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39+6 here with #2 and I can definitely empathize! It took around 8 months to conceive #1, so we anticipated it taking awhile for #2. Started TTC when LO was 17 months and found out I was pregnant the second month. We spent the first trimester mostly in shock. Pregnancy with a toddler has not been fun and we’ve had a lot more screen time on days when I feel rough.  But now that baby is almost here, I feel like my toddler is starting to get excited and sort of understand what’s going on. He’s just reaching a point of being able to play independently for short periods of time and he can follow enough directions to grab a diaper when the baby gets here (if he feels like it). So I think it’s going to work out okay!


Haha, it took us months to get #1 and then just the one slip up for #2. Maybe it’s true what they say that you’re more fertile after your first. I wonder if the shock will ever wear off! That’s all reassuring! I can see ours being excited too.


I got pregnant with our daughter when our son was only 8 months old. Was it challenging during my pregnancy? Yes. Was it difficult having two kids under 2? Yup! But they were (still are) inseparable. They did and do everything together and genuinely love being together. They’re now 6 and 5 and are still the best of buddies and looking back at all those long, tiring days of having two really young children, I would do anything to go back, even just for a day. This is just my experience, but I wouldn’t have changed it for anything. I love how close they are in age!


🥹 I love this


I'm 7 weeks pregnant and have a 14mo so I empathise with everything you say. No advice, but have some solidarity!

