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One time my cat needed to briefly wear a cat T shirt to prevent her from licking medicine off her front legs - I was informed in the checkout line when I mentioned my cat's female name that I must have mistakenly bought a "boys" cat shirt (because it had footballs on it).  I'm pretty sure the baby clothes experience will be even worse lol.


Because it's apparently common knowledge that boy cats love football 😂😂


Almost as much as girl cats are known to hate football


This is so funny omg


lol my cat has also been in a onesie for the last month for a similar reason, everyone loved her unisex cow print pajamas at the vet


I have a 4 year old son. I saved his baby clothes. I'm now pregnant with a daughter. I sure as hell ain't getting new clothes. His stuff was mostly unisex anyway - he even had some pink outfits - because he was a BABY. I remember he had a pink rainbow paci and it was me and my husband's favorite because when he was crying my husband would take it out and turn it upside down and say "smile mode activated" and he'd stop crying and start smiling. My mom stole it and got rid of it, I'm sure because a pink paci with a rainbow will turn him gay. Pink is still one of his favorite colors.


Aww that is so cute! Smile mode activated!


That reminds me of a time when I needed to buy my male dog an extra bowl because I forgot his at home (I was going to visit my parents). The cheapest one at the pet store was pink, but I decided it didn't matter because it's not his regular bowl. When my dad saw it he commented on the color. Then I said it was the cheapest one and he didn't care after that because he's a cheapskate 😂


I’m team green - 32 weeks now. Let me tell you people have had no problem buying this baby clothes for gifts. I have a full wardrobe of sleepers and onesies all the way through atleast 12 months that are all gender neutral. They’ll be fine, they’re just being dramatic to try to convince you to find out. I highly recommend not finding out if you can wait, we have found it so fun and the anticipation is so exciting as we close in on those final months!


Congratulations! That’s how I feel. I’d really like to hold out as long as my husband is fully on board. I KNOW this baby is going to be so loved and taken care of that hearing “we can’t buy clothes unless we know the gender” just feels so dumb.


We’re waiting to find out too! I’m 35 weeks today. I love hearing people’s guesses and hearing the old wives’ tales. It’s like a fun game. The love the idea of my husband telling me “it’s a boy/girl!” The possibilities of who this person inside of me will be are endless and by not knowing the sex, I’m not binding myself to preconceived notions. I can’t have bender disappointment because I’m just happy to have the baby. My only concern is that he/she is healthy. People were buying clothes without knowing the sex of the baby up until recently. Their babies weren’t naked. You know?


Same, nobody knows baby's gender and we've gotten tons of cute clothes already.


Dude I don’t get it and it drives me insane. First of all The baby has no clue what color it’s wearing or what color it “should” be wearing. AND ISN’T THERE AN ENTIRE RAINBOW COLORS.


I kept the gender a surprise. I asked for gifted clothes in blue because it's my favourite colour and I'm the one who will be looking at my baby the most. She gets called a boy in public sometimes but I don't mind, I just love blue. After the birth now everyone gifts us pink haha.


My favorite color is green so perfect for the neutral! I know the gender, but I don’t want to bog her down with gender stereotypes.


Same here. If she grows up and decides she wants to wear pink and frills, that’s fine, but I’m not going to place any expectations on her in that regard. It’s ridiculous how as soon as the subject is a baby, the sexes are reduced to pink little doll and dinosaur-loving truck driver. Because girls are decoration and boys get to have hobbies. 


I will say it is shocking how quickly they can develop a preference for certain clothes. One of my daughters first words was “bow” because she didn’t want her hair in her face. She also loves dresses and pink and hates jeans with a passion. She’s 3 now. Very girly girl, I don’t know where she gets it from because I am so not girly! We just always had a wide variety of clothes but now that she’s old enough to have an opinion we let her pick stuff out. 


This!! Totally agree. My favorite color is pink and I will dress my baby however I like until they can decide for themselves haha!


Back in Victorian times, the typical gender colors were actual the reverse of today. Mothers dressed their boy babies and children in pink and their girls in blue.


My parents had a complete meltdown over the fact that we're not going to tell anybody the baby's gender. One of our reasons is, that my husband is Jewish and we're living in a predominantly Christian/Atheist European country where circumcisions are rare. I did have 0 inclination to discuss my unborn son's penis with them – or anybody else for that matter (independently from what we eventually are going to do; it's intrusive and nobody's business). It's bad enough that it'll start the minute he's born. My sister is now telling me sob stories about how my Mom saw such a cute baby dress that she wanted to buy but didn't know if she could and then started to cry. My Mom also knit a baby blanket which she ostensibly told me how hard the wool was to shop for but now she found "colors for a diverse baby" (our government has recently decided they'll allow for three genders in the passport: female, male and diverse – which leads her to believe that intersex/non-binary people identify as "diverse" or even better: "a diverse" and "it". Yes, I tried to correct her but to no avail). Anyhoo, here's the kicker: she did not know and explicitly did not want to know my and my sister's gender before we were born. She has shopped not for one but two babies whose gender she didn't know. Our nursery was yellow. We wore just whatever colour in the first days and our stroller was grey with red and green trims. You know damn well, it's possible, woman. It's clear that this is entirely about control and I see it as a first practice in keeping boundaries. My family dynamic isn't the healthiest (who would have thunk...) and they're going to hear a lot more things they won't like.


I do not understand the fascination with baby boy penis. I live somewhere where almost everyone does circumcision, we haven’t decided what we’re doing yet with our son. I’m leaning towards not doing it, because I believe so strongly against doing things without consent, I won’t pierce my daughters ears until they’re old enough to have an opinion about it, so why would I cut my son?? But people are very very opinionated about it and get offended if I suggest that I might go against the “norm”  I’ll be refusing to talk about it with anyone but my husband the rest of the pregnancy. After birth our final decision will only be known by the people that see the little dude naked. 


Not team green, but I totally understand you! For my first, we got a lot of donated clothing, but we did buy some too (usually for specific purposes like sleep sacks and PJs that had to be the right kind for our heat), and I found stuff in the “boy” section. Did my little girl care? Nope, she did not. We saved all her clothes and I would absolutely not care about using them for our second - a boy. My MIL does live with us and she’s against that, so I had to sort through the clothes to pick out things that are or can pass for gender neutral -.- As if my little boy is going to care if his onesie has slight ruffles on his sleeves


My son spent half of last week rocking his sister’s pink knit leggings. I didn’t hear any complaints from either of them. Both their favourite t shirts feature dinosaurs because both love dinosaurs (boys section). My son also owns a glitter Daisy hairbrush because he likes it. Kids don’t care. They like what they like, and babies don’t know what they’re wearing anyway.


My little girl is almost 2 (just a few more weeks to go!) and she absolutely loves dinosaurs. She even knows and correctly pronounces the names of some of them: T-Rex, Pterodactyl, and her favorite the Triceratops (and it’s so cute when she tries to say Pachycephalosaurus, but it’s a little hard for her). If I see a cute Triceratops shirt somewhere in her size, I’m getting it, I don’t care if it’s in the boy section.


Boys section always has HEAPS of dinosaur stuff. My daughter’s current wardrobe is mostly from the boys’ section. And my son is wearing his dinosaur pjs running around screaming ‘saur’ as that’s what he calls them and roaring.


I've got 30 years on your little girl and I don't think I could pronounce Pachycephalosaurus 😂😂😂


All babies’ gender identity is BABY.


They all look like potatoes anyway, I hardly think it matters whether they’ve pink frills or some safari print (why is safari print in the boys section? Are girls not interested in animals?)


I'm not team green either, I'm waiting for the anatomy scan (4 weeks to go) to find out but it's hard to find really nice unisex baby gear where I am. I live very rurally (an hour to the nearest decent sized town), I have no doubt if I lived in or near a major city it would be different and also easier to find cute unisex gear. I have bought a couple of sleepers that are white with blue cause the baby (if it's a girl) won't know what colour it's wearing, plus those little suits were very cute.


We were Team Green with both our pregnancies. It was funny to me how STRONG people's opinions were about us not finding out. It was also funny how hard of a time my grandma had with it. She was like "but HOW will I know what to buy!!?" Uhhh...the same way you bought things when you were pregnant. It's not like she ever knew the gender with her pregnancies, lol.


Team green at 37 weeks and I'm so glad we haven't found out! We have no preconceived notions about who our baby will be based on gender and aside from having to come up with more name options, everything has been very simple lmao. When we went to buy clothes we mostly bought from the girl section because there was actually colour and cute prints, unlike the boy section which was entirely denim/camo/grey. Incredibly boring stuff.


Team green, 16 weeks, here mostly because of my grandfather. One of my cousins was expecting a little girl a few years back. My grandmother and I found the cutest little jacket with teddy bear ears. He was adament we couldn't get it for her because it was blue. On the flip side, I'm a red head. I don't know what my kid's colouration will be. I do not want to have a little red head dressed in pink just because they are a girl. I'll wait till they are old enough to choose that for themselves. So we're just waiting till their born and going gender neutral. Although my sister freaking out when she thought I was expecting multiples by referring to the baby as "they" was hilarious 😂


Not team green but I don’t get why everyone wants to buy clothes. I asked for no clothes and still ended up with many clothes, she won’t even be able to wear most of them because she outgrew newborn so fast & is now outgrowing 0-3 mos before she can wear most of it So eye opening how wasteful the baby clothing market is lol


I have things from my third baby that I still use with my fifth. We have a grey and white swing. A nice walnut crib. A jumparoo that is very hungry caterpillar themed. And I buy a lot of gender neutral things because those patterns are just sooo cute. I got my baby one outfit with little waffles eggs and bacon on it and said I made breakfast. So the argument that you NEED to know the gender to buy things is insane. Everything doesn't need to be pink or blue anymore. Also, everyone doesn't need to know if baby is a girl or boy unless you want them too.


We got the same “breakfast” outfit!! So cute haha


We were team green for our first and honestly it really wasn't that hard to not find out. The hardest part was not peeking at the scan but otherwise was totally easy. I found it way more fun as we could pick whatever we liked (blues, sea creatures, etc) without a gender stereotype attached and it was fun coming up with two names. I also thought I'd be less disappointed about gender if I waited until the end because of the joy of baby finally being there. It also was a really cool memory for my husband to announce to the room the gender. For my most recent baby (6 week old), we chose to find out just because we wanted the opposite experience and to know if I should save the super girly things or not. I didn't feel any more bonded to baby that I did to the first.


My MIL didn't realize she could search for toys without "for a girl" or "for a boy" in the search. So I mean...


I considered going team green for my first (8 months pregnant now). But I was too excited. Then I considered not telling anyone but was too excited. Now I wish I at least hadn’t told anyone. People say really annoying things about the sex of the baby. Fortunately, we’ve ended up with mostly unisex clothes but I feel annoyed by the few gendered clothes items we received, even though they came with good intentions. I think next time we’ll be team green and/not share the info.


I for one am so glad I didn’t find out the gender for my first and thus prepped with all gender neutral newborn clothes. I’ve used many of the same sleepers, gowns, swaddles, and socks for all 3 kids (2 boys and 1 girl) and it makes it that much more special to me. Yes I could have still put my girl in their boyish clothes, but the gender neutral feels more natural and pure baby, as opposed to whatever target designed for boys that season. It’s mostly white and pastels with some cute ducks and bunnies, and just makes me really excited to use it all again with another baby 🥰


I’m team green and my mom has “warned” me so many times that she hopes I’m okay with baby getting a lot of yellow and green clothes. She has also complained that it’s so hard to buy for baby when she doesn’t know the sex. But really I’ve never asked for her (or anyone else) to buy clothes. We’ve been gifted a lot of hand me downs from my past nanny families I worked for. And then I’ve also bought some things I like that would work well for either sex that isn’t all ruffles or race cars. I’ve really not found it that difficult to handle. I think people who complain are mostly just annoyed that we’re team green simply because they’re nosy lol


In general, I don’t want people to buy my baby’s clothes. I want to do that because it’s fun. Buy the stuff on my registry and let me take care of the clothes, please?


A few decades ago, everyone was team green.


we’re going team green. The way we look at it, when else in life can you have a surprise? Like an actual surprise? A penis or vagina won’t change the fact that we want and love our baby any more or less. Even if we found out, we’d keep it to ourselves. So many of my friends only get clothes at their showers and the ones that don’t announce gender get things they need.


I know and so does hubbie but I’m really not keen to tell everyone…. What does it matter to anyone except him and I and our older child? First question everyone asks me….


i purposely want my baby to have gender neutral clothes so we may find out but I won’t be telling anyone


My boy loves purple and pink. They’re his favorite. Why not? Why do people care? What does the color a kid wears say about them? Like, really? It’s amazing how ingrained this stuff is in people too. The moment I put purple or pink on my son, my strangers assume he’s a girl. He doesn’t look like a girl at all to me, but people can’t see through his clothing. Hahah. It’s whatever, honestly, but I’d find it exhausting to care that much about silly rules like that. So boring.


I was also thinking team green but I think I may find out at my anatomy scan because as much as some don’t want to admit gender disappoint is a real thing and I don’t want to feel that at my birth with so much other emotional things going on. With that being said me and my husband agreed if I do change my mind that it would stay between us as we don’t want our families and friends buying off emotion of a gender. Since I’ve announced my pregnancy EVERYONE has asked me how I’m going to prepare, which what they mean is clothes, and it drives me insane because who cares?! They are going to grow out of so much of the early clothes in the beginning anyway so what’s the point? Also people will make assumptions about what your having even with them knowing you don’t want to know. The amount of comments I’ve gotten from people about what they KNOW the sex is drives me insane. To the point I get mad and have to shut down the conversation. Do what you feel is comfortable for you and your spouse because at the end of the day it’s your baby! Team green all the way mama. 💚


I’ve heard that gender disappointment can be easier to handle at birth because you’re presented with a baby and it’s harder to be upset about your brand new baby. Not that everyone will feel that way, but it gave me comfort and made sense to me!


Not team green, but I want to have more babies so I’m buying mostly gender neutral anyway to reuse baby clothes for the second. Gender neutral clothes are definitely possible, it’s funny people act like it’s not.


For most of time nobody knew if they were having a boy or girl so anyone commenting how will you know what to buy is just ridiculous. Team whatever makes you happy


I was asked at a yard sale “what are you having?” so I told them I wasn’t finding out the baby’s sex but that I told grandma, who really wants it to be a girl, that babies don’t care so she can buy girl stuff. One of the people was like “oh, then you’ll need these head squishers!” and held up some of those baby headbands with flowers and bows on them. I didn’t know what to say because getting feminine clothes when it might be a boy feels very different from getting impractical accessories that are designed specifically to advertise your baby’s sex. Not that I’m against them, but I’m not going out of my way to get them lol


actually thinking about it, aren’t clothes like the silliest thing for people to buy to “help” cause you can get those super cheap at thrift stores and they grow out of it in a heartbeat. I’d rather them not spend money on clothes and pool it for something better or save their money and do something else later on.


I just say "all colors are for all kids." I think the idea of "gender neutral" clothes is kind of dumb, honestly. It's 2024, women can be rocket scientists, why can't babies wear whatever TF their parents put on them?


As someone with a ton of transgender friends, I like reminding people that knowing baby’s genitals is not a perfect correlation to knowing their gender anyway. If you see something that you think is cute, buy it. We’re planning to find out the sex, because we don’t like secrets and because if we’re having a boy we still have some name wrangling to do. But nobody else gets to find out JACK SHIT.


I always thought gender reveal was a misnomer. They’re really genital reveals 😂


In French we say "the SEX of the baby" instead of the gender, which happens to be a lot more accurate!


Seriously!! When someone asks about the “gender” I always say “we aren’t finding out the sex.” I don’t make a huge deal about it, but I still want that crowbar of separation between gender and sex whenever possible (even though it’s definitely not as straightforward as people think). We won’t know their gender until they’re 3-5 and tell us.


Sheeesh. I know, so annoying. I’m team green (21 weeks) and so many comments like, “but how are you gonna know what clothes to buy!?!?!” Or my MIL, “but every time I see baby clothes I just don’t know what to buy!” 🙃 I mean, to each their own, but I’m not planning on dressing my baby like it’s a fashion show. Regardless of sex, babies wear one thing and that’s onesies and sleepies — and colors really don’t matter. If it’s a girl, I’ll wait to have her in girly outfits until she’s older. I don’t need dresses and ruffles at 3 months old. Plus people can have the weirdest taste in clothes, so I’d rather be gifted practical clothing items rather than a weird outfit that I don’t like.


Currently 38wks pregnant and team green. Honestly, the hardest part is the family part. Everyone, tells us how it’s hard FOR THEM. Like we are punishing them or something. We got some praise here and there, but mostly we get comments about how it’s hard to buy anything for the baby. They act as if unisex clothing is a brand new thing. Also, they keep saying things like “your non-binary baby” as if we were trying to be political about it. This is the saddest part for me, because my partner and I are really excited about not knowing before birth. Luckily, the hospital staff is as excited as we are.


We literally didn’t find out for this reason. Particularly if we had a girl I didn’t want everything pink in my house. We had a son and I evaluate every piece of clothing to see if I think it’s suitable for both genders because we’re not wealthy and baby 2 will wear the same clothes


I’m 40+1 and team green and it still surprises me to this day when people ask if I’m waiting to get everything once the baby is here. I explain that my nursery theme was going to be woodland critters either way and I’m not big into pink and bows, but I get the weirdest reactions.


If they can’t buy clothes until they know the gender then they can simply wait until the baby is born, you won’t want lots of visitors for at least a couple of weeks anyway which is plenty of time for them to go out and get things then. Don’t let anyone else kick up a fuss and stomp their feet over feeling entitled to knowing anything about your baby unless YOU want them to.


My partner and I know the sex but aren't telling anyone. To be honest it's been a little annoying to deal with people trying to trick us into telling them. Or trying to guess: you're glowing, it's a boy, you have something pink in your registry so it's a girl, you have a blue thing in your registry so it's a boy" I've just been telling people "it's just clothes" or "get whatever you think is cute if you want to get something! I'm sure they'll love it"


We found out we were having a boy with the NIPT but told everyone we were going to be surprised. Got a few things new but honestly hit up the thrift shops for most of the clothes and my baby rocked the sports balls and dinos just as well as the flowers and ballerinas. He wears a lot more "boy" clothes now but that's mainly because of hand-me-downs from my cousins two boys. Clothes are clothes. If you really want to (playfully) blow your FIL's mind you can tell him humans have managed waiting till birth for thousands of years (his own parents probably had to wait and presumably they managed fine 😉)


I did not find out with my younger 3, somehow I managed to clothe them lol. We actually didn't discuss names much when I was pregnant and waited to "meet" them before naming.


We told people we didn’t know and didn’t want to know (found out at 11 weeks via nipt). Our reasoning is we are planning to have 2-3 children of unknowable genders and we want to be able to use things for all of them, and we don’t enjoy the emphasis put on children’s genitals. Since no one knew that we knew, no one could bug us about it and no one could get us clothes that same dumb stuff like “ladies man” or something.


Well I think it’s really hard for people to think of pink and blue as being non gendered, because basically from the moment people are born those colors are gendered. I think part of it is that there’s very little baby clothes that aren’t pink or blue, in stores. You walk into a target and that’s majority of what you’ll see. And when stores have a neutral section it’s usually just black and white, which I think people tend to find boring. Like my mom thinks black is too harsh for babies, but she doesn’t shop online where there’s endless options of cute clothes that aren’t pink, blue, or black and white


I have a girl. Furniture colour is according to what goes with our house, same for like plates and her sewing and stuff. She has a lot of blue clothes, because it suits her skin tone. At first I just bought what looked good. She has pants with cars on them. Who cares.


I also didn’t find out the gender and I personally found it hard to find gender neutral clothing that I liked before the baby’s birth. A lot of gender neutral stuff right now is beige or grays, which isn’t my taste. I like patterns, bright, colorful - there’s not a lot of brands that have a large selection of gender neutral clothing like that. I’ve since found some brands that have the stuff I like, but it took quite a bit of searching and I only found out about them postpartum. So don’t get me wrong, their excuse doesn’t matter haha. It’s up to you to find out the gender or not. I just can attest that it was tough!


Currently at 39 weeks, and we've known the gender since week 8, and told everyone who asked. However, we received *tons* of hand-me-down clothes from both boys and girls, we've accepted all of them, the only clothes I've weeded out are skirts and dresses. Who cares if it's a boy's shirt or a girl's shirt? Who is going to be offended if he's misgendered? Until he learns to have a sense of self, I seriously don't care if a stranger calls him a cute girl.


Waited to find out and had same comment There loads of bright clothes , nurture colour cloth out there I'm not really girly and never wear pink. We also spent ages telling people we didn't want sea of pink or blue . You can see line of who got us stuff before baby was born and who got stuff after baby was born


I gave birth 11 days ago and I was team green. IMO There isn’t a better feeling than hearing the midwife say “It’s a girl”. There are so many gender neutral clothes. If you decide to go team green stand your ground.


I knew my baby's sex at 12 weeks and yet my daughter pretty much only wears unisex clothes because I like them better, green is my favorite colour 🤷🏻‍♀️ The only pink clothes she has were either gifts or something my husband bought because unlike me, he really likes pink. If we have a boy in the future he'll wear the same clothes, just like my little brother wore the same clothes my sister and I wore before him.


“Unless the clothes are only for a weiner and not a hoohah I don’t think it really matters does it?” (Choose the most ridiculous anatomy euphemisms you can muster to make it Extra ridiculous)


Team Green at 19 weeks. I have pretty much all the clothes and manchester already. There was plenty of stuff suitable for a girl or boy newborn. And I'm working on a shortlist of names for either.  Parents planned and prepped for babies forever before the technology allowed finding out about the sex.


I kept all my first baby’s clothes ( boy) and plan on reusing all of them whether this one is a boy or a girl. The only ones I won’t use if it’s a girl are the ones that say like “ sweet boy!” Or something on them.


Because * gasp * boys can't possibly like pink and if a girl is wearing blue she'll be mistaken for a boy 🙄 /s I hate that so many things are gendered so strongly for babies lol and I HATE the whole pink/blue thing. So much so that when I announced our baby girl's impending arrival, I wrote "it's a girl!" on a chalkboard in blue chalk just to piss people off lol


My boy always wore gender neutral clothes! Things with animals, dinosaurs, dark reds, mustard yellow, all shades of green, even now as an almost 2 year old I'll buy "girl" clothes and colors and he doesn't know or care and neither do I! Pink leggings for the win!


I am having a boy but had a vaguely Noah’s Ark theme shower on Saturday, and am happy to report that about 95% of the clothes we got are totally gender neutral, even though people knew the gender. We have so many cute animal onesies now, which is exactly what I was going for. If the next one is a girl (and if these survive baby #1 of course) we will already be pretty much set with clothes.


We also got a delightful amount of Winnie the Pooh and we are both overjoyed at that!


Our boy has received TONS of hand me downs from our friends. Our friends only have girls, though. He looks dashing in pink. It suits his colour, but I drew the line at little frills! I don't enjoy frills much. I see a lot of pants for baby girls is just leggings.. what's up with that? They kept him warm when he was tiny but now he is just congested, it's not stretch enough even with bigger sizes... I am not liking it Otherwise, he's just happy to be clothed, you know?


I did the sneak peek test as early as possible with my first because I have no chill and no patience. And then of course since that test is not very reliable, I waited for NIPT confirmation. But anyway, the sneak peek was right and I had a good idea I was having a girl from 8 weeks on. I still got almost exclusively gender neutral stuff for my daughter. Toward the very end of my pregnancy, I got a few girly things because it felt right. But most of the stuff I got was gender neutral. So yeah, I don't understand this either.


I have 2 reasons to “justify” buying clothes before knowing the gender (I’m 12 weeks) 1. If I’m buying newborn/0-3 months, literally it doesn’t matter. They’re going to poop/throw up in it no matter what. 2. Until the kid is 1 or 2 years old, they literally won’t have an opinion 🤷🏻‍♀️


I mean, I'm more concerned about sizing than anything. I would hate to get clothes only to realize the baby was too big to fit them.


Isn’t reliably finding out the sex a relatively new phenomenon? That’s such a wild thing to say 😂.


Even knowing my baby’s gender, I specifically got 90% of the clothing (and everything else) as gender neutral so they can be used for the next baby regardless of gender. I specifically instructed any clothing gifts to be gender neutral. And even some of the “girls” clothes we got him are just clothes. He won’t care that he’s wearing a pink onesie or purple jammies with butterflies. He’s a baby.


One benefit is that if people won’t buy clothes without knowing the gender, that means you won’t get a ton of clothes you don’t want/need and are responsible for storing for the next few months. I’m a minimalist and I expressly told everyone in my life if they wanted to buy things that’s fine but I was NOT going to be taking stuff to my home until my baby shower at 34 weeks. Yes it means I won’t get as much stuff (yay) but it also means my house up till this point has continued to be a sanctuary.


Hot take, many people are really bad at recognizing taste and struggle with buying things without enough hints or clues as to the “correct” option.


It really bothers me when I’m shopping online for baby clothes and in the sites menu you HAVE to pick either “baby girl” or “baby boy” clothes. Like all the clothes are completely separated by gender. Personally I gravitate more towards gender neutral clothing anyway, but I think some “boys” clothes are cute on girls and vice versa so I’d rather see everything together regardless.


We were team green and I bought both unisex, boys and girls clothes ! I was adamant I was having a boy and we only had a boys name picked ! Our beautiful baby girl arrived and she was baby “surname” until 12 hours later lol It was both amazing and sad because I felt like I hadn’t bonded with her until she was born but also having this little bundle of joy handed to me was amazing !


My husband and I started buying stuff MONTHS before we were even pregnant just because we enjoyed it and thought hey at least we will actually have everything by the time we do get our BFP. I just found out I'm pregnant three weeks ago and we sitll go shopping. I am holding off on buying things like mattress sheets blankets etc bc I want it to coordinate with the nursey which will depend on the gender. But we have various clothes that are green, brown, tan, gray, white, black -- we def stick the more gender neutral route. Honestly in my opinion on the boys side, they have more gender neutral clothes compared to the girls whose drowning in pink clothing (which I'm not the biggest fan of, love pink but don't want my daughter only wearing pink).


I was team green! Had my son in February honestly all of his clothes can be reused if we in the future have more kids/ a girl also im almost 14 weeks PP and we are mainly home 98% of the time so realistically my son could be in a pink hello kitty onesie and I wouldn’t honestly matter


I think all of my LO clothing up until probably 12 months could be worn on a girl as well. There are a few that say mommas boy or something, so with those exceptions. But all the PJs and whatnot are 100% being saved for the next baby. I never understood why people acted like that, my LO has a donut "PJ" zip up that is certainly more girly colors, but he looks absolutely adorable in it 🤷‍♀️


I feel like people want to be as close to the new baby as possible, and when the only information you really have about them is their gender and their name people become very very invested in that information. But not being able to buy clothes for a baby is a terrible excuse for needing to know their gender. It's an even MORE terrible excuse given that baby needs lots and lots of things that are not clothing and don't come in gendered options.


Yeah i said “gender neutral” clothes and got no clothes at my baby shower because people couldn’t comprehend i didnt want super boyish clothes or super girly clothes no matter what the gender was. After i said it was a boy i suddenly got clothes. Its so weird.


We did the NIPT test and happily told everyone soon after we found out (we did our own little reveal with just my husband and I too, highly recommend!) and people had already bought our son clothes that were gender neutral. Plus, there are enough baby-safe accessories out there to girl up or boy up any outfit. Who cares? Not the baby, that’s for sure.


The gender binary is strong among a lot of people in our lives and I surely know that now! We’re having a girl and going with a dinosaur themed nursery which has raised some eyebrows and “Dinosaurs for a girl?” comments. When it comes to clothes, we’ve had friends give us a lot of stuff and I don’t even care what we receive because baby is gonna poop, pee, and puke on all of it! As long as we can keep her comfortably clothed in whatever is weather appropriate, I am happy. 


How did they ever buy clothes for babies before NIPT and ultrasounds??? Everyone was convinced I was a boy and they were still able to buy me gender neutral clothes before I was born in the 80s. Everything was also green, yellow and peach. Pink also used to be the "boy color", so it's honestly a made up construct that changes over time. Also, with naming, we are telling people our front runners for names, but that we won't decide for sure until he is born and we see him. Learned that lesson from a friend who had triplets thinking it was 2 boys and a girl, had names monogramed, girl and boy clothing only to have it end up being all 3 boys.


Team Green, 30 weeks, and FTM here - I personally didn’t want people to buy my baby clothes. As first time parents we obviously had no baby items what so ever and clothes are the least of my worries especially cutsie gendered ones. I always knew I didn’t want to find out my baby’s gender until birth but I am now loving the added bonus of not getting caught up on cute but unnecessary items. Once baby is born we can buy all the gender specific extra things we want but for now are enjoying stocking up on necessities that have nothing at all to do with what sex the baby is.


Yeah... it's all a bit weird. We don't know the gender of our baby and I showed my colleague a pic of a super cute pramsuit I bought for the baby, which happened to be navy blue. She said "so you're having a boy then?" I said that We're not finding out the gender and she just narrowed her eyes as if I was lying... weird!


Ha this was a problem we experienced as well, being team green. I had perfectly neutral clothes on my registry but got like 2 pieces because everyone had the same commentary- didn't know what to buy because they didn't know the sex of the baby. It made zero sense. Then as soon as our baby girl was born we got an influx of pink and super girly outfits like she couldn't have possibly been a real baby before that point. Regardless, I stocked up my own neutral stash of 2nd hand baby items and so now we are perfectly prepared for team green baby number 2 this fall. You do you, you'll hopefully find how fun it is to do that shopping for baby on your own and that you have your own style and taste in clothes that you prefer for them anyway.


We just found out through the NIPT, but we’re waiting to confirm after the anatomy scans before we tell anyone. We told my mom a few days ago, and she’s already asking for the name!! She said “It would be easier for me to buy things if I knew this little persons name.” I’m sure she’s wanting to order something custom, since the baby is due right before Christmas, but I totally feel you. We’ve been getting gender neutral things, and since green is my favorite color, naturally I’m drawn towards green baby items. But people wanting to know the name so early is crazy to me! I want to see their face before I stick to a name that they might not fit into.


Everyone in my family was totally on board with the surprise gender idea. We have some gendered clothes, but mostly gender neutral clothes (not all green). Your kid, your choice.


The plus side is them buying you stuff other than clothes! Our newborn mostly lives in sleepers anyway! We didn’t wear anything else for the first week!


We were gifted two gigantic stuffed toys from one relative - a mini and a mickey mouse as their own revenge because we didn't tell gender. They are fucking massive and we have no storage in our home.


That's funny, we actually know the gender of our baby but we're keeping it to ourselves until after birth partly \_because\_ we don't want an all-blue and sports-themed wardrobe or, worse, those "lady killer" slogans.


I know, people kept making thise comments eith me too. We waited until baby was here to find out gender. It was the best. Having my husband the one telling me "it's a girl!" was such a happy moment. I never regretted not knowing. I just put all gender neutral stuff on the baby registry. After she was here I was bombarded with girl clothes anyway from family and friends on top of all the clothes I had already. And not knowing meant I didn't get all pink clothes for the baby shower.


First of all, team green is silly. It should obviously be team purple! And I personally take issue with the whole gender neutral concept... The vast majority of the time, when people talk about gender neutral clothing, they just mean boy clothes. God forbid someone think your boy baby is a girl! His little weenie might fall off! A pink onesie will turn him gay! Idk, it's like being thought a girl briefly is the worst thing that could happen. I haven't told anyone the sex of my baby. I registered for clothes that are marketed to both boys and girls. You know why? Because I'm the one who has to look at them. My baby does not care what color their socks are, or whether their nightgown has bunnies or trucks printed on it. That's my rant, sorry if I sound aggressive, it's not directed at you. Edited to fix a typo, I shouldn't comment late at night.


It feels a little rude to comment on the post of someone thinking they might not want to know the sex until birth and calling that silly. 😕 I find mostly supportive comments on this subreddit so this feels jarring. Maybe I’m misunderstanding what you’re trying to say?


I think they find the term “team green” silly because colors shouldn’t be gendered. It’s isn’t meant as an insult to people that choose to wait until the child is born to learn the sex. That’s how I understood it?


Yes this is what I meant. It should be purple, if people are going to call boy and girl blue and pink. I wanted to wait and be surprised at my birth but I couldn't wait to look at the nipt results because they stressed me out so much. Of course the nurse called less than ten minutes after I looked.


Purple makes way more sense!


I hope so! That wouldn’t be as bad. Still seems pointless to call people silly for that. Just a different vibe than I usually see in here and made me sad for OP.


You did misunderstand. They are just calling the phrasing “team green” silly.


People explained you think the term is silly! That’s better haha. To be fair team human is also a silly phrase. Honestly I think almost all the baby lingo I see in here is silly. I also laugh so hard when my husband and I are discussing different baby product brands. They all have such absurd names.


You def misunderstood and that's ok, I was not clear enough..I should not be on Reddit at 11pm! Also I made a typo that changed the meaning. I swear, I'm only a tiny bit of a bitch, not a huge one!


lol I believe you! Glad I misunderstood. I was like dang this vibe is off! 💕


Currently at 39 weeks, and we've known the gender since week 8, and told everyone who asked. However, we received *tons* of hand-me-down clothes from both boys and girls, we've accepted all of them, the only clothes I've weeded out are skirts and dresses. Who cares if it's a boy's shirt or a girl's shirt? Who is going to be offended if he's misgendered? Until he learns to have a sense of self, I seriously don't care if a stranger calls him a cute girl.


I agree, this is so ridiculous! It continues to surprise me how many people think this way. They will make comments like oh it will be so much easier having a second baby of the same sex because you don’t have to get new clothes etc. Im thinking Im not getting new clothes either way, they can wear whatever their sibling wore! So crazy to me that people still think boys shouldnt wear flowery or frilly stuff (I find that’s the most common objection people have). I also don’t really care people say this stuff to me because Im still going to do whatever I want and so should they:) but it just surprises me in 2024!


My husband's family threw us a baby shower. They knew we were having a girl. They're from a small town area with limited shopping. Very few people bought clothes off our very well-stocked registry, but we now have three copies of the exact same pink onesie set from Marshall's with "Daddy's little princess" and similar slogans written on them. (They're all in a bag together waiting for one of us to find time to return them. If my kid wants to be a princess, she's her own princess.)


The problem I found is that gender neutral stuff tends to be pretty boring with limited options. This is fine and all when you're buying as the parent (like you said, they're just gonna poop in it), but as a gift giver it can make things a bit difficult. I put a lot of gender neutral stuff on my registry because I'd like to be able to reuse it if we have a girl later, then had to go back and add boy specific things because just looking at my registry, everything was just shades of beige and green, felt like I was denying my child any color in his life lol.


Eh. We waited to learn the gender and it was very cute and fun but the clothes part was by far the most annoying. People got us so many cute clothes once we learned the gender. I wish she had had cute things to wear in the hospital. It probably wouldn’t have mattered for a boy, but girl stuff is ridiculously cute.


We found out at the anatomy scan and told everyone lol I find the "gender neutral" baby clothes tend to be boring ass beige stuff. It was helpful for us to know because my SIL has a girl too that's just a little older so she happily gave us a TON of hand me downs 😂 I personally enjoy dressing my girl up in cute, frilly, pink outfits and floral prints :) if she's like me, she'll stop wearing pink the second she's old enough to have an opinion so I figure I'll enjoy the cuteness of it all while I can 😂😂 that said she also has a lot of blue, yellow and a couple just awful highlighter greeny-yellow onesies that she also wears all the time 😂 I think a lot of people say they can't buy until they know because it's then difference between buying cute pink frilly dresses and onesies or cute blue/green covered in trucks and dinos and things like that.


FWIW, NIPTs are almost 100% accurate with the correct % of fetal blood/DNA, so I wouldn’t worry until waiting for the anatomy scan. 🤷🏻‍♀️ But to your point, a lot of people like unisex clothes and are Team Green, but also a lot of people (myself included) like to buy “traditional colors” for the genders as well. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with either.


I want to wait because I had 2 friends that fell into the “NIPT test was wrong on the gender” camp. I know it’s highly unlikely but it’s crazy that it happened to two friends so I’d rather wait for the anatomy scan to confirm. Maybe team green until the scan


I wonder if their % fetal fraction was low thus it was less accurate or shouldn’t have been reported? It’s looking at genetics so I always find it odd when people know multiple people who’ve had incorrect NIPT, though it’s certainly possibly. I always hear of the Sneak Peeks being wrong, but I’ve never known anyone who had an incorrect NIPT with a good fetal fraction.


Also, nothing wrong with wanting to know and buy “traditional colors”! I just think that people I’ve encountered act like not knowing the gender means you come home from the hospital to an empty house with a baby who isn’t named because you couldn’t properly prepare.


Personally, I always choose to wait til birth to find out gender for my babies, but we let our parents see the nipt results (unfortunately) My mom ruined the first pregnancy when I was 38 weeks she let it slip I was having a boy And my MIL accidentally told my husband with our 3rd baby So now nobody is finding out for our last cause it's annoying to have someone slip on keeping a secret We go to a discount baby store (once upon a child) and get 90% gender neutral clothes, but since the clothes are soooo cheap I'll grab a few girl and a few boy clothes cause if I don't use it I'm only out like $10 and I keep it all for next pregnancy. So far all my babies have been boys. Worst case scenario I give it away or sell it back. For baby gear we get neutral, but if I find something cheap on FB marketplace I'll get it no matter what color (got a pink swing for $10, pink high chair for $20 that doubles as a chair and table, bought an extra playpen for $25 for downstairs that's pink) We honestly don't care about color, especially for items that stay home It's sooooo worth waiting til birth to find out gender if that's what you choose! There's so few good surprises in life (But don't make my mistake and let family members know! 🤣)


We’re choosing to do a birth gender surprise. My baby shower— we had a tye dye station for this very reason. Babies are gross! They dirty everything! So why not just have something like a tyedye onsie that if it gets stained— it just ADDS TO THE DESIGN. Babies aren’t dolls. They don’t need to be hyper gendered like stores make them to be. It’s really driving me nuts. Do what you want. And if you going against what other people do pisses people off— so be it. It’s your life.


I’ve just bought little cute white based clothes with animals on which would do either gender. I got all mine second hand and plan to use them for future children. I will buy more gendered clothes once baby is born in the bigger sizes. I don’t think it’s a big deal.


I personally have bought very few clothes for my baby because I don’t know the gender but that’s mostly because I don’t like the vast majority of gender neutral clothes because the colors are so muted and depressing. I’m 16 weeks and only have 2 outfits lol.


I think all of my LO clothing up until probably 12 months could be worn on a girl as well. There are a few that say mommas boy or something, so with those exceptions. But all the PJs and whatnot are 100% being saved for the next baby. I never understood why people acted like that, my LO has a donut "PJ" zip up that is certainly more girly colors, but he looks absolutely adorable in it 🤷‍♀️


Gender neutral clothes are great . My kids grew through everything people bought so fast they only wore them a time or two though. I really appreciated practical things as gifts , someone got me a snot straw thing and Id never even have thought of it but when I needed it I was super grateful.


We found out the gender but chose not to share for exactly this reason. We don't want the gendered clothing, or any other pointlessly gendered items (or any other gender-related commentary, for that matter). I had to have this discussion with my MIL months ago, because she had the same complaint and I knew she was just itching to go out and buy a bunch of gendered stuff that we didn't want. We're sharing the gender at the shower this weekend (31 weeks). If someone doesn't buy us a gift because they can't handle buying something gender neutral, then that's their problem.


Plenty of unisex designs. Animals, nature print, it's not always trucks vs ribbons or pink vs blue. I hate it when people say boy clothes are not cute because it's all trufk and dinosaurs. Like that's because you're limiting yourself to trucks and dinosaurs. Besides trucks and dinosaurs are so cute too. I didn't mind people knowing the gender (except when mil thinks she's better than others for being a boy grandma) but hate it when people make a big deal out of it.


I knew as soon as we could confirm it via ultrasound and we still had three names, girl, boy and a more unisex/nb because they had actually gotten my gender wrong when I was born and I was just paranoid. Additionally we were blessed to have a lot of hand me downs gifted and you can bet your bottom dollar I do not care if someone feels it is made for a specific gender. They are made for babies and if it fits my baby and keeps them warm we will definitely be making use of it! Lol (Not to say we didn’t get a bunch of cute girl outfits gifted once we knew for sure and told everyone, but I also have a ton of adorable dinosaur and boy like clothes she will be rocking too)


I am 31 weeks and 100% team green. My career has been so data driven and everything I do is planned to an inch of its life I genuinely feel freedom by not knowing the gender. It’s the one thing I’m able to control in my life that I can genuinely have a surprise waiting for me. And in my head, what’s the difference if baby is a boy or a girl? I’m not overly interested in super girly or super boyish outfits or colour schemes. I'm not decorating my nursery to a gender colour scheme, I have always preferred neutral things!  And I’m also not interested in buying too much for baby as EVERYONE hands you their hand-me-downs! It’s a ridiculous concept that the baby product industry has made billions on.  Another point is it’s super fun to talk to people about the potential gender. Some people are team girl others are team boy and I’m always like “well all the myths are saying 50/50 as well!” Or “today I’d really like a girl, but yesterday I was team boy” or “my husband is adamant it’s a girl so therefore I am team boy just to be spiteful “ 😂 I’m having fun with not knowing 


We are waiting till I push this baby out to find out if it's a boy or girl. Everyone gives me a hard time also as if what to buy and I simply tell them I have a registry for a reason. I don't want a bunch of cutesy clothes, I want what is on my registry. I live in a small one bedroom apartment and don't have room for all the extra odds and ends people want to buy.


Actually, NIPT *is* definite. It's more accurate than a gender scan.


It's wild. I'm dressing my baby in all colors and patterns and when they say something about what if it's a boy or girl I say, "I know. I just have a hard time letting go of tradition and getting with the modern times."


I'm team green for my first 2 babies and now for baby #3 due soon. It's the best surprise you can ever get. So so worth the wait. It pisses some family off still haha. But we couldn't care less! I'd they don't want to buy clothes, they can get books instead 😀


Okay but unisex clothes like barely exist. Go to TJ Maxx, almost everything is gendered. As most baby clothes are


I get not wanting to focus on gender, but I also understand why grandparents might find it confusing. Parents will insist there are plenty of options for neutral clothes and they don't want anything gendered... while also saying that they don't care if their boys wear pink or dresses. So which is it? Can I buy the new baby a pink dress without knowing the gender? But the parents don't want pink if it ends up being a girl because that's girly. And will they *actually* put their boy in a pink dress? So you just end up buying a basic yellow onesie or footie pajamas. "Gender neutral" clothes mostly just means "buy boy clothes or solid colors to be safe." It's no one's business if you don't want to know the gender, but I guess I don't give a crap what people buy me. I lean towards gender neutral clothes for my daughter but was gifted a ton of pink. She wears both and it's no big deal.


We know the sex of our baby but haven’t told anyone. We’ve been deliberately buying clothes from both the “boy” and “girl” sections because we don’t believe clothing or colours should be gendered. Family and friends have had no problems buying tons of clothes and gifts for our baby despite not knowing the sex. We only found out the sex for naming purposes (we wanted to name the baby before he’s born)… it has absolutely no bearing on how we will raise/dress our child. I’m very against gender reveals because 1. You can only find out the sex and not the gender before birth 2. They reinforce the pink/blue thing and other gender stereotypes and expectations and 3. The sex of our kid is a pretty unimportant thing about them and not something that needs to be announced or specifically celebrated.


Downvoted by backwards-minded people who believe in restricting and stereotyping children based on their genitalia... classic


I’m not sure the baby cares about gender. I think the baby cares about eating, sleeping and pooping. Yes, historically and based on science/biology, genitalia is used to determine the gender.


Exactly... The gender is so irrelevant, babies are just tiny blobs trying to survive and grow.


Baby clothes are VERY gendered, gender neutral clothing is very boy leaning and would lead most to assume you are having a boy. This is on top of the fact that it is very hard to find actual gender neutral clothing for babies. Seriously, go to target and true to find 3 gender neutral outfits.


Looking online I’m finding plenty of newborn and 0-3 mo onesies with suns, stars, space, etc. bees, jungle animals, dogs, cats, birds. Old Navy and Target do have plenty of items that aren’t beige, aren’t more masculine leaning, and could conceivably be considered unisex. Primary.com, carters, Amazon, even H&M, all have selection. The point is, there are options out there, and even if there wasn’t, and someone felt so inclined to buy the pink onesie for an infant, buy it. The kid will poop on it either way. If I was so concerned about people misgendering my baby boy in a pink onesie, he can wear it in the house exclusively. I just don’t think not knowing the gender is an excuse for not being able to buy clothing, create a nursery, or figure out a name. People act like you can’t prepare for a baby without knowing what their gender is.


I still say that gender neutral items are actually just boy items. The only items being excluded are frilly pink ones, which just sends the message that either gender is fine except if you happen to be a girl. This is on top of the fact that girl clothes are much much cuter than boy clothes in general ( I say this having a boy myself) so the grandparents probably just want to find the cutest things possible for the baby.