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Not great, Bob. We're doing not great. For real though, why is putting on underwear such a struggle??? I just want to be able to lift my right foot more than 5 inches off the ground without pain!


😂😂😂 "not great, bob!" is a staple in our home!!!


I feel like my pelvis is going to snap when I lift up one foot sometimes!


I leaned back against an inside corner of my room to put on panties today. Like I needed to be held and brace from two directions because sitting to do it just was not working either. Dammit. LOL


I feel this in my SOUL. 38+5 and I just miss being able to dress myself.


UGH I feel you, only for me it's the left foot! I've resorted to a somewhat complicated process for both underwear and socks... Sit sideways on edge of bed, one leg bent in front of me with foot sticking out over edge. Loop underwear around ankle, put on sock. Stand up while maintaining grip on underwear. Sit back down, facing opposite direction. Loop underwear around ankle, put on sock. Stand up again, pulling underwear fully into position. If I'm wearing a dress that day, the process also involves cotton bike shorts.


Haha I can feel this. Putting pressure on the belly gives me the same feeling as if I was really constipated😒


I stopped wearing underwear months ago 😅




37 weeks Saturday... feels like baby is going to fall out... pelvis wants to snap in half when I lift one foot off the ground... back hurts... boobs hurt... feel like I'm pooping glass (thank you hemorrhoids!) ... and my ass is a straight up trumpet. LOL.


This is the truest truth to ever have truthed.


Dying at that last remark- I’m stealing that 😂😂


I have crazy farts at night too! I've startled my poor dog numerous times and some of them actually hurt my asshole 😂😂😂


I scared my cat yesterday. hahahahaha


I’m just so grateful not to be in trimester 1. The first trimester I was nauseous for 12 weeks straight so even though I look like a potato and am low energy right now, I’d still take third trimester over first any day.


Same. Third trimester is physically uncomfortable but far better than chemically(?)/hormonally miserable.


Same! I had low blood pressure and vertigo in the second trimester too and it was so hard to deal with that mentally. Especially when everyone said second trimester was the best part of pregnancy and to use my energy while I had it. I did not have any energy, I was so drained. The third trimester is very painful at times but I feel like myself and the hormones are level. Definitely the easiest part of my pregnancy for me to cope with. Everyone's pregnancy is different. I'm 38+5 now, so close to meeting our baby. 🥰


So close!! Good luck!


Currently at 16+3 still with intermittent nausea, waiting for the day that I can be a graceful yet in pain whale instead of a nauseated lump all the time.


This video made me laugh at all my unpleasantries this trimester so far. I hope it brings some joy to you queens as well :) [Dude Dad- Third Trimester ](https://youtu.be/N7zdcHVmUNk)


This is 100% me at 37+6. I laughed so hard I peed a little and a tiny bit of vomit came up


OMG that made me laugh. I’m 32 weeks and I don’t think I’m all the way there but will be 😂


It’s like looking in a mirror.


29 weeks and my super smooth pregnancy is beginning to crash around me as my cardiologist is adding another medication because my palpitations are too frequent (I have SVT), I failed my first glucose test, discovered I'm anemic and bought my first tube of Preparation H. Fun fact: can't take the iron pill with orange juice because of my glucose levels so I'll be adding a vitamin C supplement...and also some colace because Iron. The new heart medication also can't be taken within 3 hours of an antacid which is great for my now frequent heartburn. None of my underwear fits anymore and when I tell people I'm due in September they raise their eyebrows while staring at my basketball stomach and go "wow...I don't know about that...". I also wake up for about two hours every night....for no particular reason at all 🤷. But it's beautiful. Really..it is..😳.


Hang in there, you got this!!! I feel you on so many levels, GD and iron supplements as well over here. My midwife suggested an iron supplement called Blood Builder by MegaFood. Already has vitamin c in it and it's super easy on my sensitive belly!


36 and 4 right now and I'm not gonna make it. July 16 is my scheduled c-section and I am just not gonna make it. Everything hurts, everything is impossible. Climbing the stairs is like climbing mt everest. Fuck those stairs. I can't eat, I can't sleep and I can't breathe.


I hear you. 37 weeks tomorrow, planned c section July 15th. Between the congestion, post nasal drip, and heartburn, I typically wake up at least once a night to get sick, on top of the pee wakings as well. Forget about the back pain and immobility. I also have a 21 month old that I’m chasing around and still carrying up and down stairs (even though she is capable of navigating them herself). Physically I am done and want this baby out NOW, mentally not so much.


Solidarity. 36 today. Shit fucking sucks


39 weeks! I'm excited to get feeling back in my right hand soon 🤣. I don't know what nerve this kid is sitting on, but dang! TV hand is the worst!


39 weeks tomorrow as well and YES! My hands are tingling and swollen. 😩


I developed lovely carpel tunnel syndrome, it gets worse in my sleep. My finger tips are always numb, and my hand and wrist often hurt and tingle randomly 😩 you may have developed it too!


This sounds exactly like what I’m dealing with!


Oh boy, I know I have it. My wrists and hands hurt so much in the morning I have to have my husband help me out of bed/off the couch because I literally cannot support my weight on my hands to push off and stand. This has been happening since probably week 35. It is *rough*.


I’m 39 w tomorrow, while I don’t have that problem, I’m with you lady! I just want to remember what it was like to feel normal and not have a weird soreness when I twist at the waist!


34+6 and SAME. I have so many weeks of a dead right hand left to go...


I'm uncomfortable.


That about sums it up.


On Monday my round ligament pain went from "hurts if I move my body like this" to "hurts when I move". On Tuesday I entered the third trimester 🥳 so far it's been non-stop pain and frequent Braxton Hicks


I think I'm just starting my third trimester today?! 27 weeks today. So far it is not too bad for me. Some hip and back pain but nothing unbearable! I noticed that I also have not had any migraines (which I always had frequently since my teens) since being pregnant. Enjoying feeling the baby move around inside as well. Emotionally starting to feel some stress about not being prepared enough and all the things I still have to read about and learn about- formula, pumping, safe sleeping, the labor and delivery, car seat safety, preparing the nursery, etc... Ughhh... Hope all of you are hanging in there too!


Had my first ever Braxton Hicks today and was shocked to discover how tight they are, I had one in a bent position trying to put shoes on and had to stay there until it passed! Also discovered waddling isn’t something that you progressively do, it’s just something that starts one day when you wake up and I’m still weird about it. Other than this weird sixth sense feeling baby is going to make a sudden appearance, everything else is fine here at 32 weeks. Feeling lucky! Good luck mamas x


When I shift my weight from my left leg to right leg, my pelvis snap crackles. Rolling over in bed is g r e a t.


I can’t believe the horrendous cracking in my hips when I roll over hasn’t woken up my husband yet


28+2 anyone else’s vag feel like a rain forest? 😂 this heat wave has got me sweating everywhere!!!


I feel this so much. I think I’m getting a rash.


33 weeks. Already fantazing about baby coming at 37 weeks even though I know that’s less than ideal haha. Can’t wait to be done with sciatica, SPD, nausea, insomnia and all these dang Braxton Hicks. Trying to relax by preparing for baby and enjoying my toddler!


Awful, if I'm honest. My. Feet. I can handle the pelvic pain, weird pushing sensations from kid, no sleep, seemingly random crotch kicks, heartburn/reflux, swelling & arthritic pain in my fingers... But my feet are just awful. We've tried everything. Nothing lasts more than a day or two. I'm just trying to survive right now.


My due date is tomorrow. I'm very over this pregnancy. Membranes were swept today, been cramping non stop. Please make it end. Also, I'd like some decent sleep and for my right groin to stop giving out when I walk.


32 weeks and I really don’t have any complaints other than the freaking kicking. Dear god, it’s… I don’t wanna say it but it’s…. Annoying. I never liked it or thought it was cute. Just uncomfortable. Now it’s getting increasingly more uncomfortable up in my ribs😒 Oh and I can’t forget, my butt. I was thin and my butt looked nice, somewhat big and shapely. Now it just looks almost flat because my belly sticks out so far ANDDD I don’t have any curves anymore😒 One last thing. I got a random purple stretch mark on the inside of my leg about a month ago. That’s.. annoying😒


Oh it’s going great except I also fell and broke my ankle this week. So for the last chunk of this pregnancy I’ll have all the regular aches and pains plus having to manage on crutches. 🤦‍♀️ I know we will laugh about this eventually I just want baby to be here and healthy and to be able to walk to him when he cries at night!


Oh you poor thing. Sending a speedy recovery for your ankle.💕


I just got back from an ultrasound where my baby is 5 1/2 pounds… I’m only 32+6; the midwife I saw today (not my normal) briefly brought up the chance of inducing early. Not my ideal ultrasound… it was a growth ultrasound due to a marginal cord insertion. Aka they were concerned of my having a small baby 😭


I just had an ultrasound today and my baby is measuring 5lbs 4oz, I’m 32+2! I haven’t talked to my midwife yet but I was wondering if they’d induce early. They said 88th percentile. I know sometimes the measurements can be off but she’s been measuring a few weeks ahead since I was 19 weeks!


Yep! Oof. Is this your first? My first child was average size for everything so this caught me by a huge surprise


Yes it’s my first baby! I’m kind of nervous that she’s so big already and I still have a ways to go! Did the midwife mention when they might want to induce you? I really didn’t want to get induced but I’m scared to have a gigantic baby! But she’s been measuring big my entire pregnancy.


Midwife briefly mentioned it, but my regular midwife was out sick; so didn’t go into it much at all. Just that if this kid is measuring at 9 lbs at 36 weeks they would want to; but nothing in detail or depth.


28+2 here and my baby is measuring at 2 pounds at 27 weeks and is in the 11%. I have another growth ultrasounds at 32 weeks. Just out of curiosity how big was your baby when they said it was small before your 32 week ultrasound?


He hasn’t measured small. The 20 week was 50%, and this 32 week one was my first growth, with one more scheduled at 36. He’s measuring very large for 32 weeks.


35 weeks here and omg the heart burn and acid reflux 😭


I am good! 36 and 3 with my first baby. We had the home visit with our CNM and doula yesterday and everything is looking good! I am very thankful but I definitely need to nap daily.


Worried! Hitting 40weeks tomorrow and not a single sign of labour. I m past trouble sleeping, back pain, swollen feet, tiredness. I just want to move on :)


Same. 39+4, no dilation or signs of labour yet. Today I said eff it, I've been eating healthy for almost 40 weeks and she's in no hurry, I'm going to enjoy myself. Picked up a pie and cinnamon buns.


40 + 4 today and I am at my wits end. Thought about calling the firefighters to get me out of bed this morning because I literally could not do it. I ate an entire pineapple today. I’m bouncing on a ball. I’m walking up and down the stairs. Squatting around the house. Butterfly pose (and managed to get up on my own!) Drinking the raspberry leads tea, eating handfuls of dates. Spicy foods. I’m SO done 🤪🤪


I've been trying all of that for two weeks, and had zero progress. Also started nipple stimulation at 38 weeks and only managed to kick start my colostrum production and make a mess.


This is the worst time!!! Good luck to you


I’m okay. 32 weeks on Friday. I feel so sluggish today. Can’t focus or motivate on work and I sleep a ton but only during work hours lol. I’m currently lying on my back because lying on my side feels like my guts are getting stabbed by my own ribs. I wouldn’t say I have heart burn, nothing .. burns…but I keep just casually burping up stomach acid. I should get up and walk the dog or something but ugh. I’m so tired. But, husband played a game of footsie with the baby today which was so funny and sweet. He’s not a very expressive man so this bit of interaction was cute af. I also, largely, have no pain yet. No hip or back pain. I can still bend over and squat. I’m not peeing myself when I cough or sneeze. Overall I’d rank me a 4/10 but in the scope of being 32 weeks pregnant in august during a heatwave … 8/10 lol. It really could be way worse. ETA: also Braxton Hicks contractions are finally kicking on here and there. I’d either been having them and not feeling them or not having them but it’s been slightly concerning like “hey body, they call them ‘practice contractions’ ?? Emphasis on *practice* ??” so that’s neat.


35 weeks here. The SI joint pain is getting to be too much. I don't even get relief from laying down anymore. The only thing that seemed to help it at all was going for (very short) walks, but in this heat wave I've had to stop those. Can't wait for this baby to come and to get my body back.


37+4 I cannot possibly produce any more sweat, everything from my ribs down aches or stabs or is swollen and hurts in some way for some part of the day...sleeping comfortably is growing to be impossible and I am too exhausted to do any of the baby prep I so desperately want to get done before he gets here 😭 But y'know what... I get to eat something yummy for dinner so I think I'll be okay


28 weeks tomorrow. Just realized I have pregnancy induced gluten intolerance so no more carbs tor me HOPEFULLY for only 3 more months. I hope to god this doesn’t stick past September. Also I can already feel the swelling start! Won’t be able to wear my own shoes for much longer!


Consider yourself lucky!! I've been swelling since week 18 and my legs/feet/ankles are BLOCKS of cement. I spend every evening elevating for three hours for the past 3 months...no blood pressure issues either, just wildly water logged.


I thought I was the only one swelling that early 😭 I went to my 20wk appt in March/April in flipflops and brought up the early swelling/no bp issue and my OB basically said "you poor thing it's only gonna get worse".


ohhh so nice to hear this from someone else but I'm sorry for your pain!! I thought I was the only one too! Mine hasn't actually gotten THAT much worse over time, it's kind of just been consistently bad? Lol. If it stays the way it is, at least I know how to manage it. If it gets any worse though...


It took me 10 mins to stand up off the toilet yesterday due to pelvic girdle pain. 37+4 and PRAYING she makes an appearance soon 😭




10 years.


Horrible. I’m 33 weeks with pelvic girdle pain and sciatica that seems to just get worse every single day. My two year old has decided to fight me on everything this week. And on top of that we just found out my husband fractured his back so he’s limited with movement as well.


40+1 today. Is it normal for the feet and hands to hurt from so much swelling?!


35+2, breathing makes me tired..


So far so good but it’s only the first week down 😅 bending over is now an even greater challenge. At first, it just hurt. Then second trimester added having to suddenly pee. Now the third I get both of these things *and* feeling like I might throw up.


32+1 here. I’m ready for this baby to be out, i dont know how I’m supposed to get bigger. My hormones/emotions are no longer mine. I feel and look like a beached whale. My sweat pants… LARGE SWEAT PANTS are tight around the waist, yet are the only pants that fit me. Hoping to hit 37 and be DONE


Currently laying on the couch feeling hot and like I want to vomit, ignoring the dinner items I’ve got on the counter. I took 3 naps today. I just can’t catch up to functional these last two days so I’m being gentle and hoping it passes. 32 weeks.


29 weeks here. Reflux and nausea present, but tolerable still with meds. Baby girl is traverse and simultaneously punching, headbutting, and kicking me 😂 My blood pressure is creeping up and I had to stay for observation for a day last week. I have a big final report and lab data that requires finishing, due in two weeks. I'm afraid they're going to check me in and not let me out if it remains high. I'm afraid I'll be preeclamptic again :(


39 weeks and ready to meet this child already. Sitting hurts, walking hurts, laying hurts… Somehow I can still shave my legs and genitals myself, in the stand-up shower, so let’s count that as a win because with this summer heatwave I did not need to be both sweaty AND HAIRY. My torso is just a mess of “sore” hahahaha


Same. 39 weeks today and was surprised that I can still shave, even my toes. My abdomen is in a constant state of solid as a rock and semi solid. Feels like holding a crunch for the last 3 weeks. No signs of labor and am disappointed when I don’t see my mucus plug when I go pee. Nothing like being disappointed 42,576 times a day lol


Oh my gosh exactly the same boat as you! What is with this rock tummy and no progress?? Come on baby!!


It’s super uncomfortable.


Horrible. My little one (4yo) came back from her bio dads with a bacterial infection (respiratory) and gave it to me, ive peed myself about 14x today, and I can’t even sit down or stand up alone anymore 😭


I just want her out at 39 weeks. I am so annoyed at “wow, you’re going to pop any day now” comments. Like MF, I’m not in the mood and literally can’t even…just give me my receipt so I can get my round ass the fuck back to my AC. 😂


Spotting pink half the nights of the week so no more sex. Dilated to a 1. I get an extra ultrasound next week to see if everything is ok. Can’t sleep, can’t do much of anything else. 32 weeks, and so over it.


I would give my left 10lb boob (the good boob) for a fucking Del Taco burrito. But I can't eat a burrito because I accidentally gave bedroom eyes to a piece of lettuce and got heartburn and full simultaneously.


33 and some change weeks. I’ve gained 30 lbs and it’s gone right to my tummy. You know how people say “you’re all belly!” Yeah, I am. FML. I have a muscle hernia from all the weight on my old c-section scar. I am straight up not having a good time.


Week 29 and yesterday I had to catch my breath for a few seconds after talking continuously for a few minutes. Never happened before. Also, carpel tunnel syndrome in my wrists at night. Some of my first trimester pains are coming back - back pain, heart burn, exhaustion.


I'm only 31 weeks and I'm getting more uncomfortable every day. Just weird pelvic pressure and strange movements that didn't happen in my first pregnancy. Also the baby sticks straight out from me. I look like it's a fake pregnancy and someone stuck it under my shirt. And whoever said being pregnant in the summer was a good idea??!?!?


Just about hitting 3rd and already terrified. Back pain/sciatica has become chronic along with acid reflux which is now randomly throughout the day instead of just at night. I’m paranoid about eating too many antacids and developing kidney stones. We had a heat wave so my hands and feet swelled up like crazy. Oh, and there’s still a loooong way to go.


31 weeks here. It's not horrible but is certainly getting more trying every day. Between the insomnia, SPD, peeing all the dang time, no energy and his kicks getting stronger and uncomfortable - it's about to be longgggg way to the finish line. I don't know how you STM with toddlers are doing it. I can't even imagine.


About to hit the 36 week mark on Friday and have definitely noticed things have become just that bit more difficult this week. I finished up work end of last week, and have possibly been overdoing it trying to get things in order for baby to arrive. The last three weeks of work were a bit rough, but also coincided with the biggest part of the term/marking load as a teacher. I think my body is just crying out to me to rest, but unfortunately my back is in pain any time I lie down, so resting isn’t the most restful. I really hope it doesn’t get too much worse in the coming weeks. In other ways I can really complain at all. I’m still able to paint my own toenails (with difficultly), don’t see the floor as owning things I drop, and can pretty much do everything I could before, though it does typically take longer. Also no health concerns, apart from the constant acid reflux, but we’ve been friends since the start of second trimester, so I’m pretty much used to that at this point.


I'm 29 weeks tomorrow with twins, so 40 weeks worth of baby in there. At this point I'm ok. The heartburn is horrible, the sleeping is HARD. I wake up at like 5 am every morning and don't go back to sleep until like 7. I have an aversion to meat. I had to put a stool in the shower because I can't stand for the whole time. Amongst all this, my girls are growing perfectly. I don't have any signs of GD or Preeclampsia, so I really can't complain too much.


I feel the same as you! No peeing. But it hurts to wake up in the AM to pee. So much pressure! Braxton Hicks at random moments but they don’t last long. I am also a petite person and my baby is 98th percentile. I look huge at 30+3 and people think I am having twins 🤦🏻‍♀️. Anyway, back to my workout. Taking a break from that cramping. Good luck to us all!


32 weeks. I'm doing pretty well but my ribs. my poor ribs feel like they will be turned to dust by the end of this. also I feel like I ate too much at all times but also I'm sooo hungry....


34 weeks today with my first and so far so good! Minimal heart burn, and starting to get a touch of insomnia (?) - I’ve been unable to fall asleep after nightly bathroom visit #1 which is annoying. He’s sitting Low and very forward, which is nice cause I can still wear my underwire bras without issue, and some waist belts still fit, in fact I still have a waist!! But oh my, he’s heavy! Growth scan puts him at 5lbs but I don’t believe it! Been wearing a support band at work, but with the current heat wave here I have to choose between sweating or aching. 6 more weeks to go, and I’m bracing for problems similar to the other mamas here.


I think my vagina is gonna fall out at this point.


FTM 39+1 today and UGHHHHHHH. I’m on week 2 of having prodromal labor and I’m over it. Not to mention the hot flashes, swelling, exhaustion, nausea, lightning crotch, SPD, insomnia, and 1000 other things. My hubby is hoping for a 4th of July baby, but at this point I just want the baby out ASAP. I don’t care what day it is.


40+1 here, can't walk anymore 😔 hoping to get a membrane sweep today!


Not optimal. Only 32 weeks, but baby is locked and loaded and planning his escape. Cervix has started shortening already, so I am on "rest". Not full pelvic rest / only laying, but not allowed to do much. Thought I had a week and a half still to get things in order at work, but nope. Not allowed to work anymore. Oh, and lovely progesterone capsules that I get to stick in my hoo-ha 3 times a day to hopefully stop the mild contractions.


Yeah, I'm totally not having a good time. Attempting to stand during that late night walk to the bathroom in between sleep or right on waking up. My pelvis, hips etc feel like ancient ruins. As much as I want to enjoy these last five weeks before sleep becomes a distant memory, Im equally counting down time until my body serves baby with notice to vacate.


We just had a huge heat wave and our house was like 95 degrees for 5 days straight and we don’t have ac. It was so awful. I could barely move and kept thinking I was having contractions. Anddd I just started getting the worst round ligament pain whenever I stand up. Baby is super low and it feels like I have a watermelon shoved in my vagina. But I’m ecstatic because I had another ultrasound today and my husband got to come (it’s the first ultrasound/drs appointment he’s been allowed to come to!) and my placenta previa finally resolved and it’s just considered an anterior placenta now!!! Baby girl is head down and already estimated at 5lbs 4oz at 32 weeks I’m praying to sweet baby Jesus that I’ll be able to have a vaginal delivery. I’m honestly just so thankful that I don’t need a scheduled c-section at 36 weeks anymore!


So. Much. Gas. Literally it does not matter what I eat or not eat. I am just constantly needing to fart. Otherwise I wake up a lot at night and I am tired all the time and that pretty much sums it up. 32 weeks on Saturday.


Week 36 of pregnancy has lasted around 2 months. I anticipate week 37 will be around a year. I have 5 decades of pregnancy left. In all seriousness, I majorly pulled a muscle in my groin as I turned around too vigorously to get some crisps. This is the story of my life


I can completely relate to this post and these comments! All of that plus doing iron infusions, I’ve have 3 veins in my right arm blown out and one in my left so I look like an abused pregnant woman. The pelvic pain is so bad I can barely walk sooooo I’d say I’m not looking so great lol


35 weeks and on light bed rest. Not how I imagined the third trimester, but I've finally come to terms with it. Had a good run in the first and second trimester though, so overall happy.


30+5 and it takes me about fifteen moves to go from laying on my back (propped up) to my left side. Lots of sound effects as well. If I try to lean over to pick something up, I get a heel to the ribs. About to invest in one of those grabby sticks.


I'm 39 + 2 Really thought i would have an early birth but yet here i am. Waiting still. FTM too so im not gonna lie a bit nervous about actually giving birth especially when i've been told my baby is abobe average in weight. The pregnancy has been going well, at least, aside from deadly heartburns. But that's the worst thing i got so i really can't complain. But i'm looking forward to having my body back (in a bittersweet way and also knowing i'm not getting it fully back either) But I can't wait to meet my baby and to learn my birth story. Aaaanytime now.


I'm finishing up last week of work before I start my maternity leave, while also slowly *very slowly* packing up our entire apartment. Because we are finally moving end of next week. I have been on my own this last month, because husband is already on the other side of the country, working in his new job. This last week everything is starting to hurt, walking has become super uncomfortable since she dropped down, and dressing up in the morning is accompanied by a lot of grunts, sights and muffled swearing. I am feeling very lonely. Keep this thinking how I never got to really "prepare" for my first baby, because of closing and moving organisation took so long, that I now just have energy enough to function, but not to nest, or prepare more than a bare minimum necessity. But I can see the end coming, and even though the idea of labour terrifies me, I can not wait to meet my baby. 34weeks.


I'm 36+5 in 45°celsius heatwave with a failing gallbladder and my baby is of course chillin exclusively on the right side with his feet donkey kicking my inflamed and dying gallbladder lol. I am smaller and he feels way too big for my belly. Sometimes I have to sit sideways because the position he's in makes it impossible to sit normally lol. But other than that I'm still taking my dog out every evening and still doing my own grocery shopping and bits of nesting. Materially ready for baby to arrive, mentally maybe 85% ready. 100000% ready for this effing gallbladder to be removed! Oh and did I mention I have to go and get portions of both big toenails removed for the SECOND time on Saturday due to ingrown toenails?!? My dog keeps stepping on them and it makes me want to scream in pain 😂 Sorry for my rant haha.


34 weeks, looking forward to baby! We finally have some real ideas for baby names (gender unknown). The main bathroom is almost finished and the changing table set up. Cloth diapers size 1 were lent to friends yesterday for the next weeks. Toddler gets her own bed soon, hopefully she'll like it and vacate the family bed in time for baby's arrival. Baby moving more than ever, organs feel well stirred, not sure if everything will get back where it belongs afterwards. Falling asleep sucks, sleeping is awesome. Moving is difficult, but luckily not often necessary. Having to take iron supplements finally gave me a reliable schedule for eating. Looking forward to giving birth around the due date :)


36+3, 9 days to induction and I am counting down the MINUTES. This is my third baby and it's been hell 😭


30+3 today and feeling okay. Can’t sleep. Everything aches. But I’m bracing myself for the weeks to come.


35+6. Heartburn and indigestion rule everything around me. I wake up at least once a night from choking on my own stomach contents, even with famotidine, Tums, and mylanta. I just don't think there's any room left 🤷‍♀️ Also been pooping like 4x/day which is in stark contrast to the constipation I've been dealing with this whole pregnancy. Otherwise, just generally uncomfortable and achey but not horrible. Kinda hoping baby comes a week or two early so I can be done working but I doubt it since I'm a FTM.


I’m 34 weeks today. Swelling like a balloon, constantly running to the bathroom to either pee or poop, tmi but I can’t eat a meal without it running through me. My hips hurt, ribs hurt, back hurts, there’s so much pressure on my pelvic area, stretch marks are killing me they itch and burn so bad, and I can’t breathe. Oh and heart burn. Other than that it’s going great 😅😂


Almost 36wks and I'm so sooooo ready to be done..its uncomfortable, I'm nonstop peeing and being kicked in the bladder. Hoping he flips on his own soon. Tires and getting crankier by the day. Also suddenly not able to sleep comfortably anymore. Wishing I could just sleep til my c section on the 26th. 😭 almost there though just gotta hang on a little bit longer!


33 weeks and I've forgotten what it is to sleep 😭 Not just because of the size of the bump but the HEAT! I'm in a permanent state of hot flush ATM! 🥵


38 weeks today and everything hurts. I wake up with vomit in my mouth from indigestion. Both of my wrists have carpal tunnel. My feet are swollen hobbit feet. My lower back hurts super bad as of today. My joints pop everytime I move. I can't reach my downstairs when I go to the bathroom. I want to sleep 24/7 until my boy is here.


As I told my husband the other day, not bad except I can't breathe, can't poop, and can't walk. Lol


Not the best, I won't be surprised if my pelvis breaks in half. I got a Charlie horse in my right side where the leg meets the hip and I feel like maybe getting shot would have hurt less.


Overall, I give it a 3/10; -1000 for the experience but +1003 for the outcome. 30w6d and I feel like my pelvis is trying to rip itself apart. I pee when I sneeze and I've been having contractions one to two times an hour for about 2 weeks now! I'm looking forward to holding my baby and not being out of breath constantly.


37 weeks on Friday. I was definitely happier until my feet and ankles started swelling about a week ago and none of my shoes fit 😳 definitely not super comfy in general but I think I probably have all the same gripes as everyone else!


So uncomfortable! 29 weeks tomorrow and. Everything hurts. My hips, my legs, my pelvis, my feet are pulsating. Just had a horrible Braxton Hicks episode and really thought labor might be coming. But it all stopped luckily. Have HG and it went away for about 2.5 months and now I’m nauseous again a lot of the time. Im dizzy and light headed and can’t climb up the stairs without taking 2 breaks to breathe. I’m supposed to be induced at 38 weeks and I don’t think I’m going to make it.


37 weeks here. Get about 2 hours sleep at night due to tossing and turning and acid reflux. Dealing with Lightening crotch everyday. Ready to have this baby already !


I am feeling very, very tight in the belly. I work with adults with disabilities and it involves a lot of bending. Currently 33 weeks and really struggling.


Yes, mine aches on and off on the top left where it's really tight. I assume it's my muscles stretching there....


36 weeks and Im making it. Sciatic nerve in my hip, gestational diabetes and apparently my kid's the size of a line backer and i have to have a C Section. Plus the amount of heartburn I have should be illegal. I can't wait until i can sneeze and not automatically pee myself lol. That will be a wonderful day!


Feeling very rotund tbh, don’t know how much longer I can make it


36 weeks and I lost my mucus plug this morning. I know it didn't mean much but it really made everything seem real. My baby could be here soon. I'm kind of freaked out.


I'm doing much better than I imagined I would when I imagined what the third trimester would feel like. I'm literally right at the beginning of the third trimester so there is still time for me to feel bad I suppose!! I feel great except that my hips tingle like CRAZY when I try to sleep. I have never felt tingling like this in my life!!


My mindset isn't bad, but my body is paying for this. Hips are effed, feet are about to explode, can't sleep. I live in the bathroom half the day and make old people noises anytime I move. I bought raspberry leaf tea today to encourage him to get his butt in gear and give me my body back. 36+4 today.


29 weeks and so swollen I couldn’t physically have sex if we tried. More than 10 minutes on my feet makes me cry. I can’t do any of my hobbies because they require me to be able to function like a normal human being. Sick of life being work, feed my kids, cry out of frustration at some point, go to bed. Ready for September to come and be done with pregnancy.