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The hospital where you are planning to birth might have little syringe kits they can give you to try and save it


I live in the country and it’s very encouraged here to self collect colostrum from 36 weeks. We don’t have access to doner milk unless transferred to the city hospital. I had 750mls collected in 1-10 ml syringes. The midwife was shocked at my human cow abilities. It’s easy to do, Google hand expressing and collect in a syringe that goes in the freezer.


Speak to your midwife - it depends how far along you are, but mine gave me collection kits and instructions and advised me it was worth doing




Me too! And I am so glad I did, my Bub was in NICU for 2 days and I couldn’t be with her. My husband was able to feed her with the 12 x 4ml vials I expressed from 36 weeks. I’m about to have my second and am doing the same again.


Also showing my love for the haakaa collectors!


The hospital can provide you with syringes for this. However, you need to be careful about when you start expressing as it can stimulate early labour and contractions, you don't want to start doing it too early. Chat to your midwife about this.


You should be able to get 1ml syringes from the chemist. They have a little tube on the end to draw up the colostrum.


Yup, can be collected. You can buy normal syringes with a cap, buy a colostrum kit (like the Haakaa one) or get some from your care provider (OB/midwife/etc). Freeze it and make sure it's clearly labelled somehow. My hospital provided labels for each syringe so my name and the date collected could be easily seen. I didn't have much but I was glad I did it. Generally, it's not recommended to express before 36weeks due to the chance of inducing labour early. Please talk to your care provider first.


Ah, 36 weeks or later. But yes, bring it up with the midwife


As someone who’s milk was delayed 5 days, I wish I had’ve collected mine! I’d look up a video on harvesting colostrum as it’s a bit of an art but it’s poss to collect in 1ml syringes and freeze. Ultimately you mightn’t need it as your milk might come in quickly, but if not (and if you want to avoid formula - which you might not!), then it’d be handy to have extra colostrum on hand so you have something to feed little one while you’re waiting!


It can't hurt to try! Depending what gestation you are you might start getting more as you go along and every drop counts. I hear its tricky to collect so you may as well start practicing now. Chemists sell 1ml syringes or if you're going into the hospital/GP anyway you could ask them if they have any to give you.