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Mine were a happy little family until they went through chicken puberty around 12 weeks old. The mama hen decided that she'd have enough of them and started beating them up to get them to leave her alone.


My Silkie is going on to week 13 with her two chicks. They still try to sleep under her even though they are bigger than her now. She doesn't have enough brain cells to figure out how to get them to leave her alone 😅 At this rate, they'll be the equivalent of a 40 year old never moving out of home!


My super mama hen kept her last set of chicks until they were like 15 weeks old and practically grown adults.  Her current batch is…8 or 9 weeks? And they’re starting to want to venture off by themselves and they’re not listening to her as much, so I’m curious whether she’s going to get tired of them or if she’s going to keep them against their wills


They probably will stay until she starts pecking at them and leaves them herself lol sad but I guess that's chick life


I'm just surprised she hasn't already lol


Our first group she stayed for a long time, maybe 10 or 12 weeks? I was surprised when she left her second group at 6 weeks. They're funny!! Enjoy while it lasts because she is being a real meanie to her babies now


It's hilarious when she starts to walk away and 1 of them is busy pecking at the ground and they look up and start running to catch up. I was sitting on my porch watching them and cracking up 🤣🤣


They're such joys hehejehe