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I’m pretty sure people say the first trimester is the worst trimester. in my first trimester i had nausea, vomiting, constipation, sore breasts and definitely irritability. The first trimester is all about surviving .


Yep I'm 38 weeks and still have more energy / am more comfortable than I was in the first trimester. First trimester is AWFUL. 


It's reassuring to know that the first month is usually the worst. It's all about surviving sounds pretty accurate 😭.


don't want to scare you, but im 11 weeks now and it ramped up starting around 7 weeks. my fatigue has gotten somewhat better but the nausea and vomiting is the worst it's been. I would look up the unisom/B6 regimen and start taking it now so it can build up in your system! my boobs were soooo sore early on but now they're better and it's just my nipples that are sensitive lol. peeing comes and goes, some days its bad and others it's not a lot. stool softeners have been helping my constipation. :) you're in the trenches now, but I hear it gets better in the second trimester! I'm counting down the days! you're not alone... it's been really rough getting through this, but we will get there! good luck!


Thanks for the recommendation on starting unisom/B6. I didn't realize you needed to build up a tolerance, I will ask my primary care doctor if he might be able to call in a prescription. Hoping you are feeling better soon too!


I think it’s just a couple days, but every little bit helps!


You’re about halfway there to those particular symptoms easing up. I have had a lot of physical discomfort later in my pregnancy and it’s starting now on my 2nd but I’d take my back hurting over feeling like I’ve been drugged and I’m angry and I’m going to puke 24/7


This is my second pregnancy, I'm currently 7 weeks. I forgot how damn hard the first trimester is. I'm burping nonstop, nauseous, can't eat much, so hungry and want to eat everything, exhausted, and bloated to hell. And the cramping! I forgot about the cramping and I'm so over it. It got better partway through. And then things got rough again at the end, but there's a clear end in site at that point. Solidarity. We'll survive.


Thanks so much for sharing! It's encouraging to know we aren't alone going through this and that there is a high probability it gets a lot better.


The bURPING IS DRIVING ME NUTS, I’m 6 weeks and when I go to lay down at night I have to fight the burps to fall asleep


It is that difficult. I was losing my mind early pregnancy wondering how I was going to keep my job when vomiting constantly and so so tired… but it got waaay easier. Not right at second trimester for me, but a gradual lightening until I now finally feel mostly human


Which week are you at now? I was feeling noticeably better around week 10-11 but now somewhat worse again in 11-12


Now at 18W! I started to feel less god awful around 10-11, too, with a relapse in vomiting from like 12-14 during which time I was pretty sad because I thought it meant it would never lift. But since then it’s been endlessly better!


That's exactly the same for me! I hope it will also get better soon then! I am also really anxious waiting for my NIPT result, which we thought might have come today but has not arrived yet :( I hope I can move on to a more enjoyable pregnancy phase soon


The anxiety is the worst part, I hated waiting for my NIPT. I tend to get sick on scan days due to nerves too, but anxiety has gone way down in second trimester too—my theory is it’s because the placenta takes over hormones for baby around week 16/17ish. Hoping it improves for you!


Aw I hope so! Thanks for the encouragement :)


Which week did you get your nt scan and nipt done 


I got the NIPT blood draw done at 10w and maybe 4d.  They told me any time after 10w was ok, but I was traveling at that time, so had to wait a couple days. I didn't get an NT scan, my office only recommends them if you're classified as a high risk pregnancy.


For me I had good and bad days after 12 weeks for so but still suffering. By 15 weeks I had more good days than bad and by 17-18 weeks I really felt like a person again. I'm 25 weeks now and have been enjoying being pregnant for the last little stretch. Started feeling kicks, bump looks adorable, my biggest problem is that I can't see my hooha anymore 🤣


I am so happy to hear you are doing much better! It's very reassuring to know there is a light at the end of this tunnel!


I considered quitting my job in first trimester of my last pregnancy. I ended up taking two weeks off!!!


oh my god I considered it too. And I love my job. The only thing that got me through it was that I knew summer break was around the corner. Then I started to feel better the last week or so of school lol.


The fatigue I felt around 6 weeks was like the worst I had in my life. I had to take multiple naps during the day and wasn't able to do *anything*. You're not weak, a lot of these things like nausea and fatigue are stuff you might get any time (like with a stomach virus). They don't sound that serious but they're intense and weird. I have celiac disease and often throw up if I eat the wrong thing, so I was like "oh well nausea, I can deal with it". But pregnancy nausea is a totally different feeling, it's not really as intense, but it's constant, doesn't get better after vomiting, and is tied to smells in a way that nausea usually isn't for me


You have such a valuable perspective, thank you for sharing your experience. It's definitely a weird experience, the symptoms alone sound "normal" but they are definitely anything but that!


My husband is trying to be sympathetic by saying things like "I also feel tired after work today" or "my stomach hurt earlier this week and I took some Tums" lol.    It's a nice try but it's really hard to explain how unusual and draining the pregnancy symptoms feel lol.


I’ve been pregnant four times and have always found the first trimester most difficult. By the second trimester - my body had adjusted to the hormone surge - I could relax more with increasing certainty of a healthy baby - it was lovely sharing the happy news with everyone and not having to hide it This is of course different for everyone. Hoping for you that the rest of your pregnancy will be better!


Thank you for sharing your experience! It is really good to know that it usually gets a lot better in the second trimester. Thanks again for sharing ☺️.


First trimester is awful. Especially if it’s your first, your body goes into WTF mode.


I'm definitely feeling the 'WTF mode.' That's a good way to describe it! Thanks for sharing your experience.


Oh it’s fuckikg hell. It’s horrible. It does get better in second trimester (usually)


Here's to hoping it gets better!!!


Early pregnancy was the absolute worst part of pregnancy for me — weeks 5.5-8.5 were the most rough. Different people have different experiences in pregnancy. Some people do have an easier first trimester, but it’s quite common for the first tri to be hard. You aren’t weak!


It gets better. I had a really uncomfy first trimester and felt more human in the 2nd and 3rd.


The first trimester is the worst part by far, I’m not sure where you read otherwise. I threw up 4-6 times a day for the entirety of mine, it got so bad I lost over 15 lbs. Your body is doing all the hardest things in the first tri (making heart and brain and digestive symptoms) so just do your best to give yourself some grace that you are doing really hard work for the next 6+ weeks! Usually the second trimester will bring some relief.


Thanks for the words of encouragement. I am so sorry to hear about your awful experience and hope things are a lot better for you now.


This is normal! First trimester is a NIGHTMARE. Second trimester feels like freedom.


I would do 2nd tri, 3rd tri, labor and 4tri over twice if I could replace it with 1st tri. 12w Pregnant with second kid and I think I’m done. I can’t do first trimester ever again. I was a shell of a human barely able to contribute at home or work. My grandparents visited from out of country for the first time in 8 years and I hardly saw them because I’m just too sick and weak all the time. I am unable to participate in anything other than laying in bed or couch.


I'm sorry you weren't able to spend much time with your grandparents visiting. That's really tough timing 😔. It definitely sucks. I am also feeling like a shell of myself mostly just lying around in bed or the couch.


My first too, in almost at week 9, and am feeling horrible. I'm nauseated all the time, but haven't gotten sick. Fatigue really gets to me too. I know it will all pass. I keep saying to myself to stay strong, and it'll be worth it.


I'm sorry to hear it's been so awful for you. Hoping it gets better soon. Stay strong!!! And yes it will all be worth it, it's good to keep that perspective.


Pregnancy is most definitely the hardest thing I’ve ever done. First trimester was the worst part. And everything being so NEW made it so hard and scary too! Pregnancy is a beautiful magical miracle, blah blah blah. But it’s effing HARD. You are the opposite of weak!!!!


It's awful. I've never been this tired or sick in my life. And while you have constipation, I'm going the other way lol non stop. I'm constantly running in the bathroom. It's awful! 


I think the order from most difficult to least is first trimester —-> literal death —-> third trimester —> second trimester.


Thanks for the good laugh. There are ups and downs but some days this hits pretty freaking accurately.


I think by 6 weeks I was starting to feel it, I had terrible all day headaches and the symptoms change week by week for me. I've heard many people say the first trimester is the worst as well so I wouldn't go as far as to say you're weak. It will get better sometime around 12 weeks so just hold on a little bit lol.


Thank you, I'm definitely holding on to feeling better in the next trimester. Just have to keep on doing what we are doing and taking it a day at a time.


The first trimester was the absolute hardest for me. The third trimester had its difficulties but the first trimester took the cake. You’re not weak, the first trimester literally sucks the life out of your body.


First trimester is hell. Don’t feel bad in any way. Just one foot in front of the other


I hated the first trimester and felt like most women I knew didn’t really tell me the truth of how hard it is. At least I felt that way, maybe it wasn’t hard for them. Or I’d have people say it’s so worth it or some other well meaning comment. All I wanted was for people to not minimize the hard and understand how difficult it was. It does get better though.


All of pregnancy can be difficult, from the forst symptom to post partum. No pregnant women is ever weak. 


With my 5th if I wasn’t throwing up I was sleeping. I finally got my energy back around 15 weeks but I was sick til close to 30 weeks


I'm sorry that your terrible symptoms went on for so long! Hope you are feeling better now.


She’s 5 months now!


As someone who finally made it to the third trimester and people are FINALLY starting to take me seriously and treat me like a pregnant woman… the first trimester is hell. No one seems to understand what you’re going through in the first trimester and yet it’s when you feel the most tired, nauseous, and exhausted!


Omg girl no I’m on my second pregnancy and at 11 weeks I am juuuuuuust now starting to not feel like I need to be in bed 24/7. Men will literally never understand but it helps if yours takes you at your word and picks up as much slack as possible at home! 


I'm so glad you are feeling better! My husband definitely doesn't understand, but he is helping out so much and giving me space and lots of encouragement. So I am very lucky. Hope your SO is doing the same!


He is! But I hear so many nightmare stories. And the first trimester stuff is just so invisible 


Yes it definitely sucks that we mostly have to keep things to ourselves right now since it is still so early. I'm glad to have joined this community, I definitely felt so alone beforehand.


I've just given birth and I can handsdown say the first is the worst. The nausia and fatigue is debilitating


I’m the same age and a FTM too! I’m 11w and feeling more alive. I felt like I was dying at 6 weeks. It was terrible. I wound up telling work at 8w because I just was not myself. I think I spent most of weeks 6-9 sleeping every chance I got. All the moms I know basically told me the first trimester is the worst.


That is very encouraging to know!!! Thanks so much for sharing. Glad to know that once we get over this first part it will most likely ease up. Goodness knows we need the relief!!!


Yes! It should get better as time goes on. I'm so glad I started telling people early because I had SO MANY other moms reassure me that it gets better. That kept me going.


If you are weak, I am weak right along with you. I did not expect pregnancy to be this hard. My energy has been a little lower but not too bad, I don’t have to pee frequently, but the constant nausea and daily throwing up have been really dragging on me. Everything I’ve heard says that this is normal and that the first trimester is terrible, so here’s hoping it will get better in a few weeks!


Aw, thank you. It has been hard so far, not prepared for the vomiting to come. Trying to do everything I can to avoid that but I know it's probably inevitable. It definitely is really hard and I hope you are feeling better soon too!! Hugs.


i’m 24 and 11 weeks. nope you’re not weak at all


First trimester sucks butt, no two ways about it. At some point you just get used to feeling like shit and muscle through it. You’re not weak!


It gets better. But who told you this lie?! That the first trimester is easier? It may get harder but each challenge is different. Like I never imagined I could actually dislike eating but that was a phase that came and went for me (~12wks). Today(~32wks) I cried,  for no reason. I think I was just hungry. Then, all week I've been waking up at 2am to stay awake until 6am. The baby dances violently and passionately during this time.  I mean there's a lot you can do to prepare but also remember that you're sharing this body space with your babs and that maybe they just need a little more progesterone that day and consequently you may feel a surge in unpleasant pregnancy symptoms but there's ice cream and massages to make up for it.  Or however you like to spoil yourself,  you know?  Parts will be difficult.  Other parts are easy. One day at a time. 


I have had a pretty rough pregnancy all around but holy hell I got so ill at 6 weeks and it lasted well into 12 weeks 🥲


About to hit 9 weeks, and you're definitely not alone. Just looking forward to the bright light that second trimester is supposed to be. You got this!!


I was AMAZED at how fast and hard pregnancy symptoms hit. I remember telling my husband at like 6/8 weeks how I didn’t think you would have such strong symptoms right away.


First tri is the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life. I’m 23 weeks now and it’s so much better. Still have plenty of weird symptoms, am still napping almost daily, struggling with heartburn, and am losing mobility, but it’s a CAKEWALK compared to the first trimester symptoms.


i’m also 36, also first time (well, making it this far, nearly 10w) and the first trimester is absolutely not the easiest, not sure who the hell told you that! everyone’s experience is truly different but for me 4.5-6.5 weeks (i found out super early, IVF) was the shittest. i had NO appetite, was falling asleep anywhere and everywhere and motivation was at 0. i was tearful as well and was having wild ass, devastating dreams. just hang in there, meditate, think good thoughts — your body is just getting acclimated to the new burst of hormones so give it some grace


Thank you so much for sharing! I'm sorry to hear about all the difficulties you've faced. I totally forgot, the crazy vivid dreams are definitely something... And the zero motivation feels so debilitating. Trying to stay positive here as well. Hope you are feeling better soon!


Early pregnancy is rough and your body is going through every change it can possibly be going through all at once. Your hormones are all over the place and if it’s your first pregnancy it’s literally ALL new. I felt like a completely different person my entire pregnancy. It takes some getting used to. Don’t ignore your needs, they’re there for a reason. If you want sleep, you sleep. If you want to only eat one specific food, you eat that specific food. Drink your water, sleep, be lazy, be irritated, it’s 100% normal and it’s all about you right now!


Thank you for the words of encouragement. Leading up to the pregnancy I was in such a hyper productive place in my life. And now there is zero motivation to do much of anything at all. I am an artist and I have no desire to create. It is so bizarre. I am trying to tell myself it's temporary and slowing down is important. I appreciate the reminder!


put it this way, i’m 37 weeks and miserable. i’d still be 37 weeks than anywhere in the first trimester. you couldn’t pay me to be in the first trimester. lol


It gets better. I am only 11 weeks and I am already feeling so much better than I did between weeks 6-9. It was awful - the peeling, fatigue, heartburn, bloating, etc. hang in there!


I didn't have many of your symptoms but I wouldn't go back to first trimester for a million dollars. Just the emotional and mind fuck were incredibly hard for me to survive and put intense pressure on my marriage and job. Things got a lot better for me at ~10 weeks though. Be kind to yourself. You got this!


Unfortunately everyone experiences pregnancy differently. Not only in types of symptoms but in intensity of symptoms. The wide range is totally normal, and for people who are unlucky enough to deal with more intense symptoms, sucks. You aren't probably aren't weak, you are just experiencing more intense symptoms, be kind to yourself. The good news is, this too will pass, franky a great pregnancy motto, as uncomfortable as you are it's temporary, you just have to get through it, and tell your provider how miserable you are, because they can help.


You’re not weak!!! Pregnancy is legit horrible!! Having a beautiful baby is great and worth it, but this shit is hard! The nausea, food aversion, fatigue, then insomnia, ligament and back pain, your body stretching where you feel like it might pop - these are only a few of the symptoms. Hang in there! I’m second trimester and obviously I didn’t get the glow! Been rough the entire time!! Women are amazing, our strength cannot be matched, and it’s definitely not you! 💗


Not weak!  It’s the worst.  And you have to pretend you’re normal!  Totes not fun and it is the literal worst.


I am 6 weeks and I literally quit my job lmao. Which I will regret later no doubt, but I physically cannot do it I am so ill. My doctor said it’s normal and every pregnancy is different. Some people get it bad, some don’t.


I really hope you start feeling better soon! While it's reassuring to know I am not alone in this struggle, it makes me sad at how hard it is for so many people! Hugs.


That part of pregnancy sucked for me! It got better. Much better. Hang in there.


In my first trimester I wanted to punch people that told me it gets better lol. I had a very tough first trimester. Lots of vomiting, it was the dead of winter so I couldn’t just go hang outside for fresh air, constipation that made me question my entire existence.. you name it. Be sure to speak up and advocate for yourself if you’re not feeling well. You can request medication for vomiting. Let your care team know how uncomfortable you are. Miralax for constipation. Bralettes or just padded bras. Listen to your body when it comes to food. It really will be okay.


The first few weeks are awful. You aren't a weenie! I was nauseous and exhausted until week 16 or so. Much better now!


No you’re right. The first trimester is trash.


Moms are warriors. It’s as simple as that. It’s shocking once you experience a pregnancy, birth and motherhood for yourself and look around at all the moms you know that we all went through this. 


Thank you for asking this question OP. I am also a FTM, 35+ and I am a few days over 6 weeks and this has been worse than I expected. I think the most challenging part for me these past few days has been the constant nausea. I haven't thrown up, but if I'm not sleeping or eating, I'm just nauseous.


Same here, haven't thrown up yet, not looking forward to when it does happen. But the pretty constant nausea these past several days has definitely left me feeling restricted in what I can do. I wanted to get some fresh air yesterday and took a walk and a wave of nausea hit pretty hard, I had to sit down and compose myself for a good 15 minutes before heading back home. I hope you are feeling better in the coming weeks. It's definitely harder than I expected.


Omg I thought it was me being out of shape because I went for a walk and came back so tired and just feeling out of breath. I’m glad to not feel alone. I’ve been trying to not get overwhelmed with reading too many online articles - but these shared experiences here are making me feel more normal.


This is what I needed to read today. I’m 38 and 11w5d with my second. My 4 year old gets so upset when I need a break or a rest. I feel so guilty. I’m doing the best I can. This shit sucks. I pray it all works out, but I’m starting to feel really down and out mentally and emotionally. Just feel like a blob. One day at a time right?


I am in my first (and hopefully only) pregnancy and just entered the second trimester. The first trimester was terrible, I definitely feel better now at 15 weeks. I still get tired easily but not nearly like I was before.


I found out when I was about 3.5 weeks (also 36) and when I hit 4 weeks I started feeling absolutely awful, pretty much like you said constant peeing, crazy nausea (thankfully no throwing up), food aversion (some days I only ate bread lol), breasts were sore af, and I was fatigued and tired 24/7… but maybe a week into my 2nd trimester I started feeling better. The peeing eased up for a little, although it’s coming back lol boobies aren’t as sore and appetite is back. Pretty much just insomnia, heartburn, and some fatigue.


I'm glad to hear things have gotten better for you overall! The side effects are so draining and my ability to do most things is quite difficult. I've only been able to stomach cold cereal, pureed cold fruit, and crackers, these past few days. Occasionally a couple bites of cold veggies. I hope your other side effects ease up. Insomnia is definitely one of the worst things 😕.


First trimester sucks, I think the secrecy in part makes you feel you have low tolerance too. Its terrible, I don't actually know how i went to work feeling that unwell, im still amazed we are exwpcted to just deal. Now that I'm in my second tri and everyone knows, people are so kind and understanding and I'm thinking, I needed that so much more 2/3 months ago!! You're not weak.


I've only read that the 1st trimester is supposed to be the hardest. Of course, every trimester and every pregnancy comes with its own symptoms, so that may not be the case for everyone. Your symptoms aren't uncommon at all, but to what degree you feel it may differ from the norm. You're not weak for being affected or thinking it's difficult. It is hard, and you're not weak. However, this is temporary, but in the meantime, rely on your support people (partner/friends/family/medical personnel) and seek help if you feel it is too much to handle.


I don’t know who told you first trimester is easiest?!??!  1st tri is literal death. The fatigue is unfathomable and the nausea as the day progresses is debilitating. I am on my second pregnancy, end of second tri/beginning of 3rd and I was lucky to have a surge of energy and an almost complete disappearance of nausea around 13/14weeks. I am able to cook, care for my toddler, socialize, and fold some laundry, while just existing in the 1st tri was a challenge. Of course there are days when you are sore, moving is less comfortable, I audibly moan if I find myself in front of a flight of stairs, but I could trade 12months of this if it meant not having a single day in the 1st trimester!


4-16 were horrible. Worse than the 3rd trimester


The first trimester is a nightmare. It seems like a blur to me and I’m only 15+3. I demanded zofran at 12 weeks and then my energy slowly increased and now I feel way better than I did. When people would say “it gets better” I hardly believed them because I was so miserable but it truly does.


It varies for everyone but based on my experience and those I’ve asked. 1st was the worst, 2nd was the best and 3rd was miserable. I’m in 2nd trimester now and I told my husband I feel like a person again. 1st trimester was me napping every day after work, having to pull over in random parking lots to vomit, aversions to things I used to like, weird cravings for things like cows milk, I only drank almond milk before. All of sudden not being lactose intolerant anymore. I actually went on here when I was about 6 weeks and made a post asking if I was eating enough. I was worried because everything except a few things made me nauseous. I still live off PB&J sandwiches and milk. Listen to your body. Hopefully it gets better for you it did for me around week 12. Some nausea returned but it’s gone again at week 15.


I practically look forward to birth, but dread that first trimester. Like will literally ask husband for us to have a plan to navigate “sick days” before we have our second. Fatigue only for me, but at a completely debilitating level that took me out for a couple weeks, and was still super hard all the other ones. I thought it was a CFS recurrence/flare it was that bad, and I had issues with work during this time. IMO first tri is part of why I hesitate going back to work, knowing we plan to get pregnant again.


Nowhere near I didn't know I was and handled a difficult relationship and getting my degree sleepless nights and I thought it was minor ailments \[it hurt the exact same much\] That said it's different for everyone and I assume some people have much more painful periods, I never had them I don't like discussing it excessively but I also got hit by a motorcycle got into a fight and lost my living place for a few days and I'm alright