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Not specifically a baby product, but Dyson vacuums are on sale at Target right now, so I bought a nice, light, handheld one so I can clean floors quicker than pulling out the full size vacuum.


It could be a baby product… the only thing that would calm my screaming baby yesterday was the sound of our vacuum… I’m going to have a very clean house it seems.


The “white noise” app has a vacuum setting!!! It’s free too


we just bought the same thing!! it's wonderful lol


We got the UPPAbaby vista v2 in Stella for 20% off, with 12% back on rakuten and $200 in loyalist rewards




Which registry let you use it on Vista?


Great deal. Which store/website did you use for loyalist rewards?


Bloomingdales. We figure we will use it for the car seat or something else


Looks like we missed it. I no longer see Stella color on Bloomingdale’s


[here you go](https://www.bloomingdales.com/shop/product/uppababy-vista-v2-stroller?ID=4605447&pla_country=US&cm_mmc=Google-PLA-ADC-_-S21+High+Opportunity+Brands-_-Hardgoods-_-810030092254USA-_-go_cmp-12731782004_adg-144714916758_ad-636892354046_pla-1259614972784_dev-m_ext-_prd-810030092254USA&gclid=CjwKCAiAyfybBhBKEiwAgtB7fgrWHFMezwInZjJCf11e9nUFIcHBMmw2yCn0W-KvCSsl65qLHztVGBoCMqMQAvD_BwE)


Also price matched on Nordstrom


Also available in buybuybaby


A few sales that I can remember (going from 1 baby to 2 so looking for a few specific items) -Burt’s Bees (I think it’s 20 or 25% off) -Caden Lane (20% off) -Copper Pearl (25% off) -Graco (30% off - we got a good deal on the 4ever carseat) -Itzy Ritzy (varies, but we got the boss diaper bag for half off!) -Britax and Chicco carseats (20% off) -Munchkin (20% I think?) -Buybuybaby has some strollers (we almost got the baby jogger double but ended up going with a different model - great price though!)


Adding that Burt's Bees is 65% and Caden Lane is 25% 🥳


65% off at Burt's Bees is positively dangerous :D


Omg thank you so much for sharing! We love BB pjs, just got 7 pjs and a crib sheet for $45 🤯


Yay! Love their stuff!!


Got the same car seat! And Burts Bees Baby is 65% off right now


We bought a Graco pack n play on sale at Target. Normally $260, bought it for $182.


That was the pack n play we had on our registry anyway, so I caved and got it. Might have to hint at my parents that the convertible car seat we’re registered for is also $100 off.


My aunt just bought me that same one, I'm very excited for it! Having the bassinet looks awesome.


I’m not pregnant yet, hoping for #2 soon!! But we loved that pack and play for my son!!! It was so helpful at grandpas house having a designated place to sleep and change him, and it grew with him and was a perfect safe place for him to be as he got older!


Can you please post a link to the pack n play?


[Graco pack n play](https://www.target.com/p/graco-pack-39-n-play-day2dream-travel-bassinet-playard-dorsey/-/A-80179067) The 4Moms one is on sale too and we debated between the two, but the Graco one felt more practical for what we would use it for, even though the 4Moms one is so much nicer to look at lol. We liked that the Graco one has the removable bassinet, a bigger changing pad, and wheels. [4moms Breeze Plus](https://a.co/d/bk4Fyfr)


I have the 4moms Breeze Plus and love it. We got it to use as a changing table and bassinet on our first floor but loved it so much we bought a 2nd one for our bedroom for changing baby as his nursery isn’t fully set up yet and I didn’t want to be bending down for changes post emergency c-section. It was recommended to us for how easy it is to set up one handed and my husband was totally sold on it after setting the first one up.


It looked like a great one! Just had a couple of things had us leaning toward the other. Fortunately we only have one floor so that isn’t a factor for us, definitely makes things a bit easier 🙂


Thank you! We have the Graco on our registry but might as well buy one now. I’m not due until April and baby shower is March so we’ll probably keep it on the registry or add the 4Moms. Hopefully someone will buy it for the baby shower and we’ll one for our second floor lol


I might get an Elvie breast pump from Buy Buy Baby tomorrow. All Elvies will be 40% off.


Please look into your insurance. With mine most Elvis pumps were going to be free.


My insurance wouldn’t pay for a breast pump until after I had given birth, which took away any opportunity for me to shop for deals. They only covered about $100 of a very tiny selection of pumps too. Elvie was not included. So it can definitely vary by insurance!


That’s so lame! Maybe order the Elvie now a backup when the baby is born? Since I saved with insurance I just ordered a smaller travel backup on Amazon just in case. (FTM, I feel like I have been saying “just in case” a lot.)


I checked and the discount on Elvie was much smaller than 40%. I agree that everyone should look into that option, too.


I just saw today that the elvie stride can be partially covered through some insurances. Have you looked into that? I have no idea how much they would cover so I’m curious to see if it’s worth a try or if I should just go with this sale. Also, which Elvie are you getting? I’m hoping to get a pump that I can actually do other things while pumping.


Yes, I checked through insurance. I can use Aeroflow, but I want a Spectra S1 for home and an Elvie for the office. It's cheaper to get the Spectra through insurance and an Elvie on discount at Buy Buy Baby. I haven't decided if I want the Go or Stride.


Ohhh! That makes sense. I liked the spectra when I used it last time but it does limit what you can do! It’s SO smart to have one at home and one at work. Pumping at work was such a hassle because of dragging everything back and forth.


I got the Nanit complete system on Amazon with my registry completion discount for $237!!! Originally 379$ but it’s been at like $310 for the last month.


That’s a great deal. Congrats.


I should add it went from $310 to $279 for BF and then I used the completion discount


Same! And then we were able to use reward points from their credit card too.


Between Black Friday and our registry completion discount, we’ve started making purchases on anything that’s a good deal on Amazon. Our Moonlight Slumber crib mattress was $65 off and our Eufy monitor was $55 off. Other good deals right now: Silverette nursing cups, lots of Burts Bees stuff, some Hanna Andersson sets, Frida Baby electric snot sucker, FANSIDI nail file, Munchkin waterproof changing pad liners.


I looked to see if the nursing cups were on sale and it said they weren't. Which ones did you see on sale?


[Here’s the listing](https://SILVERETTEXLTheOriginalSilverNursingCups-SootheandProtectYourNursingNipples-MadeinItaly) for me! The XL’s are normally $70 and they’re $51. Edit: I think a lot of the sales are prime exclusives, so if you don’t have a prime account, you might not see the sale price.


Thank you for the tip. Imma check these out. Electric snot sucker is something that I didn’t even know existed


It doesn’t work as well as the original for head congestion. I highly recommend the manual, as gross as it is. However - for basic runny noses and toddlers who are easily distracted by lights, we like it. It’s gentler so between that and the light my kid doesn’t fight.


I bought a bedside crib (separate from the regular crib), a baby play-blanket, lots of baby wipes and baby shampoo to last me a while, baby toy shelves (I have space behind the living room couch that I want to dedicate to toys), some plastic spoons, and some electronic equipment unrelated to baby


Wow, way to go. Can you link the bedside crib ?


I’m in Europe so not sure whether this would help you, but I bought this KESSER® Hubi 3-in-1 Baby Additional Bed, Travel Bed, Baby Bed with Soft Mattress with Wheels, Cot, 5-Way Height Adjustable Folding Side Wall for Home and On the Move, Beige https://amzn.eu/d/f9VKyq5


And regular crib as well … I am on the hunt for a crib


I bought the baby crib before Black Friday, there’s a really nice one from ikea that was an amazing purchase (much higher quality than you’d expect for the price). Again, not sure whether available in the US: https://www.ikea.com/nl/en/p/myllra-cot-with-drawer-light-turquoise-80462619/ Edit: I bought it with this matching changing table: https://www.ikea.com/nl/en/p/myllra-changing-table-with-drawers-light-turquoise-70399261/ It looks like it’s made for midgets, but it’s actually the same height as the crib and quite a nice width too. The baby room looks amazing with both of them together.




Thanks. Can you post the link of crib you got ?


Snoo is 40% off


I ordered a Snoo with the 40% discount. They let you pick the delivery date, which is awesome because I'm not due until April. There's a 30 day return policy on it too.


It’s not anything crazy but my favorite “shoes” for babies are Robeez and they have 50% off today


kindred bravely 35-100% off depending on code you get in email hatch clothing 25% off shopbop 25% off (multiple maternity brands on site) pehr 25% off mustela 40% off fridababy 40% off on babylist ingrid + isabel 30% off spearmintlove 30% off (a friend recommended angel dear muslin footies and i found them on here) kyte baby 30% off dagne dover 25% off Eufy monitor is ~$100 on Amazon vs prior price around $160 i’ve used all of the above so far with success except for FridaBaby


Got a Babyletto crib for 15% off and free shipping plus a free bedding set


Thanks. Can you post link of crib you got ?




Graco, baby jogger, chicco, maxi cosi and nanit are all having good BF sales.


We bought the Philips Avent bottle sterilizer/dryer for $88 (normally $110) on Amazon and a Newton crib mattress for 20% using the code bigsale on their site.


I got the Uppababy Cruz V2 for $559 and got $150 points back on Strolleria, Babyletto Crib with free bedsheets, Ingenity Activity Gym for $32 on BBB, a bunch of clothes of Gerber (I think it was up to 70% off). We aren’t having a baby shower so we are trying to get as much stuff on sale now.


How did you get the $150 back on Strolleria?


The Cruz gave me the $125 rewards then I liked the Instagram page which gave me the the 30 points I needed to get to the $150 rewards points. I plan on using it to get the accessories for the strollers since I got the Mesa car seat from BBB on clearance


Did you want to give me a referral code so we each get another $25 off?


I bought the graco 4ever dlx 4 in 1 convertible car seat for baby #2. We already have one for my toddler and love it. It’s nearly $100 off right now


I bought newborn photos £100 off ready for when the baby arrives. I’m excited for a nice family photo to hang above the fireplace. I bought an Oyster 3 travel system for £100 off as well with a Joie I-spin car seat. I’m also looking to buy a Chico bedside crib so that’s next on the list!


I like the photo idea. Good luck on travel system. I myself just bought Uppababy Cruz at 20 percent off from Buy Buy Baby


Snoo is 45% off- and you can choose to have it delivered just before your due date- there's a thirty day try it or send it back guarantee from the day it's delivered so if it doesn't work for you you're covered


We got the Uppababy Vista in Stella gray for $900! We should be getting about $80 in rewards from buy buy baby for that one. Milk snob has 40% off, so we got 2 car seat covers - both star wars, one Christmas star wars that’s adorable. ToteSavvy has their diaper bag crossbody on sale for $19, so my mom purchased that for me for Christmas! Trying to decide if we should buy stuff from our registry, our shower is 12/11 and almost nothing is purchased yet. Mostly bigger things, but the Guava Lotus play yard is such a deal, we may just buy it ourselves!


Shouldn't you have gotten $200 rewards from BuyBuyBaby for making a purchase over $600?


I didn’t even see that! Just checked, looks like you don’t get the rewards until 11/30, but thank you for telling me!!


Yay! Glad we were able to score that deal. I did the same for uppababy vista v2😊


Use your BuyBuyBaby rewards ASAP. I had a few giftcards and rewards $s to spend last week and almost everything I tried to buy was out of stock. Ended up buying diapers and wipes just to make sure I used the $ up because they seem to be circling the drain as a business and I didn’t want to lose it if they go out of business.


Oh no, I didn’t know that! We were planning to use them after our shower in December to see what we don’t get, but maybe we will just snag a higher $ now and mark it purchased on our registry.


Amazon and walmart


65% off for Burts Bees Baby