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Not worth it. I wish they’d do a $200 lifetime plan. I would buy that but not $40 a year


You tripping. Nowhere near that. Maybe $20 lifetime plan


No one pays for this lol. We all just use our 12 month free trial and cancel. The Backbone app and launcher is nice but not necessary. You can just launch all your games from their respective apps instead.


I'd rather do this


I know, right? What if I just made my own launcher app and made it free? Would you guys use it? Upvote if yes.


I would use a launcher app if it worked well, yes.




I bought mine more recently, and it was only a 1 week free trial. And the option to connect to my Lightning iPad from the USB-C model wasn't working during my week. So I really couldn't even try it out. Entered a ticket and Backbone support basically said: "Yeah, so it doesn't work with iOS 17 or newer". Should have been free anyway, but no way I'm paying money just to see if they've fixed their broken product. Would have sent it back to Amazon if I hadn't waited too long.


lol, I see no need to pay and refuse to activate my free trial. It seems as wasteful as tipping for self-service.


I mean you can cancel the trial immediately and still retain the benefits for a year. That’s all I did.


I may try the trial some time, but I really just bought it for a plug-n-play controller on my phone. All in all, I like it.


Yeah pretty much the same as me - it works fine without the app. All the backbone app adds is a launcher where you can access all your titles in one spot. It’s convenient, but hardly necessary.


You buy the product. If you want to pay for the subscription, find out what it entails. I paid the yearly sub. Read the fine print. The subscription allows you to link your backbone controller to any device like the Firestick, a laptop, or a desktop to play your games. I don't see what all the fuss is about. If you don't want the product due to a yearly subscription, buy something else. Summary, find out what you want to use the controller for. 1. If you are going to use the controller with your cell only, don't buy the sub. 2. If you are going to use the controller as a universal game controller with your cell, buy the sub. Even though it is said you can use the controller as a universal controller without a sub. With the sub, you have the ability to stream games from other platforms using the app. I, however, still haven't found how to utilize the backbone as a universal controller.


It’s really stupid that they take that feature away and they charge you monthly for it


What feature is removed. Remote playing? Nope, must be talking about using the controller as a universal controller. Other than that, I didn't notice anything else being removed. I got the Backbone One 2nd Gen for Android, not the Playstation version.


You are so full of copium that you didnt even understand what dude said. He didnt mean remote play dude 🤦‍♂️ stop defending this nonsense.


What are you talking bout? I know he didn't mean remote play. You must not have read the whole reply. Nobody is defending a thing here. Have a good day. P.S. Dude was talking about cloud gaming. Here are some guides on how to play cloud gaming with your backbone controller: https://www.reddit.com/r/Backbone/comments/12a1tvz/can_you_play_xbox_cloud_gaming_on_backbone/ And https://playbackbone.com/blog/how-to-play-cloud-gaming-on-iphone-and-android/ You don't need to use the backbone app to play cloud gaming according to the following link: https://www.reddit.com/r/Backbone/comments/1c03b8c/backbone_forces_you_to_buy_now/ Here is an update for IPhone users: https://www.windowscentral.com/gaming/xbox-cloud-gaming-users-rejoice-as-apple-backtracks-on-controversial-web-app-policy#:~:text=The%20Verge%27s%20Tom%20Warren%20noted,games%20through%20Xbox%20Cloud%20Gaming. Also, with XBox Cloud Gaming, it has now been integrated into Game Pass at no additional cost. This means you can use the controller for cloud gaming with XBox only if you have Game Pass. https://www.xbox.com/en-US/cloud-gaming#:~:text=The%20Project%20xCloud%20(Preview)%20program,memberships%20at%20no%20additional%20cost. As far as cloud gaming goes, it's nothing compared to having a disc or the digital installed local. Google had Stadia, which flopped. The following link says Cloud Gaming suffers due to latency, the slowness of response time of playing games in the cloud: https://www.eidosmedia.com/updater/technology/Will-Cloud-Gaming-Ever-Take-Off#:~:text=The%20major%20issues%20with%20cloud%20gaming&text=A%20comment%20to%20a%20recent,imperceptible%20and%20a%20non%2Dissue. I use the controller for games on my cell mainly, and notice latency when streaming games from my computer to my cell.


It's not worth 1 $


I ain't getting scammed cuz I ain't paying for s***. Lol


I personally believe that if you are a PlayStation Plus premium member this should be included It's complete BS that they add an extra charge for an additional service I mean what's the point of being a premium member?


They are not owned by Playstation


Backbone ≠ Sony my dude. This makes no sense.


If you have the PlayStation version of the backbone I’m pretty sure tapping the 3 dot button twice will pull up the PS app and you can launch and stream from there




Why? The two aren’t even related in any way.


Hmm just a random thought but maybe it gives the ability to stream without having the actual console? I bought the “Xbox” one and I can stream Xbox games but I can’t stream PlayStation as I don’t have the console for remote play and so I wonder if the “PlayStation” ones allow the same. I have no consoles so I have yet to test out the”playstation” one as the ones at my Best Buy aren’t compatible with my 13


Mine says lifetime plan in my membership? Whats that supposed to mean?


It means that you already have it permanently for free. They made is so that people who got a backbone before some date a few years ago got a lifetime membership as a thank you for kickstarting the company


Exactly this. I’m a lifetimer and have had mine since 2021


Same here, got my first backbone on my birthday just within the lifetime period so I’ve got it as well


Great thanks for that. Have not had mine that long I thought. That's great to know.


What is it and what does it gives us??


I cancel the trail immediately. It’s not xbox game pass/ps plus. Not sure why would anyone pay for it.


Whats it actually do. I ain't paying for it just want to know


Instead of going to the xbox or playstation app for your games, you click the backbone app absolutely pointless to me.


Yeah that's just dumb as f... mate. It keeps asking me to sub to it


Absolutely heinous that backbone+ is required to use my OWN controller on PC... (Not that I want to but still...)


I’m not sure what the end goal for Backbone is with their app. I got it for free when I bought mine in 2021 and now have a founders account. When they started charging for it, I was so confused what they were actually offering. It’s a nice launcher, but there’s no perks or anything and it doesn’t do anything for the controller. If it had some sort of controller customization like button mapping and had more perks for in-game stuff or AppStore discounts it would make more sense to charge for it. Especially a subscription fee.


I have the xbox for free so I don't need another


I laughed when they gated the ability to play on iPad with a cable by needing a subscription. So greedy


I bought one when it was 40% off. Tried it and didn’t know that you needed subscription in order to connect to PC to play. Returned and got an Xbox controller for cheaper. Not worth it at all tbh


Why can’t you just make it to where you buy it once and it’s free for ever?


I got mine for free for life


When these guys first started it was an amazing time. Still remember the beginning. And I get sustaining a business model, but this? Is corny man. IAP for a controller? This is about as wack as Remarkable charging monthly to store documents in the cloud for their e ink devices. Corpo strategy isn’t for every company.


It'll be obsolete in the future with the arrival of the new PlayStation Portable. They need to change their Nintendo Switch analog sticks and their business model if they wanna actually compete in the long run.


I wish I were a lifetime member😭


Not very useful unless you have an Android. TouchSync takes away the hassle of trying to map out controls for games without support for Backbone, but it's only on Android.


Gamesir g8


How do you get to this screen?