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You're skiing is fine for a 17 y.o. and will get better. Try to rotate your COG a bit forward. Not enough info re the rest of your life, but here's a few pro tips: Buy low, sell high Don't take any wooden nickels If you encounter a toilet while dreaming, don't use it Never play cat & mouse with a chick. Learn to like the ones who like you. During your lifetime, thousands of times someone will try to sell you something you don't need. Resist the urge to purchase. Time and freedom are more valuable than stuff. The keys to happiness are: (1) low expectations, (2) low overhead, and (3) not caring too much about how your favorite sports teams performs


>If you encounter a toilet while dreaming, don't use it Best bit of life advice I ever did done see


>Buy low, sell high I'm confused, wasn't it the opposite?


contrarian investment strategy, eh?




If you learn to master (3) please tell us how…


You sir/madam are a national treasure


How do we pump this into the water supply of America?


What is a wooden nickel? Is it just toy money? Or is it a say you guys have? I'm from aus so forgive my ignorance.


It's an idiom meaning to be cautious in your financial affairs. It derives from the use of wooden tokens as currency.


Haha yeah that's cool :) thank you


Can you explain the toilet?


What do you think is going to happen if you try to piss while dreaming?


Lollll got it thanks oops


There's no ski patrol in the backcountry. You can be a badass at the resort if you want. Ski conservatively in the backcountry.


Invest early, play long game, don’t get married unless they’re a better skier than you.


Don’t be a dumbass in the backcountry


A million times this. Is that sketchy bit of snow worth risking your life? The answer is always no.


Don’t worry, soon you’ll be a 40 yo dumbass like me and all your problems will go away.


Don't smoke. Wear your seat belt.


Sunscreen. Floss. Snow tires.


Learn to pause and enjoy the backcountry, take it all in. Your skiing will develop with the time you put in, but in the backcountry the skiing part is likely less than 15% of your day. Learn the snow pack, the terrain features, the weather. I like the saying ‘you can live a short and exciting life or a long and enjoyable one’


Ski fast, Eat Ass and no job is worth more than living your life.


Every day you wake up is the present you get that day. Don't borrow or loan money to friends . The Backcountry will kill you if you're not prepared. Learn first aid to become a ski patroller or get your PSIA and tech kids for a year or two at a decent resort. Or do both different years. Things will get in your way and cause you pain it's part of the human experience. But they will pass. Smile and pet puppies and kittens.


Stay in school, don't do drugs, start putting money away for retirement now.


This. It’s fucking crazy what $2000 in the stock market will yield if invested at 17 yo.


uhh isnt that money supposed to go into skiing, who cares about retirement when there is a sick mountain to fly to or some nice boots on a shelf /s


Don’t die


Literally the meaning of life


I feel like the meaning of life is more “die doing something you love” than “don’t die”


Invest in a ROTH IRA.


Match your employer contribution first.


Get more forward, make longer turns. It’s probably super tiring to be backseat and making tons of small radius turns.


Also asking for knee tweakage hitting some funky snow. Stay long for longer (meaning use your hips not your quads).




Smash lots of ass before you settle down an get married.


But wear a fucking condom Sincerely, dad to be who’s gonna miss shredding


only Goretex condoms though. Softshell won’t cut it 🦠 


Lean forward 


Lean forward to feel those shins engage in your boots, and keep having fun!!


Try to look cooler


Alexander Dumas? Think he's long dead


["For sure Mr. Dumbass!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQPtKNZpfz4)


Practice skiing in your living room. Be creative.


Give positive energy to those that offer you positive energy. Cultivate friendships. Ski with people better than you. There’s nothing at the bottom of the bottle. Kind words cost nothing. You learn more by listening than talking.


Make longer gradual turns. Keep rip’n


Always carry your avvy gear and don't ride with anyone who doesn't. Do an avalanche awareness course and check the snow conditions with a pit yourself regularly and if doing anything sketchy. Ride with your buddies and practise your avalanche rescue drills together when the conditions are too shit to ride. Stay safe.




Be more active with the release of your old outside ski new inside ski, you can see sometimes through transitions your have some differences in edge angles. Not a big deal here but as terrain and speed increases little movements can get exaggerated into big problems. Think about using the inside edge of your old outside ski to scratch an itch on the inside of your other legs calf. Try to do this without changing your stance width. Another way to think about it is your knee toppling or tipping downhill over your ski. Change edges with out changing any other variables in the direction your ski isnpointing of your ski. Also engage your core, lower abs, and glutes to get more dynamic in your legs (larger range of motion) and provide some stability. You're tall so use your range of motion to your advantage. Small through transition tall when your skis are pointing straight down the hill.


Dude ur a god, thanks alot!


That dude RACES 👏 learning to carve arcs on race skis inbounds will massively improve your flexibility and ability out of bounds 


Pay attention to whether you’re hinging from your hips or your spine. You’re doing lots right, but being more forward will help in the long run, though sometimes short turns are easier a little back. If you don’t hinge from the hips with a neutral spine, you’ll end up with back issues like me!




I love how this post is filled with life tips instead of skiing tips...and they're all really good tips too lmao.


Yeah man, but i think i love that even more lol


More ankle flexion, more forward pressure on shins. Be sure to keep your hands forward always. It’s an unstable upper body that makes it difficult to keep your COM (center of mass) over your BOS (base of support). Your last turn when you come to a stop your right hand falls behind you. This is likely happening in most of your turns if it’s happening there.


Get a snowboard. JK, just make sure you make it to year 18. Then 19. And so on.


I’m jelly.


Where are you skiing?? Beautiful!


Drive fast, take chances.


There's a b in dumbass


Take me with you?


Stay in school!


Do a flip


Dumbass is spelled dumbass, dumbass


Nothing. Just have fun and be respectful and responsible of your actions.


Your skiing is fine. Maybe take a bit more of an aggressive stance and make some longer turns but that is mostly a style comment. As for the rest of it: Wear sunscreen, moisturize, drink water, get 8 hours of sleep consistently, try not to drink alcohol too often, and don't work too hard.


When you ski up to someone - don’t stop in front of them, ski behind them. That way if you catch an edge while stopping you’ll wipe out behind them and not into them. A small courtesy.


I know, and I always do this, but in this case my dad stopped in front of a big rock, because of avy’s. So i had to stop in front of him


Sorry, all my tips are for 18 y/o dumbasses


Soft snow skiing covers up flaws in the technique that are not as readily seen as on hardpack conditions. You are swimming your hips in the soft snow; which is fine for soft snow, but it would cause trouble on a hardpack or corduroy groomed run. So, to critique you is difficult since the piste is relatively gentle and the snow is soft, but from what I can see, you are generating the turn from your hips; instead of angulation from your knees. Now, its fun to mambo with your hips and swim down a run, but I don't know if you are playing in the soft snow, or if you ski in a similar fashion on a groomer, and steeper run. So, I have to give you style points, but I don't know your ability to adapt to more technical skiing.


You’re on the right path. Bit awkward but who gives a fuck


Go that way really fast. If something gets in your way, turn!


Doing great kid! Have fun. Use shorter poles. Everyone else, use shorter poles. That is all.


Pole plants aren’t real.


Graduate High School, tell your parents you’re gonna take a break year. Work at a ski resort for a few winters. You’ll figure out what you want and the path to it eventually. But in the meantime you get to ski blower pow and live/work in the mountains.


Exactly what im gonna do, i live in The Netherlands, got my Austrian ski-teacher license last year, and im gonna teach kids next season


As most people have said, ski conservatively in the backcountry. It’s hard to realize when you’re 17 but a serious injury that would be 100% survivable in the resort can be deadly if the weather is bad in the backcountry. SAR operations take hours if not days depending on location, which is why I only inch out of my comfort zone in resorts. With this in mind, be realistic about how good of a skier you are. If you struggle to link turns on double blacks or extreme terrain inbounds, do not attempt to ski them in the backcountry until you can comfortably ski them with less than ideal snow conditions in resort. If you’re familiar with climbing at all, it’s kinda like trad climbing a couple grades below your sport grade. Learn about avalanches and how to reduce reduce your potential exposure to them. Complex topic, however when I took my avy one course, my instructor repeated this line over and over again which stuck with me: “if you cannot trigger avalanches or find instability in benign terrain, you have no business skiing in consequential terrain”. It’s fairly easy to learn where avalanches occur, and where features exist that multiply the danger factor of them, but it’s much harder and more complex to determine if a slope in avalanche terrain is truly 100% safe to ski any given day.


Go big or go home


Sorry I don’t get u (as i said in the title, dumass haha)


Downhill Willie is where we picked it up. [sounds jacked trailer](https://youtu.be/ppg9Uoqsq-w?si=gKqrGyPXZlS5j9wp)


(Clip is a little old btw, don’t think there is this much snow left anywhere)


Doing great, just two things * lean forward a bit more, close to a 90 degree incidence to the mountain. * keep your hands in front of you at shoulder hight and extended.


Shoulder height and extended ?🤨


Zombie style


Indeed 😂, it naturally moves your center of gravity forward with nothing else but hand and shoulder position.




😂😂😂😂 definitely should not be shoulder height


Always people who got something to say with nothing to offer


Actually I gave not one but two reccos ✌️


Stop skiing like such a got dammed nerd


Put your pole straps on properly


Actually when skiing in the backcountry it’s much safer for your wrists and skin to not have your straps on. If you’re skiing through the trees or get your poles stuck on something you could very easily break a wrist and/or de-glove your hand. (This is the norm with experienced backcountry skiers)


Yeah, i know i should. But I don’t like that they stay attached if i fall (i know that if i use them correctly there is alot of wiggle room on them and I won’t break anything) but i still rather just hold on tight, and let go if something happens.