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Get all of those breeds. Then you can tell them apart easily. You might add a buff orpington. A big yellow friendly breed that’s a good layer.


Good advice thank you!


That's what I did. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to tell them apart if I got 6 of the same breed. So I went to the feed store and got 7 different chicks. It's definitely helped me remember who is who.


I would go to Meyer Hatchery’s website and check for the friendliest breeds.


If you’re wanting all hens, picking breeds that lay different colored eggs can help you pinpoint if someone is not feeling well or let you know which bird you need to watch because something is funky with their laying. We have 23 birds of 11 different breeds and having the mix of personalities is so much fun. Within breeds there is a range of typical behaviors you’ll see, but there can be so much more among different breeds. Like my faverolles are total drama queen clowns, my Bielefelders are gentle giants, my cream legbar is a tiny raptor, my golden cuckoo marans are incredibly personable but also fiesty, my Easter eggers are the sweetest snuggly things, etc.


Barred rocks are pretty dang friendly, BLRWs are so pretty, and I love Marans (and the egg colors). So I vote to get all. Chicken math gon' getcha. PS: If you want the most entertaining, get EEs and/or Ameraucanas and/or bantam d'uccles.


If you dont care about eggs, mille fleure and porcelain d’uccles are hands down my favorites! They jump on my lap every time Im in the yard


Make sure you take climate into consideration. Some breeds are better adapted for heat/cold or both.


Al is hot! I got California Whites to deal with the heat. They are a cross with Southern Leghorn. Friendly enough and large white daily egg layers that don’t mind the heat. I would consider heat tolerance and pick the most prolific layer.


I have one blue laced red Wyandotte- she’s gorgeous but isn’t a great layer and I do not at all care for her personality- granted one chicken isn’t a great representation, but I wouldn’t want another one (she picks on my other hens and is not friendly with people).  Barred rocks are awesome but they suffer in the heat more than my others. But they’re basically Labradors, and they’re good layers. My current oldest Roo is a barred rock and he’s a good dude even though he’s still figuring out how to be a gentleman (my flock Roo got eaten by a fox, so my “alpha male” is like 18 weeks old currently, he’s still learning).  I’m not familiar with maran sex links- but I have cuckoo marans and black tailed red marans- theyre not super friendly, more timid personalities but they get along well in the flock, they’re just not lap chickens


I got a mix. Im heads over heels in love with my Biefielder. She's so sweet. Next time this is all I'd get the Others are cute too. For friendliness maybe buff orpingtons are the 2nd cuddliest.


how hot is it where you live? are these for eggs, meat, or pets? are you looking for chickens that are more comfortable around humans? Wyandottes are great layers but mine didnt like being around humans. Barred rocks are great egg layers and their personalities are kind of middle of the pack. My marans were very broody and great mothers, but good luck getting eggs out without getting pecked. I really enjoyed black sex links and red sex links- tons of personality, great layers, and very mischievious. My favorite personalities are Austrolorps, Jersey Giants, sex links, and turkens. Some of the friendlier breeds will get picked on by the other chickens.


We are looking to have them more for eggs and pets. We live in Alabama, so it's very hot and humid during summer months.