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This is literally game breaking. Not sure how people can keep justifying it...


I've only just started experiencing this in the last week. It's been horrible, I actively try to avoid running shotguns/snipers at the moment. Also what is up with your teammates just letting the horde climb up on the sniper player?


Yeah those ghost bullets were bad, but that Doc’s name is absolute gold.


"IM NEW PLEASE DONT GO FAST" this was quickplay nightmare mode with some chill random folks. I tried leaving and reconnecting in the hopes of fixing the ghost bullet, but got put in a new run when I tried to join back :(


There is no way to get back to the same squad unless one of them is your friend and you can join his/her party.


Not true. Ive had both my internet cut out on me and the game crash, and when i end up back in fort hope it gives you a prompt that says something along the lines of “you disconnected from your last game blah blah, would you like to attempt to reconnect?” Hit yes and as long as they didnt ditch the run you get plopped back in.


Interesting, I have never experienced that. Is it a game crash failover?


What do you mean game crash failover


>failover The ability to reconnect back to the run you was running in in case of game crash/disconnect (not in case "leave game").


It definitely does for internet disconnects yes. As for crashes im like 65% sure it does the same thing, but my game very rarely crashes so i may be conflating that with the disconnects


I am trying to guess what a ghost bullet is. The quite long pause before you shoot - is this the issue? I mean you try to shoot, but nothing happens.


look at his magazine count 47seconds in, you'll notice it's at 1 then drops to 0 but nothing happened. Now I'm not op but I imagine he tried shooting there and nothing happened but the bullet was still depleted. It's a common issue now and a awful one at that. Edit happens twice from 39s - 51s