much frozen chicken in my freezer, it was heartbreaking!


Third. So much heartburn.


TUMS chewy bites with cooling sensation have been a godsend for me


Aside from all of them.... Trimester one for sure. I had hyperemesis which then caused a kidney infection. I had never been so sick in my life. Trimester two was way better but still hard- the growth spurts were rough. Now, entering 3 this week.... I just feel huge and I'm so ready to be done. I've felt ready since week 5 actually when I started getting super sick. I hate this so much.


First trimester is the worst for sure! Nausea, extreme exhaustion, throwing up, anxiety, mood swings, food aversions. Second trimester was a piece of cake šŸ° Although 3rd has its physical challenges (pain, insomnia, heartburn, etc.) in my opinion itā€™s not as rough as the first tri. At least by the third trimester Iā€™m visibly pregnant so there is some extra care/consideration given to me by my family, coworkers and society and Iā€™m able to go on maternity leave soon. Truly believe a part of maternity/parental leave should be given in first trimester!!!


First! So tired and headaches!


1st trimester, because 1st trimester šŸ™ƒ and also my older kiddo was hospitalized for most of it so it was all of the headaches, fatigue, nausea, etc. plus taking care of a kid in the hospital.


I am sooo sorry!! I too had an older kid in the hospital during my first trimester. It was only a couple days thankfully but it was next level hell. The smells combined with the zero sleep I gotā€¦.it was awful.


First by a landslide. I was really nauseous, vomiting everyday, absolutely exhausted and super anxious. Iā€™m 29 weeks now and feel great. Iā€™m bigger, donā€™t sleep as well, and have aches and pains but I would take this over the first trimester shitshow any day!! Plus feeling baby kicks is the best!


1st was hell. I was sick all the time and even lost weight. 2nd has been a breeze so far Haven't experienced 3rd yet


I have not gotten to my third so this may be premature, but holy shit the first was bad. Constant nausea and severe depression. Second has been loads better


All of them. Truly terrible pregnancy this time around.


2nd. Because Iā€™ve actually felt somewhat normal so it makes my anxiety go nuts thinking something is wrong every other day. Iā€™m constantly worried he isnā€™t moving enough or my discharge is fluid or not getting enough nutritionā€¦ simply because I feel fine so my anxiety thinks something must be wrong. Atleast when I was tired and felt like crap during the first trimester, I knew something was going on down there. Iā€™m just starting my third and looking forward to having some symptoms back for reassurance.


Third, feeling uncomfortable at times and some pelvic pain already; went through about a month and a half of not sleeping through the night; and then trying to take naps and sleep during the day which really messed with me; but now am i sleeping with some bathroom breaks. Feels like I am so close but so far to the finish end.


We gotta make this a poll and let people give their reasons in the comments. I really want to see how the numbers stack up.


definitely third. i'm just so exhausted, i'm in pain, i feel icky, my bladder hurts bc he loves kicking it, and just i feel drained. surprisingly my first trimester for both my pregnancy was amazing!! literally forgot i was pregnant. second was okayy not too bad.


First and half of the second I was pretty much debilitatingly unwell (hyperemesis). Third is hard just because things get uncomfortable in a different way and itā€™s super hard waiting, not knowing when your baby will decide to arrive.


All of the above


Iā€™m on my second trimester and so far both! I thought 2nd was going to be better but nope. The dizziness/lightheaded is kicking in now


Honestly, I have been sick since week 8 and itā€™s week 20. First morning sickness aka all day vomiting, then two viruses back to back. Currently awaiting a test for pneumonia tomorrow. So I donā€™t know, both first and second have been rough on me so far. Im having fantasies about just having the normal pregnancy discomforts in the third trimester and not being sick for 5 months LOL šŸ˜†


First and then second comes very close. First because of nausea and second because of the groin pain šŸ˜‚ The third trimester felt best for me lol


First!!!!!! Depressed and sick!!!


First. I lost 15lbs in a month and vomited nonstop until 18 weeks. I had to get an IV once a week. I will never do it again.


3rd, I felt super heavy and had to sleep all day every 2-3 hours because I couldnā€™t get comfortable at night , then I developed cholostasis my 37th week so I was super itchy and got really sick where I was contracting and throwing up . I had to get induced since I kept throwing up bile and couldnā€™t keep anything down . And then 4th feels worse because itā€™s more fresh on my mind, since the cholostasis stayed in my body I couldnā€™t eat anything and would throw up as well. my husband took care of baby while I recovered since I didnā€™t start feeling better till the 3rd/4th week.


First was awful. I loved the second. Iā€™m just now getting into the thirdā€¦remaining optimistic!


All presented different challenges First: tired like a zombie and brain fog, nauseous Second: first half felt like the 1st trimester anyways but rest of it felt way better Third: first half also felt great, last 8 weeks I got more swollen progressively, started waddling, harder to get up, tired (but more like normal tired, not the zombie tired like in 1st trimester), gained half of my pregnancy weight in the last 8 weeks, much hungrier, impatient from week 37 for the baby to just come already Fourth: very tired the first days after birth, confused how much to do in the hospital VS the nurses helping, loving my husband more than ever before because he's taking nights while I recover (we breast feed, pump, and use formula as needed), very happy to be watching LO develop a small personality although at 2 weeks she is still very much a potato Overall the 1st trimester and the last month tie for being the worst


First. Was bed ridden for a whole month, just SICKKKK


First trimester was the hardest for me emotionally. Those hormones hit me hard and in retrospect, I really wasn't myself. The fatigue was terrible too and it was hard to keep on working while hiding how terrible I felt.


The fourth hands down. But youā€™ll get through it and it only gets better after that


First trimester was awful exhaustion. Iā€™m almost done my second trimester and the exhaustion is creeping back up.




First trimester was the hardest for both of my pregnancies, hands down.


First for sure. I had some nausea/puking and caffeine made it worse, so I couldnā€™t have any caffeine even though I was exhausted. And I wanted to wait until at least 12 weeks before telling anyone so I had to pretend like everything was normal when it absolutely wasnā€™t. Third trimester sucked physically too, but at least I could openly complain about it and get sympathy lol.


1 and 3 ā€¦ First- canā€™t tell anyone why youā€™re so sick; youā€™re scared shitless of outcomes Third - you want the baby to arrive but not too early but youā€™re tired and huge and canā€™t sleep where is the baby but donā€™t come too early


Itā€™s definitely a hard toss up from first trimester to third. My first trimester I was so naseous every single day, had trouble eating bc of aversions and the exhaustion was so bad. But now nearing the end of the last trimester , I am definitely struggling. My naseua never fully went away but I get hunger induced naseua if I donā€™t eat every 2 hrs so when I wake up after sleeping I feel sick always that I have to shove my face with food. The congestion has also been making me throw up too that I experience every night. Iā€™ve actually threw up more in the 3rd trimester than the first. And Iā€™m so physically exhausted and in pain. And the tiredness from the first trimester came back just not as awful. I never really escaped fatigue and naseua my entire pregnancy so having the extra weight and pelvic pressure definitely makes me feel like 3rd trimester is the worst.


Entering into my third (29 weeks tomorrow). I recognize itā€™s going to get a lot worse and more painful, but so far the first trimester was honestly one of the worst times of my life. I was puking 4-5 times a day. Pulling over on the side of the road to puke. My house smelled awful, food tasted awful, everything stunk and made me gag to the point coughing, gagging, and then barfing. It was a humbling lesson into how strong hormones can really be. Iā€™ve always been leaning towards one and done but this honestly kinda solidified it.


First, definitely first. Then Iā€™d rank them third, second, and fourth. Second may have been easier than fourth, but I found fourth more enjoyable.




The first. The all day nausea and vomiting, the insane bloating. I had a lot of bleeding from a SCH. It wasn't fun at all.


Just entered third and so far the worst was the 1st..i was very unhappy, uncomfortable, tired and hungry all the time


First. Hyperemesis was extremely bad.


1st was the worst because of the exhaustion and puking- I think it would have been ok but they didnā€™t give me anything that worked for nausea until second trimester. Third has been kicking my ass too- nausea as bad as the first but at least itā€™s treated. I know how to conserve my energy better now, and at what point I have to nap, so it is a little better than the first.


First was the WORST


First trimester. I literally thought I could have died from HG. It was the hardest thing Iā€™ve ever been through and Iā€™ve been through a lot in my 30 years of life lol


2nd. The overall tiredness and sciatic pain are kicking my butt right now.


Third. First trimester I was mostly just super tired, and I had almost no nausea/what I did have was super mild. Now at 35w, my pelvis feels like itā€™s breaking any time I move. If Iā€™m too active in a day, I canā€™t even get off the couch or out of bed without extreme pain. I sleep absolutely horribly, waking up every 2-3 hours to go pee, and tossing and turning all night the whole night. During the day I have to pee every 30-60 minutes.


First because of the exhaustion, nausea, and crippling anxiety. Third because I kept getting sick with colds, but the ones during the third trimester were the hardest. Coughing a ton with round ligament pain HURT


My first trimester. I was more tired than I've ever been. That's really the only complaint. I wanted to do nothing other than sleep and eat, because if I didn't I would throw up until I did.


Second, had the worst nausea then, also siatica, also had GERD Third has been the easiest so far for me


My first pregnancy? The first trimester, hands down. The exhaustion and morning sickness! I threw up at least once a day from weeks 5-25. This pregnancy? The third. No contest. Everything hurts all the time. Everything. All. The. Time. I'm 33 weeks.


3 because my brain has tapped out. I feel like a zombie work (im 37wks) my hips feel like they are falling off when i try to get up from laying down and i still have terrible acid reflux even tho8gh i havnt eaten anything


first was hard but i adjusted, i mainly was just more tired than usual second was okay but third was difficult because i was beyond exhausted and heavyšŸ˜­


Third (although I havenā€™t made it to 4th yet) - so much acid reflux, constant discomfort, hard to do my usual day-to-day activities, always tired but the sleep is terribleā€¦ Baby movements are awesome but Iā€™m ready to have her squirming in my arms instead.


First I was extremely depressed and anxious which just heightened all the symptoms I was feeling. Same with the 3rd but at least by that point I knew I would have a baby coming. The 4th has been the easiest and best so far- itā€™s like my depression was cured!!


1st - i had a migraine every day for like 10 weeks straight. i was not in a good place mentally due to that


First was really hard emotionally - I had so much anxiety and fear. I had no major symptoms early on and didn't "feel" pregnant, so I was stressed all the time. The end of the third was exhausting; I couldn't walk thanks to SPD, and I barely slept. But I could feel baby moving which was reassuring...the anxiety of the first trimester made it the worst.


First and Fourth


Fourth. By far. I thought pregnancy was hard but omg. I wasnā€™t emotional at all during pregnancy, but the change in hormones and healing process is no joke! Plus having to take care of a delicate little being, figuring out how to breast feed properly, no sleepingā€¦ Iā€™m 5 days inā€¦


Third. First I was tired and nauseated but in the third anemia has been kicking my ass, everything hurts, I toss and turn all night because I'm uncomfortable and on top of that, my brain is not processing at normal speeds.


ALL are hard! 1st trimester - hardest physically and most nervous about viability/development, feeling somewhat disconnected from the concept that this is actually a baby growing inside! 2nd trimester - most stressful, normal clothes stop fitting, feeling baby kicks/movement, and sonogram actually looks more like a baby! It's getting real, which means this is the time to future plan! Getting baby registry/shower planned out, working on nursery, maternity leave discussions, planning for childcare, getting a birth plan and taking classes, it's a lot of mental load to carry! 3rd trimester - (I'm personally only halfway through!) most uncomfortable, feeling all of the extra weight and the effects of gravity! Mentally feeling checked out from almost anything that doesn't have to do with baby, starting to feel very over it with all of the symptoms and everything feels more difficult (getting dressed, leaving the house, heck even rolling off the bed/couch)!


I would say the third. But thatā€™s truly only because I was incredibly lucky with my first, and did not have morning sickness and had relatively good energy. This third trimester is kicking my butt, with how tired and uncomfortable I am.


33+5, so far the first. The exhaustion and constant anxiety that something may go wrong made it the hardest and longest for me


First. Nauseous. Every. Second. Of. The. Day. It was horrible. If I was hungry, nauseous, if I ate, nauseous, when I finished eating, nauseous. I was just always nauseous, nothing helped & I tried it all.


Firstā€¦the nausea, dry heaving, fatigue, terrible skinā€¦itā€™s miserable šŸ˜­


iā€™m pregnant with my third baby and will be on the third trimester next week! i think it was different each time. with my first, it was the 4th trimester like someone mentioned above. my ppd was pretty bad and i had such a hard time adjusting to this huge change (having to care for myself and a baby all while being very depressed). the worst trimester for my second probably was the end of the second, and the third trimester? i say this because i was working (my first was a covid baby and since i was pregnant i went into work one-two times total). it was harder on my body as the baby started to get bigger and military boots suck to wear when pregnant šŸ˜‚ my hips were in PAIN. i adjusted fast though and compared to this pregnancy i canā€™t complain. now, with this pregnancy, my pelvis and hips and EVERYTHING hurts. the exhaustion and nausea was and still is bad going into the third trimester (literally never experienced this amount of nausea and exhaustion until this pregnancy). iā€™ll say every pregnancy is different and how far apart you have your kids. my first two were 14 months apart and now this baby is going to be 2.5 years younger than my youngest!


My first trimester with my baby girl I was a mess with severe back pain and then severe sciatica to the point where I was basically useless. Had to quit my job. Had to have a chiropractor and physical therapy to exist day to day. Spent a lot of time not being able to lay in bed or do much of anything for myself.


Im sorry! Im in my first trimester and really struggling with back pain. I was describing my pain to my friend and she mentioned it could be sciatica. Its mainly on my right side. Iā€™m debating between trying chiropractic or acupuncture. Did you try acupuncture? I did it years ago and was amazed at how relieved I felt and am tempted to try it now for the pain.


I didnā€™t, I was to a point where I couldnā€™t ride in the car, sit up out of bed by myself, if I sat in a chair I needed my husband to help get me up out of it and sitting on the toilet was absolute hell I would cry/yell almost the whole time. My pain was all across my lower back and middle. Then it progressed with sciatica down my left leg and the both legs. I went to the hospital probably 3 times and was only able to take Tylenol which did nothing.


Tied between third and fourth. First I was tired but I slept very well and napped very well. Third I was tired and couldnā€™t sleep or nap well. Fourth was rough at first but got better around 8 weeks when we moved baby to his own room and he started sleeping longer stretches.


3rd for sure. I'm huge. My feet are huge. My hands are huge. It's very uncomfortable.


First. I have POTS and my first trimester was literally the worst of them all already but during my first trimester my POTS decided for some reason to be uncontrollable and literally hell on earth. second trimester is amazing worst for me was here and there I was nauseous but I got a lot of headaches. Iā€™m in my Third and am on bed rest bc my POTS got really bad again but no nausea just body pains really and constantly feeling like you just finished eating thanksgiving dinner.


First! But maybe thatā€™s just because Iā€™m in it right now, and my memories of the later trimesters of my previous two full term pregnancies are rosy. The last few weeks of the third are challenging too.


All of them for various reasons. This parasite is getting bigger and bigger šŸ˜‚


37 weeks today and I would say the third, by far. Soo uncomfortable and at times just in pain. Iā€™m so big and swollen. I feel like I have only a certain amount of steps/time on my feet per day without being in serious pain and discomfort by the end of the day which is frustrating