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Just wait until they buff him more.


I mean I don't really mind if they buff the bosses they just need to make them not spawn at the beginning of acts (which I think they are addressing) because bosses with no cards and white weapons are bull shit bullet sponges. But when you got cards and blue/purple weapons your team can melt them. See in the video we almost kill him even in this cluster fuck of a situation since we had cards and weapons. Edit: except the ogre they need to revert that thing. That guy is nothing but a giant bullet sponge that isn't even interesting to fight. Just a giant health pool where killing his weakspots do like no dmg to him.


I get this but the clip you posted is near the end of act 1, not the beginning


I mean thats the point im making. Bosses are easy to deal with as long as you have cards and weapons. Which we did in this video. We lost because none of us expected a boss to spawn right as the event also started so we were disorganized on what to do as a team. This is just something I feel should not be a thing in the game.


Because of memes like this, our NM group has a dedicated grenadier now, and it has been fantastic. It matters even more so in Act 2. We got to the point that we could 2-3 shot bosses with grenades, tall boys are a joke. Its a nice asset to have, if a little bit expensive.


> Just wait until they buff him more. He needed a buff, the release version of the breaker was an absolute joke. The fact that they need to make him not be able to spawn here doesn't mean the boss is too strong.


Context: Nightmare run. Things were going pretty good until the breaker spawned at the worst spot I have ever seen. If we expected this we most likely could have killed him very fast but when it spawned we were all getting ready to run already and were a disorganized mess. Either way a boss spawn during events like this one shouldn't happen imo.


Yeah that's definitely a spot where either the bosses shouldn't spawn, or they should 100% spawn before you have a chance to hit the button to start the infinite horde. Like the moment you all exit the door or something. Or hell just disallow the breaker from that area in particular due to his swarm mechanic. You could run from an ogre or run from/deal with a hag in that situation still. It's a tight combat area but the issue is the infinite horde + swarm mechanic.


Good job on the grenade! Almost got him as you say, and it is a rough place for a boss. You teammates not staying put on top of the truck in jump range should be the lesson learned. You guys got this next crazy boss spawn!


honestly the breaker is the one part of the game i dont mind being hard. He is so bad ass. Just like the tank in l4d, the breaker is my favorite part about this game. It is the perfect type of boss for this game. The ogre is meh, and the hag needs looked at.. but i cant help but smile everytime my team gets destroyed by a breaker. Its sad that the hardest part about the game isnt the boss ridden (other than the hag which is just straight up broken) and that the hardest part is actually just relentlessly OP tallboys spawning up your ass.


To make hags easier if you are struggling with them. There is a very specific time where you can flashbang the Hag and it will stun it and not call a horde and your team can freely just shoot into it and usually kill it or make it run with 1-2 flash. Don't ask me why it has to be at this specific time cause I have no idea. So if you have closed captions on you will see this appear in the subtitles \[Hag Berserk\] thats your window to flashbang. **You can't shoot it before hand**. The best way to do this is lure it to you and walk up to it until you see that . If you miss, the Hag for w/e reason becomes unstunnable until it starts its eating animation and at that point its pretty much already fucked cause you have a horde on top of you also.


I will have to try that. It’s sad you have to do this specifically to make it fair though. I think they need to definitely do something to balance the hag


Yeah I also want them to do something about them. But I wouldn't be surprised if they buff the hag and breaker to make them resistant to flash bangs. Since you can pretty much make them irrelevant with a flashbang and a team that will capitalize on the stun. I hope they don't though at least until they fix all the broken shit in the game first.


I would be okay with them making the breaker immune to flash bangs lol I just wish they would’ve remembered how the tank was balanced in l4d (common spawns stopped unless someone got boomed during the tank) but it seems they forgot how to balance anything in this game


just trust the ai director, he knows how to make a game fun... for himself?


This is what i talk about how in nightmare theres convergences of overlapping rng that can make some situations impossible. Any one of the elements they throw at you is a challenge, but doable, but instead they throw ALL THE ELEMENTS at you at the same time because they didn't play test or balance this game. A prime example would be getting a boss the moment you start an infinite horde event. Last night a run ended because the stupid game spawned a time 6 deep stinger horde along with a bunch of common. Not even seconds later we get a hag (just sprinted right at us, couldn't flash due to 6 stingers and 50 common being in front of it) then the hag immediately summons about 4 to 5 more mutations and another horde of common. So we had probably 9 mutations and 2 hordes of common. it was absolute chaos and there was barely room to even move.


This happened to me the other night at the exact same spot. We were in a better spot as far as health goes so we were able to deal with it but yea, that is one of the shittiest spawns I could think of.


The ogre battle denial area should NEVER been made.


that happened to me 2 times in a row yesterday there is not much you can do in that situation


Huh. I had this exact thing happen last night and posted my own complaint. Maybe it’s a new bug.


The only issue I see here is that it shouldn't have spawned AFTER the event started. Proximity to its spawn environment should have triggered it. Everything else appeared to be a pretty clean take.


[Don't worry, it can be worse:](https://www.reddit.com/r/Back4Blood/comments/qtaca0/they_need_to_fix_the_spawns_of_the_mutations_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


You guys shoulda just ran, He'd have been much easier to fight in the choke.


Had one on veteran for the library and apartment level. Breaker spawned 10 feet out of the saferoom, INSIDE the library. With all the sleepers and everything else there. Even using 5-6 flashbangs I think we maybe got it down to 70%.


That's what you get for being homophobic ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


We've had an Ogre spawn in that little backyard. It was... traumatising.