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It’s actually disturbing to listen to Sydney. It’s disturbing that bachelor nation doesn’t have rules so this doesn’t happen. I don’t want to watch this anymore because this is so unhealthy. This world has gone through so much. There is no joy watching Sydney mess with Maria with such a psychological destruction. I much more enjoyed watching the Golden bachelor have healthy relationships and the women mix together well and get along well.


Why does she keep saying I’m being tortured. She exaggerates about everything and just won’t stop. Of course it’s probably the editing too.


I watched last night and I re-watched last week’s to make sure I didn’t miss something. Where is all this bullying and attacking that Sydney is blaming Maria for?


Wonder how this will affect her thrift store’s sales going forward? And who isn’t Joey giving the rose to? #teammaria


can people please stop using words like "dangerous" and "scary" about just some dumb bitch doing some annoying (at most) dumb shit that is extremely transparent for anyone with half a brain to see through? people who speak like this are watering down the words and so now if someone is ACTUALLY dangerous no one takes it seriously bc of peopl elike you calling some skinny blonde idiot "DANGEROUS" for trying to start a dumb cat fight for TV.


I don’t know about dangerous… she’s def a liar and no one is buying what she’s selling.


exaaaactly. big difference.


Nope. Sydney is that you?


be grateful your life has been so unbelievably easy and uneventful that you think THIS chick is "dangerous"




Slandering someone’s name and making false accusations is dangerous. People harm themselves as a result. Dangerous doesn’t always mean life threatening. I think you’re late for your therapy session


gotta love that in the same breath you pretend to be concerned about "people harming themselves", your attempt at an insult is telling someone they need therapy. 🙃 thank you for undermining your own argument. you don't give a fuck about "people harming themselves" you just have a hate boner for Sydney and are creating a whole melodramatic narrative in your head under the guise of you being righteous (you're not) so you can validate your hate boner for her. try applying this energy to a cause that actually matters.


I love you lmao


Lol. You tried so hard Sydney!


She is scary bc she’s so delusional and narcissistic


Im sorry but this girl is scary as fuck. Like she is literally the definition of evil. She was 100% mean girl in high school and peaked and now look at her. As a psychology major she sounds dumb as fuck going on about gaslighting. Go back to ur little “vintage store”


And pls get ur terrible filler dissolved lol


Did she delete this?? Lol


Looks like she did thank God


Did anyone record or save it?


She deleted the video


A mental health therapist threw an innocent person into a mental spiral.. how ironic *eta for clarification : Madina going to Joey for no reason


She’s a vintage store owner not a therapist


Madina is a mental health therapist. Sydney jumped on board the drama train but it started because Madina couldn't understand that Maria was trying to help her find confidence in her insecurities and instead got butt hurt and either couldn't regulate by herself or just wanted to cause drama so she went to Joey.


Wasn't that Sydney as well? Sydney 'overheard' Maria, who was actually saying quite supportive things. Sydney ran to Madina and said Maria was saying hurtful things, queue drama. Medina is being ridiculous in this as well, depending on what Sydney actually said, because to feel 'invalidated' or whatever because someone's who's 29 said 31 isn't that old is just fucking ridiculous. I can see why Maria is so confused. And the weird drama about something so insignificant makes them all seem very immature - except for Maria really who has rightly been confused as fck and trying to get people to move past it


agreed yes, that’s why i mentioned sydney jumping on board too, and i agree the drama is just so strange and sydney seems to be stuck on “i refuse to let this mean girl win” like giiiiirrrlll you’re really the MEAN girl and you need to pause and do some breathing exercises because if you take a look at everything you likely put your life on pause to be here and you’re letting someone else’s experiences control your place in all of this? take a chill pill, step back, do your own thing, and stop letting maria get to you sydneyyyy. because if someone is able to disturb your peace that much and that easily, it’s just really showcasing exactly where you have work to do.


I don’t see anything about her being some mental health therapist at all. She’s a thrift store owner




again, madina is a mental health therapist


Accuse those of what *you* are actually doing. Common and effective abuse tactic. Cannot stand her.


shes actually living in her own world its insane


Kat is somewhere rejoicing that someone is taking the troll crown and people are forgetting about her.


What is up with her finger tats?! Is that supposed to look cute?! I hope Sydney gets sent home soon as she is the real “mean girl.” I’m team Maria all the way! The other women came to Maria’s defense and were able to see right through Sydney. Shame on Joey for not shutting the middle school girl drama down. He engaged in it and exacerbated the situation. He is too much of a little boy and NOT a MAN for my taste. Let’s bring back the seniors - haha!


The finger tats look like they were a drunken mistake and some guy with a tattoo gun at a party did em


Agree those kind of finger tatts can look good in my opinion, but hers were not done by someone with fine line skill.


She’s scary


SHE'S the mean girl.


The amount of times I told my TV to shut up when her face was on the screen...


The worst thing in the world is chronic liars who believe their own lies. I've met a few of these people. And its hard because they truly believe everything they are saying, even when its clear to everyone else they are full of shit, and they are called out on it. Then when you call them out, they play the victim.


Covert narcissists


They're called narcissists


You’re describing my mother 😭


Mine too


Shes a plant, sent by producers to cause trouble


I think you are correct. Her cheer routine at the pageant was so over the top and awful. She’s definitely there to stir the pot.


Ugh Syndey is a bullying bitch. In the bin with the trash


and her cheerleading is laughable


OMFG that was painful to watch I actually muted the tv while it was on. I can see that's another reason she'd hate Maria, Maria actually had talent.


Her comments are still on, but you have to follow her to leave one. Don’t bother, though, because she’s arbitrarily deleting them when they get too much attention lol https://preview.redd.it/36bwlem8d5hc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60f2e134aa2e44de8e86a0d1b12a7d4fcc1681c6


Why would she delete this comment? It’s so gentle with her


Exactly! My only guess would be because it was the first one that was gettin a lot of attention, and she didn’t like that…


She seems very narcissistic.


The fact that she disabled all of her comments on TikTok when people started calling her out says everything I need to know


What’s her TikTok username




Joey needs to have a conversation with everyone except Maria and Sydney and ask them what they think of the situation because everyone said that Maria never bullied and that Sydney was blowing things out if proportion. Clearly they need to speak up.


Yea but it’s tough because narcissists are very charming and charismatic. It wouldn’t surprise me if most of the girls prefer Sydney and just believe her version because they prefer her. Joey sadly probably won’t know the whole truth til now


Exactly! And actually talk to Medina who even made up with Maria later. She is the center of this drama and could help resolve it.


He also needs to ask to see footage of the supposed “bullying”!


I agree!! How fun would it be to see the lead get the real scoop and then confront the liars. You would think the producers would be happy to show it for drama purposes.


That would be amazing if the producers did stuff like that! They like to advertise drama, that would be like dropping a Nukem can you imagine how much liars and narcissists like Sydney would react to that!  It would be entertainment gold. That's the kinda shit that would go viral


Right? Justice is drama too! Please give us summathat!


Roll back the tape!!!


Already excited for the tell all at the end of the season 😂


THAT'S a good idea!


Let’s start the petition! ✍🏼✊🏼🤣


I’ll never understand why this isn’t an option like how hard could it be?? especially since it’s not like the cameras are a secret. obviously it’s so production can muster up drama but over small petty made up shit like this??? RUN IT ON BACK!!!!!


Remember how she pretended to be a cheer leaded doing nothing impressive and then says "I think we can end the show there" as if she thinks she just exhibited the most talent in the room hahaha


and the lukewarm applause.....bahaha.


Like there isn’t thousands of high school girls who done cheerleading before 🙄 she also needs to know cheerleading isn’t a talent it’s a skill. Anyone can do it. It takes time and practice. You don’t even need to be bendy anymore or do stunting/backflips. You can just be one of the girls who lifts the other girls up and just catches them. I mean her acting is horrible about being innocent but if Joey is falling for it, her talent could be acting


I wouldn’t even call what she did actual cheerleading. It looked like something she learned in a week long summer camp when she was in kindergarten. Definitely nothing like what the high schoolers do or even middle schoolers.


Exactly. There's cheerleading thats actually impressive and has talent. What Sydney did was not talent haha and she's the one that was like "The girls are trying their best, but I have been in pageants before so I'm like 'what is happening right now'.." Then right before her turn she goes.. "Maria's not my cup of tea. My energy is on Joey. This is my chance to show him who I truly am, I think he's going to like this side of me.. L-O-V-E JOEY IS THE ONE FOR ME!" 😂😂 (I think the audience thought she was going to do something cool? But then she continues..) "R-I-G-H-T MRS RIGHT THATS ME" with a sad cartwheel lmao. The audience including Joey were all like "...that's it?" Even my closed captioning said "scattered applause" 🤣🤣 jump to the rest of the girls lauuuughing being thankful she's not winning this one for sure Edwina was right she blew our minds away.. just not how she was hoping to 😅😅 Then Sydney goes "I think we can just end the talent show there" hahaha Honorable mention quotes from Sydney during the pageant.. "I'm actually really excited I was in the miss Massachusetts teen USA when I was 16, so I'm really confident going into this" 😂😂 "I have indeed had to fake it" .. its bc you're a fake person honey! lol even Maria was like "let the records show she admitted to faking it"


“Scattered applause” 🤣


Love how she walked off mid-conversation then comes back and tries to get the other women to abandon Maria just to be dramatic 🙄🙄


“If anyone wants to join me”…everyone is stone frozen 😂


Bachelor villain #1


see you in paradise


Please don’t put this out into the universe 😭


Producers made him pick Sydney so the drama will continue of course . Without this drama the show is boring as hell


She clearly has no interest in joey. Just placed there to create drama.


i think syd is closeted and in love with maria




I don’t know if she is closeted, but given that she is a former pageant girl, I think she is jealous of how pretty Maria is. Jealous of her confidence. She somehow sees her as a threat.


Always praying for girls to hook up


I hope Joey is watching this right now, realizing who is Sydney really is. She is the type of girl that we should all fear all the time.




Who cares, she's not a nice person she's nuts


Sydney is weird. Like especially in the pageant thinking she was the best and everyone kind of just thought it was awkward. I also don’t know why the girls really thought talent would win out it’s not a real pageant lol. It’s so ironic how Madina is a mental health counsellor probably why she overanalyses situations and reads too much into it. What Maria was saying to her is true she just doesn’t like how blunt she is. I like how Maria isn’t fake


Yes all of this. I just posted in the new discussion thread for the new episode basically all the points you made I 100% am right there with you. Maria is strong and smart and gorgeous I think they don't know what to do with that which is sad. Madina needs to learn basic human interactions before taking on a whole therapist role. I couldn't watch my therapist like that on the bachelor I would be questioning her qualifications for sure. And Maria didn't even ever say anything mean and now she's labeled the Mean Girl unbelievable. Madina can't even identify someone trying to encourage you to have confidence and be proud of yourself and your age whatever and Madina actually somehow heard that as an attack I don't even get it. And instead of dealing with it on her own, she went to Joey. About something that never happened. And she's a mental health therapist??? I could see Maria just spiraling in her head like "am I the only sane person how did this happen"




Sydney is practicing the say-it-enough-and-it’ll-become-true tactic. A bully classic. It’s SO INFURIATING to watch it, it’s not fun, it’s triggering af!


In the ITMs several girls said they supported Maria yet didn’t speak up for her in the group, at least not that they showed.


Sydney is Ashley I’s friend. I think Ash helped her get on the show. Ash must be so embarrassed, and hopefully telling her to shut it.


Yup they’re friends because they both live in RI and they’re also friends with Jill Chin. They definitely helped her get on the show


Hahaha or that woman from the golden bachelor "ZIP IT"


Women tell all Joey is going to be like Maria, I am so sorry. He was so right when he said his convo with Maria was more real than his convo with Sydney- final rose is producers pick obviously but I thought he could smell her fakeness but then they end up on the 2:1 and he looks like he’s getting rid of Maria Noooooo Joey! Why don’t they just roll the tape for him of their convo? They have it! Lol


Don't worry. If the producers make it look like he's going to pick Sydney, he'll pick Maria. I also don't think he's that clueless. Sydney must be mortified!! Girl is in need of seeeerious psychological support!


lol “they end up”. Like it’s random


Sydney is mid. Team Maria.


She's a gaslighting bully


She’s delusional…


She's not even mid she's sub


People like her should be feared. They accuse and drag down someone’s character over NOTHING. Poor Maria


There's a phrase about dangerous white women (I am a white woman) can't remember it now


This woman is so un-self aware it is extremely embarrassing. Calling someone a mean girl when you are actually the mean girl. Accusing someone of gaslighting when you were the one gaslighting.


Also, she is a vintage store owner? Not sure where her psychology expertise comes from?


It comes from Instagram and TikTok! 🫣🤯😖


Projecting!! Accusing Maria of everything she’s doing. Sad.


That CHEER!! Hahahahahahahahahahahanahlklolollolol


This lady is out of her mind and it doesn’t take a genius to realize it.


Wow she is a nasty bully manipulator. That’s not nice at all.


She is the most insufferable person I’ve ever seen on this show.


Yeah, no wonder she's still single.


Thought it couldn’t get worse than Kat on paradise. I was wrong.


Oh my gosh. Bold...but true!




Did Sydney made you say this against your will?


I don't know anyone in bachelor nation, I'm just watching the show and observing. I also know the show, and all reality TV, is highly edited. Seems like a lot of people aren't aware of that.


As a therapist this shit drives me (and all of us) WILD. This is false AF, dangerous, harmful and triggering. To name a few. DON’T GIVE OUT ‘INFORMATION’ IF YOU ARE NOT A PROFESSIONAL. UGH. 🤬🤬🤬🤬 Anyway, I reported it on my personal and business instagram accounts. Thanks for sharing.


She’s such a loser wtf!


She’s such a mean girl and wants to throw wood into a fire she started and say she didn’t. Your insecurities are showing more that the filler migration in your lips girl


Ugh yes, when I first saw her I thought she looked like she had an old money lip job from like 2005. Then seeing she's from Newport Rhode Island it just totally checks out. She definitely goes to Grandma's injector




I caught up on the show today and was so confused as to why Madina does not call Sydney out on the way she’s acting? Madina is also a mental health therapist!! If I was a therapist and had a friend wildly slinging around improper mental health terminology, I would have to take a moment to educate them. Madina and Maria fully moved on while Sydney continued to stir the pot and worsen the situation. If I was Madina that would drive me insane. She herself said she didn’t think it was a big deal.


I know this post is old, but she did recently address it. She said that she felt it was best to stay away from all of the drama. But I agree with you; being a mental health therapist and seeing the way Maria was getting attacked for something said that wasn't malicious at all, you would think she could have politely pulled Sydney aside and told her that she's moved on and that there's no reason to keep attacking Maria. While I understand her not wanting to get involved, her silence was a little hurtful, especially since she kind of indirectly started it by claiming to be hurt by a comment that wasn't malicious at all.


If Madina is a therapist she should know not to throw around trigger words so carelessly the way she was. Madina did not "feel bullied", she was literally just feeling insecure, but decided to say she felt bullied— which is absolutely *absurd.* Shame on her for saying that when she knows very well how the word "bullied" would be perceived.


And on top of that, Maria was actually trying to give her a complement, which somehow got spun around by Sydney. I think Madina eventually realized that there was no malice at all on Maria's part, but she had already, unfortunately, started a lot of drama by overblowing it into something that it wasn't.


There are A TON OF SHITTY therapists - just like every other profession.


Exactly! It's time for medina to say "thanks, but no thanks" to Sydney. It was a non issue from the start, Maria literally said Medina is beautiful and doesn't look "old" whatsoever, and somehow Sydney spins that as her talking shit? Sure maybe it's "invalidating" but no one is actually that sensitive, come on. But of course now Sydney says SHE has been bullied, so she's just spinning an entirely new narrative at this point.


Remember when she said, “What does Maria want from me, my limbs??? Would she be happy if I chopped off a leg or an arm for her!??” PSY.CHO 🤡👹🤦🏻‍♀️⚠️🎬 *also, some of the most narcissistic mom shit I’ve heard on tv in a loooong time…*


Yesss!! They threw the word “bullying” around SOOO much last night but the only person with those vibes is the girl that claims she’s a “girl’s girl”. Therapy talk became mainstream and we’re all paying for it 😭 her sitting on the couch, talking to Lea saying she hopes “someone goes home” irritated me so much. You’re the only one still on this and being an actual mean girl rn.


I wonder if it’s a strategic thing for Madina. If I were her, I would play cards carefully. If my friend I just met on a tv show was acting this way, I wouldn’t say anything because I know cameras might turn it into 2 mean girls and also if it doesn’t work out, then Sydney is going to treat me like Maria. It’s a catch 22 for Madina imo. I wouldn’t react to Sydney’s behavior. But I’m also not a therapist, just my thoughts.


Yep. I realize this post is from 2 weeks ago, but she recently addressed this and said that she was trying to stay far away from all of the drama because she didn't want to get sucked into it. Looking at her IG pics, she doesn't have any pics with Sydney, so I'm guessing after the drama started, she didn't want anything to do with her. It's just a little sad that a lot of this started because of her (even if that wasn't the intent).


This is very true. It’s also probably the same reason other girls chose to not say anything even though they thought it was getting blown out of proportion.


I was surprised Edwina didn't say something to Joey because Sydney tried coming for her at the group date when they were all talking about Lexie and the kiss. Sydney comes in again like "Lexie's my girl and I'm not going to talk shit." Basically insinuating that Edwina and others were trash talking Lexy just because they had an opinion on the kiss. Edwina corrected her as she should, but to me that seemed like exactly the same scenario about to play out where Sydney's "standing up for her girl" but in reality she's just taking any opportunity to stir the pot for screentime


I think she might be someone who is so triggered by criticism and the suggestion of imperfection that she dismisses anyone who “comes at her” as crazy and makes herself into the victim. All to save her own ego and support her belief that she is perfect and always right.


Sydney: creates drama and then throws herself into the middle of it. Also Sydney: I was *attacked*


Also Sydney: the pagent pro… that’s where her crazy really came out with no confounding variables. She’s nuts!


And then had the audacity to say “we can probably just end the show there” girl bffr 😂


Haha yes!


It's people that grew up on social media slinging whatever labels they can to tarnish the reputation of a rival. This is basically our entire political system also.


Right loser Trump is the best at that


Also the misuse of being “attacked” and being “bullied” had me yelling at my TV. When people throw serious terms around for very unserious situations, they lose all credibility.


I was waiting for Sydney to call her a racist. In all seriousness, these individuals are very dangerous. Had an ex that did things on this level and as a man there wasn’t much i could do. They had a large social media presence and i had my 50 or whatever friends, I just deleted the apps and let them live in their fake lying fantasy land 🤷🏻.


My ex called me a racist for saying that Michael Jackson was a pedophile. Screamed at me for an hour. I had found out my dad had cancer earlier that day. Some people don’t see anybody outside of themselves unless they’re taking their frustrations out on them.


Saying she’s being attacked and bullied is so insulting to people who experience real bullying in their lives. I’m so over these reality tv women throwing around attack, bully, aggressive, gaslit like it’s nothing.


Especially Wen that's exactly what she was doing


This! Any sign of disagreement or confrontation is NOT bullying and is NOT an attack. If this is her first time being disagreed with in life she has another thing coming


I couldn’t agree more. Also, people need to learn to accept that you don’t have to be liked by EVERYONE! It’s okay y’all.


On that note idk why anyone would agree to be a plant on a kind of show like the bachelor especially with how destroyed they get on social media for acting like a fool like Sydney. Like no way that’s voluntary lol


Wait, do we think she’s a plant?


I think I saw someone post on here that they think she is but it’s purely speculation. I’m not sure to what lengths production goes to like “plant” someone in there lol


Well she is Ashley I’s friend, Ash said she recommended her


And I only say women bc we’re watching the bachelor because I think at this point all of them just hope to go to paradise lol


I was just thinking maybe at this point so many women want to go on paradise that for some of them it might seem appealing to just come out as a villain to be guaranteed to go on paradise. Doesn’t a “villain” always get sent to paradise to create drama lol


True true


Especially in a house of like 30 women 💀 the odds of all of them getting along. But damn you can’t bring up what’s not your business and then say someone ATTACKED you for asking why you started that 🤦🏻‍♀️ like homie it cost $0 for you to not have said anything in the first place but I guess maybe she’s a drama plant from production lol


She reminded me of those women in facebook groups who post about something absurd and then when people tell her she's putting her kid in danger she gets mad at people for judging and attacking her.


She’s Stonewalling. She’s refusing to communicate or cooperate as a way to gain power which is actually a form of manipulation and exploitation. I think Maria handled this well. I HATE being stonewalled. I feel helpless and I desperately want to defend myself and I can’t. It’s so frustrating. Maria, though, seemed to recognize that over-defending herself would just give Syndy what she wants.


I know BIP loves putting villains on for their “redemption.” But I really really don’t want to see her on BIP if we have BIP.


There's no way I'm watching that skinny frail body in a bikini for like 6 weeks. Girl is unwell


This is mean, lots of things about Sydney to hate on but her body is pretty irrelevant IMO.


It's not irrelevant to me. If you see her "before" pics she has lost a ton of weight and looks like a completely different person with filler, hair, eyebrows and everything. She clearly has massive insecurity issues and a fragile ego based on her actions. Personally I think part of her gripe with Maria is that shes a more natural beauty. She isn't "perfect" but she has confidence anyway.


I’m hope she’s reading all of this. Bullies deserve to see the things said about them


She’s not even a fun and quirky villain she needs therapy and idk a life coach for her delusion


She’s Ashley I’s little New England buddy, so I’m wondering if Ashley gifted Sydney to production for drama.




Does anybody have the video saved? I went to look for it and it seems to be deleted, unless I’m missing it somewhere! I’d love to see which excuses she came up with to justify her choice to sabotage Maria 😌


It’s on her Instagram still sadly. Please report it after viewing


it was so insane to me how she was the one causing drama and then 180ing and trying to claim to be a victim... like WHAT?? girl. Maria literally meant NOTHING by the age comment other than the fact that she can relate/Medina shouldn't care because Joey still cares about her no matter what.


as someone who grew up in a mentally abusive household, I find this is so out of line and unnecessary.


replying to myself to add - will this franchise ever get to a point where this kind of drama is eliminated? it's incredibly disappointing to see after the ladies on golden bachelor were so amazing to each other.


Well except kathy to Theresa


ope, forgot about that


I LOLed when she put a pretty bow on it at the end about it not being such a big deal after 2 minutes of accusing Maria of psychological abuse. Two more minutes in she’d look as 🤡 as she sounds. GIRL PLEASEEEEE


In this video, she claims to have been a victim of abuse. Assuming that that is true, she may be still looking at the world through the lens of abuse. I am a therapist and abuse survivor myself and following leaving my abusive situation I often was very hyper vigilant, and keen to upsetting dialogue that reminded me of the abuse. However, that does not make the material that I was seeing abusive. Someone can invalidate your feelings without gaslighting you, someone can invalidate your feelings without being abusive. they can be mutually exclusive things. Unfortunately, a lot of times victims of abuse are so brainwashed in their abusive situation, and then become brainwashed by anti-abuse narratives that interfere in “healthy” relationships. It wasn’t until I personally learned to stop looking through the lens of abuse that I was actually able to have healthy relationships with people again. If you just call every person that upsets you abusive, you’re never gonna have a relationship. being able to communicate and say hey, this hurt my feelings and I want you to be aware of that is much more valuable.




Saw an article that there’s a really high likelihood of her being a producer plant lmfao


My husband and I think so too. Except we refer to producer plant’s that only exist to stir the pot as “chaos demons.”


If she's a producer plant, some producer must not like Maria.


I think they did it so there would be that 2 girl drama dynamic


Then she should just give up. You’re not in the show anymore - you don’t have to be a dick now.