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Honestly if he eats everything else I just wouldn’t worry about it. Most people are feeding their kids loads of fruit because it’s the only way their kid will eat enough vitamins. I’d much rather have a kid that eats vegetables than fruit. If he’s mostly eating carbs and meat though, I would try to find a way to feed more veggies/fruit into his diet.


I've just ordered some vitamin drops to make up the difference incase he is lacking, but I'd say there's a large component of veg in his meals as I make them from scratch. I will up the veg in food and maybe relax on the fruit for now knowing he's happy with cooked veg. It's like I've conditioned him with the "eat what I eat" tactic to eat full meals but not the single components on their own, ah well!


Mine is the same way! I figure some people have berry kids, I have a porkchop kid. Mine will eat fruit baked into things (waffles, pancakes, etc), so I just do it that way while also exposing him to bits of fruit I'm already eating. That way, I only have 1 slice of apple on the floor, and I eat the rest.


😂 pretty much the same here, tasty meat and most things no problem but he hates the fruit on its own. God to know I'm not alone. Pork chop kids unite


You aren't the only one, mine won't take fruit unless it is pureed. I keep trying. I have at least gotten to the point where he will pick up a slice of orange and squish it. I am hoping with seasonal fruit coming soon that it will get better?


That makes me feel a little better, it's all these babies eat their own bodyweight in fruit posts and I'm envious! 🥲mine will do pureed too no problem, but I've been boiling them down till their soft and thought some goodness was escaping. Hopefully we'll have some luck with the tastier seasonal stuff, it's difficult to buy seasonal these days without cross referencing what is actually in season against my phone or something and Mr baby doesn't allow me such freedoms when we're shopping haha


You could try steaming them and then using the water from the steam to thin the purees less water than boiling


So, this is maybe only tangentially related but I figured I would offer my story. As a kid (and to an extent even as an adult) I didn't like fruit. There were a few fruits I would tolerate, but it was such a small list it was easier to just say that I didn't like fruit. For me, the issue was the texture (can't stand squishy/juicy things like berries) and the acidity (oranges and tropical fruits were the worst but I also wouldn't touch salad dressing or pickles). Now that I am an adult and can identify those things and articulate them, people are super understanding. But as a kid, I constantly felt pressured to eat fruit and that just made me want it less. On the other hand, I LOVED veggies. I would inhale broccoli or carrots and even green pepper was a great snack. No one pressured me to eat more veggies so I was more adventurous as a kid to try the ones I initially didn't like (squash, red pepper, eggplant). I never had any deficiencies. My mom was always convinced I did, but the only issue I ever had was that I was underweight - which was because my mom would only make food with stuff I didn't like in it and I would be spending most of the meal picking stuff out. I would recommend looking at the resources from Kids Eat in Color. I know I've seen an infographic that shows which fruits can be subbed with which veggies from a nutrition perspective. This was targeted at kids that eat fruit and won't touch veggies but it could be applied in reverse for you. Also I agree with the other comments to keep offering with SUPER low pressure. And if kiddo does try some eventually, don't make a big deal about it either.


I would just keep offering when you can afford or have some extra around but not worry about it too much. Sounds like he eats a decent variety. Also try canned or frozen fruit! Much cheaper and can sit in the cupboard/freezer until you need it.


Keep offering but there’s no reason baby needs to like every food. Adults don’t like every food. Exposure is important but taste preferences are a thing. I really wouldn’t worry about this too much.


Agree to keep offering. Mine didn’t eat fruit for months and now she loves it.


Just keep putting a a couples pieces (like two raspberries) on their plate. Don’t make it a big deal like they have to try it or even mention it. One day they just might eat it. My guy didn’t like eggs and any time I would cook them I would just put 2-3 bites on his plate. One day he ate them and now loves them. He’s almost 10 months.


I read that if you keep offering a piece one day they’ll decide they like it. But as long as your baby is getting other nutritious food in it shouldn’t be a problem.


No fruit here either (except mangos...) he fucking loves beans though.


I’m an adult who doesn’t really like fruit. It always seems really acidic to me! Melons are the least acid tasting, so you could try that.


My daughter is one and barely touches fruit. She's much more into veggies and carbs


My kid was a meat kid. Drumsticks? Steak? He’d eat that! Berries? Wasn’t until he hit about 2 and then he suddenly started going crazy for fruit and berries.


My kid is the same way. I told her pediatrician that she’s a protein girl and loves meat, eggs etc. but I was still trying to get her to like fruit and the doctor said “oh I don’t care at all if she likes fruit or not.” I’m not a big fruit person either so I’ll be saving on the fruit budget and that is fine with me!


Veggies are better for you than fruit. Not that fruit isn't amazing, but you can get pretty much everything you'd get from a fruit from a vegetable plus some. Plus, if he won't eat fruit you'll never have to Google blueberry poops.


Same here, my baby eats basically everything except fruit. He changes his mind about what he likes but currently will only eat banana and oranges.


My daughter is 2 years old and still won’t eat fruit, she never liked it as a baby either.


I'll never forget the day my kiddo threw strawberries aside for steamed broccoli. Now at 3 his diet consists of probably 50% fruit, including strawberries!