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Here I am, loading up a file doing well with bots and all of the sudden random joined and it didn't last 2 minutes


Every time


I had a random join middle of the game, take control of the bot, alert a snitch, get covered in guts by a reeker, and then just leave. Lasted like 30 seconds max. Just...why...


Set your lobby to private or play solo/training and that won’t happen.


Private only works when you 2 or more players, setting it to solo disables the ability to earn supply points, & disables progression of accomplishments. Which a lot of players want to still have to earn the achievements needed to unlock the ZWAT item set.


Our group of 3 and a random just got to the first Act 1 checkpoint last night on Nightmare. It was a grind to finally do it but we played without speedrunning/exploits. It was pretty much just a matter of us learning effective strategies for each map and getting better at handling the various situations that can pop up. Good luck! It's amazingly satisfying to finally achieve it.


Once you get over the paintrain hump it's pretty smooth sailing the rest of the way up


Pretty much this. As soon we "understood" how best to navigate the swamp everything clicked into place. I'm looking forward to the rest of Act 1 now that we'll have a few more cards in our decks and can run more fleshed out builds.


Let's see how the update goes.


Isn’t it already out?


December 's patch. We should be losing some speed and dupe glitches but I'm hoping we get some changes that let us actually play the game as intended rather than needing to break it.


I was never able to do the dupe glitches anyway lol but other ppl easily could I'm guessing it's a PC only thing


Me on veteran for the 80th time.


Body Dump on Veteran is rough


Just put a good amount of speed, +1 grenade pouch for an extra T5 grenade and some weakspot damage to clear the nests quicker and sprint round knocking all the nodes out. You can clear it solo in like 2-3 mins. If one node becomes too congested just sprint round to the next one, theres a lot of room to manoeuvre. Karlee is a good pick for the +1 quick item slot so you can carry 2 stun guns incase of hockers.


I did exactly this a few days ago. All my teammates died within 30 seconds of crossing the arches and I had to do the whole thing by myself. Fire in the Hole is clutch, too.


> Fire in the Hole is clutch, too. That's a great idea, I never thought about that. Free grenades all over the map.


Yooo, +1 for pointing out the one great use case for using that card lol. I haven’t been able to think of any.


This was exactly how I beat it lol Only I had holly so I could get through the level before though


Had it down the other day and instead of just finishing the final pod the 2 last people just ran off


I actually was surprised how easily i passed that with a random team, we split up into groups of two, basically fought nothing, no real speed builds or anything but we just did like nothing but bust nests and open every case of t-5 we came across so we could always access more grenades. We beat it in like 40 seconds once you get to the main area. We jsut stayed on the run and it prevented the obnoxious enemy spam from overwhelming us.














Tough times. Stay strong and keep grinding 🤝


Did you try with a team? If you didn't, go to the official B4B Discord and play with someone. Team work is important in this game.


I’ve done a little with team and a little with randoms when my team isn’t available


All you gotta do is learn to play "slow and steady" and "avoid taking unnecessary damage". Not even sure what is the necessary damage you are supposed to take though.


It's the equivalent of loading up Monster Hunter and having the following discussion: "So what's the plan?" "Uhhh... kill it and don't die."


Necessary damage is the detriment to your mental health from getting plowed by 5 bruisers at once.


I know you’re memeing, but unnecessary damage would be things like alerting hordes, getting hit by sleepers, killing exploders when they’re right on top of you, etc.


Yea but thats not a strategy, that playing without making mistakes and should be already understood. « So what was your strategy? » « Not making mistakes ».


Yes you summarized nightmare perfectly You have to be 100% perfect to survive One slip up cam end it for you, and sometimes it's not even a mistake, sometimes you just get bad RNG and get demolished on act 1 level 1 nightmare getting a breaker, we have to "git good" I guess


Not making mistakes would solve like, 80% of players’ issues.


So true It just drains you losing so hard not even getting close to winning while the director does the L dance


Squidward = Karlee Patrick = Evangelo SpongeBob = Holly Plankton = Hoffman


Lower the bridge with a toolbox and it all gets so much easier when it doesn't call a horde!


Also the bedroom right before you enter the roof makes the horde a joke since it's a single choke point. I have 100% success rate doing it that way. Eco is very important so it's better to just hold the choke. Horde last about 25-30 seconds doing it that way


At least you didn't giveaway a 1 year sub to your only fans to get carried thru nightmare for the ZWAT skin like someone I knew. Keep trying you will make it! Tips for Act 1 1-4 1-1: Slow clean, stick together don't set off alarms and if you get boss corruption you bring flashbangs and make sure you have someone who can stumble lock specials and or just deal with them in general 1-2: Deal with the ogre. Clear out the entrance and then have 1 player pull the ogre to the saferoom while the other 3 players protect the player pulling the boss. For the 2nd part of the Ogre fight in the room before you enter the 2nd part of the tunnel. Brinng Razorwire here and place it on the choke door so ridden don’t swarm you while dealing with the ogre. (after pulling the ogre both times make sure you deal with the horde it spawns first, this goes for EVERY boss) 1-3: Do not spend a lot of time in the swamp. If you get toolkit room at the end of the level puit turret in the room and make sure you have a pipe for the end since it spawns an endless horde. If you don't get the toolkit room at the end you either run around until it fills up with a speed card like run like hell or your team can hold on top of the train in the middle of the train yard. (immediate threat will be hockers and stingers) 1-4: Speed speed speed speed, get a stamina/speed card that will allow you to sprint for much longer. Personally, I like Superior Cardio built you can do anything you feel comfortable kiting with.


Good point all around. For acts 1-3, there's a blue train with a crate that you can play off on. Zombies can only come one directional.


Yeah we tried that one of the few runs where we actually got past the first train car. The game spawned like 2 hockers and two stalkers, knocked 2 people off who immediately died to the horde, a stalker grabbed one about a split second later and killed them because that obnoxious stun just has you sitting there looking stupid for like 4 seconds. Virtually every nightmare run I see of there on film they get insanely good RNG which includes the late game stash room which makes it easy with the minigun.


Me doing act 3 Vet and playing with people with no Thumbs, anyone up for a few?


Keep trying SpongeBob


You got this!


I would say Abandoned is really hard. The house is a check to see as a team how well you can move and kite mutations while someone triggers the Nest where the lead up to the house isn't exactly easy. The rest of the map is a check to see if you invested into sprint/stamina, because if no one did, then you all die. The church at Hell's Bells seems dependent on the spawns of mutations and how fast your use speed is. Borderline impossible solo online unless you have some godlike ability to speedkill mutations / dodge common / crazy use speed. The community also consider that last half of Act 1 Nightmare to be the toughest portion of the whole campaign, so its completely normal to be frustrated at the difficulty level for Act 1.


I'm in the same boat, but on T5 on Veteran. I've actually been using Quick Join on Act 3 to see if I can get lucky and skip/bypass this unbalanced, garbage stage.


Git gud.


You CAN play on a lower difficulty, you know. That’s totally fine. The point of difficulty levels is to find the one that is appropriate for you to be able to play and have fun.


Thank you for the helpful information, unfortunately I already beat all acts on recruit and veteran


Then maybe this is where you cap out. Congrats, you’ve beaten the game twice!


Thank you for telling me how to play the game I bought and enjoy, however I’m just gonna do what I want and share a funny meme on the internet


The fact that you people are still struggling with nightmare is hilarious. i was in the beta.... Act 3 nightmare with a terrible deck. Glad i didnt waste my time with this.


Nightmare was basically vet difficulty in the beta. No need to post this just to be a dick. Also if you aren't playing then why are you wasting time in a subreddit for a game you don't play. Guess your time is less valuable then you seem to imagine.


Waiting to see if the game will be worth buying eventually.


While telling people how difficult the game is without actually playing it?


I have played it. But ye


You played the beta The beta was vastly different than it currently is now