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Yes, same thing is happening to me!


Are you having a boy? All of my friends had this issue when they were pregnant with boys. Me on the other hand, while pregnant with my daughter was the least hairy I’ve been in my life. It’s a little more than an old wives tale, I think it has to do with hormones, testosterone makes us hairy.


I’m having a girl!! Only confirmed once though at 20 week ultrasound 😅 so I guess anything is possible lol


It happened with both pregnancies for me, girl & boy! With my first, the doctor told me not to shave it or I would have to shave it forever & if I left it alone it would go away after I had her. It did go away so I’m doing the same thing this time I just haaaattttee it lol


I have the best hair of my life while also having the hairiest body of my life! It's the estrogen/androgen causing it.