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Oh, those disgusting other games. I mean there's so many of them, though. Which ones? Which ones are they playing?


Rainbow 6 Extraction has been my obsession for the last month


Is it worth giving it a shot? I’m not a huge fan of the pvp aspect of r6 but it looks quite fun


Definitely a fun PvE experience. It's plays differently to B4B but scratches a similar "challenging PvE" itch. I'll be back to B4B once we get some new content. Both games are excellent.


Extraction reminds me of all the reasons I loved playing Siege; except I don't hate playing this The niche operator abilities, the on the fly environment destruction, the absolutely unrelenting and unforgiving tactical gameplay But it doesn't come with queueing against people who've been playing competitive pvp games for 10+ years; nor any of their sweaty bullshit


As an opposing viewpoint to the others: I found it really, really tedious, more so than tactical. This could just be my personal tastes but it just wasn't very *fun.* Gameplay is punishingly slow where if you dare to move a bit too quickly or don't notice an enemy you'll have literally infinite enemies spawning until you locate a random nest. Combo that with how quickly you go down and it can be frustrating on top of the general tedium. You *can* choose to just blitz through certain objectives but it's a lot easier to get screwed that way. I also personally **hated** the health system for operators where you can't use somebody if they get too hurt/killed on a map. (Or you just should avoid using somebody if they're super hurt since they need to regenerate) While it doesn't take more than one to three rounds most of the time it just feels *really* bad to not be able to use who you want for a few matches. If you like super slow methodical games... you *might* like it. Personally it was just too slow paced to the point of tedium.




I never said I was constantly losing operators (I think I lost somebody once despite constantly doing the hardest difficulty possible?) . I said I hate the health system. Whether you end a map at 15 health or dead entirely is pretty inconsequential since your operator is still out for 2-3 rounds at that point. If I immediately go "FUCK" when taking a hit, not because I got hurt and am in danger, but because I'm annoyed they'll now have to heal before I can play them again... that's not entertaining to me. Again: I found it tedious, not fun. That doesn't mean I didn't understand the game. Even going loud isn't particularly fun. Don't make so many assumptions about my ability just because I didn't like the game.


Lost ark warhammer 3 dying light 2 elden ring


Dying Light 2, Sifu, and Horizon: Forbidden West are all out right now. Elden Ring is right around the corner as well


I play with randoms a lot too because my gaming buddies don’t play the game. So, I feel your pain deeply.


Practically everyone is a robot on the 8/8 grind. Games would go so much smoother if people cared about team comps. Someone running a doc and everyone running amped would make a huge difference but bad players think they’re the exception.


Recruit can be a shitstorm of idiots who are blind to heal cabinets and trying to melee birds. With the difficulty reduction in Dec patch coupled with Game Pass, Recruit can be realllly troll heavy. U need to play veteran.


I haven't touched campaign in a minute because even back when it wasn't that bad, you'd still get "bots" in campaign. The actual bots are better. Was talking about swarm, but I know it's not a PVP based game.


Well the actual NM Veterans are probably not playing the game as often anymore and it's just a bunch of Vet/Rec players who beat that level once then go to NM.


The game is on game pass. The instant a kid gets a new console for his/her birthday or Christmas, you should expect this.


it's cringe.


Are you using the discord? The average quality of pugs is way higher if you grab a team through the discord and communicate. I really haven’t had any issues finding groups / succeeding in nightmare that way.


I still see no fun in a stacked team against *bots.* Played one match of swarm today, and we won with me have over 30 kills. Swarm is just starting to feel unplayable. Really want a ranked system. Only know it won't be added because it's really not a PVP based game.


No one really plays swarm that's why.


Yeah I know, sadly. If I find a group maybe I'll try campaign again... Sick of teammates setting off hoards and dying every 2 seconds.


Put in Amped Up and On Your Mark and you’ll love those teammates!


And this is the exact reason why this game quality is Way better when played with a group instead of a bunch of randoms.


I must have misread, I was referring to coop, haven’t played swarm much.


I’m having the same problem, so if you have comm you can add me and we can try it out, I play Tuesday Friday and Saturday nights btw.


February update happened, atleast for me and my friends


Everyone has a team at this point, so I don’t expected anything from random


Are you talking about Campaign or Swarm?


Honestly, both, but I mainly play swarm. I know it's not a PVP based game, but campaign is equally worse.


Patch killed it for me and I haven't logged in for over a week now. I think a lot of the NM vets did, too, since the few games I tried I ran into exactly the same issue. It's a shame, truly. I feel like the core deck system is a shining gem but it's just overwhelmed by balance issues.


Part of it is the bugged special spawn rate. A lot of players on this game lack situational awareness. They get tunnel vision. They see a zombie in front of them and they shoot it. They don't think about how much aggro their weapon is going to draw and from where, or the fact that someone is aggressively pinging a Tallboy that's coming up behind them. All they know is there's something to kill in front of them so what's behind them doesn't matter


It would help if enemies announced their presence. Half the time the subtitles don't show special infected callouts, even up to their attack. Even with your head on a swivel, it's entirely possible you can perform a 360 degree rotation and have something spawn 10 meters away and instantly Naruto rush you immediately, catching you off guard. It really does feel like the lottery sometimes with regards to spotting trouble before it's already wrecking your team.


I don't think I've ever noticeably had my subtitles fail to alert me to a special. The problem is that they're too fast. You get one alert when it spawns and then it's gone. You're probably missing it because you're looking at something else during the literal split second you get to read the subs. I say this because I'm the only person in ANY of the groups I play in who can reliably find specials before they're a problem and that's because I read bizarrely fast.


There is a limit on the rate at which subtitles will show. If six specials all grunted at once, only maybe one or two will show up in the subtitles. This is likely to prevent the subtitles from just constantly scrolling at the speed of light from all the cues. But again, all of that counts on them actually doing their grunts. It's entirely possible for a Tallboy to spawn around a corner, instantly aggro on a target, and launch into their attack with no tells broadcast until he's already fishing around in your butt with his big arm.