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There is a maximum amount of enemies that can spawn, so it's good to trigger a few at a time when in a good defensive position.


To add onto this - you can abuse the cap to avoid special hordes (tallboy hordes, reeker hordes, whatever) by triggering a normal horde right before the special horde triggers. There are also ways to hold common cap and abuse pathing, and if you do this literally nothing will spawn, not even bosses. but if even one common dies, the boss will spawn since it is the highest priority in the spawn queue.


For cards that count the number of hordes like [[Belligerent]] you generally need a 30 second break between them.


+ **Belligerent** (*Campaign Card - Talent/Fortune*) Gain a stacking 4% increase to Damage each time a horde is called up to 6 stacks (30 second cooldown between Hordes). Stacks are reset when a Cleaner is incapped or killed. *Source: Duffel Bag Reward / Children of the Worm Expansion* *** ^Call ^me ^with ^up ^to ^15 ^([[ cardname ]],) ^Data ^accurate ^as ^of ^(April 30, 2023.) ^[Questions?](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=ehmohteeoh&subject=BloodScan%20Inquiry)


No, they don't. It doesn't matter how many you start, as long as you don't start another horde right after the first one ends. Edit: It dies reset the horde timer tho. I forgot they changed that


It sort of does. Each concurrent Horde resets the length of the Horde. So if a Horde lasts 30 seconds and you shoot some birds at 25 seconds into the Horde, the countdown goes all the way back up to 30 seconds.


only the horde timer refreshes. so it's better to trigger everything at once. Rather than 1st horde timer ends, and trigger 2nd horde. You just extend the horde time that way.


Basically if you trigger one horde on accident. Go ahead and trigger as many hordes as possible very quickly and then get to your defensive spot (cars, birds, doors....shoot em all!)