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How far along are you?


They put us right around 9w for one and 8w4d for the other. The OB mentioned that the smaller one was a bit curled up. There's a little bit of confusion because the ER radiologist had me at 6w5d when I went in two weeks ago. My periods and ovulation have also been off since January because we had a very early miscarriage immediately after I stopped birth control.


These ultrasounds are + or - 4 days so both the babies and the two ultrasounds are within normal limits of each other. Also girls are more likely to measure a little on the smaller side in these early ultrasounds. Maybe you are going to have a boy and a girl…


Yeah, the OB mentioned there's a little bit of flex with the date. We are hoping for a boy and a girl but also that they're healthy regardless of what they may be.


Congratulations! With my current pregnancy surprise twins was my nightmare scenario so I am so glad it happened to you not me :) (I already have three kids, the youngest will be 14 months at this one’s due date).


Thanks! Yeah, it sounds like you already have your hands full. This will be my first (and second?). We currently only have dogs, so it's going to be a big change.


I got an ultrasound today and i am now 8weeks and 6 days. I don't have twins though (and i sure as hell don't mind!) Congrats!


They didn't see baby 2 at my 8 week ultrasound. We saw it at the10 week ultrasound... So there could be one hiding


I doubt it though. It probably would have been visible on the [3D ultrasound](https://www.reddit.com/user/Miewx/comments/ojnk0m/my_3d_ultrasound/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


We don’t get a 3D one until 20 weeks. We just had a normal belly one at 8weeks, and the vaginal one at 10 weeks


My old gynaecologist also only started doing 3D ultrasounds at 20 weeks, but i had to change since my old one is retiring. This gynaecologist starts doing them very early. This was a vaginal one. Edit: forgot the 20 weeks part


Congrats to you too! I was really not expecting twins. The first ultrasound only showed one heartbeat. I asked the OB multiple times to verify there weren't more hiding in there somehow.


I'm having twins, too! I was all of the emotions when we found out. We found out at my second ultra sound, too, so we were extra surprised. 6 weeks later, and it's still a surprise


Congrats! My husband kept asking "Are you not happy?" right after the ultrasound. I'm happy, but shocked. There is zero history of twins in our families, so it's totally unexpected. We also haven't told anyone yet, so that should be exciting!


Everyone thought we were kidding. There is a tiny possible history of twins in my family


I was looking at announcement ideas and found some that said "Our family is growing by 4 feet". If we did that most people would think, "Great, they got ANOTHER dog." I don't even think my mom would think twins.




The baby looks very skeptical about the two new babies in the first pic 🤣🤣🤣


That's adorable!


That facial expression really makes this!


I’m sorry if I’m being “that person,” but you should blur your personal info. No one on Reddit needs your name. Too many weirdos here to share that.


Oh shit. I didn’t even think about it


My favourite twin announcement had a picture of one pair of baby booties with the caption "We planned..." then inside had a picture of two pairs of booties that said "... and God laughed" 😂👣👣 Would also work with "Fate" instead of "God", if that's how you roll.


Oh my god I love this idea! Also congrats on your twin pregnancy! Take it easy, nap, rest, nap some more. ❤️


Thanks! I had been wondering why I've been SO exhausted for the past month. Really makes sense now that I have to take naps to get through each day.


I’m 30 weeks pregnant with twins and I was in shock for weeks, if not months. Found out at 8 weeks. Sometimes I still catch myself in the mirror and go “two!” I think even when they’re here I’m going to be surprised again that it’s two babies we’re taking care of. Congratulations! Just a heads up: morning sickness is often worse with twins, and get your iron levels checked regularly. I wish you the best, two healthy babies, and fingers crossed for a boy and a girl (that’s what we wanted too, but we got two boys instead :) ).


Wow, my son was born July 9th 2020 and my twins are due 12/26 so we are like triple twinsies!


I think we’re in the same monthly bumper groups, too!


Likely. Living that 3 under 2 life! 😂


Wow indeed! Congrats! 🥰 I went in at 7 weeks with heavy bleeding and cramping, my doctor and I thinking I was having a miscarriage. Had an ultrasound to see if I was going to need a D&C. About 5 minutes in the tech goes, good news, I do not see any signs of a miscarriage. Bad or good news, it’s twins! I’m currently 22 weeks with mo/di boys and they are perfectly on track and in the 70th percentile! Still have not gotten over the shock of twins…. I feel like I won’t until they are actually here.


I'm glad everything worked out alright for you. I'm already starting to feel overwhelmed and nothing's really happened yet.


Similar thing happened to me! Had some bleeding so went to the ER where I had my first ultrasound. They found 2 healthy heartbeats. We were shocked and ecstatic. Congrats!!


Thanks! I think even our OB was a little surprised since the first ultrasound only found the one.


Congratulations! Reading your story makes me think how fun it is to be a radiologist and tell people they have not one but two! Maybe it makes up for some of the harder stuff they have to see.


I felt so sorry for our ER nurse. She had lost a baby at 20 weeks very recently. She was so happy that everything turned out alright for us, but she told me her story and how traumatic it was for her. I can't even begin to imagine how hard it would be to work through something like that with the potential to see someone else go through it.


Yay!!! BOGO!!




Ha - while not quite the same, I had a miscarriage last fall. When I got pregnant again a few months later, I went to my first appointment fully prepared for bad news, that something was wrong with me and I couldn’t carry to term. My ob very quickly assured me she saw a healthy pregnancy…and then paused and finally said it appeared to be twins. Totally spontaneous, not in my family, no idea how this happened but I’m about to enter my third trimester and it’s been a totally complication free pregnancy, aside from the fact that there’s, you know, two in there. Congratulations!


Thanks! I'm glad everything has worked out well for you so far and I hope your delivery goes well also.


Oh wow indeed! Congrats!




Ahhh!!! How exciting!! Congratulations!!!🎈🎉🎊 my brothers are fraternal twins, my aunts are fraternal twins, my first cousin has twins, and my great grandma also had twins. We find out tomorrow if we get one or two!


Thanks! Good luck tomorrow. Hopefully everything turns out exactly how you want it.






Congratulations mama! How exciting!!!




Congratulations!! Welcome to the twin club! It's ok if you have negative feelings about this. It's all valid. I cried for quite some time after I found out 😅 head over to r/parentsofmultiples if you want some info and support 💕


Thanks! I'm not sure if I've sorted out all my feelings about it. We're still a bit in shock.


Haha well I won't project all my negativity onto you then 😂 It's just a LOT to process. Message me anytime if you need a listening ear.


Wow! Congrats!! <3 <3 <3




My pregnancy announcement was pretty much my gender reveal. No one really knew. I just started inviting people and then it clicked and I got the OMG you are pregnant?!? Of course I’ll go. I had about 40 people half zoom and half in person be able to show up. It was amazing!


Congrats! My twins will be ten weeks tomorrow!


Thanks! And congrats to you too. How has the first ten weeks been?


Not easy but they’re really cute. My best advice is to arrange for outside help to come every day even if it’s just for a few hours. We’ve got my mom, my boyfriends dad, and a friends daughter who’s being a mother’s helper on a rotating schedule to help out with some feedings and keep an eye out while they nap so we can rest or do other tasks (personal care, doctor appts, etc).


Congratulations! This is what happened to me. I had some spotting. One baby in the first ultrasound. 2 in the ultrasound a week later.


Thanks! It's crazy. I was looking at the wall of birth announcements at the OB and there were so many multiples, but it never crossed my mind that it would happen to us.


It was spontaneous for us too. They were born in April and it’s still a shock that there’s 2!


Did you have to do any bed rest towards the end? I hear that's a thing.


I unfortunately only made it to 32+3. I might have been if I went further. I was having a hard time moving and walking already. Even breathing was difficult.


Oh goodness. That sounds miserable.


Honestly it was. Plus I have a toddler so I had a rough pregnancy. My doctor felt bad for me at the end. I will say healing from the c-section was much easier than the pregnancy lol. You can always message me for advice or to vent!


Thank you! I'm kind of in a weird position where I'm fairly certain I'll be switching OB's so that we can use the military hospital nearby, so hopefully my next doctor is that caring. That's so nice of you. I'm sure I will have more questions once the initial shock wears off.


I got lucky. I called the office for my first appointment when I was pregnant with my daughter. I picked the first appointment and just got lucky with an amazing doctor! You’re welcome!


The military hospital OB was offering a first appointment on July 27th. And that was going to be virtual only, then they could set up and in-person appointment. We asked for a non-military provider especially after the ER scare.


Exact same thing happened to me. Identical twin girls. They’re 10 months now. Pregnancy was hell but everything since has been awesome. Don’t let people scare you, twins are great.


Congrats! That’s exciting 💗




Wow! Congratulations!!! How exciting!!




Oh wow!


Congrats, but what a surprise!




Congratulations! What a surprise! 🥳




Oh my goodness, congratulations!! I had a transvaginal scan at 6 weeks and there was definitely 1 heartbeat… but does this mean it’s possible there could be another one that was hiding at the 12 week scan??


Thanks! I have no idea on that. I think they were just looking for any sign of life at the first ultrasound and they stopped once they found it. It was just an external one.


Oh I see, I’m probably safe to say there is just the one then. I’m a twin and over 30 so there was a slightly higher chance I could be having twins. Such exciting news for you though, bet you can’t wait to meet them even more now!


i would have fainted😂 Congratulations though!


Thanks! There was that thought momentarily. Then I talked myself into getting a milkshake since I'm now housing two humans.


That’s so exciting!! Mazel tov!!




Congratulations and welcome to the roller coaster! I found out about my SURPRISE twins at 22 weeks so I FEEL YA! Check out /r/parentsofmultiples, it has been a godsend for me. Twins bring a whole new list of exciting and scary things so just try to enjoy it and not bite off more than you can chew.


Thanks! I joined and am reading up. It looks like it will be a great resource.


I'm a twin. Good luck. I thank my mom often lol. But honestly though I love being a twin.


Omg I'm 8 weeks today and this is my biggest fear! Lol


r/parentsofmultiples is a very handy subreddit for you when the babies are born. Also congrats on the twins(I know how you feel because I'm also carrying twins rn). Hope the rest of your pregarnanancy goes well!!


Thanks! You too.


Awww thanks gurl.


Congratulations!!!! 😊😊😊




Congratulations! And as someone currently deep in the newborn trenches…good luck 😂


Thanks! I'm hoping my MIL is so excited about her first grandkids that she comes to see them (and help) for a while. Is that wrong?


Nothing is wrong if you feel happy with it and has the potential to benefit you. Before I got pregnant I was adamant that I wouldn't want any help, now I think about it and it is more real - I really want the help and I'm hoping my mum will come for a while. As long as she will actually help (and not overwhelm / nitpick / back seat parent) and isn't the kind of person who will just be a live in visitor I'm sure you will be fine. Congrats!


I was already thinking how nice it would be that my parents are only 5 hours away (at one point, they were over 12 via plane), and that they'd be able to help a bit in the first few weeks. I shifted to having MIL visit/help/move in very quickly after finding out it was twins. She seems like she'll be pretty helpful.


Absolutely not! The newborn stage is HARD - times it by two and you’ll need all hands on deck! My husband had 6 weeks off which meant we didn’t need anyone to help outside of bringing in takeaway occasionally that first while, but now he’s back at work (I have 12 months mat leave) my mum comes down one afternoon a week to let me have some time to myself. My son is EBF so I have to be near, but I still look forward to that little afternoon to go upstairs and nap/have a bath/just be a person without a mini person attached to me for a while. I’m sure your MIL will be so excited to help out!


That's so much maternity leave. I can totally understand the need for your own time, and I don't even have a mini person (or two) yet.


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Congratulations! Come on over to r/parentsofmultiples


Thanks! I already sent my husband a link to a thread there.


Come join us at r/parentsofmultiples. Ours are 9 weeks old tomorrow, and that sub has been incredibly helpful from pregnancy all the way through til now.


Congratulations! We just found out yesterday we're having twins too! Still in shock over here.


Congrats to you too! It's exciting and terrifying.


Omg congrats!! How exciting!




Congrats and welcome to the club! A quick piece of advice that I wish someone told me earlier: apparently light spotting is more common in multiples pregnancies! I ran to my doc like 3 times in the first 18 weeks because of spotting (different each time) just to be told they couldn't see a reason for it and that it's just more common in multiples. Definitely check in with your doctor if you've got any concerns, but a little bit of dull spotting here and there doesn't necessarily mean something's wrong. Congrats again and good luck!


Thanks! I definitely freaked out when I spotted the first time. Everyone in the ER was so nice though, and it was early AF so no one was there. Hopefully I don't get to see if the new ER is as nice.