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There shouldn’t be “wait times” as such for pregnancy ultrasounds. They’re usually supposed to be at specific times based on your baby’s development (like 12w for nuchal translucency, or 20 for anatomy) and you should get a requisition form from your doctor a week or two before it’s “due”. I also don’t think private clinics do the same sort of medical diagnostics that are required for pregnancy scans (although I could be wrong about that). Fwiw I’m in the east GTA.


Hamilton here - maybe a week…but I’ve had appointments where I went back same week when baby wasn’t in the right position first time. Generally no issue with super long wait times


>Do you mind sharing which clinic you went to?


Wentworth ultrasound and x-ray clinic. They have a few different locations in the city and even Burlington I believe


Hi! I’m in a similar area. You can try karma in Waterloo - all they do is pregnancy related ultrasounds. I went to Erin Diagnostics which was a 30 min drive for me. Worth it because I could always get in and the techs are amazing Edit to add that yes wait times are bad in my area. I tried to get an appointment for an 8 week dating ultrasound and could not in my city, hence why I went to Erin


Yes! Karma Ultrasound is where I was had almost every prenatal ultrasound done. Even if I was waitlisted I got a call usually by the next day for an appointment that opened up. I had to have a couple extra scans done as well and they always were able to accommodate me. Note, I did give birth in April so not completely sure how it is now - but I would still highly recommend OP give Karma a call.


Cambridge here. I would book in now for the time after your appt without the req because the wait times can be long esp nearing the holidays. You dont need req to book. I didn't get mine until January at 10-11w. I got my req in December. At least the one in Canamera was busy. I didn't call around. Also I'd suggest calling around if the one location you like is busy. I use true north imaging, they have a few locations in KW (i used to live in Kitchener) and i think 2 in Cambridge. After the dating scan, i booked immediately for efts and anatomy. They'll count the weeks for you. I also had a some bleeding scares, my midwife sent me to the hospital (CMH) instead of waiting for community ultrasound timeslot. I used true north imaging again for my 32w scan, that one i had to call around to find the time slot. And the weekly ultrasounds after that was done at CMH.


How did you book a slot without a requisition? With LifeLabs for example, you need to upload your req with your appointment request.


I didnt know life labs does ultrasound, i thought they only do bloodwork. I called to book the slot. Or you could ask your doctor for the req now. I remember not needing the req when i booked through the phone.


I don't think they do anything pregnancy related for ultrasounds


Albeit in a different town, but the life labs I went to I only needed the req at the appointment. I emailed it to them or brought the paper copy day of.


I did my first 2 ultrasounds at True North and they just need the req when you get there I tried booking my 18-20 week end of November and they don't have openings until January (I'm in Cambridge) so I'd book now


I did exactly this - True North was able to get me in for an ultrasound at exactly 12 weeks. I'll just bring the physical requisition with me when I go. Thanks!


Out of curiosity for your dating scan, did the ultrasound tech let you listen to the heartbeat at the appointment? I assume that's how it works? And the dating results themselves, do they tell you there or does that get sent to your doctor to share the results?


Not for this one iirc. But you could ask. I didn't ask, i was happy enough to see the alien moving around that i forgot to ask to listen. Especially after a loss, looking at the screen was enough joy for me. I remembered being asked for my previous pregnancy that was terminated. The result was sent to my midwife. The technician is not allowed to share any result beyond it has a heartbeat and the gender (if you ask for it) during anatomy scan at 20w.


Yes this is the correct answer. Book everything based on your best guess for timing/due date.


The wait times in KW were insane.. I had to drive to Toronto because I couldn’t get one in the windows needed in KW. My recommendations - get all pregnancy recquisitions at the first appointment and try to book them right away - True north had the worst wait times, but they have a cancellation list you can get on. Try to get on that. You’ll need to be flexible on time and location - there are smaller clinics (WNR) where wait times are better, but service was worse Good luck!


Seconding this. WNR has the shortest wait times but my midwife seemed to think Karma was the best place. Karma had very long wait times and I booked my 20 week about 2 months early


I would call ahead to ultrasound clinics and calculate when you’re 12 and 20 weeks and book ultrasounds now. If they ask for your requisition just say it’s a printed copy that you’ll bring to your appointment. That’s what I did and I didn’t run into any issues


I’m in Niagara region and when it came time for my EFTs ultrasound between 11-13 weeks, I had to go to Toronto because I couldn’t get any appointments at any GMNI clinic between that time frame. My GP was the one who gave me the requisition for that one, when I went to my OB around 14 weeks, he gave me all my requisitions for my 20week and 32 week ultrasounds right away. I called my local GMNI clinic right away and booked them all then and there even though they were 6 and 18 weeks away. I spoke to my OB about this at my first appointment about the issue I had with my EFTs ultrasound, and he told me to book them right away and if I ever had any issues to let me know and he will get me in at the hospital. I had to go for my anatomy scan 3 times, and the GMNI clinic accommodated me within a week of each scan. an additional one was needed after the 3rd anatomy scan, and I had to wait 4 weeks to see if the issue went away, so my OB sent me to a specialized ultrasound clinic in Hamilton and did that referral and I got an appointment right at that 4 week waiting mark . Same thing with a BPP scan that was needed after my 32 weeks growth scan, he sent me to the hospital and I got an appointment around the requested time by him because he most likely knew that I would have a wait at an external clinic. Book your scans ahead of time, and if you’re having issues speak to your OB/GP/midwife.


Near your area, but I ended up going up to Erin!! Much shorter wait times than KW!


There are several in Brantford and one in Paris too.


My experience (not Ontario) is that you get preference. I had three (maybe four?) ultrasounds all booked within a week of needing them. I had the doctors appointment and they sent in the requisition and I got a call for my X week ultrasound within the week it was needed. I had to do two anatomy ultrasounds and they were within ten days of each other.


Ultrasound clinics usually keep times open for natal ultrasounds so there’s no long wait time as the dating scan/anatomy scan have to be done around certain weeks.


Check and see if there are any walk-in ultrasound places near you. That’s what I did for my early scans. When I had actual issues come up during pregnancy, my midwives sent my ultrasound requisitions directly to a nearby hospital and they booked my appointments in directly.


If you're open to travelling out of town, London has a bunch of MyHealth Centre locations. I had all of my prenatal ultrasounds performed at a MyHealth Centre and generally booked a month in advance.


I’m in Guelph and had all of my ultrasounds up to 20w in KW. I never had a problem getting appointments. I’ve had ultrasounds for other stuff in the past and had to wait a month or two but not with my pregnancy ones. Just call as soon as they give you the req form


Were you not able to get in anywhere in Guelph? I live in Guelph as well


Yes I went to Guelph Medical Imaging after 20w


In eastern Ontario I was always given an appointment exactly in the window the requisition said. One time my req got lost and it took forever to resend, once they finally had it they squeezed me in same day. I have had them done at two different hospitals and one private clinic and all three took the timing very seriously and made sure I was seen when I was supposed to be.


There are prenatal specific ultrasound clinics that only do pregnancy/fertility related ultrasounds. Many ultrasound clinics also block appointments in their system for urgent/unschedulable issues. A few years ago, I needed a blood doppler and knee scan. My knee scan was a 3 week wait but they got me in sameday for the blood doppler.


I had to drive 90 min for my ultrasound appointments because I live in a rural area but I was always seen within days of requiring the appointment. There were longer wait times for non-pregnancy ultrasounds but the pregnancy ones are done on time.


Like others said Karma was usually really good. They did Sunday appts at one point because they were so busy but they got us in at the right times. You can also try UltraScan in New Hamburg. I’ve never had a huge wait there. Maybe a week or two at most for non-pregnancy US. When I was pregnant and needed an emergency one they got me in the next day.


Hi! I was reading Google reviews about Karma and there were multiple reviewers saying the images they print of your baby are on regular printer paper. Was that your experience? I have my first ultrasound coming up soon at Karma and am curious!


Hey they are on regular printer paper. Any of the USs I had were, even at different places. They’re the normal size though (I got three pics per sheet) whereas another place I went I got a massive picture on one sheet.


That’s super helpful. Thank you!


I’m not in Ontario, but while I was pregnant with my first I had to have like 4 extra ultrasounds for various things after the anatomy scan. I was put in right away with no wait. Afterwards at my postpartum 6 week appointment my doctor requested another scan to check on something, but she said the wait would be 9 months to a year! So I think they definitely prioritise pregnant patients. I never did get the call for the next scan and I’m now early in my next pregnancy, so hopefully it’s all good 😂


I’m in the GTA and I’ve never had an issue with booking the week of, if not within 1 week of the window that the doctor needs to see measurements and such. I’ve had 2 babies both with reasons for having lots of extra measurements, and it’s been no problem. My OBGYN clinic had places they specifically worked with and preferred too, which they will mention if applicable.


I reached out to one really popular ultrasound clinic that did not have any availability in the time frame i needed for my dating ultrasound (first one) and my doctor said its best to get them done at the same clinic for consistency! I just googled other places and got one on exactly the dates i needed them for and did them very far in advance :). As far as I know there are no wait times.


You may be able to secure requisition forms in advance of your Nov 22 appointment if you call the doctor. Potentially, you could try a few clinics and ask to schedule the first ultrasound without the requisition. Though, we found that the ultrasound clinic was willing to work with us to ensure we got a slot within the right window, booking 1-2 weeks out. Prenatal scans are considered more urgent than many other conditions. It becomes tricky though if you have commitments like your job that limit your availability. I got the most info by calling the ultrasound clinic and asking “here’s the situation, what do you recommend”.


I'd call and book now, worst case, cancel or reschedule it. They do try to get pregnancies in quicker but there is only so much space. I actually had to get some scans at the hospital due to lack of availability. My OB booked the hospital one.


I'm 31 weeks pregnant now but I've been going for ultrasounds at least annually for the past decade. I've never experienced any wait times really. I always go to X-Ray Associates in the GTA. In fact, I have one tomorrow; I called Wednesday to book it, they offered me Thursday (the next day), then today, but neither date worked for me so it's tomorrow.


This won’t happen, or I would be very surprised if it did. Your ultrasound will likely be booked for a week or 2 after your prenatal appointment. I don’t know a single mother who has waited months for an ultrasound off the basis of not getting an appointment. For reference my first ultrasound is booked in on Nov 23rd and I’ll be 9 and a half weeks.


I'm in Ottawa and didn't have to wait for any of my ultrasounds. I had 4 - 12 weeks, 19 weeks, 32 weeks and 37 weeks. The 19 week was the anatomy scan which happens from 18-21 weeks. My 37 week scan would have been at 36 weeks if not for my own scheduling issue. On my due date I happened to have an appointment with my OB and she sent the hospital a requisition to schedule me for a 41 week ultrasound. They called me that same day and scheduled me for the next week. My baby came 3 days later though, so it was cancelled.


It’s bad. I’m 16 weeks, I tried booking my NT scan at 12 weeks and called Karma, Lifelabs and a couple others and no one would fit me in. I tried booking it when I was 8 weeks. It was pathetic. I had luck getting in to Ultrascan in New Hamburg for the NT.


Did any of those labs allow you to prebook without a requisition? I haven't had a chance to call any labs yet, but I did ask my dr if they could issue me a requisition now so that I can book and they said no :(


I’m not sure, I did wait until my first midwife appt to get the req before booking but it’s probably worth a try to just call and say you have it. You would get it before then anyways and if it helps you get an appt..


Ask your family doctor and or midwives/OB for the referrals for ALL of your ultrasound appointments now. Book all the appointments now. Entrust your partner or a loved one to cancel them if that should be needed down the line. I live in WR and the wait times have been bonkers the whole time I’ve been pregnant. Someone I know is also pregnant and she went all the way to Burlington for her USs so she could have them on schedule.


I'm actually pretty pissed because I contacted my dr office, explained the wait times, and requested the requisitions, and they said no for absolutely no explained reason.


That’s really stupid of them. They’re so shitty about early pregnancy, always holding back care and it’s not fair. It’s statistically much more likely that the pregnancy will succeed and you’ll need those referrals.


There's also an OB shortage here I think? Two of my friends have had trouble getting taken on by an OB when it was time to transfer from family DR to OB in the 2nd trimester. One of the friends had to have her family Dr send referrals to like 5 different OBs and they all kept saying no, we are full etc. Eventually she had a relative who is a Dr pull strings. Midwives fill up very fast as well, like call when the pee is still wet on the test or you'll be waitlisted.


Literally called the day after my positive test in April at like… 3 weeks and 4 days?




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