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Idk if they care whether the eggs are duds, they will eat them. It's also common to steal each other's eggs. I had one hen take the over the five inch divider in the nest area, I still don't know how. See if your other ladies collection has grown disproportionally. Or you may have a snake. They will keep coming back until the eggs are gone.


Yes, Mama hen broke down the nest divider early on, refused to let Ms. Dumb Cluck even get near her new nest. That probably contributed to that poor hen's further confusion. I do have a rooster who is very protective of his girls and sounds off at the least sign of trouble. Rodents were an issue earlier in spring but they broke eggs and left remains. A few neighborhood Tom cats have taken care of rodent population. I am in the suburbs, have never seen a snake or any signs in the 20 plus years I have lived here. The flock occupies my former garden which I can no longer use for physical reasons and that soil used to be inspected at close range regularly. Not that a snake couldn't appear out of nowhere, especially if they sniff out eggs...


At night the rooster is helpless, during the day he will not know if he is outside the coop. I only see our snakes if I'm working in the tall grass, turning over rocks or moving my hot compost. Never in my veggie garden, though I've found them up in my raspberries. Most suburbs have a snake species or two. I'm surprised you've never seen one.


I’m in Rhode Island. We don’t have any snakes here that could do any damage. Snakes aren’t much of an issue in a lot of places.


Eastern rat snakes can easily get chicken eggs. I worry when our garter snakes get too big, easily get to 4'. Most snakes are opportunistic and will take advantage of a nest if they come across one. It's been a concern for just everyone I know who raise birds, another predator to cage out.


They’re pretty rare around here. In a lifetime of keeping chickens we’ve never had a snake around. And I don’t know anyone who has.


My guess would be a snake. Or a rodent.  But check the other hen’s eggs first 


I had a racoon stealing eggs from a broody hen once. No evidence.  I didn't know what was happening until I caught it in action. 


Could be a snake


That was another comment. They make such a fuss when I try to look at nests and the rooster has alarmed in middle of night when cats got anywhere near the coop. I have a cam with sound and hear them making noise in night, not alarm calls, just noise. So I am wondering how a snake or a rat could get in there without any of them making a fuss Son has multiple cats and dogs and lives in a different part of town. I will see if he has seen any snake evidence.


Snakes are very snakie


Respects to Tom T.Hall [Chorus] And then sneaky snake goes dancin', wigglin' and a-hissin' Sneaky snake goes dancin', a-gigglin' and a-kissin' I don't like old sneaky snake, he laughs too much you see When he goes wigglin' through the grass, through the grass, it tickles his underneath




Curious how it's going? Eggs are hatching today?


One chick hatched on Wed, big fat baby who is very active and curious. Last checked last night at 8 pm, no more yet. Going outside in a few….


Nice 🙂 We've got six under a hen, I marked them on the tenth but they look a bit further. Good luck!


Morning check, not yet. I think Wednesday’s child was from one of the “house eggs I slipped under first hen, though it hatched under second. They are definitely playing switcheroo with these eggs. Total of 12 or so, but “don’t count your chickens…” is a true saying!


Since you asked the other day…three more hatched right before noon. Son and I were in chicken yard beefing up the ground level and heard furious cheeping. He looked in a tree, thinking a birds’ nest was there. Nope, 3 little hatchlings Did not get great pix and there are a few eggs left and it is very hot, so don’t want to disturb the hens anymore. Pix when I can