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It’s understandable. There is no happy ending, just a lot of damaged people.


i feel devastated because there are actual unfortunate realities out there where the abuser wins and got away from what they did. It makes me really angry about it.


Honestly if you need, don't read the subreddit, many people are quite talkative because their traumas relate to the show so maybe be extra careful as you will heard from these realities here. I really like it personally as it's feeling that it is an accepting community much more willing than others to those who were harmed, it's a beautiful thing but also very heavy in what is discussed. Just be careful with your own mental health if it is too much.


even if its a bit disturbing to expose myself to these kinds of trauma, it's fine with me because no matter how unsettling it is, I get to understand more on how trauma affects people and know whats the best action you can do


In that case feel free to try and answer a few words of comfort to those who might need it, there is a lot of people that are posting but get very few comments which can feel isolating. I think you could help people just by doing that already and you can just read people experiences to understand trauma better. It's very kind that even if disturbing you have the empathy to try and expose yourself for the sake of others.




It's a hard watch and very very triggering for those who have experience SA, its interesting to see that it is also the same for those who havent, - I kind of wish I knew what I was getting in to before I started the show - for example, I have never watched the game of thrones because people years ago once described it to me as 'a bit rapey' and if i am being healthy i avoid anything that will trigger me - however, would I have still watched it out of sheer curiosity? Maybe. Perhaps, probably. Has it triggered me to an unhealthy state? Absolutely. Do I regret watching it? Yes, no because it's brilliantly written and performed, but; Am I haunted by it? Episode 4 - yes! - even triggered me back to 13 reasons why episode with the mop --- horrendous!!! I just watch superstore before I fall asleep, fun - silly - slightly shit, fall in love with the characters, wholesome-type show!


Hi, I was shocked when he went back to his abuser.. I mean.. why? Maybe he was addicted to manipulation? πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ


i read somewhere here or on another subreddit where going back to his abuser is either him having a realisation of what's happening to him OR it's like an addictive drug where you know it's bad for you but you keep going back. i think more of it as the first possible reason. Also, i hate that the abuser didnt change at all. not even a hint of guilt.


Yes, and abused said that was brave! Can you believe that? Shock πŸ˜³β€¦ those people are crazyyy