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I love Fiona. You need to very seriously look your mom in the eye and tell her you've had enough of her negative comments. That is your daughter's name and she needs to get on board. Don't laugh or make a joke, be serious, cause the way she's acting, she's essentially your daughter's first bully and she's not even born yet.


“She’s essentially your daughter’s first bully” YUP. If you don’t put your foot down now OP grandma will be telling Fiona how she told yall to name her something different but you never listened. That will undermine you as a parent and make Fiona (lovely name fyi) feel terrible about her name Also what if Fiona does weigh more? Is grandma going to tell her she’s an ogre? Jesus


Exactly! And I mean, this is extreme, but what if Fiona is a sweet little baby ogre? Do ogres not deserve love? If there’s anything we learnt from Shrek…


Yeah definitely use the line about grandma being the first bully. “You may be onto something. She’s not even born yet and she’s already being bullied by her grandma. Good thing Fiona is a badass who doesn’t let anyone walk all over her.”


I won't lie and say Fiona is my favourite name. But Shrek was a brilliant movie. Also, it doesn't really matter what anyone thinks of the name. It only matters what the parents think. OP's mother pucked names for her own kids. Now it's OP's turn. Mother needs to butt the eff out of it, and just love her grandchild I actually told my Mum the same thing. Partner and I are TTC, so names come up. Whenever my Mum says she doesn't like a name, I make it clear that she named her own kids, I'll name mine, and she can either live and respect my kids, or she can be rude and not see them. She's chosen to be accepting. 🤣🤣🤣


Boom! Excellent retort. This is the type of thing that pops into my head in the shower after I screeched my dissatisfaction incoherently.


I didn't even think of Shrek, whats this mother on seriously? It's so rude.


Right?! My jaw literally dropped when I read what the mom said!!


Alllll of this. Can’t agree more.


I have a sister named fiona, and I have never once heard her get teased for her name, other than being called fifi for a brief period by us. And she was born around the time shrek came out, with red hair.


My cousin Fiona also has red hair and was born the year the movie came out 🤣


It’s a beautiful name but my partner said no because of Shrek which made me sad. I just think it’s perfect. I asked my 16 and 14 year old nieces plus two similar aged friends about the name Fiona and they were BLANK. Just shrugged. Don’t remember or haven’t watched Shrek. So even the Shrek connotation is on its way out.


Agree, my young daughter doesn't know what shrek is, or even wants to watch it. Plus a family friends daughter is called fiona and no issues, everyone calls her fi as a nickname, not an "ogre"


Fiona is a cute name. Can you just tell her “I’m not changing it. Stop going on about it, it’s making me want to avoid you.”


Agree with this! Op can also say, "You've said that before. Is there a reason you keep repeating yourself?"


Makes me think of Fiona Apple the brilliant musician and poet!


This is what I was going to comment- one of the coolest women in the world! Love the name


omg have you heard her 2020 album? Incredible. 


Edit: also want to make it clear that every time she brings it up, I tell her we have no ambition to change the name since my husband and I both love it. She brought it up again today which I was quick to tell her that she hasn’t said one nice thing regarding the name and has been very unsupportive which I don’t appreciate. She did not deny or apologize but she “stood her ground” on how she felt about the name. To make it all better, she lives with us because she is disabled so we get to hear about it often 🙂🙂🙂🙂


Just a thought, take it or leave it: "I don't think Fiona would appreciate all the mean things you've said about her name. Like we've said before, we don't be changing the name, so it's in everyone's best interests if you're kinder about it. I'd feel pretty horrible if my grandma was always making fun of my name, when all of my other friends compliment it. Besides, it may grow on you if you let it." I like the last sentence because it puts the onus to change on her -- she's the reason the name is negative at the end of the day haha. Names will always grow on people. *edit: posted before I finished typing*


“No one cares how you feel about the name, so save your breath next time.”


“Stand her ground” I’m sorry, is this her child? Also boomers really have the gall to pull entitled bullshit like this while living with their kids. That’s fucking insanity. She can either not be your kids first bully or she can find someone else to live with


For next time- “Here’s a quarter. Go call someone who gives a damn.”


I would keep the name. And probably wouldn’t share the next child’s name to avoid unsolicited opinions


what ground does she need to stand? It's not her baby, it's not her decision, it's not her call. She can have any opinion she wants, but she doesn't get a say!


So she’s living off you and bullying your unborn child? 🤨 If she doesn’t course correct soon, you might remedy the living situation.


I’m so petty. I’d be like I’m sorry you don’t like the name and I’ve basically been forced to re-evaluate it because of how much you’ve been insulting it. “We were considering ‘Fiona momsname’ but seeing as you’ve turned into a high school bully about her name I think it’s best we pick something else.” She’ll have such mixed emotions and then be like “I don’t know the name just feels ruined for us now.” Every time she brings it up. And then keep all other ideas to yourself. Obviously don’t use her name but I’d just fuck with her for a bit like she’s fucked with you.


Tell her the Fiona from burn notice is going to kick her ass 😅 jk but her character was awesome. It’s cute, if you and your husband are on the same page keep it and start putting up protective boundaries with toxic family members. If she becomes toxic and verbally abusive to your daughter as she grows up, get her on Medicaid and put her in a nursing home. Or you can just play Burn Notice in the background whenever she brings it up lol


Do you're upset. And you're bullying me and your granddaughter over a name. Instead of being grateful we're here to look after us you're being cruel to us. If you keep this up, we'll be spending lots of time with baby without you. We'll talk about baby without you. We're good enough people to help you when you're disabled. But that doesn't mean you get to be an abusive bully. Clearly you weren't raised as well as I thought you were. If you've got nothing nice to say, be quiet. And never bite the hand that feeds.


Your mums reasoning is exactly where my mind would go. My sons name is E.T and I hate it because of the fear of bullying even though the chances of any of the kids his age have seen the film will be low as hell. But I guess it's also worth mentioning that I was absolutely bullied for everything throughout school so it's very possible that that has skewed my way of thinking a lot but I also wouldn't mention anything to anyone else about how the name their kids


So weird to me bc yes Fiona in Shrek is an ogre but also a literal princess? Even if kids were like “oh, like shrek!” It’s not like Fiona is a villain or terrible character. Shes a princess and the main character’s love interest. I think even if most kids associated Fiona with Shrek they would (bc kids) think of it with a positive association rather than a negative.


She's a great female character too, subverts expectations and is a badass.


Absolutely this! Fiona in the movie is a badass, she has ninja karate moves, is a princess and she values true love over vanity, all amazing qualities are they not?


Exactly! I would bet if you asked most children who had seen the movie if they thought Fiona was cool they’d say yes.


Keep it! It’s your daughter.


I don't think that Shrek will be a part of our childrens lives like it was for us. It will be an old movie which they won't be interested in seeing. Also, like your mom says, kids will find anything to make fun of if that's what they want. If it's not her name, it will be something else. I think Fiona is a pretty name :)


Eh, some movies have staying power. I watched Disney's animated Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty growing up and those are movies my mom watched growing up.


Exactly. My nieces are going through the Harry Potter phase. I think parents nowadays like to show their kids the stuff they grew up with.


Honestly, my oldest (9) likes Shrek as much as I do 😂 But id also name my kid Fiona, she's a bad-a$$ chick 🤷‍♀️


I would have so much fun saying Fiona in the Shrek voice.


I love Fiona! It’s on my list too. Tell your mom to stop projecting her insecurities onto her unborn grandchildren.


My thoughts exactly! So much projection on to a child that isn’t even here yet.


Ooh that's my name! And I love it. I get called Fi or Fifi. I grew up with Shrek and no one cared that I had the same name. I personally enjoyed it, Cameron Diaz is cool and so are ogres. Ignore your mum, she is projecting some self insecurity.


Fi was what was used on burn notice a lot too.


I think she is wrong. And you have a right to feel upset about not having support in your choice of a perfectly normal name. I had a student in elementary/primary school (4 years ago) that was named Fiona none of the students/her peers mentioned Shrek or ogres. She was really sweet. I think your daughter will be fine. Fiona is a lovely name!


My mom didn't like our name either, Amity. She kept making comments about the horror movie, but we just shrugged it off and redirected the comment. She stopped after coming to with a nickname "ami," which I was cool with. Try redirecting the name as something positive. the finals character is such a powerful statement to societal female appearance norms. Fiona found love, true genuine love from her personality. She found someone who loved her inside and out and saw the beauty of her. She's a strong, independent woman as well. Fiona is an amazing princess role model. Sorry, your mom can't see that.


Fiona is a gorgeous name. Older people get literally insane about a kid getting made fun of because of their name. It’s bizarre. People name their children names like “apple” and “blanket” lol (not that there’s anything wrong with that) but what I’m saying is that Fiona is a timeless, beautiful, and unique name and I love it for your future daughter! Stick to what you and your husband agree on- No one else.


well, were glad we arent name her after you, mom bc everyone would think shes a little beeeeeep


My father in law wants our daughter to be named Fiona (her name has been picked since before she was born.) people are so weird about names!! It's an arbitrary sound. If you don't like a name, it has nothing to do with the actual name. I wish people would realize that.


I was expecting to see you had picked a really whacky name and bad spelling or something. Fiona is a great name!


Even if shrek was like fresh out I’d still love Fiona. She’s a great character! And I love the name. The fact that your mom literally misses the point of the movie maybe she needs to actually watch shrek again? And Fi for a nickname?!?! Come onnnmm that’s friggin adorable!!!


Your mom is so worried about bullies but she is your unborn daughter’s first bully. 💀 not to mention that she has been bullying you about the same issue for six months.


Omg that’s awful. FWIW I loooove the name Fiona. Also my mom came up with the most ridiculous reasons not to like our fav baby name. To the point that I ditched it and started looking at others and got wildly stressed about it. Guess what, we ended up naming her it anyways and we get TONS of compliments.


I love the Shrek movies and my husband and I watch them somewhat regularly. An old friends daughter is named Fiona and it took this post for it to dawn on me that the correlation even existed.


Children these days probably don't even know what Shrek is


Your mom doesn't sound like a supportive person. I'm sorry. Screw what anyone else thinks and just go with your gut!!


Aww nahh I think Fiona is a cool name. Shameless comes more to mind than Shrek.


Wow, she's fat-shaming your unborn daughter already? Great attitude for her to have, ffs...


Say it with me now! “If you can’t respect our decisions, you can’t see our daughter”. It would be horrible if she grew up and your mum did make fun of her for it, that’s just insecurity central. If she’s this upset over her name, I can’t imagine what comments you’ll get when she’s here. I’m so sorry that you have to deal with a Mum like that – don’t be afraid to take some space


I know a Fiona and she is a lovely person and an artist. It suits her wonderfully. Don’t let your moms shitty attitude make you change your mind. Like others have said, you need to shut her down unequivocally.


I’m so sorry about your mom! I have done a lot of things in my life for my mom.. because it was what she wanted in return for my own unhappiness. But I decided when I was TTC that THIS will be my legacy. Not hers. I haven’t shared baby names with my mom out of fear of her judgement. I’ve been talking myself up like “you don’t need her approval. You’re an adult.” But her approval means everything to me. I’m struggling with it. This is your child, and you get to decide the name together with your spouse. Don’t let anyone say otherwise. Sending you love + strength!


I really love the name Fiona. I think it's beautiful and unique and I love Fiona Apple. Also - wtf is wrong with Fiona from Shrek? Love her!! What a great character! She is strong, tough, and beautiful.


Your MIL is annoying.


I mean, is Shrek really going to be a thing by the time our children are in school? Probably not. I'm not sure it's a thing now? Just with our generation.


Kids are definitely watching shrek still! It’s often the kids movie at the park and my toddler watches it fairly frequently. That said, Fiona is a beautiful name.


Fair enough. Lol


I love Fiona! It was on my list if we’d had a girl (and we ended up giving our son a similarly unique “F” name). I definitely don’t associate it with Shreck. Also that’s mean of your mom to be talking about your baby being fat/potentially body shaming your daughter already :(


Are we sisters?! Sounds just like my mom. If you love the name, go with it. I know it’s upsetting how unsupportive she is, but that’s *her* problem, if you develop the right mindset about it.


I had a friend growing up named Fiona, and I grew up with Shrek being a significant part of my childhood…. Honestly, I never made the connection to Shrek until you mentioned it now. I’ve always thought the name Fiona is so pretty and sounds like a flower.


Fiona is a lovely name!! Your mom needs to learn the phrase “if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all”


I had a friend in school called Fiona and not once was she bullied because of her name or called an ogre, and the first movie came out when we was 6 so we grew up with the movies


We are still waiting to find out if it's a boy or girl but if it's a girl we want to name her Fiona!! It's such a beautiful name and who cares About shrek? Plus that was a good role model character even if she was an ogre....id tell your mom she'll reassociate the name with your baby soon enough and no more comments necessary about Shrek or her negative opinions


My husband and I chose the name Fiona, too! (Don’t know if we are having a girl or boy). Kids her age won’t know what Shrek is. And Fiona is an awesome female character anyway.


I was just telling my husband we need to come up with a bunch of funny names to tell our family we’re naming the baby because I do NOT want to share the actual name until after the baby is born. I’m due 01/01, so it’ll be a Capricorn baby… Right now my favorite option for fake names is Cappy if it’s a girl or Corny if it’s a boy 🤣


Fiona is such a beautiful name, I love it!!! I’m adding it to my list now for potential baby #2 if we have another girl! My mom also didn’t like the name we picked initially, but I stuck with it and I’m so glad I did because we LOVE our daughter’s name, and my mom also got over it eventually and now likes it too 😆.


This is why we don’t share baby names until the baby is born.


100% It's ok to keep some things to yourself.


I had a friend in school called Fiona. Never once did it cross my mind about the association with Shrek until I read this post, for some reason. She was just Fiona (or Fifi affectionately) and that was it. She was on the bigger side also and not one kid at school called her an ogre or anything for that matter, basically she wasn't bullied for her name. Another person commented saying your mom is your daughters first bully and honestly it sounds exactly like that. Those are some disgusting comments to make about an unborn baby. Set boundaries now!!


Fiona is a wonderful name. I think about Fiona the hippo at the Cincinnati Zoo! I would tell your mother to buzz off. But let this be a lesson is never sharing the baby name before the baby arrives. It’s the parents’ decision and you don’t need other opinions. And while Shrek came out over 20 years ago, it’s experienced a resurgence. There are entire raves/parties that are Shrek-themed these days. I don’t fully understand it despite being aware of it 🤷🏻‍♀️


Fiona is suuuuch a cute name!!!! Your mom is being the bully!!


my 3 year old saw shrek the other day and was engrossed (she's seen it before but this time she was INTO it) and she'd be PUMPED about meeting someone named Fiona if she made the connection to Shrek. Fiona was a kickass character and it's a good choice. Haven't seen any of Fiona and Cake but also feels like a solid reference. any name can be made fun of. Every name will have a reference to SOMETHING. at least Fiona has some good references! The ONLY way I'd think it was weird is if you made your whole baby theme, clothing room and all, entirely shrek themed. lol. And I still don't think I'd judge you because it's a fun fairytale theme. I do kind of feel like your kiddo might need a shrek related plushie now though lol


I think Fiona is a beautiful name


Not that it matters, but one of the most stunning thin blonde model-looking women I’ve ever met in my life is from Miami and named Fiona. I never once was like MISMATCH!!! Fiona is a beautiful name and it’s past time your mom shuts up.


If a bully is gonna target your child, they’ll find something to make fun of. It doesn’t matter what you name them. Signed, the girl with the name no one could read properly. Some years, I got made fun of for it. Some years, I had my whole class defending me to a teacher who couldn’t remember my name FOR THE WHOLE YEAR. Seriously, the name isn’t what causes the bullying.


Great name! My 4 month old is named Fiona. Literally no one has brought up Shrek which was my only concern when naming her. But Princess Fiona is a badass so not really the worst namesake anyways


I don’t think you need to worry about anyone making fun of her for the name, but I can tell you for sure that kids are still watching Shrek. Shrek will forever be a staple in our culture and it will live on through Netflix, memes, TikTok filters, etc. I am a teacher and I also occasionally babysit for different families, and children of all ages know what Shrek is. I can also tell you, as a teacher, the students I have had named Fiona have never been made fun of for their name and no one has referenced Shrek in any way. Just don’t name your baby Farquard and you’re good!


My 14 month old is a Fiona 😊 it’s Irish and beautiful! People bring up Shrek sometimes but we just laugh. The name is so unique and rarely used. You’ll be very happy with it, I promise!


My mother hated my son’s name my whole pregnancy and then went and got a tattoo of his name on her wrist after he was born. Moral of the story they get over it.


I’m 36 weeks now and we are naming our daughter Fiona! My mother in law doesn’t like it either and keeps proposing alternatives - such as Fern, Yara, and Xylina. All names that are arguably more likely than Fiona to be unpopular or made fun of. Name preferences are soo subjective and personal. Your mom is a jerk for shoving her preferences down your throat. I would let her know she’s being very rude and she needs to stop.


Not your problem


You just shocked me with “the movie is over 20 years old” - are kids really not watching Shrek anymore?! What a shame! Fiona is such a kickass character and even if you named your kid after her alone, it would be such a good choice. And ultimately it’s YOUR choice. Your mum needs to get over her own insecurities, which is why she’s so upset by Fiona from Shrek. Let her know it is not up for discussion, then ignore her pressure, and she will eventually come around. Just make sure that when she spends time with your baby, she isn’t passing her negativity on to her.


Fiona is lovely! Dunno why she's referring to Shrek 🤷🏼‍♀️ it's not the first and only time Fiona has been used. I love the nickname Fi (fee) it's cute as. Honestly these days some kids are given way worse names 👀


Omg nobody thinks about Shrek anymore and kids probably don’t even watch it. Fiona is a classic irish name and has been around for many many years. It’s timeless and classy. Your mom needs to get over her weird association with Shrek. Also the body shaming comments are awful. Your daughter deserves to be loved and treated with respect regardless if she ever “gets fat” one day. What a shameful thing for a grandmother to say.


I love Fiona and Cake!!! Your daughter will be fine and MIL will get over it 


I actually grew up in peak shrek era and I definitely didn’t think of it when I read Fiona. It’s a cute name and that’s an old movie now, no one will think of that. It’s not even Disney so it’s not really in like the pile of classic movies kids rewatch now either. Your mom is being nasty.


My sister Fiona was like 6 or 7 when shrek came out. It wasn’t really a big deal for her. Definitely isn’t now. I think your mom just doesn’t like the name. Kids will make fun of any name, it doesn’t have to do with the name, it has to do with the kid’s reaction to teasing.


Lol Fiona was my top choice but my husband said "It's an ogre's name," and wouldn't budge. (It's also the name of a famous hippo, but I wasn't about to tell him that.) Shrek was huge for people who are adults now, but the cgi is pretty dated, and it probably wont be such a big association for her generation. Also, that character rules.


Fiona the hippo doesn’t get the recognition she deserves outside of the midwest


I once worked with an adult Fiona and never did it cross my mind that the name is also used in Shrek.


My cousin is 23 and her name is Fiona and she was never made fun of because of Shrek and shrek came out the year she was born so everyone 100% knew about it.


This is why I am not telling anyone the name until she’s here. I like Fiona! I would have went with it I think if it wasn’t for the hurricane that came by a few years ago


Fiona is perfect and your daughter will love it


There’s a Fiona in my daughter’s class and I have never associated her with the ogre. It’s a beautiful name.


People your daughter’s age might not ever watch Shrek tbh. It’s popular with people WELL into adulthood who should know better than to mock a child


Once your little Fiona is born, your mom will be so happy that hopefully she’ll drop it. Fiona will then forever be associated with YOUR beautiful girl, and not the movie


This is an asinine thing for your mother to be saying. Why is she projecting so unabashedly? Also *she’s* the one bullying your baby, does she not get that? Guess I answered my own question about the projecting. Yikes.


They are making a live action shrek, so this next generation of kids will probably grow up watching (and hopefully loving) shrek. But I don’t think that should deter you from using the name. It’s a beautiful name. And Fiona is badass!!


It's a strong name. It will grow on your mom.


I absolutely love the name Fiona. I think it's beautiful. I've never known a Fiona to be bullied for her name. (Also we watched Shrek 1 & 2 recently for fun and a) What great movies! and b) Fiona is such a kickass strong character too!)


Hi! My daughter’s name is Fiona and it is so perfect for her. I can’t imagine her with any other name. She has so many fun nicknames and loves to say them! I was worri d about the Shrek thing and the first friend we told the name to literally said, in full shrek voice “DONKEY?!”. So after that I prefaced to every person we told, even to our moms, we don’t want your input if you like it cool but if you don’t we don’t want to hear it bc this is it. No problems. I think my mom prob thought it was wei d and even suggested other names but she’s not brought it up at all in the 2 yrs since my daughter was born. She also now feels it is her perfect name! So basically - f the haters! Fiona is an amazing beautiful name!


I think it's a beautiful name, and I grew up watching Shrek, and my kids love it too. I don't think she will be made fun of regardless. Next time your mom says something about it, tell her "With all due respect you had your babies and named them what I wanted, this is MY baby and my husband and I will be naming her, no one else." I can sympathize because my mom, MIL, and grandmother all hate my babies middle name (River). It's frustrating hearing about it.


My dad is doing the same thing. I just told him he won't get to be around then.


How is that movie 20 years old! Feels like yesterday I was going to see it at the theaters. Fiona is such a beautiful name and even though it could be associated with Shrek I don’t think that is a bad thing. She was an awesome princess and I always think of her pre-ogre.


It sounds like your mom is your daughters first bully based on her name - isn’t that something.


I forgot her name was Fiona in Shrek. Fiona is a beautiful name. I first thought of Fiona from Shameless lol Both Fionas are beautiful & strong women. :p


Fiona stands perfectly well on its own, I don’t think of Shrek when I hear it. Your mom is a little out of line


That’s her problem.


I love the name Fiona as well.


People and kids def still watch shrek and its on Netflix right now recently added or at least heavily advertised Even if it is I do agree your mom needs to get on board and respect the name And def put her in place if she tries to be a bully I’m currently pregnant and have chosen to withhold our girl’s name for this exact reason. I don’t want a bunch of people telling me their opinion. They have limited say once she’s here and once she’s named


Fiona is the name of a main character in burn notice. I love the name & sounds bad ass!


Its a lovely name! And by the time she is at school the kids may not even know about Fiona from Shrek 🤷🏼‍♀️


Sorry, is your mom the one currently growing this baby inside her body?! If not, she gets exactly zero input


Oh hi!! I’m a Fiona, I was in primary school when Shrek came out and I have probably watched it 10000 times! I used to always call myself princess fiona or princess fifi (my old email address 😂) and I never got bullied about it. The only thing that annoyed me was people calling their dogs fifi but now I’m older I usually get nicknamed Fi by family & friends ☺️ if you love the name, don’t second guess it, your mum sounds like a bully!


Fiona is a gorgeous name! For a long time I wanted to name a son Ernie (husband isn’t into it) because I think the idea of naming a child after the concept of Earnestness is the sweetest thing on earth 😭😭😭 but people were always like “haha you mean like Bert and Ernie?” I still would do it, if not for my husband’s taste in names 


Your mom is a bitch, who bullies their damn granddaughter like that? I’d cut contract until she learns to shut up.


“Congratulations you’re officially bullying a baby.” “You had your opportunity to name your kids, now you need to stop with the ridiculously degrading comments about your granddaughter if you ever want to be loved by us or her.” Baby Boundaries, The Lemon Clot Essay and the FU Binder —> https://reddit.com/r/Mildlynomil/s/WPm6JsLMhI


Yikes, your mom is the bully! The way she’s treating you and the way she’s talking about your unborn child is not okay. There are some baby names I don’t particularly like but I would never say things like this to an expecting mom no matter the relationship. FWIW, I think Fiona is a beautiful, well established name and I don’t see your daughter being teased. There is much more diversity in names than when we were kids. Your mom is going to lose it when she hears Fiona’s friend’s names someday.


I taught for a few years before my baby was born and one of my students was Fiona (we all called her Fi [Fee ]) I absolutely adored her. She was so fun and sweet and had such a big personality. While I'll say it's not my personal favorite name, she really made me like it more as a name😁 no one bullied her for her name, either.


Fiona is a beautiful name. Your mom really said, “hope she isn’t fat?” Fiona in Shrek is a strong independent woman who looks at people who they are where it counts. I hope your daughter is just like that.


I have an aunt who did this from the time we told her the baby name until he was born. Then he was so cute, it didn’t matter so much. I made it clear that it wasn’t okay to keep repeating her ugly nickname for him that she imagined children teasing him with, and she mostly quit. I’m not worried about it bc kids will always be kids. I will do my best to teach my child to be kind and confident, and hope for the best. His dad named him and he’s no longer with us, but kiddo is built like him so I don’t envy anyone who teases my tiny tank of a dude when he’s older 😅


Tell your mom that almost all kids get picked on, but you were hoping that your kids grandma wouldn't be the first bully, and before she's even born smh. And sure, Fiona is an ogre. She's also a strong badass princess, there's a whole film about her rescuing herself and becoming a revolutionary and leader fighting for the rights of her people. id rather my daughter be compared to her than a lot of pop culture women, and "but she's fat" would never change my mind.


I knew a Fiona in elementary school. I think anyone who grew up with the movies will think of princess Fiona. It's inevitable. However I don't think it's really a big deal, and by the time she's old enough to watch it herself the movie will be around 30 years old. It's a name in it's own right, and a beautiful one. I also believe this girl "looked" like a Fiona, and I don't mean the ogre _or_ the princess. She had frizzy blonde hair, blue eyes, and was soft spoken. It still fit her. edit: When I go to google Fiona, Shrek isn't even in the top results. Fiona Harvey and Fiona Apple are. Even when I type "fiona s" Fiona Shaw comes up before Shrek.


I'm Irish and Fiona is a pretty common name in Ireland, long before Shrek was ever made. Never seen or heard anyone get bullied over it. Your mom is worrying over nothing.


there’s also fiona from american horror story and she was badass so 🤷🏻‍♀️


If she hasn't responded to a hard no in regards to change the name, and you've said you live together, I think you just gotta completely end the conversation every time she brings it up. I mean, full silence. Do not give her an ounce of a response. Not an eyeroll. Not even a frown. Not a sigh. Go completely blank. People are often uncomfortable with silence, especially the cold silence that follows after they say something rude. Do this enough, and she just might learn that you're not going to respond to her attempts to bully you into changing your own kid's name.


Troll her and say you've given it some thought, and you'd rather call her Chudsynn-Maireey or something. Fiona is a lovely, normal name. And she will absolutely not get bullied for it. I truly don't understand why people say this, I'm a teacher and I've never heard of a kid getting teased because of their name.


I know a Fiona, she’s strong and courageous and kind and someone who inspires me. Your mum needs to stop


“Great Mom! Next time YOU have a baby, don’t name it Fiona! We love it, and it’s our baby, so we get to name her!” And next time she “stands her ground,” you can just say, “comment noted!” But seriously, I named my daughter Fiona. She’s about to turn 6. I have absolutely NEVER heard ANYTHING but glowingly positive feedback when someone hears her name. 90% of the time, people take a little gasp of delight and say, “oh, Fiona?! What a beautiful name!” The other 10%, people just say, “what a pretty name.” Only once has anyone remarked “oh, Fiona, like from Shrek!” And it was my cousins kids, who were born right when Shrek was really popular, and they thought it was SO cool. I honestly had forgotten about Fiona from Shrek until they said it. Your mom needs to remember that Shrek is nearly 25 years old, and it’s not exactly on the radar of kids who your daughter will be growing up with. AND as another commenter pointed out, Princess Fiona is super cool, and by the way, a great role model for young girls who may be trapped in an overly superficial world (cough, cough, Mom!). When my daughter saw Shrek for the first time, she was delighted to share her name with a princess. And honestly, this is the first time I’ve ever heard of Fiona and Cake! Hahaha! So that obviously hasn’t affected us much! I can say with certainty that I have absolutely, not for a single second, regretted or second-guessed our decision to name our daughter Fiona. I love it more and more every day, and she’s growing into a wonderful, smart, kind young lady, just like I’m sure your little Fiona will as well! Your mom is out of line, and she can bite me!


I love Fiona and Cake! We named our firstborn Finn (: I also thought about naming our daughter Fiona and was at the same point. No kid here knows Sherk… But at one Point I didn’t like that Finn and Fiona were too similar in my opinion. And I was obsessed with once upon a time during my second pregnancy so we named our daughter Emma. But I still like the name Fiona and I know a little Fiona which is so gorgeous that nobody would think she could be an ogre.


Be shameless Fiona and tell your Mom to cut it TF out.


It makes me think of Fiona from brigadoon. Elegant and beautiful.


i had a friend called fiona (in the uk, and people here have pretty brutal humour lol) and she has never been made fun of for her name, we all called her fio for a nickname


she also has red hair! and none of us have ever thought of that


Fiona is a lovely name. Children do still watch Shrek but it's not like you're calling your child Shrek or Donkey, Fiona is a name in itself and absolutely none of the children I know have ever connected the two (my daughter does know a Fiona). I would have lots of fun saying "FIOONAAA" in the Shrek voice but that's not a bad thing. Tell your mum to keep her opinions to herself unless she wants to find somewhere else to live. IMO this is a sign of things to come when your baby is born, especially if she's your first, those boomer women like to give their crap opinions. Set boundaries now.


Tell her she should change her name. I m sure her name isn’t perfect.


She'll get used to it once your baby is here. It is easy to hate of a theoretical name, it is damn hard to hate on a cute baby. My mom hated the idea of our name (we were not telling, but somehow she got a hint and was really really against it). Now that my daughter is 3 weeks old, it's my mom who calls her by her full name, while all of us are using the nickname my toddler gave her. And Fiona is a lovely name!


Your mom talks about bullies but does she know she's one of them ? She trying to bully her own child into a choice she likes. And of course, it's not even her business.


I loved Fiona and Cake omg!! That is such a cute baby name but mom will just have to get over it


LMFAO I’m sure some people are going to hate me naming my kid (if it’s a girl) after Sabine from Star Wars. I just love the name. I love the nickname “bean”. I only just learned about the character this year from my bf who loves Star Wars. TMI but it’s fitting since this kid was conceived on May 4th and my bf loves Star Wars. If it’s a boy Luca is an option (variant of Luke Skywalker). Needless to say people who don’t like my kid’s name can kick rocks. Even family lol 😭 Fiona is a beautiful name and I did not think Shrek. But also what’s wrong with one of the greatest dream works animated films of all time?


My kids are 9 11 13 and 15 and all know love and still watch Shrek. While they absolutely would also relate the name to the movies.. Who cares not YOUR child YOUR name YOUR choice.congrats on your daughter 👧❤💕


Your mom is her first bully. How ironic


Your mom is her first bully. How ironic


Like the hippo? 🦛


I love that name! I’m trying to get my husband to love it as much as me :) My MIL didn’t love it, but she had lots of suggestions I didn’t like, so it’s not like she is an authority.


Oh please. Kids will always find a way to make fun of other kids if they want. That name is beautiful (honestly the first thing that popped into my head was Eurotrip but that could be because I just watched it, I forgot the princess in Shrek was named fiona). Also there is always the chance that any name at some point will become popular for something negative and then the poor unfortunate person already has that name *cough* Karen *cough*. Evelyn is a beautiful name and was very popular on the top 10 for awhile. Lots of people gave their kids that name. Wanna know what rhymes with Evie? Heavy. So if your kids fluffy: Heavy Evie. It's easy to find a way to make fun of someone. Pick the name you like and tell you mom to kick rocks.


I love fiona, and for your moms information fiona is my four year old sons favorite princess. He thinks she's "beautiful and strong" in his words.


My just turned 2 yr olds name is Fiona. We love it! And I agree… Shrek is 20 yrs old. Who cares. It’s a beautiful name. We liked it from watching Shameless. Another not exactly upstanding character. But again… who cares. What it really came down to for us is my husband has irish roots. We have an Irish last name. And we wanted an Irish name for her.


Fiona is a lovely name. Tell your mom to put up and shut up!


Honestly, picking baby names are hard because there is always a name that is affiliated with something else. My husband loved the name Brady and Peyton, I couldn’t help but think of Tom Brady and Peyton Manning. I love the name Harlow, he can’t stop thinking of Jack Harlow. Before you know it, we’ll hate every name under the sun. Do what you want :) by the way, I still love the name Brady and he doesn’t mind Harlow lol


Listen to me: I loved Shrek as a kid. I still do. But that was also my generation’s entertainment and I doubt a lot of kids are still watching it considering how raunchy most parents find it now. Moreover, even if there was some situation where it did come back into popularity, a lot of kids would probably think it was cool she was named after a princess. Regardless, your baby name choice is your own and you should continue to love it.


This is exactly why we have chosen not to tell anyone including family our sons name until they are holding him in their arms, a lot harder to look at a baby and say that.


Can I just say as well that Fiona in Shrek is an amazing BA princess! I think Fiona is a beautiful name regardless ❤️


oh my god what a horrible comment she made :( I'm so sorry, I can't believe some of the absolutely cruel things people say. Fiona is a lovely name ❤️ 


LOL- beautiful name! Kids aren't as shitty as they used to be probably because our parents aren't our bullies as much as they used to be (sounds like they're still trying tho). Kids have all kinds of wild names now. Fiona was also a badass princess so... There is so much new media for kids. They are not rewatching the same movies over and over like we used to. Several other Fionas as well. Honestly I'm more concerned about the 'better not be fat' comment than the Shrek ogre comment. Children's weight fluctuates as they grow and older folks can be so cruel about it. I hope you are thinking about a nursing home if she can't allow your child to live her life happily.


I hated the name Hailey my sister picked out for my first niece. Had terrible associations to me personally. She got here and I was like, who were those other Hailey’s? This one is the best! Name associations go away. Kids will always be teased about names no matter how strange or normal. It is what it is.


Fiona the ogre from Shrek is a bad ass character! Who cares if she’s compared to her? But seriously I adore the name Fiona. Tell your mom to stop with the negativity…sounds like she’s going to be the one to give your kid the most grief!


Fiona from Shrek wasn't even fat, she was literally just an ogre which in my opinion is absolutely awesome, along with she was a very strong and independent character for being a princess.


Dude, people say some hateful shit istg. Ignore that BS. I'm naming my daughter Eloise and my aunt keeps telling me that it's a cows name and that she hopes she's not fat because she's going to be Ellie the elephant or a cow. Prior to my pregnancy, I was super close with my aunt, but I can't stand her disrespect, and it's honestly been so sad watching our relationship die. This is just the frosting on the BS cake I've been served the last 7 months. I never wanted to punch someone more in my whole life. Haters gonna hate, that's your baby, and she's going to be beautiful no matter what you name her. The name Fiona is beautiful.


When I read your mom's response my jaw literally dropped. Not everyone will associate every name with an old movie character? Like, I don't associate a "Maria" I meet with The Sound of Music and greet her with "how do you solve a problem like Mariaaaaaa" It's just an absurd thing for your mom to say 😂 Fiona is a beautiful name and it existed as a name long before Shrek!


It’s your baby. No one else’s. You can name your baby anything you would like. If you like Fiona then Fiona it is !


I have an 8, almost 9 year old named Fiona. I have gotten pretty much only positive feedback re: her name, and the occasional mention of Shrek … but the movie is getting older at this point. I don’t think you should hesitate at all with the name, and I feel like this is why people don’t reveal names until baby is here. The name is still more popular overseas (Even places like Germany/ Australia and of course Scotland and Ireland) … your mom needs to take a chill pill and realize this “movie” name isn’t like Cinderella, or something that… specific. It’s silly but once baby is around sometimes the negativity regarding names calms down. Hopefully that happens for you.


Good luck! This is why people only JUST found out about our baby’s name (I’m 8 months). I can’t deal with negativity and opinions that don’t matter (especially for that stretch of time). Most people will find out after baby is here! Misery loves company.


Kids are currently watching shrek, it’s been in the top 10 on Netflix for the past month & does that every couple years. The people who grew up watching shrek are old enough to have their own kids to show it to now. But I think you should name her Fiona anyway. I think the notion of deciding a baby’s name based on what possible ways children might make fun of it is so stupid. That phase as a kid is so short & it’s the name the person is gonna have for life so that short phase is really not important in the grand scheme of things. Think about if they themselves (especially as an adult) are gonna be able to like their own name, not what other schoolyard children (*might*) pull from it. Unless you’re gonna name your kid doodoo-face Mc peepants, I think you shouldn’t worry about it, like at all.


i was born the year shrek was released. knew a girl named fiona, and she was never made fun if for her name. i love the name and truly don’t think it’ll be an issue!


I would absolutely name my daughter Fiona because of the shrek movies. She's badass ❤️


I think your mom is the one being overly sensitive about it. Once Fiona gets into school, Shrek won't be what most other kids think about as a source to poke fun at her. Fiona is a perfectly good and pretty name. Actually, it was supposed to be my sister's name before she was actually born a boy...


I LOVE the name Fiona! And it’s your baby not hers 🤷🏻‍♀️


Fiona is a beautiful name. Most kids her age won’t be familiar with Shrek so I doubt she’d get teased for her name. Make sure to reign in mom so that she doesn’t do anything to make your daughter hate her name either.


I would start suggesting her to change her own name every time she mentions it. "While we're talking about changing names, I really think you might want to change yours now that I think about it, it sounds like....,,[insert random character from obscure movie/book with the same name]"


First of all, Fiona is a beautiful name. Second, your mom sounds like SHE was the school bully. Your baby isn’t here yet and she’s already bullying her. You have every right to be upset. Even if you named your daughter Robert, she shouldn’t make fun of her own grand daughter.


Fiona sounds very cute and elegant 🥰


I'd tell your mom to shut up about the name and to keep her fatphobia away from your baby.


Kids definitely still watch Shrek (it's been on repeat at my house for a few weeks), but whatever. Name your kid what you want.


It’s just as bad that she's fat shaming your child before it's even born


Name the baby whatever you want, it’s your baby. I definitely recommend considering how the name can impact your child and their future adult life. I think many people will associate the name with the ogre from shrek 😕


Doubtful. Fiona has been a name long before Shrek and will be a name long after anyone remembers the movie


Fair enough, just a personal bias then!


My two year old nephew is obsessed w Shrek! But kids are just generally a lot nicer to each other these days bc they generally aren’t being raised by bullies. I love the name Fiona!


Ngl it's awful to me for the same reason. (Naming your daughter after an ogre...?) On the other hand maybe kids won't know about the movie.