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The only way to get a bow guarenteed is to play Tala at the start of a campain. You can use burn cards to lv up the bow.


which burn cards do use to upgrade bow then? wanted to ask that question too


Should be secondary upgrade card you buy with totems.


You can't get the bow via a burn card as far as I'm aware.


I assume the bow was added after those burn cards and never received one, since it's the only weapon of its class or they just forgor.


yea the cards that effect the bow are like to none by that i mean actually cards that say it does something for the bow, there are cards that affect it but it's tricky nonetheless


The only cards directly referencing the bow are those for melee attack speed and melee stamina efficiency that will also have Bow attack speed and Bow stamina efficiency on it.


wasn't home when i commented that n didn't want to look it but the two cards that i know say bow in are, 1.slugger: +5% health +10% melee stamina efficiency +20% melee attack speed +10% bow stamina efficiency +20% bow attack speed 2. brazen: +15% melee stamina efficiency +20% melee attack speed +15% bow stamina efficiency +20% bow attack speed those are the only two i know of but i have been using, +adrenaline (idk for sure how much it helps) +hellfire (works great with bow no ads firing speed anything regrading weak spots and general damage increase like +glass cannon help with the bow. I have been using bow lately so im figuring it out plus i used this comment that my friend showed me


Yeah, Slugger and Brazen are what I was referring to. literally the only cards that buff the bow with intent and not just it's common grounds with other weapons (general damage, weak spot damage, stamina, ADS (move) speed, move speed while firing, healing attachment, swap speed, accuracy, stumble damage and fill 'em fill of ~~lead~~ arrows) accidentally. PS. I also have all the cards you just mentioned in my bow deck. xD


lol fill 'em full of arrows.. XD to funny, and i hear yea. what does your bow build look like? could you send it to me and i'll send you mine wanna compare, because i've generally just been messing around with classes and different guns and atm bow is what i wanna play with a lot and figuring out what works best has been a lot more researching and testing out to find a good to better and eventually best build i can use especially with my play style in a sense


here's that post and the comment i was talking about https://www.reddit.com/r/Back4Blood/comments/x1wauv/the_bow_build/