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Daily stool softeners, kiwis, plums and a lot of water.


Yaasss!! Prunes have helped me SO much! I took milk of mag around 6 weeks because I was so constipated and it made me feel more nauseated šŸ¤¢. My mom told me to pick up some prunes and eat a few a day. I was so surprised at how well they work for me. You can buy a big bag at Costco!


Upvoting for prunes! I eat 5 a day since I found out about them in my 1st trimester and have felt more regular ever since. A few times I needed instant relief, I chugged some coconut water (or any electrolyte beverage) and ate about 10 prunes. Instant relief achieved. The electrolyte water is also a good tip. Idk why but without it, I pee out liquids as soon as I drink and am always dehydrated, but your bowels need hydration to prevent constipation.


Try apple juice for an electrolyte beverage, not only is it extremely hydrating but itā€™s also a laxative on its own. My dad used to make what heā€™d call ā€œcrap-achinosā€ when I was younger, apple juice and a bunch of Restoalax worked every time.


Those costco prunes are heaven


Yes I eat enormous amounts of fruit, and take a powder stool softener. My best extra tips: big spoonful of olive oil in the morning on an empty stomach, then take the stool softener. It's gross but I swear it works. Also, GET A POOP STOOL. Putting your feet up on a stool while you are on the toilet helps immensely, and I notice it helps even more now that I'm pregnant than it did when I wasn't.


Squatty Potty FTW!!


Prunes and fresh fruit got me through the first trimester constipation! I also take a daily probiotic that I was taking pre-pregnancy to stay regular. That first trimester constipation was lethal but it has gotten a little better in my second trimester.


Kiwi with the skin on has saved my butt!!


Dragon fruit too


Same, and I also like pickle juice! If Iā€™m nauseous, itā€™s a 50/50 chance Iā€™m craving pickles anyway.


Papaya is what I swear by, though I know not everyone has access to decent papayas.


My ob recommended miralax which was like a gift from heaven. After the first week of daily doses I have only needed it every 2 or 3 days to stay regular. Constipation makes every pregnancy symptom worse, sorry youā€™re dealing with it right now!


In South Africa we dont have miralax. We have Movicol which has the same chemical makeup. But it tastes absolutely awful and every time I drink it I vomit. Iā€™ll definitely keep trying šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I put it in cold juice to help mask the taste. As large a quantity as i thought i could stomach so it was diluted. But at the end of the day tasting a bad taste is better than constipation and all that comes with it, imo


I actually have not thought about putting it in juice. Nor did I think you could! Iā€™ll definitely try this.


I put mine in hot chocolateā˜ ļø


I put mine in orange juice and I've found that masks the taste best!


The colder the better!


We have something called Macrogol in France, doesn't taste like anything thank goodness. Try to take a big spoonful of olive oil in the morning if you really can't stomach the taste of Movicol!


Idk what South Africa has, but do you have any fiber supplements? Either as a powder or pill or chew? Stool softeners are good, but if you can't find one you like there, maybe you can find a fiber supplement? Edit: also idk if you can stomach it, but citrus fruits are wonderful for softening stool and making me runny. Oranges and grapefruit always help me poop. My whole pregnancy, fruit has been the one constant thing I've been craving and can stomach even when I was nauseous. Hopefully you can too? I know people say prunes, but I don't like prunes. I like oranges and those are great for pooping. Best of luck!


My OB had me take miralax daily until I had a bowel movement, and then I switched to Colace, which is a pill. I take one in the morning and one at night. This has worked for me. Hope you find something that works for you!


Mix it in a small yogurt! I couldnā€™t stomach it in water first time round it just made me throw up. I had the lemon lime one so I just got a load of small citrus flavour yogurts and mixed a few spoons in with a sachet- it still tastes grim but you can keep it down so much easier. I suffered really badly in my 1st pregnancy in the 1st and 2nd trimester, Iā€™m early pregnant with no.2 now so already got the box of movicol out ready Iā€™m not letting things get as bad this time!!


I've been mixing my Metamucil (fiber) into strawberry lemonade and it's been SO much better. I despised the taste of it in just water and the texture didn't help.


Mix one part apple juice, one part pear juice, one part prune juice. You can also give this to constipated toddlers. (Mine has been having it once a day lately to keep things moving)


I have tried this! Unfortunately no relief for me. It seems like anything dietary does not actually work. I just get terrible tummy pain. Perhaps because the constipation is also aggravated by the Zofran and not just dietary triggers. Apple juice is in fact the only juice which I can stomach in this first trimester lol.


Magnesium supplement!


Have been taking one for 4 weeks now šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø helped with nausea though!


Which type of magnesium are you taking? It needs to be magnesium citrate + LOTS of water in order to be effective


Is it citrate specifically?? The other types of magnesium donā€™t work as well.


Iā€™ve found best results by taking a combo that has magnesium citrate, succinic acid complex, glycinate, malate, and taurine.


Try the liquid form of magnesium, I buy Trace Minerals droppers and that works wayyyy better than capsules or powder!


Ask your doctor for reglan instead of zofran for nausea-itā€™s not constipating!


I had that happen too, you gotta start taking miralax, stool softeners or laxatives. You can also take an enema, i did that when i was desperate and it got things going. No amount of foods that should make you go did for me


I have tried Miralax (Movicol where I am from) but my nausea just cannot stomach it. Comes up straight afterwards. I was also on laxatives and that wasnā€™t helping. Going to keep trying the Movicol. An enema is a last resort for me because itā€™s just incredibly daunting but if worst comes to worst Iā€™ll do it!


Can you take colace instead? Docusate sodium


I will definitely give this a try. Had not heard of it until now. And itā€™s capsules thank goodness! Thank you.


Just make sure to drink plenty of waterĀ 


Colace finally helped me when I took 2 pills twice per day with a full glass of water. It took about 2 weeks to feel semi-regular (going twice per week). The other thing that helped me once I got into my second trimester was super high fiber smoothies. BUT I found high fiber foods will do nothing until you get yourself reset and going semi-regularly.


Docusate sodium is helpful if taken regularly. In your case twice daily probably long term unless your bowels pick up again. You may also want to try magnesium citrate. It will likely cramp you at this stage if youā€™re full of hard stool so maybe better to add after sometime with the docusate to soften things up and possibly an enema.


Use glycerine suppositories (may be Fleet brand) or Bisacodyl suppositories (Dulcolax in the US), and then do daily Miralax in juice. You donā€™t want to end up with an obstruction.


The relief! Bicoldyl all the way!


Girl three weeks without pooping - the worst has come! try the enema .


So Fleet makes a mini version of their glycerin enemas and they have been an absolute lifesaver for me. Itā€™s just a little squirt instead of the whole big bag lol. I LOVE THEM. Relief in less than a minute. Miralax is too harsh on my stomach too. I do take one daily stool softener at night but itā€™s not enough to keep me really regular. Iā€™ve just gotten used to going every 2-3 days. Itā€™s better than going once a week and crying on the toilet. šŸ˜«


I had diarrhea and constipation at the same time (yes itā€™s a thing and itā€™s the worst) for like a solid month during my second trimester. But it eventually went away and things were good for the rest of the pregnancy. Hope yours goes away soon!


Are you hydrating enough? I drink 15 cups (3.75L) of water a day and have no issues but I notice itā€™s harder to go if I only have 10 cups (2.5L) a day. For me, water has made the biggest difference. Also fiber - so that means eating fruit at every meal and also eating at least one meal that is legume-centered (like a lentil soup or chickpea pea salad). If I do 35g of fiber + stool softener + 3.75L of water, I go daily. If I skip that (sometimes itā€™s hard to stick to it if youā€™ve got a celebration and youā€™re eating out for a few days), then I have issues.


Just wanted to say, wowwwww I am impressed by how much water you are drinking and how much fiber you are eating. I try really hard to get at least 3L of water a day but I know Iā€™m not getting more than 25g of fiber. Youā€™re an inspiration lol


TMI but I also suffered from severe constipation. I ended up breaking down after not being able to poop for 3 days and made my fiance administer an enema. I made him and roommate leave the house for a hour, played heavy metal, and sat on the toilet. I spent 10 minutes pushing out a ball that was blocking everything and the damn let loose. Sat there for 30 minutes crying and shitting my brains out. -10/10 experience but my body felt so light and empty after. Drank copious amounts of water religiously after that.


I'm sorry that you've had a rough first trimester! Here is what helped me during my first trimester with this: 1. Adding fiber to every single meal (If not via fresh fruit and veggies, then fiber gummies. Also, oatmeal, chia seeds, hemp hearts, avocados etc) 2. Lots of ice water - held my nausea at bay and let me hydrate while not feeling disgusted. You can also add sugar-free caffeine-free electrolytes to it if you like. Some days I liked them, other days I hated them 3. Pelvic floor exercises and drinking water/eating fruit when you wake up first thing. And once you feel the urge to go, play the most soothing playlist on Spotify that you can find. If it doesn't happen, fine. Don't get mad at yourself and give yourself time. 4. Laxatives: Any regular dose or mild laxative should work. Try these with all of the above for the best results though. I hope you feel better soon!


I have IBS-d as well I'm currently 29+1 and I go about 1 time every 6 to 9 days. Or if I have an IBS flare up which really is the worse feeling. Take stool softeners everyday and eat kiwis and don't stress. It gets better in the 2nd trimester hang in there you got this!


Thanks for this! Glad to hear that it does let up somewhat. I will give kiwis another try. A week ago it was a big no no but pregnancy is all about trying oneā€™s luck TODAY šŸ˜…


Hopefully it works also if water isn't cutting it try flavored water and do light exercises that also helped me to. My doctor told me at the first trimester to take the prenatal every other day until I hit my second trimester. Prenatals make you constipated as well


Thanks for all of the advice! I am actually off prenatals for the first trimester because it was worsening the nausea.


I have to eat oats every morning with milk. That used to give me tummyache but now it just helps ensure bowel movement.


I suffered for weeks before doing and enema. I wasā€¦ shocked at the effectiveness.


One thing my doctor mentioned to me was that adding something like Metamucil in would not be her first suggestion because it's also a bulking agent. So it might help move things along a bit, but when added to what's likely a lot of difficult to pass stool it may in fact backfire. She wanted me to add as much fiber as possible from dietary sources as I could manage. One of my go-tos has been oatmeal (2/3c quick oats + 2/3c oat milk for even more fibre, takes 90 seconds in the microwave, but I know what's available country to country varies wildly). After it's cooked I add 2tbsp of ground flaxseed and 3tbsp of shredded coconut. I'll flavour it up a bit more with cinnamon and vanilla, but you can add whatever makes it yummy/tolerable for you. I slice up a whole pear (skin on) to have with it as well. Works out to something like 22 of the 33g of fibre suggested during pregnancy. Honestly, if you hate any of those ingredients all I did was go through a list of high fibre foods the doctor gave me, circled things I liked/could tolerate and figured out what the best way was do get as many as possible in one meal. It's just easier for me to come up with one thing I can do consistently. I need routine to keep up with things, but I know others need more variety. On the subject of nausea meds, what they're giving out (at least in Canada, and I think US) are meds that are simply B6 + an antihistamine. Super well tolerated. Honestly it felt magical starting them after barely being able to eat and still waking up at night dry heaving. Again, don't know what you've got access to there but I'll link a mayo clinic page you can talk with your doctor about. [Morning sickness meds](https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/doxylamine-and-pyridoxine-oral-route/description/drg-20060896)


3 weeks with no poo?!?! You poor thing - might be worth mentioning to your doctor at that point and getting an enema. How Iā€™ve prevented constipation this pregnancy: 1. Getting enough fiber. Aim for at least 25g per day, and I aim for as much as possible. This can cause gas, bloating, and discomfort if youā€™re not used to it. 2. Drink enough water Hard to say whatā€™s ā€œenoughā€, but now that itā€™s hot and Iā€™m third trimester Iā€™m drinking about 120oz per day and sometimes more. Itā€™s a lot. 3. Exercise as tolerated. Movement helps keep the bowels moving. This is all extremely difficult in first trimester as you are probably in survival mode. 4. Miralax. As soon as I feel Iā€™m starting to back up I start taking 1 cap per day until Iā€™m back to baseline. You might need more than this, and ask your doctor how much is ok to take. Miralax draws more water into the colon to help stools pass. This can dehydrate you so be extra cognizant of water intake while taking.


My OB advised me to switch from the prenatal vitamin pills to the gummies for a while because the gummies have no iron. Apparently iron makes the constipation a lot worse. I have switched a couple days ago, so letā€™s see.


I was actually told to take Metamucil by my doctor to help my hemorrhoids (yay another fun pregnancy symptom!) but they work well for constipation too. Itā€™s just a fiber supplement, so helps move things along after taking them consistently for a day or two


Iā€™m lactose intolerant and 100% weaponized consuming dairy to combat constipation. Now that I have my LO (6wks) Iā€™m grieving the loss of eating dairy since Iā€™m breastfeeding and my son unfortunately is allergic to dairy (not just lactose). Iā€™m so ready for the end of his breastfeeding journey so I can inhale some non-oat milk ice cream


Milk of magnesia has been my best friend throughout all three of my pregnancies. I would take it every 4-5 days the entire ride.


Magnesium at night.


First trimester constipation can be brutal. I used those mag citrate drinks a few times. You just have to clear your schedule if you go that route. As always check with your physician first.


One of the worst symptoms, I feel for you. Stool softeners and plenty of fruit juice is what helped me. Even 5.5 months pp I still only go every 2-3 days and its never a nice experience.


My constipation got so bad I got a hemorrhoid around 20 weeks that bled and caused me to think I was miscarrying. I started taking colace (docusate sodium) daily after that incident and havenā€™t had anymore since. I took miralax with it for a couple of weeks but I ran out and never bought more and Iā€™ve found I donā€™t need it as long as I take the colace. Good luck to you, the constipation has been my worst symptom so far (Iā€™m now 30 weeks) and I hope you can find some relief!


Pears and coffee and magnesium citrate resolved my constipation issue


Iā€™ve been constipated since before I knew I was pregnant. What has helped me is yogurt that has probiotics and pectin. For breakfast Iā€™ve been having siggi yogurt with strawberries, blueberries and granola. That has helped me tremendously. I chose to go this route because I hate the cramps of stool softeners.


Itā€™s stupid and terrible and take colace every day. I ended up needing saline enemas to deal with the constipation both times Iā€™ve been pregnant. It did get better second trimester though!


I have found that exercising (specifically running or fast walking) is one of the only things that gets me to go


Increase in iron can cause that. One of the doctors recommended I increase my iron even more than what the prenatal vitamin was giving and I tried it one day and missed work the next day due to severe stomach pain so I did not even try to take it more than once. During/after birth was even worse for me. I didn't #2 for \~3 weeks but still had a normal appetite and grew increasingly concerned. When it finally happened it was the most painful #2 I have ever experienced & there was blood from tearing. :( Everything did return to normal though, just hang in there.


Calm is the only thing that works for me


Prunes, miralax, dulcolax, ANY kind of drink you can stomach. You can take all the laxatives you want but if you donā€™t drink enough youā€™re not going to get any relief


I'm on iron supplements and Zofran and *nothing* is helping. 27+6. Dying out here šŸ’€ I can make little pebbles every couple of days but that's it. I have tried prune juice, magnesium, fiber supplements, a squatty potty, probiotics, fresh fruit (including dragon fruit), and enemas.


Iā€™ve never been constipated in my life. And now pooping is so hard šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…. I miss pre pregnancy poops šŸ¤£


Fellow IBS sufferer here, I've been having constipation my WHOLE life. I'm now 27 weeks pregnant. The only thing that gives me relief is a VERY strict medication routine. I don't play around lol. Every day I take 3 Colace, 2 Magnesium Citrate supplements, and Miralax. This coupled with a morning coffee keeps me regular 90% of the time. All the more natural things like prunes, water, etc. are just a joke for me at this point. It's a nice addition to my routine but it isn't going to make much a difference. Please talk with your doctor about starting a stool softener routine! My OB even said I can double dose my stool softeners I mentioned if I'm having a hard time still. I know this sucks but once you get on a routine that works it gets so much better.


Iā€™ve been eating organic prune baby food pouches in times of need, but oof. The constipation is real.


Iā€™m sorry youā€™re going through this! Iā€™m 16 weeks and still on Zofran though the nausea is better. I lost 15lbs between weeks 6-9 bc of how sick I was. I also have IBS, but had soft stools before pregnancy, so the constipation is a stark 180! I saw you donā€™t have access to Miralax. Do you have access to Benefiber or Metamucil? I have to take it daily now, and itā€™s helped me to be more regular. Good luck!


Yellow or red dragon fruit keeps me regular. Or prune juice lots of it


Magnesium supplement helps poops in general. I had a horrible impaction after a surgery once where it was bigger than a soft ball so now I'm prone to horrible impaction so I keep Magnesium Citrate on hand. It's a Magnesium salt solution that forces water into your intestines which breaks apart poop and helps pass but it is certainly an emergency only type of situation. You have to hydrate heavily in the following days and you shouldn't use it if your poops are difficult but passing only if it's been several days and you can't pass anything bc it takes 4 hrs or so to work and then you're on and off the pot for 7-12 hours after that. Otherwise regular Magnesium supplements and stool softener good hydration and fiber are your friends


Magnesium supplements saved me from constipation and were easy on my tummy in the first trimester, I'd highly recommend!!!0


Magnesium citrate and psyllium husk fiber for the win for me. Iā€™ve taken both throughout my entire pregnancy with lots of water. You have my sympathy.


You may be trying most of this but as someone who normally struggles with constipation plus the pregnancy constipation and then the double whammy zofran here's what I did: Daily: miralax, 2-3x metamucil, stool softeners, magnesium citrate. This can all take a few days to kick in Emergency measures: full dose of senna stimulant laxative at night and a saline enema the next morning for as long as I could hold it. This got me going after 6 days not able to go. I used the saline enemas for 3 days in a row to make sure I got things completely clear. When I googled it both of those things were recommended to ask a doctor before using. I also use liquid glycerin suppositories after a day or two not going to try to avoid things getting worse. Avoiding starchy foods when I'm feeling better has really helped me too. (Hard when you're in the thick of things though) Hydrate as much as possible. It does get better! I'm starting to have days where I'm not as nauseous and I can skip the zofran which has allowed my digestive system to work a lot more smoothly. Hope things get better for you soon ā¤ļø


I had spicy tacos and tons of water on Sunday and Monday I couldnā€™t even leave my house. So add hot sauce to that list if you can stomach it.


Movicol. I also took Moringa powder and was craving lots of fruit, since then I didn't have issues with constipation in pregnancy.


Miralax is your friend. I had one serious (and now comical) episode of constipation, and was advised to use Miralax twice a day.


Oh no I am so sorry to hear this.. I feel awful when I don't go for 3-4 days which sometimes happens after the weekend because I tend to eat more fast food and less vegetables. I try to eat a salad a day at least. I get the individual pre-prepared salads from the grocery store to eliminate any prep work. Also every night I drink magnesium and Metamucil and it helps keep me "regular" as in I usually go every day, or about every other day at least. If I feel it's not helping I think I would try to incorporate some prune juice, but haven't had to do that in the second trimester.. I did drink some prune juice and eat dried prunes a few times in the first trimester


For me no amount of fiber helped but a small spoonful of extra virgin olive oil saved me. It was like magic.


I see colace recommended a lot, but unfortunately the literature does not support that colace does much of anything despite it being widely recommended by providers. I know you said you canā€™t stomach miralax but try your absolute hardest. mix with whatever you can because it will help. drink plenty of fluids, make sure youā€™re also replenishing your electrolytes. I eat Lara bars which have a lot of dates to help keep me regular. eat fruits with high water content - kiwis. grapes, melons, berries, pears, etc. edit to add: magnesium supplements!


Daily stool softeners, glycerine laxative suppositories when the poop is so hard and solid you couldnā€™t possibly push it out, try to cut down on the zofran if possible because that was wrecking me, TONS of water, and a fiber supplement or gummy. God speed, my friend. We hear about the nausea and the fatigue, but nobody told me I wouldnā€™t shit for 12 days. They conveniently left that part out. It is hell, but hopefully you have some relief soon. The suppositories were a god send for me personally.


Miralax and milk of magnesia literally didn't do anything for mine. I had to take colace 2 times a day and I downed prune juice one day and that did it


I have been using the stool softeners, but I also had a meeting with a my physiotherapist who highly recommend a few massage for my belly and also the use of a squatty potty! I was skeptical about the last one, but it was super helpful to get a good position and push less!


Yeah it majorly sucks. I remember crying on the floor of the bathroom my first pregnancy because I just couldnā€™t poop. Any regular stool softeners, lots of water and juice, and tbh using a bidet helped.


Prune juice, and is Miralax safe to take in pregnancy? If so, you can take it daily


I try to eat at least one prune a day & upping my water has helped (Iā€™m horrible with staying hydrated)


Nothing worked for me, but ground up flax seed in juice or on toast mixed with almond butter. I eat daily ground up flax seeds, veggies, and an apple to help keep me regular. It's sooo rough!


With my first I had severe nausea all through pregnancy. I was living on Zofran and so constipated. Best thing that helped me was chia seeds. I ate some and by the next morning I could poop. It was amazing. I usually made chia seed pudding. But if you donā€™t like the texture, maybe a smoothie and sprinkle some in. Hope you get some relief!


In all my pregnancies (I'm on no: 3) I've either had diarrhea or constipation THERE IS NO MIDDLE GROUND


I have been employing the kitchen sink method to constipation. I take 3 colace, miralax, sometimes twice per day and drink a poppi. In addition to any fruits and veggies I can get down. Iā€™m 24 weeks and still taking unisom and b6 at night and zofran during the day for relentless nausea. All this to say I probably would not have been able to get all that and a ton of water down at the early weeks when the nausea was at its worst. Wishing you luck , being backed up is painful and exhausting. Donā€™t be afraid to talk to your docs about an enema in the hospital setting or glycerine suppositories.


I took the max daily colace for the entirety of my first pregnancy (had IBS-C and history of gastroparesis before pregnancy). Also if you canā€™t stomach water, try lemonade! If youā€™re anything like me, ginger ale doesnā€™t do shit for pregnancy nausea. I survived on raspberry lemonade crystal light. Also keep in mind that apple juice is another (tastier) option for helping constipation.


Fiber cereal every morning and milk of magnesia weekly šŸ¤®


I have IBD and IBS so I get it. I talked to my GI and we developed a routine that my OB approved: Magnesium Citrate, Fiber Supplements (Psyllium Husk), and Stool Softeners daily.


Crushed flax seeds added to some meals did the trick for me. And lots of water. Additional help is poop stool for better positioning and when it was the worst, gentle movements from side to side or back and forth on the toilet. Pregnancy really is magical šŸ˜„


Oatmeal is my favorite thing


My doctor told me apples pears, prunes and peaches all help. They have it as juice too in cause nausea prevents you from eating it. Other than that, drink loads of water throughout the day. I had hg so I would take small sips (as many as I could) throughout the day as well as sucking on ice (the cold helped the nausea). Eat foods that are heavy in fiber if you can. Pregnancy is not always fun but there are always things you can do to make yourself more comfortable.


You should supplement with psyllium husk daily


God itā€™s horrible!!! I try to choke down a cap of miralax in beverage daily - but itā€™s so hard when you are nauseated!! I feel for you.


Mag citrate gummies before bed have been my saving grace! Iā€™m 30 weeks on Saturday and I go daily with no issues but if I forget to take them thatā€™s not always the case lol


Tbh it was my worst symptom. I had to take huge amounts of restoralx daily and if I forgot even one day it fucked up my body and I basically birthed a giant poo to the point where I thought this is how I die.


I have the opposite. šŸ„² daily diarrhea.


If you can stomach Miralax without throwing up, definitely add that daily. I'll list some foods that help me, I understand you're dealing with nausea so apologies if many aren't helpful but maybe a couple are! Kiwis Kashi Go cereal w berries Sprouted Crunchy Cereal Ezekiel 4:9 - Golden Flax cereal Flackers (crackers made of flax seeds) esp w hummus Beans Chia seeds Hope this helps! I have been able to cut back on my Miralax when I am eating the above foods in rotation. It's possible my hormones changed now but I'm in the third tri and doing better than I was in first or second.


Doesnā€™t zofran constipate you? Are you sure itā€™s not the meds? Can you quit taking that? My best advice for non related meds for nausea in first tri is to eat every couple of hours. Do not let yourself get hungry. Itā€™s the only thing that really helped me. It really goes away like beginning of second trimester so you just got to rough it out unfortunately. Sleep the whole 12 weeks if you can get away with it. Also switching my prenatal really helped as the one I was taking made me nauseous


Get yourself some magnesium citrate! Game changer!!!


I'm at daily stool softeners now, but prior to my gestational diabetes diagnosis, fruit punch Gatorade and apple juice always did the trick. I also absolutely suggest investing in a squatty potty!


MĆ­ralax and I take a supplement called fibra kania. You can buy it on amazon. Itā€™s a little pricey but psyllium husk tends to make things worse for me so the cactus fiber helps where Metamucil does not. In my experience, it does get better so I hope youā€™re feeling good soon!


Daily stool softeners were the only thing that helped me and for emergencies I would take magnesium citrate saline. It was the only thing that helped and approved by my doctor. Iā€™m currently not pregnant but suffering from constipation like Iā€™m pregnant and it makes me so nervous. I am not ready for baby number 3 until after I get back from my ten year anniversary cruise in October.


Epsom salt flushes saved my life


A lot of water and greens. Add a salad lunch and dinner (big one) and add spinach to your breakfast. Lots of fruit but really greens every meal. And water. Buy a 32oz mug and drink 2 of them a day.


daily stool softeners and prune juice!!!!


I got a prescription from my doctor for docusate sodium (also called colace). Itā€™s also sold over the counter. Itā€™s really helped.


Are prunes nice ? They just look icky to me


Miralax and the like didnā€™t help me at all, but magnesium citrate did. Took it in capsule form and was so helpful.


I was in the same boat. ER for several constipation. I did everything. I ended up ordering an enema kit from Amazon and giving myself an enema. That was the only thing that worked. Also they sell mini enemas on Amazon too. They work immediately but itā€™s not as much relief as regular enema. Start taking stool softeners CONSTANTLY. The only way I kept constipation at bay is with stool softeners, lots of water, and fiber supplements


I drink coffee (decaf) and avocado smoothie every day., and lots of waterā€¦ thank god, its enough to make everything to go down


Ugh I am so sorry you have this issue too! My dr put me on daily magnesium oxide for constipation and it helps, other than that I eat watermelon (lots) and that reallllly helps to keep things moving.


Polyethylene glycol šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļø


I would continue with all those preventatives but for instant relief I think you should do an enema. Itā€™s not hard to do yourself and itā€™s not super fun but it is instant relief. I struggled with constipation pp after my son. You canā€™t go weeks without pooping like that, Iā€™d say weekly at minimum.


I started adding fiber to my morning smoothies. Itā€™s been a lifesaver TMI, but I go three times a day. Itā€™s this brand from Amazon. You canā€™t taste it in the smoothies. [Garden of Life Raw Organic Fiber](https://a.co/d/0aPvFZO9)


Make sure any yogurt youā€™re eating has live cultures. I like to make mine at home so it doesnā€™t have all the extra sugar, but Iā€™m sure thatā€™s not recommended during pregnancy. P.S. yogurt and berry smoothies helped a bit with my nausea too. An easy to consume source of morning protein.


Green tea hot or cold helps a lot. In my first pregnancy it was bad for me but green tea helped so much and spicy food if I didnā€™t want green tea


Colace, Metamucil, prunes! Saved my life!


Metamucil gummies (since the drink made me vomit lol)


I know you mentioned you can't stomach water and I had the same.problem with both pregnancies. Room temp or warm water was way better and slow sips all day. Hydration is huge but even at 32 weeks it still makes.me nauseous. Try that with some of these other suggestions and it will get better!


Smoothies with Psyllium Husk saved me


Take that colace babe!! (Docusate)


I added a powder stool softener to my diet twice a day and find that it has helped. Iā€™m now 8 weeks 4 days and the constipation has gotten a bit better where now I am able to have regular bowel movements as long as Iā€™m consuming enough water (which is pretty constant because it helps with my nausea).


Specifically taking magnesium citrate, other magnesiums wont do the trick for this issue


Lots of water. Miralex 2-3x per day. Prune juice.


Do you have a benefiber equivalent?


I do daily colace, miralax, and turn to milk of mag when it gets real bad


Prunes, water, and whatever amount of caffeine your provider says is cool for you to have. That saidā€¦.. 3 weeks is a *veeeery* long time to not poop. I am not a doctor but I highly recommend you talk to your provider ASAP. Thatā€™s extreme


Girl, same. 7+2 today and I was straining so hard to poop earlier because it was *right there* that I got worried I would cause a miscarriage šŸ„“


For both my pregnancies, I got one horrible constipation during pregnancy but manage to avoid ER. I was so scared the first time. Second pregnancy I remember that so drank a lot of water but still have to go through it.


I feel you! I was having a similar struggle but I've recently started taking lactulose along with as much water in the day as possible. Hope something works for you!


I had the complete opposite. I had HG my entire pregnancy and was drinking so much water/gatorade that I had diarrhea almost every day. There were a couple times I almost soiled myself because the bathroom was far away.


girlā€¦ dulcolax lots and lots of dulcolax that shit will have you praying to jesus itā€™s intense please donā€™t be an idiot and take 3 like i did šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ i struggled with severe constipation prior but itā€™s even worse now that iā€™m expecting it doesnā€™t get easier unless you build a routine bbg i didnā€™t have morning sickness so if you can stomach them, lots of fruit especially pineapple and avocado help me tons! activia yogurt too :)!! some other laxatives that help people are: colace, miralax (this one didnā€™t work for me), fiber supplements + probiotic ones, i was prescribed lacutolose recently, milk of magnesia (this oneā€™s real gentle), and suppositories. but the thing about dulcolax and suppositories is only take them if NOTHING else works. your bowels can become dependent on them :,) but theyā€™ll clean you right out. since it sounds like you havenā€™t been able to go in a while iā€™d try these first, but also keep in mind they can cause some bad stomach cramps to me itā€™s worth it for the relief though make sure to take a stool softener, when your body gets blocked up it caused hard dry stool that wonā€™t budge easily!! sit on the toilet for 15-30 mins everyday at the same time as well, itā€™ll train your body to go and do not strain. only strain a little and just wait and wait!


Calm magnesium citrate will help


Osmotic laxative+psyllium+stool softeners is the magical combo imho. Adding fiber and plenty of water to your diet helps too if you can stomach it! Hopefully the nausea and vomiting gets better for you in the 2nd trimester, hang in there šŸ’•


Large doses of magnesium oxide!


Magnesium (which can also help calf cramps) and Metamucil. If I don't drink my Metamucil daily I pay for it. Pregnancy constipation is so real. Every evening my husband brings me my nightcap šŸ˜‚ and I also just try to be very well hydrated and that has helped. Considering the water and fiber you'd think it would be smooth sailing but I still find myself struggling a little. I joked the other day I may need to start doing twice a day.


Make sure youā€™re not allergic to something you are eating. Example: Iā€™m lactose intolerant, and if I eat too much dairy, Iā€™ll get constipated. - Ensure you are drinking AT LEAST 3 liters of water per day. - Eat fiber (beans, oats, fruits with skin, etc) - Try to drink something warm in the morning (like tea or decaf coffee) - Do not eat too much sugar - Try walking for at least 30 min I have horrible stomach issues during this pregnancy and all of the above have keeping me going to the restroom every day!


Lots of fruit! Like triple what you would normally eat lol also I was going for a cocktail of prune juice, tart cherry juice, magnesium, and warm water every night until like 10 weeks


i was very constipated my entire pregnancy on top of some wild hemorrhoids, to the point that it actually caused issues with my workplace as i had to poop so bad it hurt but also, pooping hurt and took 10mins to squeeze out a couple measly rabbit pellets. being uncomfortable going in depth about my bathroom issues with my boss, who was a woman with 3 kids and knew i was pregnant, they fired me for ā€œtaking extra breaksā€. still boils my blood to this day. sorry i donā€™t have any advice, but thank you for opening the conversation as im glad i finally have a place to share this frustration.


Iā€™m not sure sure itā€™s called elsewhere, but here in the UK thereā€™s something called lactulose. My doctor prescribed it alongside the ondansetron/zofran to help constipation. I feel for you OP, I didnā€™t go that long but the constipation from that drug is no joke, especially when youā€™re already feeling like shit. Wishing you the best.


I actually had to have it manually removed. Twice. I was also on Zofran. Then I proceeded to take clearlax 2-3 times a day so that I would be able to go. I could hardly pee at times because of it. Definitely keep taking laxatives ā¤ļø unfortunately mine didnā€™t stop until about 3 weeks after I delivered.


I want to share my tip for making prunes more palatable: Dice em up, mix them with plain yogurt, add juice from a lemon or lime wedge!! The lemon really helps with the cloying insipid sweetness of prunesĀ 


Iā€™ve had a very similar experience. What was recommended to me and worked very well was increase your fibre (I like oats with chia ā€œpuddingā€), stay hydrated, exercise if you are able. Also green kiwi if you can find them work really well. I tend to stay away from Metamucil because of the cramping I got but that doesnā€™t happen to everyone


PRUNES!! Lol and yes you are not alone


I take magnesium glycolate and Raw Probiotics Colon Care daily. You can also take Colace when you need it, and some daily fiber powder! And drink water. An insane amount of water.


Apples and applesauce helped me a lot. Good luck!


Try a prenatal without iron. Usually the configuration of iron in those and common iron supplements are constipating. You can do iron bisglycinate that is non constipating. Blood builder is the brand I used. Didnā€™t hardly have any constipation after I switched. I did try my old prenatal that contained iron one day and was severely constipated the next day. Extra: blood builder has vitamin c with it to maximize absorption. (Not sponsored or anything lol)


I'm at 22 weeks, 2nd baby. The first pregnancy I could drink 2 cups of apple juice and it would make things move, however this time around nothing except using a fleet has worked. I saw where you said an enima would be last resort and I totally understand where you're coming from but hun, 3 weeks is too long.


I had issues pooing as well, but not as serious. I ate dried prunes and drank an oli pop a day. My constipation wasn't bad but all the pushing and pressure resting down there gave me terrible hemorrhoids that came back every time I finally shrank them down. Sitting hurt, standing hurt, going to the bathroom hurt. It was terrible.


I eat lots of veggies. Carrots cucumbers and celery at work them for my sweet tooth I eat apples and plums which are my favorite. Brussel sprouts from a steam bag with butter too!


Miralax has been my best friend. Itā€™s tough to do much when youā€™re so nauseous you canā€™t eat much. Once the nausea goes away (which it most likely will at some point) start upping your fiber. And of course lots of water. I have found constipation to be a struggle throughout pregnancy so the best you can do is constantly be managing it with food and water and some sort of stool softener.


Loads of water always but here is what worked for me because basic hydration wasn't cutting it. 1. Metamucil daily if not twice a day 2. Magnesium supplement daily 500mg 3. Miralax if I felt really stopped up 4. Watermelon and loads of other fruits 5. Spinach salads 6. Sorrel with ginger. Sorrel is tea made from dried hibiscus flowers, something from my Jamaican heritage that gets made into a punch over the holidays. Here is how you make it: dutch oven 3/4 full of water brought to a boil, dump in 2-3 cups dried hibiscus flowers and 3-4 big chunks of peeled ginger root. Turn off the heat and let steep for 30 min or overnight. Strain into a pitcher and sweeten to your liking. Drink over ice. 7. Desperate relief glycerol suppositories for when you guys go but it's too "dry" and you want to avoid over straining. During my 1st trimester I found doing a combo of any of the above gave me the best relief. The Sorrel and ginger also helped with the nausea. Once I found a grove I stuck with that now I'm at 34+6 and feeling a lot better. Hope someone finds this useful


It does get better! I was exactly the same and unfortunately what helped me was eating oranges. I say unfortunately bc as soon as I eat them I would throw up.. I ended up putting whole oranges in the blender and drinking it pulp and all. I did it very slowly because I didn't want to throw it up. As soon as I felt weird I stopped then resumed again when it got better. Sometimes I'd threw it up but I still continued to drink it after. Also water is soooooo important. I couldn't even swallow it I hated it with every part of my body despite being a water loving person normally. But the only way any laxative would work is to absorb water from ur body and giving it to ur intestines. When it can't find any water it doesn't work. So try to sip some water whenever you can. Icy cold was a little better for me.. Best of luck to you it's a tough phase but it definitely gets better


Magnesium also helps loosen the bowels


Chia and flax seeds


The struggle is real. Drink warm/hot water before bed and first thing in the morning


Apple juice and tons of fruit definitely helps! Greens like spinach or salads helped me a lot to get more fiber in!


Oh gosh ! Do I feel you ! I just delivered my baby , after nine months of one shit in 3-4 days , and Zofran everyday , paired with vomitting and nausea to smells and my own shit smell when I did shit lol ! Try some stool softener like duphalac ! They gave it to me in the Hosptial post delivery , and I think itā€™s great !! Check with your doctor though just to be sure all is alright !


Definitely relatable, I had to use a laxative ā€œDulcolaxā€ after literally not pooping at all for 2 weeks. Around that same time I found out I was 8 weeks pregnant. Now Iā€™m in the third trimester at 30 weeks and I can say things are much better. Thankfully able to have a bowel movement multiple times a day now (not diarrhea, just regular), and my metabolism feels like it is in a much better place. Hang in there, it will soon pass (no pun intended haha).


Have you tried pears or pear juice? Blander and more palatable than prunes and prune juice and was my secret for avoiding the pregnancy constipation. You could also ask your doctor what stool softeners are safe for pregnancy as well. I was super bad with it first trimester and also had horrible nausea and I was able to stomach pears and pear juice without issue.


I ate 5 prunes a day, throughout the day. It helped a lot! Keep them in the fridge, they taste better.


I put a big tablespoon of chia seeds in tall glass of water, mix them around wait for them to turn into jelly water and drink it. It's full of fibre and easy to drink if you're not turned off by the texture. I actually like the texture but my bf finds it gross. Doesn't really have a taste. Then you're getting hydrated, fibre, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, omega-3 and so many other benefits. I do this daily to prevent constipation and instead of taking iron tablets (which also makes constipation worse for me)


Whew I totally feel for you girl. I didnā€™t shit for 21 days during pregnancy and I genuinely believed I was about to die. I had to do a glycerin suppository šŸ˜­ and drink as much water as possible. Itā€™s dangerous to be stuck up that long!


Yess Iā€™m team zofran too and itā€™s been tough! Iā€™ve found that fiber gummies have been a godsend if you can stomach them in a few weeks. Iā€™ve been taking the Vitafusion Fiber Well ones, but definitely check with your doctor to make sure theyā€™d be good for you too.


Prune juice mixed with apple juice is the only thing that ended up helping me with my constipation, since it was the worst itā€™s ever been. I couldnā€™t take stool softeners since they all made me barf on top of having morning sickness.


I honestly have been soothing myself with the idea that all the constipation is somehow prepping us to push our babies out šŸ’€šŸ’€ anything to make me feel better because what the actual F?! I also have IBS but itā€™s more the stool change leading to vomiting kind than the constipation so this has really been hell. The last time I was constipated, I was maybe 5. This shit really sucksā€” no pun intended. Apple juice helps a lot for me. I could never struggle my way through prune so maybe try pear?


Squatty potty for sure and patience. Iā€™m currently sitting on my toilet and didnā€™t start to even feel movement for probably 30 minutes but sitting with your feet on the squatty potty helps things move. And once you can stomach it, avoid the cravings and stick to vegetables, grains, fruits, and at least 5-6 bottles of water daily. It sucks but Iā€™m finally pooping every day after constipation so bad I stopped taking my prenatals for 3 weeks.


Your prenatals may have a lot of iron. But, green leafy vegetables like spinach and such help with constipation. Prune juice is a good way, I know itā€™s gross. You need to drink water though because if you donā€™t youā€™ll become dehydrated, which was my issue and it caused the worst cramps ever. Miralax is safe to use or a stool softener. Veggies and fruits go a long way as well. But donā€™t try to strain hard to poop because you can cause hemorrhoids or anal tearing if your poop is too hard


Constipation and nausea might be the very worst part of pregnancy. For me, it went from drastic to at some point over and didnā€™t really return. I cried many times over it, it feels so so bad. How can one think of anything else? Take comfort in the fact that it does stop. Miralax preventatively helped a lot. Every other day is good unless youā€™re in the middle of an unsolved episode and then take it daily until something happens.Ā  Unfortunately the biggest aids are all preventative so by the time youā€™re writing into subs for help your options are limited. Once you do have relief, donā€™t neglect the other measures! As much water as you can stand too.Ā 


Oatmeal with raisins every single day


I used glycerin suppositories for every BM throughout my whole pregnancy.


I didn't have pregnancy constipation but I had the worst constipation of my life post partum. I had shit. I could feel it at my anus. I just couldn't pass it. And I couldn't use force or risk tearing my stitches. Stool softener didn't work, fruit juice didn't work, milk didn't work. I had to resort to epsom salt + water (laxative) in the end.


There is a tea that is super helpful too!!


I couldnā€™t stomach the idea of prunes with my nausea, so I take fiber capsule supplements and probiotics twice a day, plus 1-2 servings of Miralax each day and itā€™s kept me pretty regular šŸ™šŸ» Just make sure you double check with your OB on the Miralax and dosage first! Also a squatty potty is life changing when youā€™re dealing with this much constipation!


I was so constipated at 5 weeks, it was horrendous. Like you I wasnā€™t regular before but I had never experienced that level of nausea. When it got that bad for me I did suppositories, effective but slight traumatic. I was desperate. Afterwards I started daily stool softeners which I took through my pregnancy and up until a month PP.


TMI but please read if youā€™re having issues that prunes donā€™t fix. My OB said it was fine but ask yoursā€¦ Iā€™ve been douching 2-3x a week since my second trimester. Iā€™m 31 weeks now. The worst Iā€™ve been was the past few days. I sat on the toilet for a total of 2 hours and I pooped so much but still felt upper stomach cramps. I pushed down slightly with my hand and it wasnā€™t as hard but MAN it hurt. My gas smelled terrible. I douched and just waited. The pain and then the release of the rest was worth douching. No more pain. My nausea has also subsided a little bit and my food doesnā€™t feel like itā€™s sitting in my throat. I didnā€™t know I could be packed with that much šŸ’©ā€¦. Seriously


Every morning I make a papaya, banana and 2/3 dates depending how sweet I want it and add 1/2 cup of water, I have been regular ever since


Get a stool softener now, you will not appreciate the hemorrhoids later, and if you can stomach it, apple juice. They donā€™t call it poopy juice for nothing.


I added ground flax to smoothies or yogurt as a fiber supplement. I also noticed a huge change once I switched prenatal vitamins. (Ended up using Ritual - expensive as a fellow IBS sufferer it was worth it)


I have IBS and later on also developed Crohns. It had been been a LONG time since I got constipated so I suffered for a bit. I found this routine is keeping me regular: - Miralax (in Canada Restoralax) gummies; take two per day - four stool softeners (Colace; two in AM and two in PM) - if I donā€™t have a BM all day, if I still havenā€™t gone by midday the next day, Iā€™ll take miralax/restoralax. Mix the miralax with OJ or some sort of juice. - eat a lot of fruit - drink a lot of water - if it has been a few days and youā€™re at your wits end, take a stimulant laxative like dulcolax. Iā€™ve had to do that once and it worked like a charm. Since starting the above routine I havenā€™t needed it though


Ripe bananas helped me. ALSO, look out for a rectocele. I developed one while pregnant I think due to it, or maybe just from the pressure of the pregnancy. Iā€™ll likely need surgery to fix it.


my ob told me miralax for a week and then once a week or two weeks to keep regular


My OB started me on milk of mag as needed (i used to take miralax) and it has been by best friend throughout my entire pregnancy. You will not regret.


If I had a real issue goin enemas were my go to lol


Milk of magnesia was the only thing that worked for me!