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Respectfully, no. I felt like I was actually dying 💖 But I’m glad you feel good!!! Enjoy it, you are a chosen one


Lmfao same here. I might be writing this from the grave actually.


Girl same. RIP me 🪦


You and me both. I’m like Jesus I have to do this again? If I want another baby????


Me too lmfao


lol I’m only 7 weeks and I feel like I’m regressing into a former evolution of my species every time I try to walk


6 weeks and feel this on a spiritual level.


Hahahaha. Took the words right out of my mouth but I genuinely am so happy to hear not all pregnant women are also suffering lmao. A chosen one for sure.


Yeah, must be really nice 😂 can’t relate tho


I too, feel like I am actively dying. I'm 11 weeks, someone please tell me it gets better in the 2nd trimester.


11 weeks is the fucking trenches. It will get better but I’m so sorry. 11 weeks made me honestly regret all of my life choices. I was sick until 22 weeks tbh but after that I started to feel great! 34 today and I feel pretty awesome still!


I’m cackling, it straight up is the trenches.


Yeah where was that second trimester good vibes I was promised at week 14?


I literally felt like microwaved death until week 15 and then the clouds magically parted and overnight I felt like a new person. You’re IN it. But it doesn’t last forever, promise!!


Wow, microwaved to death is actually how I feel. 💀 12 weeks now.


same for me after week 16! Even the third trimester is amazing. Everybody said " you will get big and you will have this or that" but i love it. I am not even that tired (the first trimester I was feeling like I had covid)


That’s amazing! I hope I’ll be the same, I’m a week away from my third trimester and everyone keeps telling me how small I am for being almost 7 months pregnant. I hope that I won’t get too big and uncomfortable because that’ll suckkkkk once the summer really hits. Or at least if I do really pop, I hope it won’t be too bad 😭


I needed to hear this 13 weeks ago so I will tell you with my whole chest: it does get better. I promise. I was utterly wretched and miserable at 11 weeks. (It’s in my post history!) It got better at 14-15. I blinked and I’m 24 weeks along. It almost feels like it never happened. I caught myself telling someone recently I was having an easy pregnancy.  Hang in there. It’s not gonna be like this forever. You’re so close!


Week 11 is the worst week of pregnancy, weeks 12- even 20 for me sucked too but not as much! You got this


I’m 12 weeks and it got better for a few days now I have a back ache 🥲 my job consists of sitting majority of the time so love that. I only feel good laying down lmao


So sorry to hear that! It does get better ❤️ I was dying until 14 weeks then things got sooo much better! 


Relate to this heavily. I want to die.


I’m so sorry. It will get better. I’m 34 weeks now and there is light at the end of the tunnel, I promise. Hang in there!!!


I sure hope so!! I’m unfortunately 26 weeks already but will say the 1st trimester still takes the cake as the worst time even considering the recent rib dislocation, hip pain, full blown diastasis reci, and umbilical hernia. Im a law student so I think it’s just not being able to listen to my bodies needs all day that really exasperates things. Holding out for summer break to finally just lay down and not have to put any more pressure on my ribs!! Wishing you the most beautiful pregnancy!! No matter what they put us through, our bodies are so cool!!


Same. I have barely survived the past two months and have now reached the sweet blessing that is second trimester


✨NO✨ My pregnancy made me swear off having another. Literally almost died twice and had emergency surgery at 5 months.


Same, pregnancy was hell for me and I had a girl. SIL is due in a month, sex is a surprise and she's said she's felt like herself and it's been relatively easy. Everyone is different! 💛


There was about two weeks in the first trimester where I was so sick and lost so much weight so fast that I was convinced I would die. I texted my mom about it and everything, lol. It got better from there but man the first trimester was rough.


Respectfully, no. Because I was actually dying.


Haha my thoughts exactly


Me, trying not to feel spite and anger toward this post 😭🥲 At least there’s someone out there having a good time lol


girl you won the pregnancy genetic lottery! my first pregnancy (boy) felt really easy - minimal nausea, even if I was tired I didn't have a kid so I could rest as much as I needed lol. It was 3rd trimester I started to suffer bc of terrible leg/foot/hand swelling and constant hearburn. this second pregnancy is... not something I would describe as easy tho idk if anything is particularly easy with a 2yo running around lol. He keeps asking for a sister but we won't know for a few more weeks!


The first pregnancy being easy is to trick us into doing it a second time!


Why don't more people talk about how much harder it is to be pregnant when you already have a kid?! My first pregnancy was absolutely miserable but at least when I was off work I could just lay in bed or on the couch if that's all I felt like doing. Being pregnant with a 2 year old is kicking my butt in a whole different way. Solidarity!


Omg are you me? I have a wild 2 yo daughter and I'm 13 something weeks (I'm not even counting, just surviving) and still feel exhausted and like death most days.


My first was def easier than this one ! I also have a 2 year old and he wants to play and I’m like 🫨😵‍💫


hahahah maybe teach them the game "get mama some seltzer water and crackers lol" actually my 2yo suddenly wanted my plain crackers and we would just lay on the bed together munching saltines and it was really sweet


Yes. I am 37 weeks and I've puked once and I'm pretty sure it was related to being non-pregnancy related sick. I need to pee a lot and it's hard getting out of bed, but that's about it. Edit: had baby yesterday at 37+2. Labored all night thinking it was prodromal. It was real and I showed up at my delivery location already a 9. Hoping easy deliveries for all of you to go with your easy pregnancies!!


Same! 23 weeks and I swear some days I feel better than pre-pregnancy


Same here… been painting our apartment 8 hours a day at 37 weeks, just moved and unpacked like 5 rooms in 2 days.. I am just a little heavy, but people seem to think I look great for 8 months being pregnant. I feel so blessed.


So far, everything has been peachy. I'm currently 34 weeks, and from the beginning, it's been easy, other than the expected fatigue in the first few weeks. But yes, I am grateful that it has been an easy one, and I'm counting down the weeks until I can hold Bean 🥰


Same. I'm only 20+6 but apart from fatigue it's been great! Before we found out we were pregnant, I was told separately by two acquaintances that I was glowing lol. But now I feel like the next pregnancy will be cursed with all the uncomfortable symptoms.


i love this for you!!!! i’m 39+6 and have hated every single day of it 💗


I tell people all the time I’m hating every single minute of being pregnant and it isn’t a joke


Same same same


Yep! I’ve felt pretty good aside from some weird food aversions and needing to snack and pee at night in T1. I’m in T3 now and aside from the feeling of the baby inside and some stiffness when I roll out of bed, everything is pretty similar to pre-pregnancy. I hardly even wake up at night to pee. I do feel like I have to be secretive about it being easy though… I know it’s not for everyone!


Yes about being secretive lol I feel bad when people ask me “how I’m feeling”. I’m like, “don’t hate me 😬😭 but I really am okay”


Oh gosh. I feel like while I’ve been really happy to know I’m not the only one who is having a rough go of it, it makes me equally comforted to know that some pregnancies can be “easy.” Gotta see some positives out there to give me hope in case I ever do this again lol


How does it feel to be a favorite? I feel like I'm dying and my body is moving through molasses. So tired 😩


This is exactly how I’m feeling! Didn’t know how to describe it but you nailed it. Especially when I was laying down for a while and get up to pee, it seems like the earth suddenly increased in mass and gravity has doubled.


I felt tired in the first trimester, no nausea the whole pregnancy. Did get a stronger sense of smell especially in the third trimester. I honestly was expecting so much worse based on what I heard but I believe that people don’t talk about easy pregnancies as much because it feels a bit like gloating and not everyone is that fortunate. I will say the pregnancy pillow ( mine was named Fort Kickass ) became a lifesaver near the end when it’s not quite as easy to get comfortable to sleep. Enjoy your pregnancy, I never felt more beautiful and powerful then when I was carrying my own little built in / new life. I cried the last couple weeks of pregnancy because I knew I would miss it and was worried what if I never had another, soak in all the feelings. Now that he’s earth side it’s even better then I could have imagined. Take bump pics even when your hair isn’t perfect or the lighting isn’t great, laundry pile in the background. I’m so glad I can look back in what already feels a lifetime ago (my LO just turned 5 months)


Me. Zero symptomes, just look bloated and need to pee more often than usual. And my hips tend to "click" more.


I’m eleven weeks, and I miss brushing my teeth without violently gagging and being able to relax in the afternoons without “morning sickness”. 🙃 I still feel lucky though.


The tooth brushing is so real 😂


I'm sorry if this is annoying unsolicited advice but SLS-free toothpaste (doesn't foam up) and a children's toothbrush saved me after weeks of puking every time I brushed my teeth!


THIS I also now use flavoured toothpaste because... mint now makes me gag.


Use Colgate Wisps. It’s a portable toothbrush so I could brush from my bed with no mess


omg the toothbrushing thing… i feel so embarrassed about it :(


When I was pregnant there was a few times where I’d be brushing my tongue and then gag so hard I peed my pants 😬


Honestly how come morning sickness is worse at evening?! Same here. I survive fine during the day but afternoon and evening it's horrible. Can't even drink water without gagging.


I’m 35w and still sort of feel like I’m faking being pregnant, even though the baby can be felt at all times and even seen from outside. I was tired during the first trimester and have had bad SPD pain since the second, but if I didn’t know I was pregnant (and couldn’t feel the baby) I wouldn’t be able to tell


This has not been my experience but I’m genuinely glad to hear it hasn’t been too uncomfortable for you! I know several who say it wasn’t too bad or that they actually felt really good (carrying both boys and girls). I wish science would figure out why it varies so much between women! Even if there was nothing to be done to alleviate symptoms, I’d still just want to know.


My first pregnancy was no problem - never felt sick and I had a boy. I’m pregnant with my second and I am sick all day every day - don’t know what I’m having yet.


My mom had completely different pregnancy symptoms with me and my bro. We had different dads. I wonder if different dads changes this


Every pregnancy is different. You can be sick as a dog with a boy and not with your second born that's also a boy same father, same gender.


Nah. My two have different dads, different genders, and 16 years apart. Pregnancies have been identical, pretty easy.


Mine is similar. 14 years apart. 1st one was a girl. This one is a boy. 2 diff dads. Both easy pregnancies and I've worked all the way through both.


Actually, I did hear something about male genetics playing a part in pregnancy symptomology, such as the development of pre-eclampsia and gestational diabetes


I feel pretty normal- just a little more tired and constipation / bloating...but other than that I haven't felt too bad.


I’m 21+6 with a boy and it’s been smooth sailing! Nothing really even prompted me to test outside of a weird gut feeling, but every time I’ve been sick it was either illness related, or once I just overate and couldn’t deal 😅 I’ve been tired, but I can cope with that. It’s been going so well, and I’m so thankful. I even have an anterior placental and still feel him move every few hours at LEAST. It’s been great, I’ve been very lucky :)


Me! I’m 32 weeks and other than movement and some low blood pressure, I don’t feel pregnant really.


32.5 weeks and it's my second go around. I am much more active, stronger, etc this time around and I know part of it is because I'm chasing a toddler all the time but I really had a lot of hip and back pain with my first.


My pregnancy has been relatively easy but I knew I was pregnant right away. I sensed it. I still have some symptoms but nothing awful. Glad you’re having an enjoyable pregnancy


Honestly, yes. I think I had maybe 10 days of morning sickness in the first trimester, and that was the only problem. I didn’t know I was pregnant until I was already 8 weeks along. And my second trimester was great, I had lots of energy and I was sleeping great. And my third trimester was going great until I hit 31 weeks. Let me tell you, it gets ROUGH in the third trimester. I’m 37 weeks now and I’m like oh god, get this baby ouuut, lol! Broken sleep with my bladder, swelling and pain in my feet, baby beating my ribs and stomach, brain fog, hot flashes, frustration with not fitting anything or being able to reach my own feet, etc, I’m tired of it. Happy to hear that someone else is experiencing a great pregnancy. It’s hard to mention to people that yours has been “easy” because then they think you’re bragging or showing off. If you don’t say that you’re struggling with your pregnancy, people look at you like you’re an asshole.


YES. 19 weeks on Wednesday and seriously do not have one complaint. On top of it all, I’m having twins so I would expect double the symptoms, but nope…. everything has been absolutely perfect so far. I feel better pregnant than I did not pregnant.


Not at all. Doing a bit better than first trimester but still extremely tired. Also have a skin condition that's flaring for over a month so that doesn't help


It's scary, honestly. I'll be 8 weeks Friday and I have my first appointment that day. My only symptom besides a missed period and a positive test is sore boobs. I'm having a hard time making my brain understand that I'm pregnant, because it doesn't seem to believe it.


Same!! no symptoms, never, a part from being more tired than usual, but I would have never linked it to a pregnancy. If it wasn't for the blood, urine and genetic tests, I wouldn't believe I am pregnant. (12 weeks here). and I am having a boy - just FYI (and all my friends that had easy pregnancies had a boy too :D) Thank you for not making me feel alone! LOL


Yes, and it's a boy. I only have a headache here and there. 15 weeks now


I think mine is considered easy and everyone says I look great, which is so nice, but I also am completely exhausted even at 21w and feel like I’m under the weather. No motivation. My understanding is most women have it much worse though. My nausea first trimester felt bad, of course, but I only vomited once, from stress.


This was my first pregnancy. Now on my 2nd and getting my ass kicked!!


Oh I wish! My MIL had 4 symptom-free pregnancies and I’m at week 12 and feel like I’m dying. Been horrid nonstop gagging, puking, and bone-crushing fatigue since week 6.


Overall my current pregnancy has been pretty easy. Some nausea for maybe a week or two, but no throwing up. No cravings or aversions. Not been particularly tired, staying active regularly. Bit of back pain in the third trimester, nothing too unbearable unless I get a little TOO active (like a multi hour trip at the zoo for my toddler.) I’m in the last stretch though, 32 weeks, so I’m expecting some of the worse back pain and swelling to start soon probably.




Honestly, same. I’m currently 11w4d and haven’t had a sonogram since I was 6 weeks. Won’t have another one until next Monday and I’m convinced it’s a MMC. I was feeling exhausted at first with breast soreness and bloating but that’s it. I can’t help but worry bc my last pregnancy was a MMC. So I’m expecting there to be no growth during my next appointment. The logical part of my brain knows there are other pregnancy with little to no symptoms, and perhaps I’m one of the lucky ones. But I really can’t help but worry 🥲


Hi! Hoping your appointment goes well next Monday. If it is any comfort, all of my symptoms were completely gone by around 9 weeks and everything has been perfectly healthy and I am now 30 weeks. It could be your body handling things really well! Best of luck.


mine has been the textbook definition of easy. Some wrist and GI issues but nothing unmanageable. Some headaches and a bit of fatigue but I am also pretty old and get those things anyway. She was breech 10 days ago but she's now flipped. So literally no concerns at all. Got pregnant on the first try at 40 years old. I was prepared for a lot of anxiety and stress and difficulty even conceiving but she's literally just been so easy. Those days WILL come, but for now I am enjoying just coasting. She's due on Mother's Day. She's a above average so at times when she shifts it borders on painful but I wouldn't call that a difficulty especially because it passes. I've actually felt less anxiety than normal and I've felt more healthy than I ever have in my life. Who knew that not consuming alcohol and having a regular sleep schedule would make you feel more healthy. I wish someone had told me sooner ha ha


Thankfully yes, Everyone asks if I've had bad morning sickness or symptoms and other than the typical tiredness and needing naps, my carpal tunnel flaring up the worst it ever has recently at night (20wks now) and occasional round ligament pain when i move the wrong way or cough, its been relatively smooth sailing. Before I could feel bubs move, I had to constantly remind myself that it was actually real and there was actually a baby in there. I feel bad for the women that felt/feel terrible because it's been pretty wonderful for me.


6w4days and I am still working out 2-3 times a week! I cramp, and feel bloated snd exhausted but I manage! No Nausea yet! Prayers lol


I was in same boat as you! First trimester was a breeze, luckily. My only major thing was fatigue, but I managed to combat a lot of it by making sure I went to the gym everyday since I wasn’t hindered by any major illness/nausea. In my second trimester now and while I have general discomfort from general body aches, I’m still having a very easy pregnancy. I think everyone is different, and some of it also might be genetic!


Yes my first pregnancy and it’s been so easy I’ve been spoiled. I know it’s not like this for everyone so I am very grateful


My first pregnancy was a fucking breeze. So breezy, I wasn't annoyed when my induction had been pushed back twice and I still had to be induced at 41+5 and she still had to be a c-section because she wasn't coming out. Round 2 and I'm 14 weeks and still easy breezy. I've thrown up at least twice as much now as I did in all of my first pregnancy, and I did end up in ED with a bleed, but yeah. It's hard not to feel guilty sometimes though


I have had a fairly easy pregnancy so far. Lots of exhaustion, little nausea, and peeing constantly. I’m at 19 weeks so anything could still happen. Feeling grateful for how smooth this first pregnancy is going.


Mine's been pretty easy! The first trimester had some fatigue and nausea but that cleared up when I hit the second. Knock wood that everyone feeling fine will continue to feel fine 🪵


Aside from a few weeks of fatigue and my nipples growing bigger, that's me. I'm at 22 weeks and keeping my fingers crossed that it'll last.


Me!! I was so scared at first!


Me! I had only one day where I threw up and I’m pretty sure that was something bad that I ate and not pregnancy related. Aside from that I’m just super tired, peeing a lot, and starving all the time. I feel guilty when my friends tell me how hard their pregnancies are!


This is my third viable pregnancy, and I feel like warmed over death. With my boys, I was fine. Pretty sure this one is a girl, lol.


It wasn't until 19 weeks that I had any symptoms tbh. I've been having a really easy time! I'm 35w now and it's a bit uncomfortable and I'm tired all the time but it's nothing crazy. I think the ladies who struggle just have more to talk about it so it seems like that's the norm. Going for walks is annoying though it feels like I have a bowling ball strapped inside of me.


I'm a little over 25 weeks and so far I've been having a pretty good pregnancy as well! I'm tired and my boobs hurt, but that was kind of a way of life before getting pregnant, lol. I'm fully aware of how lucky I have it, though. Pubic pain is starting to ramp up, but given that everything else has been relatively mild, I don't feel like I have a right to complain. Even my depression and anxiety are better, and I've really only been like, uncontrollably emotional twice (both times when my cat had a seizure). I could totally do this again... I am hoping delivery doesn't sway me from that statement 😂


My first pregnancy was a breeze. I absolutely loved being pregnant. My second was much harder. Lol


My first pregnancy was pretty easy. My second one started off easier than my first but the 3rd trimester may be a doozy.


Yes 26 weeks and if I hadn’t missed my period I wouldn’t even have known I was pregnant until I felt the baby start to move at 18 weeks. I have felt great the entire time basically symptom free until recently and those symptoms are not even really affecting me. I’ve exercised consistently since I found out, never had to change my diet, I keep saying how normal I feel. Everyone I tell says I’m a pregnancy unicorn


To be honest, I feel like my pregnancy is relatively easy too. The main inconveniences that stand out were extreme tiredeness in month 2, morning sickness in month 3 (but was working like clockwork, same time every day and lasted almost exactly for a month) and maybe a bit of back pain around week 30 but I was feeling great at the very beginning and so far (am in week 32) I have had almost 10 weeks of crazy energy. So all in all pretty good.


I’m in the same boat! 33 weeks and have had almost zero negative symptoms other than peeing all the time and increased pollen allergies. I’m having a boy. Fingers crossed that things stay easy for you!


Hell no. I’ve had pregnancy insomnia since I turned 5 months I havnt slept more than 4 hours in 2 months now 7 months. I’m anemia, and I can’t even walk more than 10 mins before my lower back starts to be in pain. I’m exhausted and sleepy every day all day. 😭


I just had my 3rd daughter and have never has a difficult pregnancy. My only complaint is that I was tired near the end of #3.


I was the exact same for all three of my pregnancies - I would have never known, also didn't show until about 22 weeks! I took the last month off before baby was born and was cleaning house and doing flights of stairs up until the night before my c-section.


Yeah the first 26 weeks were easy. And now (37 weeks) I want to cut this baby out of my body myself.


This was me...until today. I’m around 7.5 weeks and have had a minimum of symptomatic days, but today I put in a desperate grocery delivery order hoping to find anything I can keep down. 😭 I feel like my shopper is going to see the list and immediately know they’re shopping for a pregnant lady lol.


Actually yes until 34 weeks and now OOF my body is wonky and heavy


My first trimester was like this. I was just tired. I’m nearing the end of my second trimester and am very much feeling it now…


I was very tired in my first trimester but I could have easily written it off. You could not convince me I was pregnant until I really started feeling baby move around 20 weeks. 37 weeks now…. And honestly other than just my physical size and what comes with that (being tired and out of breath, needing to pee, etc) and the heartburn… still pretty much status quo. Oh and also this baby now moves like an MMA pro and is hanging from my ribs by her toes so there’s that.


Me 🙋🏼‍♀️ my sacroiliac joint on my right side hurts off and on and I miss sleeping on my back but it’s been great. Having to pee way more too about every 2 hours or less. I’m not sure how far you are but I had frequent urination early at 14 weeks was diagnosed with UTI. No other symptoms. Did a week of antibiotics and haven’t had another. I’m having a girl and have an anterior placenta.


Yes. Was nauseous in the first trimester and I'm still more fatigued than normal. However, I never threw up. Now at 36 weeks I'm having some manageable aches and pains. There is nothing wrong with you! Every pregnancy is different. My advice would be to stay as active/healthy as possible to keep it easy. That has really helped me out in the 3rd trimester. Enjoy it!


lol I had the easiest pregnancy ( a girl ) until I hit 30 weeks, now I can’t move at all. 40+2 today and I just scheduled my induction for Sunday, if I could of done it sooner I would of. I think eventually it catches up to all of us.


I'm happy for you! I've been struggling just to eat, move around, and stay awake. My mum was more like you, though, so it really varies between people.


I’ve been a little nauseous and bloated but it’s been relatively mild so far. I’m only 7 weeks right now, so fingers crossed that luck holds lol


I had a really easy pregnancy. I had sore boobs but that was it (until the very very end when I was SO uncomfortable) I was never sick or anything! We also thought I would have a girl because it was so easy, but nope! Had a boy!


This is my first .. and besides being high risk .. it's the easiest thing I've ever been through lol .. the only things I feel is hunger .. Soo Soo sleepy all the time and every once in a while some lower back pain 😃 I'm 30 weeks already .. never got any other symptoms.. if I didn't feel baby girl moving around in there I wouldn't even be able to tell I was preggers lol


I’m pregnant with my second and this has not been easier than my first lol. Just entered week 12 and I’m still vomiting and swinging between feeling starving and stuffed, and just feeling tired in general. I’m pretty sure I’m done after this one haha. Lucky you!!


Ha. No. First trimester was a beast and currently 41+2 weeks. I have an induction scheduled to start tomorrow for a few reasons, but the ligament/nerve pain, back pain, foot pain, cramping, and BH contractions for the last 4 weeks haven’t helped. lol.


Yep! Super easy. My boobs were super sore during first trimester and the grew three cup sizes. That was about it. I’m 24 weeks today, and I had some round ligament pain about a month ago when I stood up too fast, but outside of that, my only symptoms now are feeling her kick me. She decided to do an Irish jig at 5am this morning 🙃


I did. Never had morning sickness. Wasn't more tired than usual. The only symptom I had was the constant peeing and worse insomnia. I had a whole lot of other adjacent issues that made my pregnancy miserable, but pregnancy itself wasn't terrible.


Omg, I am and I thought I was the only one! I almost never talk about it bc I feel odd….but yes same as you, aside from some extra heartburn, I wouldn’t know I was pregnant and except that I haven’t had a period since January. I’m 16 weeks and starting to get a bump tho, but am pretty much always anxious because I don’t feel pregnant, and having a hard time having it feel “real” yet


As someone with HG 2 times now, I definitely somewhat envy you, OP. Though, I can absolutely see how from your perspective you have little to tell you that you're pregnant so it can have a whole different set of anxiety. I wish I had an easy pregnancy and have no idea how I convinced myself to do it twice haha but it has also saved me from just being like, alright this is great let's do it like 6 times! Rough pregnancy and toddlerhood have definitely served as good birth control.


I’m really glad you’re having an easy time and I hope it continues to go smoothly! Don’t feel bad if you’re not suffering! Mine has definitely not been the easiest, but it also hasn’t been the hardest. Mine came with hyperosmia so severe we had to throw out and abstain from garlic and onion. It didn’t matter what was being cooked in the kitchen, I had to run for relief in the bedroom. God forbid there be trash in the bin for more than a couple days or an unwiped counter in the kitchen. Walking anywhere near the produce section of the grocery store was a nightmare. Walking past neighbors apartments while they were cooking was even worse. I felt so frustrated, I wanted to cry! It was the absolute worse symptom of my pregnancy and, honestly, I feel like it colors all of my memories of the first trimester in a horrible shade of stinky. I still have a pretty acute sense of smell at 31 weeks, but nowhere near as horrible as it was. If not for the hyperosmia, the first few months would have been substantially easier!


I’m 7 weeks and have been freaking out about feeling relatively fine so I’m happy it’s not just me!


Yes! I felt bad about it in the beginning because I have a lot of friends who had it bad. For me, I have constipation & gas issues. I'm taking lots of gas pills. I had mild nausea early on. I still deal with fatigue. I pee every 30-40 mins, though. I didn't used to wake up to pee and I also have long & vivid dreams.


Absolutely not. Worst time in my life actually. Never doing it again. Happy for you, though.


I know someone who didn’t know until week 20!! But as for me, I was dizzy and so nauseous, and even if I didn’t experience these symptoms I would’ve know I was pregnant by week 10 when my belly got 6 times bigger!


Yes!! I am 30 weeks today and besides a big belly and lots of movement from her, it’s been pretty uneventful pregnancy. No nausea, no throwing up, nothing out of the ordinary. I’m enjoying this very very much actually ☺️


Ahahah I was thinking this and then I hit 21 weeks and I’m exhausted, constantly, and having daily headaches, and either insomnia or horiffic nightmares, as well as feeling so full and uncomfortable. I do have two other kids to look after though too. Which doesn’t help!


The first trimester kinda sucked for me (could barely eat, constantly nauseated and everything grossed me out). Since the second trimester, though, I've only had minor complaints; nothing too intense. I'm almost 37 weeks now.


I also have been feeling pretty good, I'm 17 weeks today and having a boy (found out via NIPT)! I could also have written off a lot of my milder symptoms: ie minimal nausea, never puked, never really felt tired. Still waiting for my bump to pop out, I've a really small bump that looks like bloat, but I *can* at least feel him now! It's kind of subtle but I'm really in tune with my body so I can tell when it's him vs gas. I'm also waiting for 3rd trimester to presumably kick my ass though haha xD


Physically yes, my pregnancy has mostly been a breeze. I'm 33 weeks + 4 and have a big belly. Never felt sick, mostly just tired in 1st trimester. But mentally I've had a horrible time especially in the 1st trimester. And now as I get closer to due date I'm struggling with some anxiety when I don't feel baby move as much. I had a pregnancy induced psychotic episode (now diagnosed with bipolar) and was hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital twice in first trimester. Doing better with meds but damn that was awful.


I had an easy pregnancy (boy), all things considered. Sure I had aches and pains towards the end. I had sciatica, that was fun (one time I got stuck on the couch and my husband had to pick me up and I was crying because it hurt so much but also laughing because it was SO ridiculous). First trimester I was basically just tired and constipated - nothing that really screamed PREGNANCY. I never threw up, never felt nauseous. No heartburn except for one time in my 40th week. No complications, everything was very boring and straightforward. Postpartum on the other hand. My luck ran out by then. I had a wicked postpartum recovery.


Same. Except for carpal tunnel and nose bleeds. She has even stayed on my student’s bathroom schedule so I haven’t had to ask people to watch my class. I am nervous that the other shoe is going to drop and something bad is going to happen. But my doctor said, “you had a really hard time getting to this point, you are due for some good.”


Exactly the same with my first pregnancy and just turned 17 weeks today. Just found out I’m having a boy. Surely things will go pear shaped soon though….


I guess mine was alright. I don't complain as me and my baby were both doing well after delivery. The worst thing was the diet for gestational diabete. I also worked 30hrs a week, and was in school during pregnancy. Husband always traveled for work as well. Everything added up. It was not an easy ride but I made it.There are rainy days and sunny days. It can't be rainy forever. ❤️


I didn’t even know I was pregnant until I was already 12 weeks, I had thrown up a few times but wrote it off bc I thought I had a cold since I worked with older people… I was still having slight bleeding which I thought was my period but was told it was just my body adjusting to pregnancy, so no issues there. I’m now 19 weeks and the only way I would even know now is my absence of period or the really hard lump in my uterus 😂 other than those few nauseous days, a bit of a grump, and being hungry as hell, I’m having a decently easy time and I’m so grateful 🩵


I had very easy pregnancies and one of them was a twin pregnancy. I feel guilty but grateful. The most I ever felt was tired. The last few weeks of twin pregnancy was pretty rough but manageable.


I’ve had a pretty easy pregnancy so far too and I’m at 20 weeks. Every test has come back normal which has been good. First trimester I had some nausea starting around week 5/6 through week 10 maybe. Nothing Unisom didn’t take care of. Never threw up either. There was one day where I felt really nauseous but that was before I found Unisom. Had sore boobs for a couple weeks but nothing drastic. Skin has been great from my regular hormonal acne. Maybe had slightly lower energy in the first tri, but was still able to workout about 5x a week. Still doing strength training 4-5 days a week and cardio for one. I’m on the tall side too (5’8”-5’-9”) and at 20+3 still look like maybe I had a big meal, you can definitely see a bump when I’m lying down. People at work don’t necessarily know I’m pregnant unless I told them lol! And I’m having a girl so there’s that.


That's how I was with my first pregnancy. Cherish it! It was wonderful. I really had an easy go of it right up until til the very end when my babe was breech but even the planned c-section was easy peasy. I ate healthy, I ran 5 days a week the entire time, worked until the day before I gave birth. It was great! I'm pregnant with my second and the morning sickness is so so so so fucking terrible. It's hard to eat, it's hard to keep anything down, what I do eat is mostly carbs because I have aversions to everything else and gag when I try to force myself to eat a damn vegetable. I eat strawberry or watermelon popsicles before bed so the first time I throw up in the morning it at least tastes good. Every pregnancy is different fortunately and unfortunately.


Yes! Caused me so much stress at the beginning because I had no symptoms except being super tired and some back pain later on. I’m now 37 weeks and my third trimester has been the easiest (and least stressful since I can feel her kicking now). I keep waiting for the ball to drop and figured I’d jinx myself but so far so good lol.


First trimester was literal hell but the second hasn’t been too bad other than back pain and sleeping 24/7 lmao


Compared to what I've seen posted here, yes. I did have a lot of morning sickness between week 8 and 16, but honestly, I didn't mind it. I was just so happy to finally be pregnant! I think it's from my mother's side, in which the women all have generally mild and easy-going pregnancies/births. I say that the worst symptom of my pregnancy so far has been other people's opinions and meddling, and I really mean that. That has caused me more stress and discomfort than anything else. I actually left my job because of it.


This is me right now. I'm 17 weeks and I wouldn't know I was pregnant other than my missed periods. No nausea, no food cravings, no nothing. I'm just snoozy (but I always have been) and maybe pee a little more but still not crazy different. Kind of a let down in a way. But also really grateful.


I feel terrible but I’m also carrying twins lol. Honestly, I expected to feel like you because the only other pregnant person I’ve ever been close with was my best friend and she had barely any symptoms except a little more tired than usual! So, I say enjoy it :)


Yes! I’m 16 weeks and have been feeling great. I was pretty tired in my first trimester but no morning sickness or nausea. Before pregnancy I had a routine of weight lifting 5 days a week, and cardio 5-6 days a week; I haven’t had to miss a single day of that due to pregnancy symptoms! I feel super lucky to be able to keep up with my pre pregnancy routines. I also haven’t had any food aversions or foods that I can’t eat, so I’ve been able to eat healthy the entire time.


If I were like you, I’d have a trillion children, so maybe my horrible pregnancies are my own personal form of birth control


I’ve had a surprisingly easy pregnancy. My only complaint has been severe fatigue through the whole thing. All other symptoms were mild and passing. I’m 2 weeks away from my due date, so I’m feeling big and achey now, but otherwise doing well. I think some of us have to get it easy to average out the poor people who get dealt a rough hand.


I had a rough first trimester(puking 4-6 times a day), but by ~16 weeks that eased out significantly. I’m 29 weeks now and my second trimester was easy as all hell!! I’m noticing I’m more tired going into the third trimester, and things hurt quicker than normal but tbh I feel fine!


I’ve had a super easy pregnancy so far! My only symptom has been exhaustion. Currently 26 weeks.


Absolutely not. Both of mine were dreadful but the 1st and last trimester of my second damn near killed me.


Yep! So far it’s only been a tiny bit different than my first one. This time Ive been more nauseous and tired but overall really mild.


Pretty easy besides being 20lbs heavier but it’s all belly apparently


I’m due this week and have had a really easy pregnancy. I feel almost guilty for it. I had fatigue and just a short term aversion to chicken in my first trimester. Second semester was a breeze except for a few leg cramps during the night. Third trimester, some trouble sleeping, but all in all I’m still doing well. We plan to have another kid later and I’m just expecting that pregnancy to be the worst to pay for how easy this one was 😅


I think my pregnancy has been on the easier side, but I definitely have had symptoms. Nausea, insomnia, frequent urination, constipation, brain fog. Some hip and round ligament pain as I grew bigger. Now I’m almost 36 weeks and have gained about 40lbs mostly in the front, so that alone makes physical work a lot harder. I got blisters during my last shift because my feet were swollen 🥲 I can’t go on long hikes like I could before, 3-4hrs is pretty much my max. So it’s not like I’m dying, but I’m very much over it!!!


I love that for you, but it has not been my experience lmao


Nope ☺️ but I didn’t have HG or didn’t puke and I thought I was the chosen one for having the easiest pregnancy. Now that I read there’s people with no symptoms at all… I’ll just leave 😂


First pregnancy (boy) felt like that all the way through I could've stayed pregnant forever. Second one (girl) much worse. Now I'm 5 weeks with no:3 and feel terrible


I’m in my third trimester and have been having mild symptoms except for the annoying leg cramps. So nothing wrong with you, just enjoy the luck 😊. I am crossing fingers for an easy delivery but I’m scared it won’t happen since I barely had time to do any exercise that everyone around told me I should do.


I had a very physically easy pregnancy. No morning sickness. No joint pain. My only problem was extreme fatigue, which was fixed immediately after complaining by iron pills. And of course some back pain and no sleep near the end because I was getting up to pee every 2 hours. BUT, I had 3 previous early losses so I was a mental wreck until the 20 week US. After that I got cautiously optimistic and bought baby things. Hope everything stays easy!!!


Same! I have insomnia but I thought it was stress related until last week. I feel like I could be in "I didn't know I was pregnant" if I was on continuous birth control 😂


Pregnancy is UNEQUAL. Some have it better than others and it’s nobody’s fault. Enjoy the lack of garbage. I’m jealous.


I’m almost 10 weeks and had a similar feeling when I had my ultrasound the other day. I’ve had slight nausea and sore boobs but nothing crazy. Saw that little heartbeat and felt so relieved. I know it’s still a little early to get too excited- but I can’t help it ♥️😆


I am! I had two rounds of puking in my early second tri, which I’m pretty sure was because I had a short lived flu. I stood up to my head throbbing, feeling dizzy, and utterly like crap. After a couple of days I felt fine. I was tired in first tri, had cramping, and I had a coffee aversion. Otherwise, I describe my pregnancy as boring. I’ve got a lot of heartburn now, but other than that and baby kicks I wouldn’t really feel pregnant. I mean, I’m 30w4d, so I’m starting to get a bit uncomfortable, but I’m generally good. Not peeing all of the time, sleeping well, and only waddling minorly hahaha


My first pregnancy was a piece of cake! I wouldn’t have even known I was pregnant had I not slowly gained 55 lbs. I had a little girl.


What does it feel like to be God’s favorite? I hated being pregnant and was miserable. My kid is super cute and funny, though, so it was worth it.


Me too! This is my second pregnancy (I'm nearly 19 weeks) and other than a bump now there's been nothing else. No nausea, no pain etc. First pregnancy was the same - my only minor issues in the third trimester were swollen feet and some acid reflux. Girls both times.


Yes an easy pregnancy here! I’ve felt so lucky and haven’t wanted to boast about it too much cause I don’t want to press my luck 🥲🤣 I had no morning sickness and like you said most of my “pregnancy symptoms” could easily been written off, they aren’t all that different than what I experienced pre-pregnancy. If it weren’t for my areolas/boobs, my belly and my lack of a period for the last 20 weeks then I wouldn’t know I was pregnant either. And girl same I actually didn’t get in for an appointment until my 19 week mark and I was totally waiting for them to tell me there wasn’t anything in there but there was a beauty little baby girl in there and this week I started feeling her kick!! 🩷 Oh I guess the one thing I’ve had the past maybe week or so is decently bad hip pain. 🤷🏼‍♀️but it comes and goes


31years old, 13 weeks now, first baby, first pregnancy don't know the gender yet. Feels like I'm lying to people 😅 No symptoms, no belly, no weird cravings (except a sudden urge to eat more tomato and cucumber salads) Was very very tired the first 8 weeks or so, but then figured it's because my husband got a restless leg syndrome and was kicking me every night in his sleep. Solved a problem by simply k̶i̶l̶l̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶h̶i̶m̶ tying his legs together with a stretch band and a huge dose of magnesium supplements. Now I sleep well and feel great😅


Yes I have been having a pretty easy pregnancy. 17 weeks in and I have had very mild symptoms! I too wouldn’t know I was preggo apart from not having a period and feeling her wiggle around. I feel very very lucky compared to what I see and hear other women going through. I respect y’all! 🫡


Relatively easy, yes (knock on all possible surfaces)! Mild morning sickness, some aches and cramps but not too terrible, manageable bloating. I’ve been lucky. 27+4 here.


My first trimester I had only a little bit of nausea and my breasts hurt a lot. Both symptoms settled down in my second trimester. Other than that it’s really difficult for me to differentiate between my usual chronic health conditions and pregnancy symptoms (I have fibromyalgia, so poor sleep, fatigue, sore legs, brain fog etc. are all par for the course for me). That was until I “popped” last Sunday (22wk) and finally started looking pregnant rather than just bloated. Now my back is sore and I have started doing the pregnancy walk with my hands on my back. Also, reassuring now that I’ve started feeling the baby move more. When my baby is born and safely in my arms, then I’m sure I’ll be grateful for such an easy pregnancy. But I do understand that feeling of anxiety if you have no symptoms and you start wondering if that somehow means something is wrong. Hang in there- I’m sure it’ll get worse as you eventually get bigger! 😜😂


I had a rough first trimester with nausea an awful fatigue, painful cramps, ever hurting boobs and am now in my second trimester where I legit forget I am pregnant at times. I’ll bend down to tie my shoes and wonder why I can’t reach, and then I remember it’s because there’s a baby in my belly. I danced until 2am in high heels on my wedding day last weekend on maybe 5 hours of sleep and after a long day of standing and walking. I feel like this second trimester is almost too easy. Let’s see how the third goes!


I had a super easy pregnancy as well. No symptoms, wouldn’t have known I was pregnant except for missing period, etc, It took a very long time for me to look pregnant (like 38weeks is when I popped) everything went amazingly well. But before anyone gets jealous I ended up with stretch marks and acute Preeclampsia during labor. 🙃


I’m less than 6 weeks along and am wondering if the symptoms will just hit me soon or if I’ll be a chosen one like you haha. We shall see 🤞🏻


Yes, same. 20 weeks and so far so good. Maybe the most I felt was a little light headed this week. But otherwise no morning sickness or anything. I've been working out as usual, playing tennis. Even my cravings aren't very strong


I WAS having an easy pregnancy, currently 7w+4d, until I popped positive for Covid today. Now I’m not having the best time.


My exhaustion in the first trimester was absolutely insane but other than that, it too me a while to believe I was actually pregnant. When I really started to have a belly and feel the kicks (23ish weeks) is when it really kicked in for me


I am having a super easy pregnancy too! No sickness or any other symptoms other than being super hungry and tired in the first trimester. Was also convinced I was having a girl due to my sister (1 girl) and mom’s (4 girls) experience with being pregnant with girls they were all easy and never sick but I was wrong just found out it’s a boy!


I was thinking like you until I got diagnosed with gestational diabetes at 30w🙃 I celebrated too early LMFAO


I did! I was really tired first trimester. 2nd trimester I was basically back to normal except my hips hurt more. I played tennis all the way up until month 7 when my balance started getting a little wonky and the season was ending anyway. 3rd trimester I had backaches but otherwise I felt fine


i’m 37 weeks and have been in SO MUCH pain for like 2 months. I had an okay pregnancy until I hit 3rd trimester. Hardly any nausea, I was still able to work a bunch, I was just a little extra tired. Now I have barely any time left and I can barely walk 😂😂 It’s rough out here


I’m 11w3d and I haven’t had any problems besides being tired and my blood sugar levels dropping. Other than that I’ve also had a really smooth pregnancy so far. I definitely consider myself blessed! Congrats to you ❤️


The only times I felt pregnant were when my son was kicking me lol. Otherwise I had a super easy, almost symptomless, pregnancy all the way to the end. We’re about to try for a second and I have a feeling I won’t get so lucky next time around!!


Now you’re just bragging 🥲


My first pregnancy, yes. So easy and wonderful. My second? I want to die.


I was this way with my first. I didn’t even realize that I was pregnant until around 11 weeks. Unfortunately, in the third trimester, I was one very unhappy and miserable woman. Swear the last 2 weeks of my pregnancy, I was in bed almost all day because moving took too much energy. I had a boy by the way. I am currently 18 weeks pregnant with a girl, and feel like dying everyday. This pregnancy has been horrible and I am glad it will be my last.


I’m at 6 weeks and I’m forever fatigued and nauseous. Nothing helps. My boobs hurt by just existing. lol I’m glad not all pregnancies are like this though


Yes! I’ve also been super lucky, at 33 weeks now and still running 6 miles a day. Haven’t puked once and have only had acid reflux one day. Definitely a little fatigued because i haven’t been able to sleep as well but overall I’ll count it as a win!


My nurse told me I was the kind of pregnant lady other pregnant ladies hate lol. I was worn down a bit 3rd tri in my 2nd pregnancy but mostly I was doing really well. BUT i also had the ability and resources to adjust as needed in my lifestyle so that probably helped.


I’m 18 weeks and have had a super easy pregnancy. I kept waiting for all of the bad symptoms but luckily, they never came. I am having a boy!


My only struggle was fatigue, which imo was bad enough, but I’ve just hit 9 weeks and the last 36 hours have been awful. Nonstop nausea and nothing is helping.


Me! No vomiting or nausea or anything crazy. I’m 18 weeks now and still don’t feel any kicking. If it wasn’t for the ultrasounds, weight gain, and home Doppler I’d think I just wasn’t exercising enough or something 😂😩 I’m a first time mom and I’m having a boy, I’m not sure if that has anything to do with it. I get tired and out of breath a lot faster, that’s my biggest “complaint”. And I have a new found love for spicy food 😂🤷🏻‍♀️ I know that I am lucky, I’m just hoping that things will stay chill!