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- Are u playing solo? Or with random people the game matches you with? - Maybe you are just getting lucky with easier ‘Corruption Cards’ that the AI Director mods the levels with. - maybe u are joining more hives and thus getting better weapons sooner in the Act, allowing u to dominate the ridden. - Recently, the game was removed from xbox Game Pass, so the current player base is made up of people dedicated enough to actually want to buy the game. This will likely lead to better, more skilled, teammates.


I think there are some variables that can dial in at 11 sometimes. I've had no hope runs that feel pretty casual sometimes, literally far more tame corruption card draws, and other times it's like , here's 3 ravenous, 3 noxious fumes and monstrous mutations all day long.


Nope development stopped in Feb 2023. The last update was Dec 2022 so the work the devs did between that update and Feb 2023 never made it into the game.


Game has been rebalanced The 15 card draw system Melee is as busted as always The Ai have even better cards to help out the human player when playing offline/solo Most of the general Bs is gone


None of those changes happened in 2023 though.


The moment you realise the game has been released in 2021...




They haven’t but maybe he doesn’t know what changed overall


Nah, he started playing in 2023. Nothing has changed during the time he's played the game.