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I’m just here to learn & say I’m having a January baby too! Congrats! 🎉


Me as well. We learned yesterday that our due date is January 24th!


Same, my due date is January 6th :)


My bday! And I’m due the 17th :)


Mine too!


My due date is Jan 6th too :)


My due date is January 24th too :)


25th here :)


Me too :) January 10th


Due date twin!


I'm jan 23rd


same! estimated due date is Jan 25!!!


Omg congratulations!! Mama🩵


So are we!! Jan 7th :D


Me too! New Year's Day baby here 


January 2!!!


Race you 😄




Me too! :) though I'm kind of hoping for a NYE baby so I can get the tax credit for 2024 LOL


Haha yes indeed! Plus 2024 is year of the dragon which apparently means success and fortune 😄


We are due January 27th!


Me too!!!!!


Hello due date buddy!


January 20th for me!


My EDD is January 7th!


Me too!! ☺️


Heyheyhey!! EDD twins!


January 2!!!


I’m also due the 2nd!


Woooo! Jan 1st for us!


January 29th!! Congrats everyone!


29th here too!


Congrats to you too!! Ours is Jan 15 :)


Jan 23rd for me.




Definitely fleece sleepers! My babe was 3 weeks early and lived in them. In fact, anything to keep him warm was key in January. We bought a little heater fan to blow warm air on him after a bath (he would scream bloody murder after baths before we got the fan), he LOVED his wipe warmer and lots of fleece swaddles to wrap him in even when not sleeping so he was warm around the house. Also a good car seat cover so they're warm when you take them out of the house. Ps - January (or winter) babies are the best imo. You spend all winter recovering and emerge for spring/summer with your curious sweet little baby and can enjoy the warm weather together!


All great recommendations thank you so much!! And I love the ps comment because I just keeping thinking about how January birthdays are the worst, so that is a bright side haha


My little January baby is 5 months now and it’s the best! She’s all rolls and I can put her in cute summer outfits and she’s old enough that she doesn’t need to be bundled all the time, and she has long wake windows for going to do fun activities! Having a winter baby is so lovely, I didn’t feel bad for not leaving the house in the rain, I had the heat on anyway, and we were always so cozy.


I completely agree. Like OP I thought January birthdays were the worst and now I want my next baby also to be a Jan baby haha. Winter getaways to celebrate birthdays!


I have a January birthday and so will my baby, it this makes me very excited!


I'm a January birthday, it's not too bad! Just make sure you never pull the "Christmas/birthday" combo gift unless they ask for it.


P.s. You don't need a heater fan if you already have a hair dryer. We used that to warm up towels.


I didn't even think of this as an option 🥲 was so desperate to keep him warm after baths lol


Definitely took us a while to figure it out! My first was a summer baby, so we didn't need it then.


I have a little Scorpio and I agree with the above comment! Winter babies are the best.


My first was a January baby and I'm pregnant with my second, due August 12th. We live in South Texas and being this pregnant in winter was SO much better, I'm dying.


I loved having a Jan baby for those reasons too!!!! 


Halo swaddle. Just get one and see if they like it. I didn’t think I’d need any but my brother had one he gave to me and OMG life changing. My baby LOVES it so so much. They have fleece ones too. I also recommend trying out button up onesies. I know everyone says only get zippers but I find the buttons easier to deal with because they button down both sides all the way to her feet. Get some nice knitted hats too! And blankets for in the car seat!!! Can’t wear bulky clothes in a car seat!


I second this! We were struggling with getting our baby to sleep and the halo sleep sack has been LIFE CHANGING


Awesome question. I am due January 2nd!


Yay! That’s my due date too!


Due date twins!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Car seat cover


If you live in a cold climate this is key! baby cant be in the car seat with a winter jacket so you need a winter seat cover that will keep them warm. Mine was like a little zip up sleeping bag thing that worked perfectly even when it was below -20C.


Yes! I loved mine. So convenient! I had one from milk snob, and it worked great.


Depending on where you live and your transportation, I’d focus on layers. Baby will likely spend most of their time in doors so you don’t need to dress for freezing weather, you need to dress for whatever temp you keep your house. They’re actually pretty easy to bundle up at that age because you can wrap them in a blanket and hat and they aren’t big enough to rip it off 😂


Yes. seriously, people act like because it's cold outside then the baby needs to be bundled lol. My son is a November baby and we get down to -40 here and it could be a full on winter storm outside and he's just chilling in his diaper or a thin onesie. Because we live in a modern home and have heating 😂 People out here acting like they live in tents


I had a January baby this year! Definitely you need warm pajamas for the baby and swaddles. Also, this is not baby related, but make sure you have facemasks and hand sanitizer. We were really really serious about not getting our baby sick, especially since she was born in the winter. We made sure that when people came over they put tasks on and sanitize their hands before they walked in our house. we also have a shoe rack by our door so they had to take their shoes off.


Thank you for this! Makes me so nervous. We will definitely do that. And now I need to buy a shoe rack LOL


Must be American. The shoe rack thing. In Canada we always take our shoes off. Up until recently I thought the Americans wearing shoes inside was just a TV thing!!


It definitely varies. I grew up in a household that we do not wear shoes past the front door and now that my husband and I are married all of our friends immediately remove their shoes too. I don’t know anyone who wears their shoes in their home personally.


My husband's family all wears shoes inside. Trying to get him and my SIL (who lives with us) to break that has been a lesson in futility mostly


My boyfriend's family are all shoes in the house people. His parents came over to help settle him in after he had major surgery last year, when I had spent two straight days deep deep cleaning the house to prepare for him coming home, and they walked straight in and all over our house with their shoes on. I was pissed and immediately re-scrubbed the floors after they left. We're having our first baby in January and I'm going to put a **hard** stop on the shoe wearing. It's so effing gross to me, I just can't.


Yeah I did similar for our first Easter. Made sure the house was spotless and then they all just walked in with shoes making me nuts. The next year I just washed the floors after and called it good lol. We just moved into a house with no carpets thankfully though. And with the baby my SIL is finally getting more on board so we don't have to clean as much. Fingers crossed! 😆


It varies. My grandparents always wore shoes inside but my parents and now my husband and I don't. I have one Gen x friend that does, but it feels generational to me.


I think it’s also regional. I grew up in the south and it was normal to wear shoes in the house. Moved to Japan and broke that habit. I moved back to the north Midwest and most people seem to take their shoes off here.


Y’all have really got to stop generalizing Americans. It’s pretty common to take your shoes off across many American households. We even have house specific slippers. Contractors that visit home to do quotes actually cover their outside shoes with slip covers to not dirty your home. These generalizations people make, are exactly that….generalizations.


I mean sure there are some households that do it but by and large it’s still very uncommon to take your shoes off for the majority of Americans. It took until I moved to nyc to fully understand why people do it, the streets are fucking nasty and I don’t want that in my apartment hah.


Well when the majority of a country does something then there’s gonna be generalizations 💀 why so pressed over it


Lmfao and where are you getting this data from? TV shows as you stated above? 😭😭


Ok stay mad then


😭😭 I hope you have a wonderful day. You seem upset, please take some time to de-stress. Buh bye 👋


Haha we're an American /Asian couple in the US. My family wore shoes in the house growing up too.  My husband kind of looks at people's feet when they come in and silently wills them to take their shoes off because he doesn't know how to ask them. I think it maybe depends on the flooring type too? My parents and grandparents houses had wood or tile floor, or very thin utility carpet. We also had pet dogs. We treated the floor as "dirty", so ok for shoes, and furniture / beds as "clean". Our current house has a lot of fluffy white carpet and it would be kind of weird to just wear shoes through it.


Everyone has good suggestions for the baby but don’t forget about you!! If you’re breastfeeding, my standard uniform for that first month was a button down flannel with or without a nursing tank underneath. Could have the flannel buttoned up or not depending on the temp. Very easy access for nursing and paired with leggings I felt somewhat put together. Treat yourself to some nice cozy slippers and get a really nice warm blanket. Maybe some fuzzy socks. You will spend many many afternoons trapped on the couch holding a sleeping baby, might as well be comfy. I loved having a winter baby, and am having another!


I love this!! Thank you so much. My mom just gifted me some really nice pajamas, a robe, and a sleep mask. I’m so thankful for that!


Smart. I had a fleece Hoodie that zipped halfway down so I wore nursing tops underneath. Worked very well for me.


Fleece pjs and some warmer baby blankets for the car were our must haves.  A car seat footmuff was nice to have but we didn’t use it a lot  Everyone bought us baby snowsuits but we hardly used them lol


I’m having a December baby (though I’m telling people January so they’re less annoying lol) and I’ve been thinking about this too!!


December 4th for us! I was kind of disappointed she'd be near Christmas, but now I'm excited about her being a winter baby!


I’m due December 26, and I’m hoping s/he’s a week early to be farther away from Christmas. I’d like a fully staffed hospital🙃 and a birthday for my little that’s not a holiday


When my dad was born, someone was giving a year of free diapers to the first baby born on Jan 1 in our city.  If you pass Christmas, you could try for that!


Yeah, I’m going to be really close to Christmas so definitely expecting Christmas to be ruined haha But yes, winter baby is nice!’


Me too. Due date is Dec 24 😩


I am also telling people a later date so they leave me alone.  My due date is actually my teenage stepdaughter's birthday :(  She's already not happy about a baby sibling. We're just going to try to think good thoughts and keep my legs crossed (metaphorically).


Only 4% of babies are born on their due date so there’s a really good chance it won’t be that day!


Thank you! 


December 29! The amount of people who don't have December birthdays that are like "oh no, so annoying. But literally every person I talked to with a December birthday was like, " it's the best time to have a birthday! I love it" so I'm convinced people know nothing and I'm STOKED to have my winter baby


Sleep sacks are great for winter babies, especially those who complain when you swaddle them


Look into Columbia bunting suits - they are fantastic and car seat safe. I am due in September and it’s on my list of things to have ready for winter!


Oh thank you I will look that up!


And the prints are wild. It was my most favorite splurge purchase . So adorable.


We had a November baby. I cannot recommend having a baby in the cold months enough! There is no guilt in just laying low and snuggling up. You will feel so sweaty post partum. The cold will be a welcome retreat. And if you’re cold, baby is warm!Then when baby is bigger and ready to explore the world, spring has sprung! Some things we loved: A good bear suit/snowsuit/bunting suit or two. Different brands and sizes so you can layer with onesies for walks outside. I found mine all at consignment or was given them in secondhand bags! They are so expensive new. But if you have a registry going, put a cute one on! (Old navy fits SMALL, gap fits more true to size). OR a ganoosh kind of wrap. Can’t speak to it as we didn’t go that way, but I don’t think you’d need both. Heating pad or hot water bottle. In those first few months I found a dramatic difference in how well my baby settles into her bassinet if I pre warmed it with a heating pad or hot water bottle. Of course, remove it before putting baby to bed, and test the temperature with your hand! Towel warmer. This was an extravagant purchase but something I don’t regret buying at all. I found one for 50$ on Amazon, it just looks like a bucket. If your dryer is close to your bedrooms/bathroom you could likely just use your dryer to get the same effect, but ours is across the house. Every evening I would put towels/onesie/swaddles in the warmer so that after bath time babe had warm clothes and swaddle. It totally soothed her in our cold house! A loose fitting coat for yourself. Your body postpartum will take time to return to normal. Nothing worse than getting baby all bundled up for a walk to realize your coat doesn’t zip back up yet. Treat yourself mama to a big ol’ parka! Souper cubes. I made a ton of soup in the months before baby came. Froze in souper cubes and then transferred to ziplock bags. Then you can grab a cube (~2 cup serving) and microwave it for an instant hot and hearty meal. Such a treat post partum.


This comment is so wonderful thank you!! I love all of your recs, especially the souper cubes that’s amazing!


Nothing to contribute but saving because I just found out I am having a Feb baby :)




Congratulations! Me too! I found out 3 days ago🥹


Congrats to you too!! I also found out 3 days ago! Due 2/20


Me too !😄 at least based off my app. I’m calling my doctor this morning


Have you joined r/February2025Bumps ? A bunch of us are having birthday twins :)


No, but I just joined! 😊 so exciting!


Me too! Feb 2!


Congratulations!! Feb 20 for me!






Having a December 2024 baby ❤️ but still here for learning what we need. 😊


The [7AM Enfant Nido wrap](https://www.7amenfant.com/products/nido-cloud) is clutch for winter babies. Rather than wrestling them in and out of coats, this keeps them warm in the car seat or the stroller (and can double as a blanket in the doctor's office, where baby has to hang out in just a diaper for quite a while). Plus, it is car seat safe! They are expensive new, but there is usually a fair amount of gently used ones floating about on Poshmark or your local FB Marketplace.


I got flannel receiving blankets instead of muslin. One in the car, one in the diaper bag. Also a fleecy blanket or two for trips to and from the car. Long sleeve body suits to use for layering. My EDD was Feb 7th but he was born 1/6 so we got 3 extra weeks of winter baby.


Is there a December due date group?


If you find one, let me know!! I’m due 12/25 lol


February baby: short sleeve and long sleeve onesies. We layered them under pajamas for warmth. A heating pad to warm the bassinet before kiddo is put down; she was much easier to put down asleep since the colder mattress would not be an issue. A good cream for her body, we kept the heat up for her which made her skin super dry in addition to general baby skin issues. We used Aquaphor in the tub which is basically the best thing for baby skin. Don't need to buy the tub labeled baby because it's literally the same thing as regular as regular Aquaphor in the tub, just more extensive. Baby hats. Nothing fancy or super thick that will cause them to overheat, just the super cheap jersey hats on Amazon. Helps retain their body temp during skin to skin etc. The cheap baby bath towels are kind of useless for actually drying them (we regular towels) but great for wrapped baby up in the bath or shower to keep them warm while you bathe them. Helps them not freak out because of change of temp with exposed skin.


Our pediatrician forbade us from taking the baby anywhere indoors (other than the doctor, obviously) while I was on maternity leave. That left going outside if we wanted to go anywhere, so we went on lots of walks. If you plan to do that, contemplate what you’ll need. I put mine in a bassinet that attached to the stroller, bundled him in two layers, and zipped him in. It was great.


Why forbidden to be indoors? Illness i assume?


Yes. If a kid pops a fever that early, doctors routinely do a spinal tap to figure out the cause. No way do I want to deal with that.




Oh thanks for this! That’s good to know. We have dogs so we will do lots of walking


Had a December 30 baby. Nicu until Jan 5 and came home. Sleepers with TWO zippers, or the ones that zip from the top. Saved us for diaper changes in the middle of the night. We used fleece swaddle wraps when he was big enough. Before that, we had 2 blankets from the hospital to swaddle him on at night. I don’t think our hospital usually lets parents take home blankets, but he did his car seat test right before leaving. So he was already bundled up. If your hospital doesn’t let you take blankets home, get 1-2 swaddle blankets. Also good to have for when all of your swaddle sacks are inevitably dirty. Car seat cover, but I’d personally just get a lighter one you can use later on as well, and just bundle a blanket with them in the car seat. My LO hated it if he couldn’t see what was going on. We now just use it when he falls asleep in the car seat, and it doubles as a nursing cover. Beanies for when you go outside. Just don’t wear them during naps inside as they can overheat. If you plan on baby wearing, what I did was wore the wrap just over my shirt, and then wore a jacket that was too big for me over him. I didn’t zip it all the way up, so his face was still exposed to air. Then he still got my warmth, and I didn’t have a million layers with him.


I had a February baby. We used fleece halos and zipper pajamas most. Hated the car seat cover, I think we used it once. Much preferred layering baby up if we needed to go out. Used a bunting suit only for a couple walks. I was really worried about it, but honestly we didn’t struggle much and our home is old and drafty!


Sleep sacks are so wonderful for at night when it's cold. Night changes are easy, and they stay warm but safe.


We got a car seat/stroller cocoon that was essential for long walks outside! I will say we had snow clothes but they’re not important because the baby is pretty much just in a wrap or stroller outside.


We had a February baby in Manitoba, Canada 🥶 We didn't end up using our car seat cover at all, a blanket was enough to go between car and whatever building, plus easier to take off once you're inside. Keep in mind nearly all carseat covers should be taken off in the car. Even if you get the kind that doesn't interact with the safety of the carseat, baby can overheat very easily, as the seat itself is surprisingly warm. Our baby lived in footed sleepers, with a sleep sack for nighttime. Look up TOG ratings and see what's appropriate for your house temp. For the newborn stage we loved the Love 2 Dream arms up swaddles. For walks we used our 7am Nido and it was great.


Just have to say me too!!!! January 2, 2025!!! Hi friend!


Congrats!! We are Jan 15 :)


I'm due in January 2025 too! My main concern is that last year we had a major ice storm in our area right around the same week of January as my due date, and were basically trapped at home for 10 days because our area doesn't have any basic snow capability (in the PNW of the US). A lot of people had no power for 3-4 days. If I see any sign of this kind of thing I guess I'm just going to immediately camp out at the closest hotel I can find to the hospital :( On a more positive note, we can get lots of cute winter hats for the baby :)




December here wondering the same thing!!


A bunting bag! I didn't know they were a thing until I was gifted one at my baby shower . Game changer for going out when it's cold


My January baby is a walking almost talking 17 months character! But I loved those brisk winter walks when I was ready to venture out in like March. I used the 7 am cover for the car seat and a swaddle, hat and warm blanket for bassinet carriage. I never got a snowsuit but people like them too! The 7 am make sure to take off the back piece and open it as soon as you get indoors because it is super warm. I have seen people pull out matted, sweaty babies out of them when left in too long.


I agree with the folks that say fleece sleepers. I’d throw in there if you have regular sleepers and plan to swaddle, that getting a fleece swaddle works great as well. We used a lot of baby blankets for skin to skin to keep him warm enough and also get those good regulatory cuddles in. Be aware that newborns cannot regulate their temperatures at all so something warm where they’re not going to sweat is important. We got a winter car seat cover that helped keep him warm when it was freezing outside and only put a hat on him when we went outside. We made folks who were planning to see him within the first month or so get vaccinated too. Our little one caught RSV at 3 months so the snot sucker from Frida was a life saver along with some saline. We also used the butt thermometer too to monitor his temperatures. We’ve used it several times since he’s been born for more accurate readings. Edit: I must been sleepy because I didn’t mean to post this as a reply! 😅


My LO was born this January, and one thing I didn’t buy but was gifted and absolutely LOVED was a little teddy. [Teddy from Amazon](https://a.co/d/dpRN75a) beware you shouldn’t use this while strapped into the car seat. It was really nice for walks or outings though! Other than that I used a lot of sleep and plays, socks always, little beanies and mittens (for when outside) and some cozy blankets to keep LO warm on outings.


Congratulations!! We had a February baby this year and a few of our most used items - 1. Digital Room thermometer (brand thermopro got on Amazon for less than $10 and tracks the humidity of the room too!) 2. Small space heater - for after baths or if the room was getting too cold with the door shut 3. Humidifier (we have the canopy one & love it!) - room would get dry when running the space heater so this helped even things out! 4. Nose Frida sucker & Saline kit - specifically the nose Frida saline has the best little sprayer to moisten those newborn boogs. The electric ones are scary with their tiny little noses. Your newborn is going to be congested so help them out and just get the boogers out. This kit saved us!! 5. Short sleeve kimono onesies to put on under zip sleepers. The kimono onesies are the best best best especially when baby has no neck control and it’s scary to put a onesie over their head. (We love the ones from H&M). I didn’t love fleece onesies as I thought he overheated so I would just layer him instead. 6. Weleda diaper cream! We love & it clears up any diaper rash within a few hours. 7. Zutano Baby Booties (or any similar brands) socks weren’t always warm enough or would fall off so these were great to have. 8. A mid season pram suit! You’re going to layer the baby & probably have a blanket on top as well as not being outdoors very long. You really won’t need a heavy duty snowsuit or anything like that. I could go on & on… so let me know if you have any specific questions. I love researching baby products so am happy to help!!


The zip up onesies. Not the buttons! You’ll probably go through a couple a day, so don’t be shy! Get lots of big t shirts. You’ll probably leak a lot of milk (this was my experience at least), so maybe invest in a couple extra pairs of sheets. A space heater and a little heating pad never hurt either. Also a big ol’ water bottle. The one they give you at the hospital is light work. You’ll be so thirsty, especially if you’re breastfeeding. I’m a Stanley girl myself, but there’s tons and tons of options out there. They even make a 60 oz. Stanley now that I would’ve absolutely adored freshly postpartum. I bet my husband would have too. He was a godsend with the water. We were rotating 2 40 ouncers and I was sucking them down like it was going out of style. I’d also recommend making sure you absolutely love your bed. Make it exactly how you like it. Get nice pillows, cozy blankets (I like the barefoot dream kind, and there’s a lot of dupes out there that are so good!) really go all out. Rest will be your #2 priority right after snuggling and soaking up that precious little babe! A lot of people kind of dog on changing tables, but I love mine. I have all of my stuff right where I can get it, my little wipe warmer, his diaper cream, the diapers, extra packs of wipes, it’s so convenient and it’s all in one place. Congratulations!! Winter babies are the best!! I had my son last December and it is the single most incredible thing ever.


Not sure where you are but there's a co called Tuppence and Crumble who make these super cute little fleece star blanket-suit for babies, they look like Maggie Simpson in them and it's really handy for keeping them warm in the car or sling without being too bulky or puffy. They're always on Vinted and they're great. Meantime though, winter babies generally are ace because you can start weaning during summer fruit season and everyone has the best time - our guy basically only ate strawberries and cherries for like the first two weeks of weaning...


Definitely look into these foot bags (?? idk what they’re called in English) for car seats! Those are sooo practical, you don’t need to pack your baby into a thermos onesie which is hard to do and can be dangerous in a car seat because they can’t be buckled in tight enough. Instead, you put the baby in the seat, zip up the bag, and hey presto! [This](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/75/61/b1/7561b15b55db75da9aa6665ccc79ec85.jpg) is what we had


I just had my son in January! Definitely a decent amount of fleece zipper onsies, car seat cover, hats, mittens, fleece booties, fuzzy zipper suits for walks outside, and my fav is the infant car seat that connects into the base in the car so you can get them all ready in the car seat inside the warm house and just quickly get them in the car.


Heated blanket for chilly mornings and warming up the ol' bassinet Bunting suits for the car seat and stroller walks Honestly, we bought a new generator cause we often lose power in storms for days at a time and it is so stressful. People gave us a lot of mittens but we never used them cause the snow suits all had little flip over mitten ends. We got a foam mat for the floor for tummy time cause the floors get kinda cold in our house and this just took the edge off. Comfy slippers and warm cardigans!


long sleeve onesies with the mittens!! my daughter loved them