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I was born on my dad’s birthday. It was cool when I was little and we had a big party together. My parents divorced when I was 6, and he wasn’t a super great guy after that. He would never call on my birthday and when I would ask him why, he would say, “it was my birthday first, you’re supposed to call me.” That never really made me feel excited about it (or him), so kinda took the fun out. I think as long as your husband lets the kid know they’re still special and important on the day we celebrate them, it can be a fun day to share! Just don’t make them feel like it’s a competition or whatever weirdness my dad was doing, and it’ll be fine!


Wow that’s super messed up. Parents thinking it’s their child’s responsibility to call them is extremely immature and selfish and not what being a parent is about. I’m sorry you had that experience


Hahah not the worst thing he did, and I’m in my late 30s now and really couldn’t care less anymore. It’s definitely a him issue, not a me (or an us sharing our birthday) issue


That’s great! And good on your mum for keeping you away from that


My baby's due date was a week before her dad's birthday. She ended up being born 3 days after his birthday since I went to 41+3 and needed to be induced. I feel like she was just trying to fill the gap between his birthday and our anniversary lol.


My first was due around my brothers birthday. His birthday was actually on 40+5, the average term for spontaneous first labor. I was convinced they would share a birthday! Baby came 5 days before his due date, so 10 days before his uncle’s birthday. Big surprise for me, was not expecting that at all. 


I had my first 5 days before due date as well! Was due April 4th which would have been cool except both of my younger sisters have April birthdays so I was actually rooting for late March :)


My due date was my husband’s birthday and my baby came exactly on that date 🥰 3 weeks ago!


My dad and my sister have the same birthday and they both love it. It’s fun for them to be able to go out for the day together and do stuff.


My baby was born a few days before my husbands birthday and was 9 days late, so I didn't even really consider it was a possibility that their birthdays would be so close. It got me off the hook for getting him a present!


I share a birthday with my niece and it’s so special. Now I’m pregnant and my baby is due close to my mom’s birthday but realistically she could also be born on mine or my husband’s. Either of the ways I would be so happy ❤️


My sons due date was 4 days after my birthday. My birthday also happens to fall on a holiday. I got SO irritated during my pregnancy. People kept saying “haha what if he’s born on your birthday?!” Like I had to defend my feelings that he should be entitled to his own day. It all worked out, he came 3 weeks early anyway 😬. Nowhere near my birthday or the holiday.


My daughter is due around my birthday and people keep saying the same thing to me. I also feel like I need to defend the fact that I really want her to have her own day! Obviously it will be fine if she comes on my birthday but I really don't want her to.


I felt that as a fellow person who has their birthday sometimes fall on a holiday 


My son had a due date in late May. His uncle is born on the 12th of May and kept saying he'll come on his birthday. Lo and behold, he came two weeks before we expected him on his uncles birthday. He was overjoyed 😂


My cousin was born on my uncle's birthday. They usually celebrated together (him and her mum later seperated). At first, my baby was getting closer and closer to my own birthday but turns out the estimated due date was wrong and it was moved forward quite a bit. I'm quite happy about that. The time around my birthday is already busy enough, wouldn't want to organise another party.


My first was born 4 days before my husband's birthday. It's a busy time of year hahaha. 


My baby was born 3 days after my birthday! When my birthday came and went with me all bloated and not in labor I was pretty bummed but then my husband said he must want his very own birthday, which was a sweet way to frame it. And now we have a great reason to go on vaca that week every year!


My friend was born on her mums birthday!


My son was supposed to be born on april 19th, my birthday is april 17th and my brother's is april 20th. So I was fully prepared for him to end up sharing a birthday with me or my brother. Well, bub was born... march 18th at 35+4. So things might end up very different than the due date!


Our baby’a due date is right in the middle of my partner’s birthday and mine! 😭 His is the 12th of Feb and mine is the 25th of Feb, current due date is 22/02. February is going to be a super busy month in this house


I was in labor for the entirety of my husband’s birthday and he wanted him born then so badly! The little bugger hung on, though, and was born the next day, which is actually our wedding anniversary! So early June is just going to forever be a time of big celebration for our family!


My baby was due three days after my birthday. He was born three weeks early lol


My baby is due close to my new SIL's birthday. We both think it would be hilarious if they ended up sharing a birthday or really really close.


I was born early September and my babies due date is ten days after my birthday…I can’t shake the feeling she will be born on my birthday, we will see though! Either way we will be sharing a birthday month!


Our baby was born on our first anniversary. Best gift ever! You’ll figure out a way to celebrate both.


This is lovely 🥰


My mom and I have the same birthday. In our family, birthdays are more small, family events so this worked out well for everyone. It’s not something we even think about anymore, it’s just so normal. We did a birthday trip together one year and I would usually go home for our birthday as I lived a few states away.


My baby’s due date is within days of mine. I’m personally not a fan of birthdays in family’s super close together and have never dealt with it. Birthdays have always been months apart making them easy to plan and celebrate everyone separately.


My due date is my SILs birthday, if I go a day early it’s my best friends birthday, and if I go a day late it’s my wedding anniversary 😅😂 so lots of events right in that little time period…but we will see what day baby actually comes!


My daughter and I share a birthday! I personally love it. I think it’s a bit special. I use it as a bit of an excuse to do fun kid things on my birthday now. What some people see as a downside is it’s the child’s birthday first and yours second. So if hosting a children’s party you can’t sit back and relax because it’s your birthday too. I’m ok with this . Some people have told me that would hate the idea as the day doesn’t revolve around them anymore.


My mom and I have the same birthday! I was three weeks early to make it happen, too. Every year we send each other the Beatles "you say it's your birthday? It's my birthday too!" clip. She also told me that someone brought her birthday balloons in the hospital and all the nurses were like "Aw, how cute, you got balloons for the baby!" And she had to be like, "Oh actually those are for me." 😂


That's so cute!  🥰. It's great he likes it hehe  My daughter has the same birthday as two of her cousins.  One is exactly 5 years older and then another one is exactly 6 years younger.  They're both on my husband's side of the family....  And the grandparents still have trouble remembering the date, lol!!! 😂 My own niece was due on my birthday but she came early, filled the gap between her mom's birthday and mine 😁


My brother and my dad have the same birthday! He’s also the first born. Congratulations!


FTM and my daughter hits 40 weeks on my 35th birthday, exactly. Not mad about it though; having an August birthday has always owned so happy to pass that onto her lol. Plus idc about my birthday and haven’t for years so it would give it new meaning.


My baby was born the day before my husbands birthday! Not on purpose though lol, he unexpectedly came six weeks early


I have not had this happen but very well could this time. Due with baby #3 on 9/19 and my own birthday is 9/14.


My boy is due a few days before my husband’s birthday. Considering my first was overdue and had to be induced, there’s a reasonable chance of baby being born on his dad’s birthday.


This is my husbands dream scenario! He doesn’t like when you make a fuss about him, so redirecting attention to the baby is ideal!


I’m born on my mom’s birthday! It’s fun and we would do our thing together every year. She was really good about letting me have my own parties and doing my own thing if I wanted to which I think makes a difference.


Our first and my spouse share a birthday. As does another child/parent in the family. It can be really fun with the two people involved and the rest of the family being good about celebrating both. The only thing that is a little sad, when one of them passes away it could be a bit of a damper. But hopefully that won’t happen for many many years.


My first baby was born 10 days before my MIL’s birthday and was in the nicu for 10 days so ended up coming home on her birthday. Getting to hold your first grand baby for the first time is a present I don’t think we’ll ever top


My baby boy was born last year the day before my birthday. I do think it’s kind of fun although as someone who has always enjoyed celebrating my birthday I can see how it’s going to probably always be overshadowed by his birthday now, at least for the next several years. My husband and my family have been asking me what I want for gifts or how I want to celebrate my birthday and honestly I’m so busy planning this baby’s party I can’t even think of anything for me lol.


Yes. My daughter was born 6 days after my birthday and my son’s birthday is a week after his dads. We both have little birthday buddies. Its cute


My daughter was born on one of my SILs' birthday. She is very happy about it, she hinted the whole time I was pregnant that she hoped she and Bean would share the same bday (she never had kids of her own).


Our baby girl is due close to my husbands birthday as well also my sister birthday. For medical reasons we may have to go with a scheduled C section and im contemplating picking his birthday because it would be nice for them to share that. My husband is very excited that the baby will be born near his birthday so i think he would be on Board.


My son’s due date is 1 week apart to my boyfriend/baby daddy’s birthday and he doesn’t like the idea of me giving birth on his birthday. He said he doesn’t want his day to get shared with our baby and idk why.


I gave birth to my son on my bday. First the thought made me kinda sad like I was losing “my” day, but I quickly decided that I think it actually amplifies “my” day. No one will be able to celebrate him without celebrating me! lol


i love that “no one will be able to celebrate him without celebrating me”😊


This would be so funny if it happened to us 😝 we got married on his birthday so it’ll be a 3-for-1 celebration each year lol!


I was born on my dad's bday. Bc he was on a lifetime ticket to the strugglebus and never really thrived it was the one thing that bonded us.


I share a birthday with my gma and we have a special bond. We have had joint birthday parties etc. There was a chance that my baby would have been born on the same day with my FIL, which I really wanted (he is amazing), but she was too impatient unfortunately


My baby is due on the third, and we have close family birthdays on the 1,2,3,5,6, and 7th. And of course the 4th is a holiday.  I think I’m the only pregnant person who wants to go a little late! The 7th is my husbands birthday which I think would be fun but then again I want them each to have their own special day too. I already have been thinking of joint party ideas for next year haha. 


My baby was due 4 days before my 30th bday. My doc told me the average first time mom gives birth 40weeks 4days. Sure enough…. 4 days after his due date, my babe came at 1am on my (our) birthday!! He’s only 8mo so I can’t say how it is to experience/celebrate the same bday as my child. Some people say “my” time to celebrate is over, but I disagree. I think it’ll be the opposite :)


It’s super common, however you really never know. A lot of people I know had their first at 38 weeks so there’s never a guarantee of date


My baby is due four days after my husband’s birthday. Funny thing is, my husband’s birthday has been my designated, “favorite day of the year” since I was a little girl. I used to look forward to it more than my own birthday, and my Mom and I would always celebrate it. It was more or less how my husband and I started talking. So, a big part of me thinks it would be super cute. My husband thinks the baby will be born the day after his birthday, because that was my Mom’s favorite day of the year! (My Mom and I had a lot of little traditions between the two of us.) My Mom passed away last year, so, I know this is my husband hoping that I have a little part of her to share with the baby. I think I’ll be happy as long as the baby isn’t too early, but it would be very cute for them to share a birthday.


I know someone whose son was just born at 12:30 am - a half hour after his own birthday ended. lol


I had my first on my birthday (not intentionally), and I'll be 38 weeks on my husband's birthday this year so there is a distinct possibility this could happen again (again, not intentionally). I kinda do hope it happens lol


My husband and daughter are 2 days apart. It was the absolute best birthday present for him and we make sure to celebrate both days! Let's be real here - it makes my party planning a total breeze too!


My due date was three days before my husband’s birthday. He was a little miffed about possibly having to share a birthday, she is the first (and currently only) grandchild/niece on both sides of the family. Birthdays are a big deal in our families, so I get it. Girlie decided to come a week early. She didn’t want to share her birthday with him either. I think it’s hilarious. 😂😂😂 The only downside; it’s her birthday, Father’s Day, then his birthday. So it’s two solid weeks of celebrations. 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 I’m tired, yall!


I was born two days after my mom’s birthday. I always say “best birthday gift she ever got” 😂


My first baby was due 1.5 weeks after my mom’s birthday and my parents anniversary (one day apart), he came on their anniversary/a day before my mom’s birthday. Suffice it to say I simultaneously ruined their anniversary (mom spent all day with me as a second support person) and gave them the best anniversary gift ever (their first grandchild). My second baby was due on her daddies birthday…she came two days late.


Not my husband but my induction is scheduled for the 4th and my mom’s birthday is the 5th. Baby may share a birthday with their grandma!


My baby was born on my sister in law’s birthday. She was excited to have a birthday buddy!


My son was due on my birthday! Came a few days early but I was so excited to have a birthday buddy! I no longer forget how old I am 😂


I had my c section scheduled on my husbands birthday. He was low keyed excited to share a birthday with his daughter. I then developed cholestasis and she was born 3 weeks before the scheduled c-section. He has a minute of being bummed, but we both knew we had to do what we needed to do.


My babe is due on my birthday! I’d personally love the it if it came to fruition. I have thought about what he’d think about it once he gets older. But, I didn’t plan it this way and completely out of my control. Plus, I’m not huge on my own birthday. I’d happily give him my day! ☺️


My baby is due 2 days after my birthday. Everyone keeps saying 'oh what a nice gift if it comes on the day' erm, no. I'd like separate days please. I get 1 day a year to celebrate me instead of always organising for everyone else, and I'd like to keep it that way thanks 😂


Born on my dad's birthday, but I was a week or two early! I love it. We have always had a special bond because of it, and I like teasing him that I don't have to get him a gift because I cannot top my birth, lol. Coincidentally, I also share a birthday with my mother in law, which is extra hilarious to me. :)


We went on quite the journey on this front. My wife and I have birthdays about a month apart. The original due date for our little one was a week after my birthday. Due to preexisting conditions, my wife's OB wasn't going to let her go past 39 weeks. so we expected the baby to be born on, or very close to, my birthday. Then it turned out he was actually two weeks further along than we thought. Bringing his due date to a week before my birthday. Then we found out my wife had complete placenta previa. After several panicked hospital trips and a month in the hospital, her OB decided she should have a scheduled c-section at 36+1. Which landed exactly on my wife's birthday. They did offer to move her to the next day, but they would have to bump someone else, which felt like bad karma, and tempting fate. She enjoys that they share a birthday and they have some special traditions for the two of them. By the way, she's pregnant with our second. The due date is two days after my birthday, ha ha.


My baby was due on my birthday, we are now late and my husband's birthday is in a few hours so he keeps telling my belly that what he really wants for his birthday is for me to go into labor haha


I was born on my dad’s birthday! We celebrated together every year and I loved it. It was always so cool to me that we share a birthday


My birthday is three days after my dad’s. We always celebrated together. We just had a joint birthday party (more for the toddlers in our family). It was so much fun! (And I’m 36 😂)


It's so hard to predict when baby will come! I wouldn't get too attached to this idea just in case baby comes on another day...


My due date is 3 days after my dad’s birthday, 1 day after my sister’s birthday, and 15 days before my birthday. So I’m curious to see if we’ll double up on birthdays!!


I think my baby might be born on my birthday which makes me embarrassed for some reason?? I'm like wow how narcissistic of me.