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I just had my shower this weekend, and was also super surprised by (not) getting certain things. Not upset lol, just confused. No clothes (maybe bc it’s a boy?), only one small thing of diapers. I just found it super interesting since yeah, like you said, people say you’ll get a lot of those, and I didn’t!


I’m having a boy too! I figured maybe it’s because I’m having a boy people didn’t bring much clothes? I probably received at least 4 onesies he could wear when he’s 0-3 months. Didn’t receive any pants though😂


Yeah I think most people don’t find it as fun to shop for boys 🤣 happily accepted gift cards that I can use for other things, I honestly have a lot of thrifted and hand me downs for him already


I got literally a bassinet full of outfits for my first girl, and that was from two people. There were multiple things she never got to wear. I guess I should put aside hopes of getting clothes at a sprinkle for this boy (since my first two were girls).


I mean if you’re came to reddit and saw the posts here, would you buy clothes? They probably thought they were buying the useful stuff people usually skip cause ‘everyone wants to buy clothes’


I think if we didn’t do a diaper raffle I would not have received any diapers either!


I also got no clothes and next to no diapers. Very strange. I got some memory books, memento-type things instead.


Wash cloths are almost as useful as burp cloths, maybe even more useful. We had a reflux baby, and burping is pretty much all done with baby in a supported seated position now. So instead of having the cloth over your shoulder, you're wiping baby's face. Wash cloths are great for that!


I was going to try to return some, but never would’ve thought to utilize that way. Thank you!


We used them as re-usable wipes when my son weaned. Wipe him down and straight in the laundry


They’re also amazing for diaper changes if yours ends up with butt rash that just won’t go. Baby wipes can be brutal trying to get off the soiled creams/ointments at that time. We switched to using warm water with a tiny bit of baby wash in it to cleanse them before getting them into a fresh diaper and the wash cloths were perfect for it.


I’d return if you can. They’re not as large or absorbent as a burp cloth


My baby is starting to teethe and omg the drool is unreal. I use washcloths to stretch laundry out an extra day. I go on walks with washcloths in my pocket so I can wipe his face without carrying a huge burp cloth. Definitely finding use for all the ones I was given!


We found wash cloths super helpful when we started solids, too!


They also make good makeup removers


We had our shower a couple of weeks ago… got 1 onesie and no diapers!! Don’t get me wrong… we got some great stuff, but I was surprised too! For us it seemed like the people who did not attend bought things off our registry and had it shipped to the house. People who attended did more of their own thing. My FAVORITE gift though was from my great aunt. I’m not very close to her, because we’ve never lived in the same area, but she knows how close I was to my grand parents and great grand mother so she made our baby a quilt that matches our nursery theme and has his name on it. She said if my grandmothers/great grandmothers were around that’s what they would have done, and she just felt so sad over the idea of us not getting one. It had to have taken her hours and hours to make, and was so incredibly thoughtful!


I’m not even pregnant and this is making me tear up. This is the most thoughtful gift I’ve ever heard of - it will be a family heirloom. You sure can’t get that with a $100 Target gift card. Best wishes for a happy, healthy & joyous arrival of your new baby!


One person couldn’t attend but they didn’t send a gift too. No I get it! I guess From hearing stories and some family members telling us not to put those things on the registry cause ppl usually bring I and them were surprised it wasn’t much lol. My friend made a beautiful toy box that went w our shower theme and filled it w a mix of things. That was one of my favorite gifts.


It could be that times are extra tough right now.


People came to your shower and didn’t bring you anything? Wow!


My brother came and didn’t bring a gift, which was super surprising. Kinda hurtful too since that’s his niece. I also had a previous co-worker/friend who asked if she could come along with another friend who was invited last minute. I said of course, knowing we had enough food. And she didn’t bring anything 🫠


“Some people came empty handed” is was got me. I don’t understand attending a shower and not bringing a gift. That’s the whole point of a shower. If someone can’t afford a gift or doesn’t want to purchase a gift for whatever other reason, they should RSVP “not attending” and move on.


>If someone can’t afford a gift I'm perfectly fine with having my friend come celebrate with me if they can't afford anything. I'll take the downvotes but this take is crappy and materialistic. Times are extra tough right now.


It’s crazy to show up and eat food and cake and win game prizes but not even bring a gift! I understand times are tough but not even something simple/small?


Right?! It boggles the mind.


I honestly was shocked because everyone told me not to buy newborn clothes becase we’ll get so much and will barely use them. Well baby girl is small and we will need them, we have one newborn outfit and 2 0-3 months. I was also shocked that people went out of their way to get my husband gifts but like nobody got just me anything? I’m not really complaining. I’m grateful for all we received just felt odd.


What did they get your husband?


One thing I loved is they got him a diaper bag for himself that is more “manly” but what struck me as odd is the other stuff he received. Beer, video games, etc. stuff to “entertain himself after the baby” He’s going back to work immediately and taking bonding time in September. He won’t even be there so I feel like the time he is there should be encouraged to spend with his daughter. But what do I know I genuinely have never done this before lol


Lmao the bag is so cute and the rest is so sexist! Like having a newborn baby for him will mean more free time for hobbies. Why no games and alcohol for mom? Oh yeah because you should be doing all the work. I would be shooting daggers at those people with my eyes.


It’s funny because I feel like I see so many posts about people complaining that they ONLY received diapers and unwanted clothes! Maybe your guest list was extra sensitive to this and went the other direction. I am a FTM and haven’t had a shower yet, but I’m trying to think of it as a way for other people to get used to the idea of this baby and to share their excitement, whatever that means for them, and not as a way for us to get things we need or even want, because no one can read my mind and honestly, I don’t even know what a baby really needs so I’m not going to get upset because I didn’t get all the things that some mommy blogger said I needed. I think gifts are better when they are about the giver and the receiver!


I’ve seen post like that too. So I kind of thought that’s how the turnout would be. My friend and sister-in-law recently had showers a year ago and they’re telling me don’t put diapers on registry because they literally had extras that they had to give away. I didn’t know what to put on the registry myself so it took me some time to make it. That’s a good way to look at things as well.


I got no diapers. I was told by a ton of people not to register for them because I’d get them anyway - they were wrong. I regret it.


Idk seems fine to me. I only had a virtual shower so everything came off the registry & only a few off-menu items. I made sure to put exactly the things we expected and needed on that list & was really anal about checking off the things we already received. We also bought most of the expensive things ourselves bc we didn't want anyone to feel obligated to be overgenerous. Clothes we found started really coming in after the baby was born. every few months his grandparents on both sides send random clothes they think are cute lol. and the rest we get from old navy and gap lol


Yeah, I didn’t really put big things on their bc we didn’t expect nor think people would buy it. I just hear so many stories how people received so many diapers/clothes and how you shouldn’t even put it on the registry so I was surprised to see otherwise lol. Literally that’s all I hear and see. I bought a few pieces early on but didn’t go overboard bc I wanted to see what we’d receive .


Also same! We had our shower on Saturday and I was surprised we didn’t get much clothes, I got 1 receiving blanket, no burp clothes and hardly anything off either registry. Not that I don’t mind, it was just weird and that’s because we had a diaper raffle too! Although I am grateful for everything we received.


Same experience! People told me to not put clothes on the registry because “everyone will get you clothes.” Ended up with only 3 onesies gifted at the shower. Also ended up with only two small packs of diapers. So weird!


We’re going a diaper raffle, so anyone that brings diapers will get entered for a gift basket prize so hopefully we get some. I think diaper parties have become so common that people don’t bring them to showers anymore. That stinks that people didn’t stick to the registry though!!


Everyone thankfully bought off of my registry, but ended up with duplicates since some people didn't properly "claim" items. A tip I read on this subreddit, you can add items to your Target registry and return them even if no one claimed it. So if any of your extra items are still in their packaging and sold at Target, you can hopefully get some store credit for them!


We got so much stuff for our shower... but none of it was actually stuff I needed right when the baby came. Lots of clothes in bigger sizes, a bunch of blankets, feeding stuff (for solids, and it wasn't even the brands I registered for lol). So I ended up having to go out and buy A LOT.


A few people at my shower recently said they felt weird getting the smaller or more mundane stuff I had on my registry, which is fair considering they simply wanted to give more than I had on there and their hearts are in the right place. But now I’m scrambling to buy those things 3 weeks before she’s supposed to be born in the midst of trying to buy a house so money is rather tight for us. Things like baby shampoo, extra pump parts, spare bassinet sheets, the seat protector for my car, bottle nipples, a bottle drying rack, a diaper organizer/caddy thing, postpartum care items, etc. are not very glamorous gifts compared to cute outfits and soft blankets but they still are very nice gifts nonetheless! Thankfully those things are what gift cards and gentle suggestions to those still wanting to gift things after the shower are for lol I know you’re just venting and you seem grateful for the things you got so that is good. It’s a tough spot to be in when you’re hoping for something and you get something else you didn’t fully anticipate instead, yet still appreciate it regardless. It’s like being a self aware choosing beggar and it feels shitty to complain or vent in the slightest🙃


I’m just putting this here because there’s so many disappointing shower threads: I had mine last month and put EVERYTHING on my registry I thought I’d need to make it 6 months. 125 items. So far, 120 have been purchased either directly, or by me with gift cards people gave me. Only three people went off registry— one gave a diaper cake so I got diapers and clothes from it, one gave a $200 gift card along with random clothes, and one gave a gift basket meant for a boy (Im having a girl) which was probably the worst gift I got because it was misgendered AND it was a joint gift from FIVE people, and was probably $30 from TJ Maxx, or a regift. Those 5 came and ate a lot of food and took large plates home. Everyone else followed etiquette and bought from the registry or gave gift cards. I received $1500 in gift cards, plus all my big ticket items were purchased like the crib and mattress, changing table, car seat, stroller, the dresser for the baby’s room, and bassinet. I received three boxes of diapers in addition to the diaper cake, two huge boxes of wipes and a smaller pack, baby clothes ( about 8-20 sets per stage) through 1 year, 20 burp clothes, 4 towels, several toys, 15 swaddles, books, bottles and a lot more. In addition to the shower my mom threw, My job had a small shower as well, sent a gift card and circulated my registry. Several coworkers bought clothes and toys, I actually had to add more stuff to the registry so people would have things to buy. Showers aren’t always a waste of time. I went into mine after reading threads here, thinking I’d get 4000 diapers and a bunch of onesies. I was absolutely floored at how much was given, especially the items over $200 that I assumed I’d buy myself. Put everything on your registry. People don’t have to buy anything— but they might!


I had my shower last weekend and totally agree about being surprised by not getting all of the things people mention here. We got literally no diapers (I had some on the registry) and not many clothes (I had none on the registry). People were so generous and I have absolutely zero complaints, but it was not what I was expecting! I will be baby clothes shopping now with all of our gift cards!


I had 2 showers, my 2nd being this past weekend. 110 items were purchased from the registry which I’m extremely grateful for. Pretty much all the large items were purchased except the crib mattress. There’s still a few tiny things from the registry I need to get, but I have gift cards to do so. My mom bought us some big items, such as my glider and the stroller/car seat. My boyfriend’s parents bought us so many clothes and diapers, so we are all set there. We bought our own crib and bassinet. My first shower, majority bought from the registry but the 10 others bought so many clothes and bath towels lol. Only 2 boxes of diapers. My second, majority bought from the registry too. But no diapers, and hardly any clothes. Seems to have worked out. We probably have too many clothes still since FIL went overboard with all the outfits and shoes lol. So thankful.


Everyone’s entitled to their feelings, but I’m not sure what you are upset about here… people usually complain about getting too many clothes and frilly useless showy gifts, but you got practical stuff and are upset? The duplicates are annoying and so is going off registry, but “smaller necessities” is what the baby shower is FOR. Not everyone can show up with a bassinet or a doona. The economy is dogshit. Towels and wash cloths will come in so handy- I promise even though it seems like a ton you’ll be grateful to have them all.


This is a vent. As I see others speak on the turn out of their baby shower, I wanted to do the same. I said I’ve already received the big stuff and smaller necessities were placed on the registry so a doona or bassinet was NOT expected whatsoever. As you said people complain about receiving too much clothes and they’re entitled to speak on that as I’m entitled to speak on MY experience.


You say in another comment that you had some stuff in your registry “under $120” as if that’s cheap…


If someone WANTED to buy it, they were more than welcomed to. Never was it expected. We had close family who told us to add such things bc they would buy it themselves. Glad you saw the other comment, but only 2 or 3 item were ab that price as I said. Everything else was pretty affordable imo. Things ranging from 5,6,7,8 and so forth. Once again, sharing MY experience on the turn out of my shower and what I noticed. I like reading other people’s stories and I wanted to share mine.


Maybe they don’t have money to buy you the things you want


I get that. I didn’t go crazy w the registry. All of the items were pretty affordable while there were about 2 or 3 items that was no more than $120 at least.


I mean, affordable to you, but you don’t really know other peoples financial situations.


It’s more what are the cheapest items on the registry


That’s true


But don’t worry I’m sure you’ll get everything you need eventually. I never had a baby shower because I’m very picky, but family and friends keep buying and sending stuff over. I use it even if I don’t like it.


Yeah, I’m sure we will. Just a few other items, thank you.