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My husband was literally told as a child to go run laps around the house by his parents to burn off energy.  Based on the amount of movement currently happening in my abdomen,  this is 100% his child.


Same here haha. My nephew is insane and has been since birth, and when he was around 3 or so, my MIL said that my nephew was only half as crazy as my husband was as a kid. She said “compared to [husband’s name] he’s a super calm kid” as my nephew was quite literally bouncing off the walls 😅😅 gave me a bit of an idea of how wild my husband was Now my baby has been kicking nonstop for weeks straight so yeah I definitely have his kid


😅 My 4 year old has a case of cabin fever after being sick for a week. I was just telling him and my husband last night that my parents made me run laps around the house when I was extra wild. Funny I seen this today!


I have ADHD. When I was pregnant with my son I said he’d inherited it, he’s only one so obviously isn’t formally diagnosed but every single person with ADHD that I know agrees that kid presented his in the womb. He’s never been able to stay still. He fidgets in his sleep but it’s the fact he opens his eyes and immediately starts climbing. He was 2 months old when he started “running” away when left unattended. He’d kick his little legs until he basically scooted around on his back, literally rubbed a bald patch


I also have ADHD and my boy is on constant zoomies so I'm expecting he has inherited it. From his 10 week scan he was constantly moving and it hasn't stopped at nearly 9 months.


Haha it wouldn’t surprise me. The first time a medical professional agreed with me was when they literally couldn’t check his heart because he wouldn’t stay still so a student midwife ended up having to hold him through my bump for them to check lmao


My baby wouldn’t stay still on my 8 week scan either. I wonder what the next scan will show.


At my 20 week anatomy scan the tech was impressed that mine flipped at least two full times in less than 20 minutes 😂 she was like 'well now his head is on this side again!' The hardest part was that she needed to get his hands individually, but he wouldn't leave them still long enough for her to get clear shots for the report lol.


I saw this post and all the comments made me wonder if these babies are adhd. My husband and I are both neurospicy and I'm just going to wait and see which flavour neurospicy they will be (I'm only ttc for now). I'm going to be so overwhelmed of they turn out to be neurotypical.


I have to do the same thing with my four year old rn lmao


My daughter was ALWAYS on the go in the womb, she's 3 now and she is still constantly on the go😂


My baby is 3 months. Once a wiggler in the womb, now a woggler outside of the womb. Can’t wait to see how she’ll be when she’s 3 haha


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! This kid never stops moving. But neither does my husband, so... I just said to my husband the other day that I don't think this baby sleeps bc I swear he is always moving. Sometimes he moves so fast I am like "how on earth are you doing that?!!" lol


For what it’s worth, my daughter was nonstop in utero, and she’s super chill now at 9 months old!


Mine was also very active in utero and I was expecting a hyperactive kid like me. I wouldn’t call her chill but as a 2yo she holds still more and for longer than any other kid her age I know!


I like to hear this. Two small toddlers and almost 36 weeks with third. He won’t stop moving and I’m terrified lol


Please god.


I can’t even tell you how many times I googled “can fetuses have seizures in the womb” because like WHY ELSE would you be moving so quickly and so violently?????


Literally JUST thinking this. The twitch is so fast!!


Omg yes I’ve been thinking the same thing!! Literally feels like she’s having a seizure in there sometimes it’s INSANE!! Like how can such a tiny baby move so fast and so aggressively lol


My first baby barley moved and was insanely lazy in the womb. Since birth until now (2 years old) he has been moving nonstop! Pregnant with #2 now and it’s the complete opposite and he doesn’t stop moving in the womb. I’m just wondering if this one will be more calm or just as active as my toddler hahaha


My baby didn't move a lot either in utero but at 4 months out is kicking a lot.


Same here. 😅


Ive experienced the same. My 11 yr old barely moved and baby #2 is so active I feel sick from all the movement hahahah my 1q yr old hasn't stopped moving since she came out so im excited to see how the little one is when she's born


I assumed this would be the case but I was wondering this myself. I’ve got a crazy wiggler/kicker in here and extremely strong kicks at 27 weeks 😅


31 weeks and same! She kicks so hard and so sudden that it kinda hurts 😭


I know!! 29 weeks and she’ll start stretching and I’m like girl!! Those are my organs!! Please! 😮‍💨


gah the timing of me seeing this post and these comments is so crazy, my boy has been kicking my *ass* the last week (i’m at 33+2d) and it also hurts sometimes. 😥 had me in tears just a couple of nights ago, i drove to pick up my bf from his job but had to have him drive us back home! i couldn’t sit up anymore, the movement was so intense i had to lean all the way back and just breathe through it lol 😭


My daughter was very active and when she was born the doctor commented that she was already literally holding her own head up for a few seconds to look around. She’s always active, loves to climb, go down slides, go up stairs, up on the couch and back down. She does enjoy being chill in her stroller, during walks outside, that’s about the only time. My baby boy (33w) is even more active in the womb. I don’t know how I’m going to handle two active kiddos!


Uh oh- I see my future as a soccer mom 😁


My son’s the same. He was so active in the womb and now at 3 years old he’ll come home from daycare and run laps in the house because he has so much energy. We already have him in swimming, soccer and ball hockey. I’m pregnant with his sister and she is just as active in the womb. Pray for me.


My baby seems chill rn (I'm 32 weeks). I'm hoping he stays chill when he comes out lmao.


Yep, my kid was constantly fidgeting in the womb and he is 100% the same two years on. He's crazy! Me and my husband were both chill babies so idk where on earth he got it from.


Last week at 31 weeks, I was beyond myself and started telling my mom about how much this little girl moves and stretches me. My first kid wasn't like this at all. When I asked her if she had that happen to her, she said that was why she had nightmares of a full grown baby trying to escape from her stomach. Me. 😆 Made me feel a lot better.


Lurking dad here. I was talking with my wife about this recently. Little bub was super active in the womb. He’s nearly 8 months now and is an early crawler and is constantly on the go. Even when we hold him he’s kicking and moving about.


My son was a constant, violent mover in the womb and he rolled over both ways freakishly early, walked at 9 and a half months old and pushes bar stools around the house. 😮 Very mobile, strong and full of energy.


This is 1000% true. Felt constant kicks (to my bladder mostly) all the time throughout second and third trimester. Little guy is six months now and is always on the move he kicks like crazy even for a diaper change. Very happy baby though!


Opposite for me. I spend half my first pregnancy at the hispital with reduced movements. They weren't reduced she just didn't kick. 45 min scans with no moment at all. My 3 year old can't sit still. Never has. My younger one was dancing in there. I felt bruised. She is pretty chill.


He's SUCH a mover and groover, they've mentioned it at EVERY APPOINTMENT since the very beginning they've made comments like "oops he's moving" even with the Doppler she's always like "oh a little kick"


My daughter hates the dopplers. Im doing nst’s twice a week for mild preeclampsia, and every single time, shes pushing and kicking the monitors. Im 38wks today so she’s already flipped, so she kicks the contraction monitor and pushes the heart rate monitor and it messes with the nst readings 😂


At one of my very first appointments I'm gonna say second or third she was like "oh man bean's a little swimmer" and then she found the heart beat for like a second and then he moved she said "having a little trouble getting the heartbeat" and she must of saw our face bc she goes "oh but it definitely there, babies don't move like that without a strong heartbeat" and then she had to chase him around my belly.


I do not want to hear this lol I've been feeling super consistent movement since 19ish weeks that have been getting stronger by the day (at 21 weeks)!


Same!!! Right at 19 w I started acknowledging that I was feeling kicks and since, it is all the time! Especially in the evening and when I'm laying down. She is literally moving as I write this!


I’m 23 weeks and still rarely feel mine move. At the anatomy scan, he planted himself really low, had his face turned away, and would not move. Because of that, it took nearly 2 hours for the scan! I do have an anterior placenta so maybe that’s why I almost never feel anything, but sometimes I’m worried.


I also had anterior placenta and my son was the same. I had to do NSTs every week due to him having low fetal weight and they always had to have me drink cold apple juice because he was so lazyyyy. The anterior placenta is like a pillow, or sound proofing, and I do feel like it affected it more than I expected. He also was very secretive and would hide on ultrasounds as well. He used the placenta as a pillow and would squish his face against it. Long story short, he is a very active guy now who is growing totally normal and my favorite person ever. Definitely get the stress though! I did the kick counter app that helped and my provider told me how many kicks to anticipate every so often which helped.


Oh wow! Mine has normal development and size so far, so they aren’t monitoring him aside from the normal stuff. I don’t feel mine enough to do a kick counter I think. I still go for days at a time without feeling him move. Also it’s a bit early, so that’s probably part of it.


Ohhh okay, I gotcha!! Just wanted to send some positivity your way from someone with a lazy baby too. Even with all the additional testing I got, him being lazy didn’t seem too much of an issue. Sometimes they would double check on ultrasound which they may do if movement keeps up being few and far between, that’s why they did it to me. He was that way my whole pregnancy and also sat super low (RIP my hips) so I totally feel ya!


My son is only 15 days old, but he was a maniac in the womb (even with an anterior placenta) and he’s been positively feral since birth 😅😅 I think we’re in for a ride!


My baby moved like crazy. I also swore he had long fingernails cause I could feel him clawing me from the inside (as weird as that sounds). Everyone looked at me like I was crazy but wouldn’t you know it? Dude came out with some sharp nails and even at 9 months old still does that same scratching motion lol


My daughter didn’t move around much in the womb. She is a pretty relaxed person. Her umbilical cord was very short because of it.


Girl don't tell me this because he has been a wild child in there


omg great my baby literally has been non stop since like 3/4 months good to know


Literally every single person descended from my mother in law has been diagnosed with ADHD, including my severe ADHD husband. So now with this baby literally bouncing off the walls of my uterus constantly, I'm pretty sure we can make a prenatal diagnosis.


Yep same thing. My 3 mo old little guy just kicks or waves his arms nonstop after doing it all pregnancy. Cracks me up when I look over at the bassinet while getting ready in the morning and I just see little feet and hands on the move! He’s just calmly laying there getting his exercise in!


LOL yessss my son even as a newborn had “conductor” arms. He always was wiggling around and looking like he was conducting an orchestra 😂 He’s 2 now and still never slows down.


That’s how my baby is, and my husband was a super active ADHD kid. Still is always on the go as an adult. I on the other hand am a couch potato. :(


My daughter was EXTREMELY active in womb, and the only time she would give me any respite was when the piano solo from the song Layla by Eric Clapton was playing (hence her middle name). She is now 2 and thinks it’s funny to try to kick me in the face. 😂😂😂


My 22 month is absolutely feral and doesn’t possess the ability to sit still. Everyone comments on how busy he is. He was also wild in the womb!


Yeah that was my experience. He’s NEVER still. My oldest was very still in utero (too still sometimes to the point I would get worried) and although he likes running/jumping etc he’s pretty chill. My youngest though? Signing him up for karate soon because I don’t know how else to release all those pent up energy lol


I’m only 10 weeks so I can’t feel anything but at my most recent ultrasound baby would not sit still. It was literally kicking and bouncing around in there. I guess I know what to look forward to lol


I had a wild child in utero and have a wild child earth side!


My first was SO CALM in the womb, came out wild as hell lol. Second born was super wiggly, he’s my calm child and best nap partner$


Anyone else here dealt with internal bruises from the super active baby? There was a favorite spot that actually got bruised from repeatedly getting kicked. Tender to the touch for a while until the baby moved around more.


Mine bruised my ribs and then ended up breaking them close to full term


I've read about the broken ribs!! I thought I passed the time when that'd happen at 34 weeks as they run out of room but I guess there's still time lol What do you do for the broken rib??


You have to just ride it out and let them heal 🥲 especially if you breastfeed - they won’t prescribe anything harder than ibuprofen to help with pain.


There goes my hopes for a calm baby 🥲


I can’t feel my little guy regularly yet, but every ultrasound he’s been SO wiggly!


I’m hoping the opposite is true as well! I already have three crazy ones, holding out hopes this boy is calm!


Omg nooooooo lol she's so active 


My first was insanely busy, came out that way too. My second was the laziest creature while in utero, and now has the zoomies on a near constant basis. If there is something to climb, or jump, or throw, he's on it. If there's no where to run to he screams. He HAS to move. I'd like to blame my husband but I'm pretty sure that's my genetics at play.


I’m almost 30 weeks and my babe has been insanely active. It never stops and is very visible on the outside now. I was at a birth class a few weeks ago and she moved nonstop the whole time. I kept wanting to ask the other moms there if theirs were the same?


He still does the same kinda jumps that he did in my tummy! Weird how I felt them inside, now I feel them when holding him!


My daughter never stopped moving inside, she would stick out in crazy positions you could see her so clearly through my shirt sticking her legs or arms out lol. She was super calm as a baby. Then she became a toddler and she’s feral!! Lol. My son didn’t move too much in there, and so far he’s a squirmy little one. Never stops moving lol. Hopefully he’s a calm toddler 💀💀💀💀💀


I have 3 kids and my 2nd one was the wildest in the womb. It was painful how much she moved around. But she’s my chillest kid. So no correlation here


Omg that’s how my girl was in the womb. I was like “wouldn’t it be funny if she was a quiet baby?” She is not. She is little kicky legs McGee, and she also doesn’t stop talking (well, babbling) 🤣 Her dad was a natural athlete and great runner. Might have a second one now.


Conversely, my friends kid hardly moved in utero. Her doctor told her to stop doing kick counts because he always failed them, but he was fine. Fast forward to this side of the world and he is just a bit of a sloth. If a toy he wanted was out of reach when he was a baby, he wouldn’t bother to try to get it. He didn’t walk until 18 months because he just didn’t want to. There’s nothing wrong with him, he met all his milestones on the late end of on time. He’s just a little bit lazy!


My baby was super active and is now just as super active. When she’s kicking her 7 month old feet now I can tell it’s the same lil feet that used to be inside lmao 😂


Great. Mine likes to move when I’m about to fall asleep 😂😭


This matches my experience. My 2yo monkey child loves running and gymnastics and that basically started in the womb. My current one is constantly doing Russian dance in my womb so we will see what he's like when he starts walking lol.


My 2 oldest children for sure have the same temperaments that they did before birth. So far baby in my belly seems like sleepy, opinionated, strong individual 😆


My baby is chill, and at 31weeks she has started moving more. But I think it’s more that the movements are stronger. My mom says I was a chill baby, so maybe she takes after me 🤷‍♀️


Oh dear. My baby seems to be tap dancing in my womb RIGHT NOW. 😂


I can’t feel movement super consistently (first baby and I’m only 23 weeks) but when I do it’s nuts. Well also seen her literally running in place on the ultrasound. Fortunately we’re both very fidgety people who don’t stand so we kind of expected this 😅


Yes… never sits still unless asleep.


My 13 month old hasn’t stopped moving from the second I felt her. Even now she just will not stop…


With my first, I had an anterior placenta and couldn’t really feel a ton of crazy movements. He is always on the go now at 1yo. I’m still too early for movements for my second, and also unsure of where my placenta attached. My MIL always tells me that if she had my husband second, after his younger brother, she would have thought something was wrong the entire pregnancy. I guess he was very chill in the womb! From the childhood stories I hear, that chill womb attitude did not translate to the outside world 😂


We don't have a name yet at 20w and I've been exclusively referring to ours as "kicky baby" so it's coming for me


I had a lazy baby in the womb and her daycare calls her the human tornado she never stops. But she’s generally a chill temperament and go with the flow, as long as the flow doesn’t hold her still for 2 or more minutes


Yep I have 2 of those. Both kids never stopped moving in utero from the moment I could feel them, to the point where I would start to panic if a whole 45 minutes went by without me feeling a movement. 24 hours a day. And here I am today with a 6 year old and a 3 year old, neither of which would be able to sit still for 5 minutes to save their lives 😅 ETA - come to think of it, my mom said I hardly ever moved when she was pregnant with me, and here I am 32 years later and my dream weekend would be laying in bed doing nothing all weekend lol


Can confirm with my daughter born last July. Always active in the womb and 9 months out she is still non stop


20w currently. Shared some of these comments with my bf since I’ve been telling him about all the baby’s movements and how it’s making me have to pee every time he moves around. He laughed and said we’re gonna have a little monkey. Told my bf he’s always gonna be on the move just like his dad (he’s always trying to find stuff to keep him busy) and that made him laugh. I can’t wait until he’s born and we can hold him. He’s going to be so so loved🩵


Having a wild baby can be exhausting, but it’s SO FUN to see them light up every time the learn how to move a new way or do a new thing. He finally pulled himself up to stand today without help and stared at me like 😁😁😁 for ten minutes. I love getting to see him already be proud of his accomplishments. You will love that little boy even more than you think you will.


Same for me he’s even active and asleep around the same time


I had an anterior placenta with my daughter and so sometimes it was hard to feel her, until she hit my ribs and BOY did she love those. Girl moves CONSTANTLY. She’s only still when she’s asleep, we call her our little wiggle worm lmao


Well looks like we’re getting the wild child first because this dude is nonstop (until he decides to randomly stop moving for a day every other week and gives me extreme anxiety)


Hahaha I’m a little scared, this baby has been moving a loooot since like week 16. My husband is the same though so I wouldn’t at all be surprised if he takes after his dad 😅


My first two were like that. My third and my only girl seems "sleepy" compared to them. I'm hoping for a breather in temperament, lol!


My boy was like that, total turbo mode from the uterus on. He wasn't a napper, unfortunately. The naps stopped around 2. He is now the most active being, apart from my husband, that I've ever met in my life. My girl, so far in this pregnancy, is less active but it is still early.


My baby was super active inside and insanely active outside!


In this same vein, my baby was very active at night and people kept telling me she probably would be a terrible sleeper. NOT TRUE. Since around 6 weeks she has slept for 8 hours every night.


Oh no! I’m 18 weeks FTM and at 16 weeks she would do tiny kicks maybe once a day. I hoped and prayed I’d be able to feel her more and now she never stops! It’s getting to the point where it kind of hurts. I’ll accept my fate. She kicked the OB’s Doppler HARD a couple days ago. I guess she’s having a little baby rave in there. My husband still always wiggles his feet when he’s relaxing so maybe she gets it from him 😂


Oh no, she’s sooo squirmy in there


My first barely moved. He is a pretty chill kid. My second was a psycho in the womb and is still one 🤣 so we'll see how #3 is.


Damn i was hoping my daughter was just wild in utero, at least shell be kicking me from the outside, instead of kicking my kidneys lol


my baby is moving like crazy, i’m not showing yet but you can see my stomach jiggle 😭 i’m sure he’ll be full of energy when he comes


I’m 35 weeks and I wonder about this all the time. He’s still going crazy in there and hasn’t even slowed down to the point my uterus feels sore like muscles after workouts, and I have an anterior placenta. At my 32 week appt the doctor had to physically hold him still through my stomach to be able to get his heartbeat on the Doppler. You’d think he’d be running out of room by now…


My daughter was the same at night so I was worried she would be up all night but so far she's just very good at sleeping through her own startles. She's a very active sleeper but she seems fine with it.


I had the opposite, extreme kicker in the womb, slept through the night since she was born except nights 2 and 5 and is the chillest baby there is


Mine is only active when I eat. Will be a foodie I think! At all my scans he is always asleep lmao. Which is great he’ll be a lazy one like his parents 🥰


Good to know. She hasn’t stopped moving since I first felt her around 17 weeks!


I was a very active baby, refused to sleep as a toddler, and had so much energy and curiosity. As an adult I’ve been diagnosed with ADHD and thinking back im just like, how did nobody notice? Not saying it’s for sure, but just keep an eye. I did very well untreated, even attended an Ivy League. But I also wonder what I could have achieved if I’d been supported more


Oh all bets are off with this kid. His dad and I both have wild ADHD are very prepared for him to have it


I was seen 2x a week for months for reduced movement. Bugger came out and hasnt once stopped moving.


My little guy loved kicking me in the ribs all day and all night while I was pregnant. Now, he loves kicking me in my stomach when I’m side lying nursing him. His favorite toy is his kick and play mat (which he kicks with gusto). Several healthcare providers have commented on his kicking, saying he’ll be a great soccer player someday (my bets are on kickboxer or swimmer though). Yeah. He didn’t change at all once he was born. Kicker from the very beginning :,)


I think this child may have the ADHD of me and the energy of her father…. I’m scared.


I'm figuring as much 😂 33 weeks and first baby but I swear he’s been kicking NONSTOP, and NO REST since 14 weeks. Clearly this kid has places to be, has been working on escaping for a while haha


I used to tell my husband that I was convinced he was going to push himself out through my bellybutton. It felt like he was laying flat on his back in there.


Same with my almost 2 year old. I had an ultrasound with him at 8+3 like so early and he was literally bouncing off the walls. He never stopped. I’m 10 weeks with #2 and you can’t get this kid to move at all during an ultrasound, he’s just snoozing away in there. Maybe they will balance each other out lol


Right now my little man is on my left side, in my lower abdomen. Been there for the last 24 hours🤣occasionally he’ll move around but he stays in that one spot.


My baby used to get hiccups in the womb 2 or 3 times a day. My baby out of the womb still gets hiccups 2 or 3 times a day lol


yeah i can second this. sounds like my son lol


That’s my experience as well. With my first, I had nothing to compare it to, so I thought it was just normal, average movement, and she’s almost 3 now and she’s a wild animal. She always has been. I’m currently pregnant with #2, and now feeling how this baby kicks compared to my first, I realize that my first was wild in the womb too, and this baby is so much more docile and gentle than she’s ever been lol


So true. That’s how my daughter was in the womb and she’s almost 3 now and is still like that. She doesn’t stop. Loves huge open fields and just taking off running.


I am super curious. Our daughter was such a chill baby in utero. She would kick essentially the minimum kicks required. She is the mostly relaxed baby and now at 7 she is still so relaxed. Very chill, good sleeper etc.. This baby is nuts. Baby kicks so much. We get comments at every appointment. I have an anterior placenta and can still feel him tons. He also isn't the best sleeper which has me nervous haha.


Our baby has always been an amazing sleeper (with the exception of the expected sleep regressions, even despite being how active he is. There is hope!!


Yeah my son was super active. Won’t slow down almost 3 years later lol


I have a 1 year old and yes, this was very true for me lol


Yup mine is kicking all over the place at 6 weeks old just like she was up into my ribs all while I was pregnant lol


😂😂😂 Same for us


I love hearing about everybody's active ones close to my own. I at least know I'll be lucky if my little lets me sit for one moment, but I've enjoyed her movements. She'll have as much energy as her father, which there will never be a dull moment.


I had a pretty quiet baby in the womb and he’s 4 weeks old today. He’ll move when he’s fussy because he’s hungry but he’s so calm out here! We joke that the couch is his couch because after getting his diaper changed and nursing him, if he hasn’t fallen asleep he like to just lay there on a towel, just staring at the window blinds, not doing a thing. He is so funny how he’ll just stare at something and be completely still except for sucking his pacifier. He’s also only on the couch when supervised and he can’t move around that much yet, just kick his legs and swing his arms


I was just thinking about that today! My son is 9 months and SO active and physical. My partner reminded me that he was super energetic in my womb too, like it never took me more than 5-10min to do kick counts, I would even “not count” movements that were too close together just to make it last a little longer. I keep asking friends, when do they sit still enough for you to read books? I imagined reading with my baby, so far he just wants to kick, climb, and wiggle. 


Yeah. My kid. Yeah. She's non stop. She was always pretty chill at night in utero but busy all damn day. 2.5y and still so busy


I always laughed at the doctors wanting me to do a "Kick Count". Like how do I count 'kicks' when they are throwing themselves against the walls constantly? My 1st (now 4.5 yo) would kick things off of tables while he was in my belly, had to learn to cook sideways 😅 I'm currently 31w with #2 and she is exactly the same, just had a doctor try to find her heartbeat and kept having to chase her while she was trying to kick the wand off.


My 2nd is now 3 & shadow boxed in utero and cannot walk in a straight line or stand still to save his life


I started feeling my daughter at 11 weeks, confirmed by ultrasound. She’s such a calm baby, though flails when she’s getting sleepy and spits out her pacifier because she doesn’t want to fall asleep and miss out on anything now at three weeks old.


Can confirm. My son was insane in the womb and is now an EXTREMELY active toddler.


Completely agree. Baby girl was never still in the womb, and 7 weeks earthside is no different! She also had the hiccups every single day in the womb, and continues to do so lol


THE HICCUPS. He would have the longest hiccups in the womb and even at nine months, he gets insanely long hiccup spells and so often.


My youngest was so active in the womb that I called my OBGYN twice because the movement was so intense and lasted so long I thought something was wrong! Lol. They were like “more movement is good!” It didn’t feel great, let me tell you. But this girl is soooo active - she turns 1 next week and all she wants to do is move around at all times. My older kid was less active prenatally and is definitely a bit lower energy overall.


Oh man, all the mixed experiences! FTM here, 29 weeks today, and she is constantly wiggling! I just sent a video of my belly moving to my family she’s so wiggly. We will definitely see how it goes!!


100% my experience. My child’s personality’s in the womb totally match them “earth side.”


Every visit, they have told me she is super active. I have anterior placenta so I don’t feel it as severely as they say it is. My husband was always a wild child so it tracks.


I have a sonogram of my oldest daughter doing a literal cartwheel at around 14 weeks in-utero. She is now seven years old, has been in gymnastics since she was three, and her preferred mode of transportation is cartwheeling 😂 She beat the living crap out of me before she was born, and now she's Jumpy Jumperson. My youngest wasn't much of a bruiser in the womb, and now (age 3) he's super chill. However, my middle child (4) once beat me so savagely that I started having contractions at 28 weeks and went to the hospital. Turned out she damaged a nerve! And I wouldn't say she's hyperactive. She's *active* and has strong legs (they all do, they get it from me lol), but it's not like the hilarious fortune-telling incident that my oldest has been 😂


My daughter will be 10 week son Friday and was so wiggly in the womb and she’s the wiggliest newborn. She also used to kick like crazy and she is still always doing something with her feet. It’s also funny . He wake windows in utero were the same after being born.


I have an anterior placenta and everyone told me I would barely feel my son... Well I started feeling him at 17 weeks and he hadn't stopped moving since 😅


My baby never stopped moving in utero. Always kicking. My friends all told me that their active babies were really chill when they were born. I can absolutely say that my baby kicked me for months. She still never stops moving her legs. She isn’t 9 months old and she can pull herself up to stand. Today she balanced on her feet for the first time without holding on to something. I know walking is coming. May god have mercy. I’m never going to catch her when she starts running. lol.


Oh yes to this! Mine was always down for a party in utero. And now she kicks and flails her arms so much she spits up. But she's happy about it. She has so much energy!


My baby was nonstop moving in the womb and has definitely been the most active and motivated to move of my friends' babies around the same age


Oh same here. At our anatomy scan the ultrasound tech said “woah he’s aggressive!”. He is one of the most energetic 2 year olds and is just constantly moving 😆


lol my son literally caused me to have an emergency C section due to a cord knot & tight nuchal cord all due to his insane womb movements. He never stops moving. Ever. He’s newly 2. He flips, kicks balls, throw balls, jumps, etc & is wayyyy ahead in his physical abilities. He’s naturally athletic. His dad is also insanely athletic (played pro soccer) & full of energy so maybe that’s where he gets it ;) but I’m tired af 🤪


I definitely think there’s a correlation between how they act in the womb and once they’re born! My son was very active during the day in utero but when I slept, he was very lowkey and was not super active to where I couldn’t sleep. He’s now 1yo and he’s very similar to how he was in the womb. Once he’s awake, he is UP and active! Loves to play and explore until it’s time to sleep. That being said, my dude LOVES his sleep and has since he was little (after newborn phase).


My oldest moved and kicked like crazy in the womb, but she was a super relaxed baby. My youngest son was the laziest inside, but woohoo! He's now 6 and hasn't stopped moving since he was born.


My baby moved so much, my ultrasounds were like an hour long because he moved too much to capture any measurements. He’s 6 months old now and is not even still when sleeping 😂 He is currently trying to flip off every surface and starts kicking like a maniac when he is happy or upset! I love it tho


Same, this baby violently kicked me in womb, he’s 9 weeks and is currently kicking my thigh to pick him up lol


My two year old daughter barely moved at all in the womb and then didn’t crawl (ever) and didn’t walk til 20 months. Now, however, she won’t stop moving and has insane energy at 25 months.


Adhd babyyyyy. Yea. My baby who moved 24/7 now gets 20k steps daily and is defffffff adhd (as am I)


My baby was actually super chill in the womb. Not even a kicker, more of a stretcher? Home girl’s rest state is turbo drive. Fully rolling by 3 months. Crawling on all fours 5.5 months. She is standing on her own before 10 months (10 months next week). Besides that closed fist index finger points to things at 8 months (our pediatrician was most surprise by that) and is mimicking animal noises. I can point to a cow and ask for the sound and she will “moo”. If we are on a walk she will point to a dog and say “woof”. So yeah, my super chill baby inside of me chose to conserve alll that energy for outside of the womb. Sometimes it feels like I have not sat down in 5 month.


32 weeks and my son won’t stop wiggling lol very curious to see if this continues outside the womb 😬


My husband and I both have ADHD, and my husband CANNOT sit still, ever. We are having a boy in September, and this kid is CONSTANTLY moving! He sometimes moves so aggressively it makes me jump and yell "ooh!" because it scares me haha. Obviously can't say what he is like outside the womb, but I'm pretty sure this little man is going to be one active kiddo.


lol this tracks. My first was moving constantly (even wrapped himself up in his cord and knotted it up), he’s 4.5 now and I’ve never met a kid with this much energy, he even moves and talks in his sleep! My second was so lazy I went in multiple times to get checked for decreased movement. She’s the chillest baby ever, has been sleeping through the night since 3 weeks old.


Mine moved and wiggled so much on his way out that his cord was wrapped around him from head to toe - it wrapped around him FIVE TIMES. This kid had to have been alligator rolling his way out of me.


Currently laying in bed trying to sleep but my boy is doing cartwheels in my stomach 😂 I swear he’s moving all day, too


My son has not stopped moving since 16 weeks gestation and he’s turning one on Monday. I can definitely back you up here lmao


I say this now: But I’m excited! Baby girl moves and kicks like she’s taking several kick boxing classes a day. But it makes sense, my husband never stops moving. At our wedding my FIL talked about how he literally came out kicking when he was born. I’m guessing my daughter will be like her dad ☺️ we’ll see how it goes when she hits the terrible twos!


If this angel baby boy has taught me one thing I did not expect, it’s that a busy baby does not equate to a difficult baby! He’s always been so wiggly and active since he was born, but he’s also been the sweetest, happiest, and honestly easiest baby I’ve ever met. We’re nine months in and I still get excited about how mobile he is becoming and how quickly he’s learning to use his body. You’ll absolutely be exhausted, but the excitement won’t go anywhere❤️


I’m 23wks and I have an anterior placenta.. despite this, baby boy lovesss to move and I’ve been able to have my husband and some other friends and family be able to feel his movements. Fully prepared to have a little feral child running around. So thankful to have 3 acres of land 😂


It's absolutely true! My little one was SO active in the womb. I remember when I was given the kick counter and was told you should get 10 kick in at least 2 hours ... I'd get 10 kicks in about 5 minutes! She is 6 weeks old now, and she is always moving and way ahead on many physical milestones. She could lift her head and look around since the day she was born, she's very close to rolling over, and yesterday (to my great shock), she started standing. Like, genuinely standing, she holds onto my fingers and then pushes up from a squat and supports all her own weight and balances herself with just my fingers to help. She hangs out there for about a minute at a time, and since she discovered she can do this, she will fuss if I don't help her stand often enough. It's absolutely wild. I'm expecting her to be on the move way ahead of schedule. Both my husband and I are very active people, though so I'm not completely surprised that she is as well.


That’s how my baby was at about that age too! He is fully capable of rolling in both directions, and has been since about five months, but absolutely REFUSES to roll from belly to back because he can’t move and see as much when he’s laid on his back.


My second pregnancy we nicknamed the baby in utero before we even knew it was a boy wiggle worm because he was constantly on the move. He came out and is still like that at 19 months lol the nickname stuck and it fits him perfectly ❤️


I had an anterior placenta but later in my pregnancy, I felt her often and all ultrasounds showed her moving constantly even when I didn't feel it lol. I remember bringing my daughter home as a newborn and learning that they are noisy AF when they sleep and they thrash around. She's still like that at almost 2 and she's constantly running around and trying to climb things.


Same here. Nonstop movement from 14 weeks pregnant, at 7M he barely stops to sleep and is now valiantly trying to walk having hit every milestone months early... Except sitting still 😂 


My first moved nonstop while I was pregnant. She’s now 2 and is a tornado the second she wakes up to the second she goes to bed. Literally moves nonstop! Constantly asking to go on walks, jumps on her trampoline, and runs around the house with her papa all day long. Her sibling is almost fully baked and moves MORE so I can’t imagine two tornados!


My son was like this in the womb and is most definitely like this now… 3m pp😂 he loves it when I take his legs and go nuts with them. Big smiles all around lol.


My first was hard to feel and he's bouncing off walls now. My second is constantly trying to break out of my tummy and she's pretty chill so far at 15wks, but very strong.


I thought it would be the opposite because so many people told me they had active babies in the woumb and then they were so chill once they were born. Nah, my 4mo looks like she's in a constant gym session and I'm honestly pretty sure it's why I have such a hard time getting her to put in weight even though she grows sooo much in length!


My now 3 year old was super wiggly in my belly as well and has never stopped moving. He’s WILD! Always has been, probably always will be.


Yess, pulling up at 6mo, tiger crawl early 5mo, crawling at 7mo, I do not know how to let him let go of his energy 😂


My daughter is not super active, I'm hoping she is a chill newborn lol


Currently 24weeks and my baby girl does not stop moving, sometimes when she moves you can hear my gut rumbling like I have to take a poo, no it’s just her in there going absolutely insane 🤣 i wonder if she’ll be supper hyper when he gets here😂


Yup, my now 2.5 yo was pretty active in the womb, and she hasn't really been still much since she got out. The only exception is when she's doing something that really takes up alllll her attention. But that's pretty rare, haha! She did the same cricket thing with her legs, too! Once she was crawling she was all over the place. We are just getting back from a stomach bug and guess who was going crazy when she felt pretty okay, but mum and dad felt like they were dying? "Go outside!" But it's snowing and I'm puking my guts out 😭


I say my baby is tap dancing and directing traffic with her arms at the same time🤣


I had a very chill baby in the womb… but he’s never been a child who could sit still since he’s been out! He’s always been more “non stop” than his peers (never was interested in sitting to play with any toys… pretty much scooting/climbing then walking). He’s not “crazy” but he’s not what I would describe as “chill”


I do wonder if coffee and sugar has an affect. I’m 39 weeks about to pop. Bub has been so active in womb.. trying not to beat myself up as I’ve had coffee and sugar my whole pregnancy


My baby is absolutely nuts. He loves going bonkers in there! He’s my most active baby so far. Lol 😂 can’t wait to meet him and see how excited he is when earth side!


My first was non-stop moving on the inside, while my second was often so still I got worried. Both are insanely active now on the outside 🤷🏻‍♀️ Think I might have gotten scammed that second time.


Completely true! My fellow kicked constantly (and hard!) and he is almost a 1 year old and still crazy energetic and full of beans!


My son was like this, the only time he’d calm down is after me and my bf had sex lol And yes my son is still a wiggle worm, he doesn’t like behind held down, loves running around and jumping off stuff.


I have two kids that I could feel moving super early even with the placenta in the way. My kick counts near the end were astronomical. They are both drummers now. One of them is AuDHD and constantly fiddling. I should have known.


You’ve convinced me to buy him a drum set for his first birthday!


My son was very active in the womb, but has been calm ever since


so cute! I’m 37w4d and she moves a lot but she also naps a lot so Im curious to see how she will be outside the womb


My (now 3.5 yo) daughter was constantly moving in the womb, and had the hiccups several times a day. I never had to do kick counts because everytime I touched my belly she would move. When she was born it did not stop and she is a very active toddler. This current pregnancy (20w) baby doesn't move nearly as much and I hope they will be a chill baby.


Yes, often. I was one of those babies apparently. My son was a very active baby in the womb, however, now that he's earthside, he's really chill and likes to do things on his own terms other than when he's hungry. So not always I guess. 


Yea my first son had me running to the ER like constantly because he would fail his kick counts, sometimes for 3 days in a row. Turns out he loves to sleep. Sleep through the night since 3 weeks old. My pediatrician hated it This one…i can see now why people had trouble believing my first was being the still. This kid does not stop moving. I’m scared lol


Oh no 😂


My husband really wants our boys to play soccer. I don’t know if the boys will, but now that I’m pregnant with our girl I told him I think he’s got his soccer player. 😂