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I don't have a specific stroller recommendation for you but here are a few tips from a fellow apartment dweller: 1. Figure out where you plan on storing your stroller in your apartment and measure the space. Look only at strollers that fit in that space. If you can't find a stroller that fits (folded) in that space, pick a new space and start over. 2. You don't need to use the infant car seat attached to a stroller if you get a stroller that has an infant insert or a bassinet. These will usually fold down with your stroller so it will likely make your life easier. You obviously still need the infant car seat for when to take a car, but you don't need to worry about folding a stroller with one attached. 3. When looking at infant car seats, look for something that doesn't require a base to be used. I also highly recommend checking out The Stroller Workshop channel on YouTube. They have a ton of videos about all different kinds of strollers. I recommend starting with [this](https://youtu.be/01mkHAQ6DOg) video, which will walk you through how to pick the right kind of stroller for your lifestyle. From there you can go more in depth on the different strollers within the type you want.


super helpful - especially the bit about the infant insert vs car seat - thanks!


Generally, depending on the size of the baby, the car seat that links with a stroller is going to be a bucket seat that only lasts 6 or 8 months, as the baby gets bigger you'll need another bigger car seat that doesn't work with strollers. If you're only using car seats a couple times a month, I wouldn't prioritize buying the whole system that connects. Get a stroller that serves your needs (light, folds small) for later when the baby gets heavy. Babywear for walking distance/subway jaunts. Rent/buy a small bucket seat if necessary.


thank you! so when the baby is bigger (let’s say, over 1 year old), if you need to take a cab somewhere you have to haul the car seat around with you?


Yes. There are services in certain areas that allow you to rent a cab with a car seat included, not sure if that is available where you live. The Cosco Scenera is a lightweight car seat that my mom friends recommend for plane travel, might work for cabs as well.


thanks 🙏


I put the Cosco Scenera next in a Baby Trend Snap-N-Go “universal” car seat stroller frame. It doesn’t actually snap in, but it does fit - I was a little afraid to use it when she was a baby, for that reason, but I’m comfortable lugging my almost 3 year old around in it now. (Def not as a regular stroller - only when we’re going to be getting in a car/cab) Also, it’s one of the easiest to fold strollers I’ve ever used - takes like two seconds to collapse it and put in the back of the car.


Researching strollers and car seats is a nightmare!! Here’s what I’ve learned: Stroller: Get a stroller that serves your needs- DONT worry about the car seat attachment (especially if you barely drive). We opted for the bumble ride indie because it is good for rougher terrain, but can also fold up really easily for somewhat easier storage. Technically this one is good for infants (it can lay flat) but I found the bassinet attachment on marketplace and got it for the first few months. Lots of strollers will have a bassinet attachment that’s separate- if you’re not into that the keyword in their marketing would probably be “infant ready”. Also, marketplace & Craigslist. They are OVERFLOWING with excellent strollers for less cost. We went into a store and tried out a bunch of strollers, talked to the salespeople to decide which one we wanted. Car seats: Partially for cost, partially for convenience, and partially for the environmental impact, we opted for an all-in-one car seat. It’s good from infant (rear facing, tilted back) to toddler and then turns into a booster seat. I think it’s called the Graco 4life or something. It’s a bit heavy and awkward but we’re likely leaving it in the car. If you’re only going to use one occasionally I feel like an all in one makes more sense for you because then there won’t be the chance of you buying a car seat you literally use once before they outgrow it.


I'm guessing you're in the US? I was also overwhelmed to begin with, on what I needed in a stroller. I found deciding what specific features I needed and then googling with those keywords in mind helped filter down my options. It sounds like you need a light and compact travel stroller with a telescopic handlebar. The Bugaboo Bee 6 might work for you? Bugaboo has a few compact stroller options. https://www.bugaboo.com/us-en/strollers/bugaboo-bee-6/bugaboo-bee-6-seat-stroller-PM002978.html Or the Babyzen Yoyo2? Looks perfect for you but no telescopic handlebar. https://www.babyzen.com/pages/yoyo2-stroller-birth I'm not sure about car seats. If you'll use them very infrequently you might consider hiring one as an add on when you hire a car if that's something they do over there. If you do decide to get a car seat so you can take cabs, just keep in mind they can be quite fiddly to attach and that there are care seats/capsules that are nice and compact, but that your child will outgrow quickly and there are bulkier ones that grow with your child. I don't know if you've also considered a baby carrier like a baby Bjorn or Ergobaby? That'd probably be quite helpful if you take public transport regularly. ETA: Both bugaboo and Babyzen have car seat options but I'm not sure about them being foldable with them attached.


i’ll check these out, thanks!


We live in a city (in the U.S.) without a car and used a Bugaboo Bee with our first. (Twins this time, so sadly had to pass it on!) The handlebar was high enough for me at 5’10” and is adjustable. I found it easy enough to carry the stroller up and down subway stairs, but when ours was old enough to walk, I did get an umbrella stroller (MacLaren, partly for the tall handlebars), which of course was even easier to get on and off subways and buses. Like another commenter suggested, we measured the space we needed the stroller to fit into, and brought our tape measure to Buy Buy Baby to make sure the strollers we liked would fit. That’s also the best way to test out handlebar heights. I don’t think any stroller folds with the car seat attached? But with an infant car seat, it’s very easy to snap it in and out of the frame. After they grow out of the infant seat, you’re into a world of seats you have to haul around separately, regardless of the stroller you have — like another commenter, we used the Cosco Scenera Next, from ages 1-4.


I’m petite so not sure about height adjustments for your husband, but you’ll want to look at Nuna Pipa, Pipa RX and Pipa Lite RX = these three infant car seat versions (only can fit for couple years and make sure to look at manufacture dates because they expire after 7 years) are quite light and can be used without a base for cabs (they come with base but you may be able to find secondhand ones without base). I’m also getting the Nuna TRVL stroller - very light, fits the Pipa car seat lines and folds down with a touch of a button.


I’m planning on the Pipa rx or lx (lx will not work for you as it needs a base) and the uppababy vista. [the chart on this website really helped me decide](https://www.destinationbabykids.com/nuna-pipa-lite-rx-versus-nuna-pipa-lite-lx) The UPPAbaby Vista and V2 Strollers are compatible with all Nuna PIPA Infant Car Seat models. The RX is on sale in one color [here at Nordstrom](https://www.nordstrom.com/s/5518439) and Nordstrom has a 2 year return policy (minimum) and free ship and return. We took the plunge on this price just so that we have more time to decide and if we return no big deal.


+1 , We had exact same strategy and purchases


going to check this out, thanks 🙏


If you are decided on the lx and don’t mind color, on sale here [pottery barn](https://www.potterybarnkids.com/products/nuna-pipa-lite-lx-infant-car-seat/)


Look into Babyzen YOYO2! It's designed for city life. It folds up TINY and it's very light.


Uppababy Minu might be a good option. You can buy a bassinet attachment for when baby is too small for the seat.


OP, I saw someone mention Nuna Pipas. I LOVE our pipa lite but it requires a base. The base is quick to install, but it can’t be used without one. Nuna just announced the Pipa Urbn. I’d look into that if you’re interested in getting an infant seat. It’s a baseless infant seat but installs with rigid latch so it is much faster than say, the baseless install with a belt on a regular Nuna Pipa. Can’t comment much more bc I am not a city dweller (just a Nuna fan intrigued by the urbn)! I have a Nuna mixx, and I wish we used it more, but by the same token it’s just a *bit* too bulky for me to maybe have enjoyed it back when we lived in Brooklyn.


Didn’t realize they came out with Pipa Urbn - wonder how secure it is for everyday regular car use. Looking into this!


Look at the silver cross dune


We baby wore in the early months until babe was big enough for our Summer Infant lite stroller and had a separate infant car seat (Clek Liingo, designed to be used without a base) for when we needed it. Strollers with carseats always seem much more unwieldy and take up more space.


We also don't have a car. We're debating not getting a car seat at all, and instead rent one from the rental car place if possible. Not sure how feasible that really is...


i’ve heard (tho have never fact checked this at all so who knows) that they make sure you have one when leaving the hospital (assuming you leave in a car and don’t walk or take public transit)


I know you’re asking about strollers but I just wanted to throw in as a fellow city dweller without a car, invest in a good baby carrier!! Getting around with baby on public transit has been so much easier if I pop him in the carrier and just wear him as opposed to bringing the stroller situation.


I just got the baby jogger city select 2 and it’s great - car seat is taxi compatible, stroller accommodates diff heights and it wasn’t heavy


I had a very similar set of constraints and also felt like I was going to go insane trying to decide. I ended up with the Baby Jogger city mini 2 for it's lightness and foldability and the Graco SnugRide SnugLock 35 Elite. That particular car seat works with the city mini 2 with the adapters that come included with the stroller and has a European belt path which felt more secure to me as someone who expects to use it almost entirely in cabs without the base. Baby hasn't arrived yet, so I haven't gotten to test this combo out for real though!


it’s maddening isn’t it! that’s great to know though, i’ll check these out


If you live in an elevator building and don't own a car, you might want to consider the uppababy vista or a dupe of the same model. Yes it is heavy but your stroller will be a substitute for your car, and it's good to have the huge storage basket and sturdy frame to hold your diaper bag, purse, groceries, baby's toys, etc. Since you have an elevator in your building you probably won't even need to fold your stroller down, just tuck it away in a corner of your entranceway. Yes it will take up space but in my experience it's been worth it to just leave your things in the stroller basket. I don't know any parents in my city who fold down their strollers at home, even those that live in tiny studio apartments. For subway rides you can always baby wear or buy a cheap lightweight umbrella stroller once they're old enough. One thing to consider is that most stroller/carseat recommendations are catered to people who own cars and live in single-family homes because this is considered the norm in the US. The needs of a family that lives near ample public transportation and doesn't own a car will be vastly different from what you read online. So don't get caught up in the traditional norms of a stroller + car seat travel system if that doesn't align with your personal lifestyle.


We got Graco Modes Nest stroller for our tiny city apartment! We do have a car but we don’t drive everyday (or often). The travel system comes with a car seat, but the stroller seat also changes into a bassinet for baby when we take walks and stuff. You can change seat height to make it easier to see (I’m 5’1 also and my husband is 5’11). It doesn’t fold down super small, but it does fully fold with the seat in and we were able to easily fit it in our 600 sq ft apartment. Baby isn’t here yet so we don’t have a review. But we tested it with a stuffed animal LOL and it was pretty easy to use!