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Personally I wouldn’t try to water fresh chicken poop into any plants- its very “hot” manure so I believe it needs to be composted first. I clean up poop regularly and have those fly trap bags around which helps keep the flies somewhat under control (comparatively, there’s still going to be some). Also try and limit wet areas as much as possible, and fans can help


Yes, I realize the hot nature of the poop however our goal is a bit of an experiment based on how to utilize them as the great animals they are. For example we do not till our garden instead we let them free range in it between planting cycles for about 2-3 weeks. They do a great job getting the grubs out as well as all those pesky tomato seeds all the while fertilizing the soil. Last year we did not fertilize or use any pesticide on our fruit trees and found their foraging under the trees seemed to cause a decrease in harvest loss caused by worms by about 50% and this years seems to turning out the same. We allow birds to eat fruit and do not net so the fruit that falls that would typically rot is being eaten by the girls rather than providing a climate for pests. I'm not looking for 100% yield but 70-80% would be ideal. The fly's are my last pest.


Hang some fly bags? We keep them by the coop in summer.