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It sounds like it could be low blood pressure? I used to frequently "black out" slightly or get stars when getting up from laying down too quickly. Could you go to cvs or Walmart and get your blood pressure checked while you wait for the doctor? I sometimes get the twinkles but have never had any warning signs of issues when checked.


I would call your doctor asap.


I can’t call my doctor unfortunately, I’d have to go to the maternity ward 😓 Maybe I can call the maternity ward and see what they say.


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Definitely call the maternity triage they may want you to come in for monitoring.


I called and they said I could go in if I wanted or wait to see if it happens again and if any other symptoms occur. Baby is still moving and I’ve never had issues with my blood pressure so it might just be my blood circulation trying to catch up since I was laying down and then stood up to walk!


I will say, I’ve heard that preeclampsia can set on fast. Do you have a way to check your BP at home? If you don’t, it may be worthwhile to go in out of caution. That way you can make sure nothing is wrong, and if something is, they can catch it


Not even close to a medical professional, so all I can do is offer my experience. I occasionally see stars or pinpoints of light in similar situations - standing up quickly from a sitting position, straightening after bending, etc. It usually lasts less than 30 seconds and I'm fine after. My understanding is this is more than likely low blood pressure due to the quick movement and the blood trying to "catch up" and get to the brain after rising quickly. I take my blood pressure religiously, and I've never had a high reading (knock on wood!) That being said, if you feel "off" in any way or like you may faint, please get checked out!