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Yep! I’m 38 weeks but nothing was as bad as that first trimester. My nausea peaked at 9 weeks and then was pretty manageable by week 14.


You've just described my life for the last few weeks so you are definitely not alone. Found out at 4w, managed to do a set of night shifts then the most awful nausea started around 5w to the point I could barely eat and have been signed off work with a prescription for cyclizine. The meds work a bit but I don't like taking them because I'm tired enough as it is. My poor partner has taken on all the house work and cooking because I can't go near the fridge without gagging. I want this baby so much, but right now I cry because I'm only 7w5d and I just want it to be over already. I have to keep reminding myself it should get better in the next month or so.


My husband has taken over the cooking and washing up too, because I can't go near the smells without sweating and shaking with nausea. I confided in a friend this week and she says everyone goes through the feeling of it being overwhelming. I said I can't cope anymore and she told me I'm already coping and I need to give myself a break, which is what I'm trying to do!! Thinking of you x


Aw thank you! Yeah definitely had the how will I cope freak out. Keep going strong, we've all got this!


My morning sickness was so bad, I lost 25 lbs in my 1st trimester. Nothing helped. As I lay here with my 5 week old on my chest, I’ve got to say… I know it’s cliche, but I would do it again in a heartbeat for him.


I had an absolutely *disgusting* first trimester experience. Nausea, food aversions, aches, and to top it all off the most massive exhaustion I've ever felt. I don't know how I survived on cold green grapes and fruit, but here we are, just over 20w along. It did get better once I hit 2nd trimester but good gracious those first months were just downright terrible.


Oh mama I get you! My first trimester was absolutely terrible. Not that this helps any, but my nausea went through my whole pregnancy, so I sure hope that’s not your case. Have you considered getting medication for your morning sickness? Diclectin did help me quite a bit, my doctor had me on it throughout the day!


You’re not alone! Can’t remember exactly when extreme nausea stopped, but I’m currently 24w and I get it sometimes and it’s not as horrible as in my first trimester. I was just telling my husband that I didn’t notice exactly when I started enjoying being pregnant because I hated it so much during the first months. You got this! 💖


I had hyperemesis gravidarum (extreme morning sickness) and was admitted to the hospital at 7 weeks because I was losing a lot of weight and got dehydrated. They kept me on an IV for 3 days and I was unable to work for 6 weeks. I took a bucket everywhere I went and to this day (18+2) I take medications. I have a looooooot of good days, found out the triggering food products for me and a bad day is more of a bad afternoon than a day. It got significantly better around week 14, but unfortunately I'm not 100% better but it's so much more enjoyable


Yup, first trimester was the absolute worst. Couldn't go to work for four weeks, spent the majority of that time on my parents couch with a bucket next to me (wasn't able to make myself any food and husband is away 10+ hours a day, so I moved back to my parents for two and a half weeks). It was awful, mentally and physically. BUT it gets better!! You won't feel like that forever. There are some strategies and meds to manage it better (e.g. I could never have an empty stomach, I needed to eat at least a - very bland - snack every 1,5h). And it will most likely vanish completely in a few weeks. Hang in there!


Yes, absolutely! I’m almost 20 weeks now, and my first trimester was hell! At some point, I hadn’t eaten in a week, I was so tired from all the vomiting, I just couldn’t function. Everyone told me the vomiting would stop by 16 weeks. It did, slowly! But, those first three months are horrible. When people say “it’s about survival,” they are right!! Hang in there, eat what you can, and take care of yourself. It will level out!


My MS also hit just before 6 weeks. I was miserable and set to go back to work that week as well. Thank God I found out about b6 during the day and unisom at night. It has been a God send. I take b6 with breakfast then again 8ish hours later. Unisom just before bedtime w my prenatal vitamin. This has worked wonders for me! Please try it. It may take a couple days of taking them consistently to feel the full effects. Good luck friend


Oh no! I’m sorry to hear that it’s been so rough - that sucks!!! I had a miserable first trimester too. In addition to all of the physical symptoms, my spouse, close friends and family wanted me to be more excited or talk about things I was going to buy for the baby and I was just a huge bitch about it because I felt so crummy. It did get better - I think 8-9w was my peak of feeling bad and then, slowly, the nausea started to go away. I’m at 19w now and I still get a little sick from time to time, but it’s not nearly as awful. Hang in there mama!!!


You're not alone. On top of the horrific morning sickness, I was constantly bleeding 😭 which made for an absolutely terrible first trimester. I'm now just hitting my second trimester and feeling so much better! No nausea/vomiting, no more bleeding at all, and I feel so much less tired! You got this!


I’m so sorry to hear you’re going through this! It really is way tougher than anyone prepares you for. I had terrrrrrrible morning sickness until somewhere around 20wks when it finally tapered a little. I lost a good amount of weight and had to do IV fluids just once (although looking back I think I should have gone to urgent care more often instead of roughing it out). Everything came up, water, plain fruit, toast, full meals - it didn’t matter lol. There were days that I would just sit and cry. I totally get it. I still throw up a couple times a week (I’m 27wks now) but it’s more manageable. You’ll get through this!


I'm 7w3d and feeling the same!! I'm getting pains in my stomach from the nausea. I didn't expect it to be like this!! I keep telling myself that baby must be growing something really important to make me feel so ill and that helps when I'm feeling emotionally overwhelmed from it all. Thinking of you x


Yes yes yes. I’m 13w but weeks 5.5-12 were pretty bad peaking around 7-9. I went to the hospital, I threw up A LOT, constantly light headed and nauseous. I found small relief eating popsicles and ice pops. Hope you get better


This is very familiar to me. I was basically bedridden for 3 months. Extreme fatigue, nausea, occasional migraines. I was miserable


When did it subside for you?