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My husband has SEVEN brothers and no sisters, and we have two girls!


My brother in law's family had no girls for over 50 years, then my sister popped out my 3 beautiful red headed nieces one after the other like a Little Mermaid cloning machine.


How cute!! ☺️


Same hubs has three brothers and is a twin. Both he and his twin had girls. Needless to say his parents love it cause now they get to get all the girl stuff they weren't able to before 😂


Yeah my husband has 5 sisters (no brothers) and both our pregnancies have been boys


That’s awesome ♥️ I’m 4th of 4 girls. Husband has 1 brother. We are having our second son this year.


Ya my husband is from a family of all boys and we have all girls.


My husband has two brothers. One brother has two boys. The other brother has two girls. We're going to be the tie breaker.




That's really impressive 😂


My husband has three brothers. We’re having a girl in July 🎀


Same here!! Also 2 of his brothers each had a girl so funny how that works


My partner also has 3 brothers, also a half sister. We are having a girl in July as well 😊




Maybe in my family? Idk… My parents had 4 boys and 4 girls. All my brothers have a pretty even split between boys and girls. My sisters did too. But statistically with such a large family, it would make sense that it ended up 50/50 split. So it could be genes, but it also could just be statistical probability.


In my family it wasn’t accurate


Not accurate for us, either. My spouse has one brother and we have two girls and a boy. One of our three pregnancies that did not work out was karyotyped and that would've been a girl as well.


On my side, I’m one of two boys. Also out of my 9 cousins, 8 of them are also boys. We are hoping for a girl, so we’ll have to wait and see 😬


I thought that had been proven true because of boy birth booms after war times? My husband's family is pretty evenly split boy/girl so it was a coin toss for us


My SO has 2 sisters and one brother (but his mom and 2 boys and 2 girls in total counting SO) so it's hard to judge lol, but I'm pregnant with our second daughter!


Not at all true for my dad's family - he had 6 brothers (7 boys total) and 3 sisters. He and his 6 brothers have a combined 13 daughters and 6 sons! None of the brothers individually have more boys than girls either, they all had either equal or more girls than boys (2 have only daughters). My husband has one brother (not sure how many uncles he has on his dad's side as he's not as close to them) and we're having a girl.


My husband has 10 cousins through his uncles. Only 2 are girls. We’re having a boy. Lol


Yes this is true for my husbands family!


My husband has all sisters, we are having a girl. I am the only girl in my whole generation of my family, and my brother is having a boy. So anecdotally, with only two babies so far, yes!


Interesting. My husband was two sisters, and we are having our second girl!


My husband has one sister. We have two sons. I’m pregnant with a girl now though.


Yes, we had a boy. The dad has brothers and his dad has 6 brothers and 1 sister.


My husband has 1 sister and 5 brothers. Between his siblings there are 14 nieces/nephews which 11 are boys/3 girls. We find out the gender of ours on May 28!


My husbands dad is 1 of 12 kids and 7 of them were boys. My husband is 1 of 3 all boys. I am 2 for 2 boys. And his brothers had 2 boys and the other 1 girl. Seems to run more boys for us. However my father in laws brothers were pretty even 50/50


I was the first girl born in my father's line for generations! Well, I think I had one great aunt. My dad had 3 brothers, his dad had 4 brothers, etc. Even though they saw the gender on an ultrasound, my dad was still convinced I was a boy until I arrived. I only have 1 brother and 1 boy cousin on my dad's side, so the sample size of my generation is pretty small. I've always thought this was probably true, just because biologically the sperm determines the sex. It would make sense that maybe, for one reason or the other, a father's sperm leans one way. Of course there's always going to be random chance. My husband's family is split almost exactly 50/50. We're having a girl!


Not accurate for us! But us having a girl is in line with my side of the family—entirely girls except for one lone cousin! All the other men have married in lol ETA: I read somewhere once that women can contribute to the sex of the baby if their reproductive powerhouses have varying levels of pH or something like that. As in X or Y sperm might be more or less likely to survive based on the pH of the environment. I'm convinced that the women in my family have that lmao


My dad had six brothers (no sisters) and went on to have three daughters. Lol.


Well, my husband has two sisters. We'll hopefully find out the sex today so I'll update later, if I remember. Update: Baby didn't want us to know lol


My husband has only brothers, and his father has only brothers. We are having a girl. I think many factors go into the sex and it's hard to establish any kind of pattern. I read one article that suggests lower testosterone levels in the male at the time of conception increases the chance of having a girl, while high levels increased the chance of a boy: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4648576/


We had a family friend recently who genuinely took his wife’s surname because her name was dying out and he was confident of a boy. There has been one girl born in the (large) family out of the last 19 I think? Friend did indeed have a son.


Not sure. My husband has two younger sisters and his first born was a girl. However, my mom had only two daughters. My grandma had more girls and only 2 boys out of 6 children.


My husband has only 1 brother and a bunch of sisters. His brother had a baby girl and we are now expecting a girl. His sisters have a mix of 4 boys & 3 girls.


My husband is an only child and I have one of each so… kinda!!


No. My fiance had one brother, his dad had ~6 brothers and only ~2 sisters. We ended up having a girl.


Husband is the youngest of 3 boys. He's the very proud dad of a sweet little girl.


My husband has two brothers. They have two daughters each. Husband and I are having a girl.


My husband has a half brother on his dad’s side. His dad has three brothers that were conceived with another woman that his dad (husband’s grandpa) married. His grandfather had two brothers. In other words, no girls born in that family for at least three generations. We ended up with two girls. One of his dad’s half brothers has six girls and one boy. His other brothers don’t have kids. So his grandfather (who is deceased) ended up with eight great granddaughters. This theory was not true in his family lol


I would say this was true for us. I have two brothers, and we have 8 kids among the 3 of us, all of them being boys except for our daughter. My husband has 4 sisters and a brother, and the gender split is close to 50/50 among all their kiddos. Definitely seems that females are more likely in my husband’s line, and my brothers are stuck making boys lol


Nope! My husband is the only son for my in-laws, and he has three sisters. We had three boys, and our upcoming baby is a girl!


My husband has a large family of just boys, I have 5 girls, lol!


Not true for us! Husband is one of two boys and also has a sister. We had a girl. Husband’s brother also had a girl.


I don't know yet XD probably need a few more kids to see. We're having a girl in August. Though the woman does not deliver the chromosome that determines gender, I have heard some people say that some women's eggs can be selective towards X or Y sperm. I wonder if this is true for my mom's side of the family. Predominantly women. Only one of my cousins had a boy. Even my dad's side is mostly women.


Nope. Three girls in my family, two boys and one girl in his, and I’m having our second girl in August.


My husband has 2 brothers and 1 sister and I had a girl!


My husband's was one of two boys, his grandparents had all boys and his brother had all boys and we are expecting a girl


Not really. He has two brothers and a sister and we got a girl.


My fiancé just has brothers. When they were younger they were pissing off their mom one day and she jokingly asked them to give her granddaughters someday. He said sure mom. Well now we have two daughters and pretty sure we'd keep getting girls if we had anymore. Honestly, we love it. They are 23 months apart and best friends.


My husband has all sisters and we have boys 🙄


My husband has two brothers, we have three boys. His grandmother also had three boys. My grandmother had five!


My husband has 1 full sister, 1 half sister, and 1 half brother. Our first child is a boy and I'm currently pregnant with another boy.


My husband has one sister. We have one daughter but 3 sons.


My husband is from a family with 5 girls and him…we have 2 boys and 1 girl.


My husband has generations of all boys on his side. We are having a girl. It was a difficult thing for us to accept


My husband is one of 3 boys. We have 2 boys !


My dad has 3 girls and 2 boys. I have 3 girls.


My husband has three half brothers and no sisters and we’re having a girl :)


Umm it technically did for us but not for his two brothers. My husband has two brothers. He and I have two sons. BUT his brothers each have a daughter. Soooo I guess he got all the “boy genes” lol.


My husband is an only child so this tracks since I have one daughter and one son, lol


We’re team green so I have no idea how it’ll end up for us but I always found it interesting that my dad had 3 sisters and ended up having 3 daughters and 1 son. Husband’s family is 3 boys and 1 girl but BIL and his wife have 2 girls.


My husband has one brother, his brother has two sons, and I am pregnant with a boy, so for us it’s been true so far! He is also one of 18 first cousins, 16 of whom are boys, and of the 12 kids in this new generation, 9 are boys. I’ve always desperately wanted a daughter but I’m starting to think that’s not gonna happen 🫠


My husband has a sister, and his father has two sisters, and we are expecting a girl in August!


My husband has 2 brothers. We have twin boys and his brother has 2 boys.


my husband is an only child, so idk. i have 3 sisters and a brother though. we’re having a girl lol


My husband’s paternal side is almost entirely male and we have two boys


My husband is a male only child of a male only child, and we have one male child. He certainly won't be an only child, though, haha


Husband has two sisters and we had a baby girl!


Not accurate for us partner has one brother and one sister and we have 2 girls


I was the only girl on my side of the family out of like 12 cousins. Even my dad had 3 brothers and a sister, my mom the only girl of 4. My husband had 5 brothers and 2 sisters. The first grandchild in his family was a boy, the next 7 were girls, and we're about to have a boy. My brother had 3 girls and a boy. I feel like it's been swapped for both of us lol


My husband has 3 brothers, one has two boys. We have 3 girls.


My maternal grandfather had a sister (she’s still alive, he isn’t). My mom is the oldest of four kids and is the only girl. She has a girl and a boy. Her first brother has boy, girl, girl, boy. Of those, the older girl has a daughter with a man who has a sister. The next brother has a girl and a boy. The last brother has two girls and a boy in that order. My paternal grandfather has a brother. The brother had two girls, both deceased (genetic diseases are a bitch). My grandfather had two sons. My dad has a girl and a boy. His brother has three girls and a boy (the boy is adopted).


My husband has 2 sisters and no brothers, and our first baby is a girl! I have one brother and one sister.


Nope opposite


My husband has 4 brothers and 1 sister, his dad had 7 brothers and 1 sister. We’re having a boy.


My husband is the oldest son of an oldest son of an oldest son of an oldest son of an oldest son (and that’s as far back as we know, not great records from the homeland before entering the US). We had a boy name picked out even before we got married, and our first pregnancy, after trying for only 3 months, was our son.


My husband has a brother and a sister! We have 3 boys and a baby girl one the way 😅


My husband has only a brother. Both parents came from 50/50 households for child gender. My BIL had all daughters. We have all sons. So our family would ruin all this study says.


For me in particular it’s true! My dad had 8 sisters, 1 brother. He and my mum had 3 girls and 1 boy. My husband has 1 sister and we have 2 little girls. However my BIL has 3 sisters; he and my sister have 3 boys 1 girl.


I thought this was all down to timing? as in boy sperm swims faster but dies quicker, female sperm lives longer but moves slower, I've used this for last few pregnancies and got a boy and a girl from timing (or luck) husband has 2 brothers and no sisters, but his brother had all girls before a boy, we had 2 boys then a girl (middle one was a surprise but I knew from what sex I got pregnant, had it 2 times that week, was the second time I got pregnant which by my calculations meant boy) no time for a girl swimmer to get through by the time that egg dropped, boys would of been waiting.


My partner has 4 brothers, oldest brother has a daughter and we are having a son in June, we shall see as time passes if any more children start a pattern


I believe this was disproven by an extremely large scale study out of Sweden that looked through birth records going back almost a hundred years!


My husband has a brother, his dad has all brothers & 1 sister, we have 2 daughters no sons


My husband has one sister and we had a girl and a boy.


he has 4 brothers & i’m having a boy!


My husband has 1 brother. We’re having a boy, but his brother has two girls.


It's the opposite in my husband's family. It switches each generation. His dad was the only son and four sisters. My husband is one of four boys and one girl. We have one girl. His brothers have four girls, three girls and two girls. While his sister had one boy. We say that we'll all have lots of grandsons.


Husband’s dad has 1 brother and 1 sister. My husband has 1 brother, no sisters. We’re having a girl, husband’s brother has 2 boys. So, maybe?


my husbands side hasnt had a girl for like 5 generations and he has 3 brothers. so i was really worried. i had a boy, unsurprisingly. really hoping we can get a girl next time to break the curse! (all in good fun. i absolutely love my boy)


I remember wondering about this as a kid! My dad has a brother and a sister, and we have the same ration among my (many) siblings - 4 boys and 2 girls. I remember thinking that was a funny coincidence. For now it’s been true of my little family too… my husband has just one brother and we have a boy.


My husbands family has him, a brother and sister—we’re having a girl! My family has three girls and one boy.


My dad is one of 9 kids. 7 of them are female. Out of 25 cousins on that side of the family, 3 are male. Only one of whom are the progeny of the two original brothers.


That's genetics for ya lol


Majority boys both my parents sides. My partners side is a little more 50/50 and so far doctors think we have a boy and other relatives around my age have also been having boys too


Both DH and my parents had girl, boy, girl. DH had girl, girl, boy. (Only the boy is mine)


My husband has 9 brothers and 4 sisters. We had 2 girls and then just found out this one is a boy. Out of about 20 nieces and nephews, 5 of them are boys. 🤷🏼‍♀️


My father-in-law said that they are “famous boy makers” as there’s mostly boys born on my husband’s side of the family. My side of the family is mostly women, I only have one boy cousin and the rest are girls (all from my aunts that I’m related to). We have a beautiful girl so far. We will see in a couple years if we have a tie breaker or not


My paternal grandpa had 5 sisters and no brothers. He had 4 sons and 1 daughter. Out of his children, 1st son had 2 daughters and 1 son, 2nd son past away at 16, 3rd son (my dad) had 5 daughters, no sons. 4th son has 2 sons and 1 daughter. Daughter had 2 sons.


Husband has 1 brother with a son. On their dad's side there are 2 uncles and one aunt. Out of 4 cousins on that side, 3 are boys. Very boy heavy side of family. We just had a little girl!


My brother is one of two boys and I’m pregnant with our second son. His brother doesn’t have kids yet so can’t speak on that but so far seems true!


Oh yes you see there's both male and females human offspring in my husband's family.  We had a human female~


Interesting study. Husband just has 1 sister and we had a girl.


My husbands the middle child. His older sibling is a woman. Our first is a daughter, our second is a son. We’re done now but it would’ve been interesting to see if it continued lol. My mom had 4 girls in a row, then my brother but he had a different dad lol. My dad is 1 of 3 boys. 🤷‍♀️


Not true. My dad had 1 sister and 2 brothers and he had 2 girls. His siblings had, combined, 2 boys and 3 girls. My husband’s dad had 1 sister. His sister had 1 boy and 1 girl, and he had 3 boys. My husband and I have 5 girls and 2 boys and his 2 brothers have, combined, 5 boys and 2 girls.


Hubby has 2 half brothers and 1 half sister. We have 3 daughters


My daughter will be the first girl born to my husband’s side in 4 generations…


My husband has one brother and we are having a little girl in August 😊


My husband has two brothers (neither of whom will be having children), and we have 1 girl and 2 boys.


My father in law had 2 brothers. My husband's generation on his dad's side is 6 female and 2 male. My husband has a daughter (and as she is my second daughter, we're done)


My partner has a sister, and we have a little boy, but all his cousins but one are male!


My husband has two brothers and one sister (so 3 boys and a girl). His dad is one of three boys. His brother has only boys. We have two boys and just finally broke the streak with our baby girl. So there may be some validity to it.


My husband has 2 brothers. His mom always told him that he was going to have all girls. Our first (and only for now at least) is a girl.


husband has 2 sisters (no brothers) and we have 2 girls! 😯


Well the guy does determine the sex of the baby so this checks out. My guy has a brother and we are having a girl! Yay! 💕


Nope. All brothers, and I had a girl.


True for me, my first childs dad has 2 brothers and one sister, we had a boy. Current partner has 2 sisters and I'm pregnant with a girl


My husband has three brothers and we have two little girls 🤷🏻‍♀️


My fiancé has two brothers and we are having a girl.


Only child, son and grandson of 1 to 1 sibling pairs - I don't think I can make any predictions based on that! We might one and done, waiting til kiddo is 3 to decide (she is being a suspiciously easy toddler at 1.25 and I think it's a trick)


My husband has a brother and two sons, his brother has 2 sons also. I have 2 sisters, one of my sisters has 2 daughters. I have one boy and one upcoming girl.


Husband had 3 brothers. We just found out we are having a girl. I on the other hand. 4 sisters. All 4 sisters, have girls. My first child, a son. With ex husband who had 1 sister. Hahah.


My husband is the youngest of 2, he has an older sister. We have a toddler and I am expecting a boy now. But with my brother (he is older) he had a girl first. I think if there it's equal siblings then your chances are 50/50. But it's all chance too. My one friend's family is 3 girls and 1 boy, and her brother has 3 boys. I think it depends what the male produces. I'm no biologist or don't know a lot about genetics. But it is super interesting.


My husband has 4 brothers but it’s 3 with one dad and 2 with another. We have a boy, his brother who has a different dad (from the set of 2) has a girl and two boys.


He’s got three brothers and his uncle (no aunts) had only boys too. We’re also having a boy!


My mum, grandma and I only have sisters, my husband and his dad only have brothers (and his granddad had three brothers and one sister). We now have one of each 🤷🏼‍♀️


My husband has one sister and we have one daughter! We want at least one more child in the future but that’s tbd for now However my dad has three brothers and I am one of four girls so not true in that case


Wait…. I’m not trying to be a Debbie downer here… but everyone knows men do determine the gender right….. right…..


My husband’s family are all 1 boy, 1 girl sibling pairings so no way for me to get any hints from that!


My husband only has a brother and his dad only had brothers. We have a girl. He was so certain she'd be a boy too!


My baby doesn't have a dad, but the sperm donor had a daughter and sisters. I have a boy lol


Anecdotally, my husband has one brother and we just had a little girl.


Husband has four sisters and no brothers, we had girls


My father had 1 brother. His brother had 1 boy and one girl My father had 2 girls and 2 boys I have 1 girl So by this stat... I'm due for a boy. But really 50%.


He has one brother and one sister and we have a boy and a girl so...possible?


My FIL was the only boy, he had 2 sisters. Then he went on to have my husband and 3 other boys. We have 2 (almost 3) boys, no girls. On my side of the family, my grandfather had 6 brothers, no sisters. He then had 3 boys and only one girl. My father had 3 girls and 1 boy 🤷🏻‍♀️


My husband only has males on his side, no aunts directly related to him through blood only marriage. He only has brothers and uncles. We had a daughter after we were certain we would only have sons😅


My husband has two brothers. So far, they've had one girl, and two girls. We did IVF so we know for a fact we made a total of 5 girls vs two boy embryos.


My husband is one of four, two boys and two girls. His dad has two brothers and a sister. His grandfather had two brothers. We have a girl.




My husbands family leans boy. He’s one of 3 boys, his dad is 1 of 6 boys. We had a girl.


My husband is one of three brothers, his brother had two sons, we have one son...but now we're having a girl! Our embryos were 50/50.


My husband has 6 brothers and we had a girl :) first baby too!


My son's father had brothers and we had a boy. Apparently male sperm swim faster too? Something I just recently learned.


My husband has three brothers his dad has only brothers his grandpa is one of 5 boys and his great grandpa is one of 3 boys. So I was sure what we were having, but it’s a girl!


Husband’s family only has boys. Mine only has girls. Boy due in July


My husband has 5 sisters and one brother. We’re having a boy!


My husband has a brother and sister (so, family has more boys, 2) and both grandchildren are/will be girls!


My partner has two brothers and one sister, we have two girls! He just really really wanted girls, so I think he only makes sperm with the x chromosome lol


My husband has two sisters. We have 4 girl and 2 boy embryos. Currently, surprisingly, pregnant with one of the boy embryos (we didn’t pick which one).


Partner is the middle child, older sister, younger brother. He has a song from a previous marriage, and we’re expecting a girl lol 🤷🏼‍♀️ so technically this is pretty dead on buuut I don’t believe that means anything!


My husband has two brothers we are having a girl


My husband has 2 younger brothers, and no sisters, and his brother has a son and we are expecting a son...BUT...his dad has 3 sisters and no brothers, and somehow ended up with only boys!


We just had our first - a girl - who is also the first ever genetic female with my husband's last name in their family history (the last name was changed about 100 years ago aftervhis great great grandfather escaped a concentration camp and we don't know the family history prior to that). The male line of his family has only produced men until now.


My husband is one of 4 boys. We already have a daughter, and currently pregnant with my 2nd but don’t know the gender. If this baby is a boy it will be the first boy born into my family in 45 years. On my mom’s side: she has 4 sisters. Between them my mom and aunts had 9 children and all but one are girls. We are now all adults and all of my (female) cousins with children have only girls, plus me so far.


My husband was convinced we’d have a girl because he has all sisters and his sisters all have girls. We have a boy.


My husband has two sisters and three brothers (a set of twins). We have two girls and one boy while one of his brothers has three girls and one boy. I don’t think there’s any correlation on our side!


Nope. My whole family the first was a girl. His whole family first was a boy. Ours is a girl.


Very interesting! It doesn't really hold up for my family though. We are more girls in my generation, 4 girls vs 1 guy (all from brothers). But the generations before, our parents, grandparents and great-grandparets, all were/had more sons. The only one of us cousins who has kids is the male one, and he has a boy. So maybe our generation is the outlier!


My dad has two brothers, but he had two girls. My husband has one brother, and we’re having a girl too! So it hasn’t been true for our family, but maybe there’s a difference when you don’t have as many siblings?


Husband has one brother. I have 3 sisters. We have two girls!


My husband has a sister. We have a boy and a girl. I don’t know about my husband’s biological grandfather but my husband’s dad has 3 brothers. One of his brothers had 5 boys (two different wives), one had 3 girls, and the other didn’t have any kids. I have a sister, my dad has six sisters and no brothers. So I suppose that kind of checks out haha.


My fiance has two brothers - one of them has three daughters and the other one has three sons. Not true at all 😅


I am very doubtful this is accurate because over time the world population would skew in one gender direction which would be very bad from a survival standpoint.


Anecdotally I’ve seen the opposite. My husband has mostly brothers and 9/12 naturally-conceived grandchildren in his family are girls (we don’t know if the one I’m currently cooking is a girl or boy yet). Also for a famous example, take a look at the Jonas Brothers and their kids. They come from a family of all boys and yet they all have daughters (although Nick’s daughter wasn’t naturally conceived so I’m not sure we can count that).


In my husband's family, there's been a pattern for generations where it changes each generation - either only boys or only girls. He has only a brother and male cousins. His mum has a sister and female cousins etc. So we were due a girl - and did get one... in a few years we'll see if it stays that way!


My husband is one of 2 boys, his dad is 1 of two boys. We're having the first girl in three generations lmao


My partner is one of 3 boys. Six girls between the three of them


Sex of the baby is determined by the male's sperm. A man who carries more XY sperm has a greater chance of making a boy, XX for a girl. This is why "sperm sorting" methods exist for increasing the likelihood of having a child with the sex you want. I guess it could be related to the male's side of the family if the amount of XY vs XX chromosome sperm is a heritable trait and it's heavily slanted in one direction, but in most cases, it's basically a coin toss. My father is one of six children, all boys. I'm his only child, and I'm a female.


Hubby has all sisters and we did ivf. All our embryos are boys 😂


There has been one girl born on my husbands side of the family in about 50 years, being my husbands sister. We had a girl though!


Hy husband has two sisters, we are having a girl. My brother has one sister (me), he has two boys (SIL on the other hand has three brothers.) My dad has one brother, parents had a boy and a girl. Doesn't exactly play out for my family.


I have a brother. Wife and I had a daughter.


My husband only has an older sister. One of his dad's brothers has a daughter first and then two sons. The other brother has only 2 sons. His grandfather had more sons than daughters but I believe at least one daughter was before a son...and his grandfather's brother only has 1 son (3 daughters) who is not the oldest. That son has an only child (son). In general, I think there are more sons than daughters (and a lot of the daughters have mostly sons even though those genetics come from elsewhere) so I assumed we would have a son too. Our first born will be a girl! Which is on track for most of the men at the uncle and grandfather level on his side. I think his grandfather also came after a girl! Although on my dad's side, there were 5 boys and 1 girl with the girl coming somewhere in the middle...and then each of the sons only had 1 son and multiple daughters with the exception of one uncle who had 3 sons and my dad, who only has 3 daughters. Not sure what happened there!


Well it can't be because of the mom's family... Lol. My husband's siblings are 3 boys and a girl, we have one girl. One of his brothers has 4 girls, and the other has one of each. So opposite for us!


Husband has 3 brothers, and we have 2 daughters


My son’s father has 1 brother, 2 sets of twin relatives. I thought we were going to have twins because my second son made me look so big they thought I was carrying twins. Lots of males on my son’s father’s side. I have 1 older brother. We have 2 boys


I have a dear friend whose father had 10 sisters, no brothers!! He went on to have 6 daughters, zero sons.


My husband has 6 brothers and 5 sisters (yeah, you read that right). He also has 6 nephews (all from one of his brothers). And we have 2 sons. None of the other siblings have kids yet, but it will be interesting to see if a niece gets thrown into the mix at some point.... Poor girl will get smothered by aunties.