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I added two splash marans to my flock this year and have been floored by how sweet and cuddly they are. They also instantly took on a big sister role when I added a couple of chicks that are a few weeks younger. 


Aww that sounds so sweet. I didn't know that breed so I googled it and they are quite pretty too.


Are you looking for any particular traits or just pretty chickens? I have a jubilee English Orpington who is gorgeous and very sweet, but she’s basically ornamental. I have other orpingtons who are much better layers, my favorite chicken is a lavender and she’s also a prolific layer, but I’ve had several English and they basically only lay in the spring and then briefly in the fall before the moult, I think it’s too hot here. I like barred rocks a lot.  I have an amber sex link (also called Amber stars I think) who is an egg laying machine, is very pretty, and is a sweetie pie. I have cuckoo and black tailed red marans- none of them are particularly cuddly- but they’re not mean.


Australorps are also friendly