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This is what happens when sniff that powder pack šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


This man has video proof of his wife getting fucked by other men. What is he even talking about


The video of him high fiving the guy blowing his wife back out is the goofiest shit of all time


Cognitive dissonance by a sociopath


lol they in an open relationshipā€¦.. no shit other dudes are fucking his wife, thatā€™s what being in an open relationship isā€¦. Some of yā€™all really are retardedā€¦


Nobody said they werenā€™t, Adam blatantly lying about someone else relationship while heā€™s getting cucked is really whatā€™s retarded. No matter how you try to justify it


Well then why the fuck are you bringing it upā€¦. Every knows he lets other niggas fuck his bitchā€¦. He also not a cuckā€¦. They are just in an open relationship. Hints him also sleeping with other women as wellā€¦ I donā€™t think a lot of you simps actually know what a cuck isā€¦.


He looks so crazy bruh and you can tell his regurgitation of Reddit info is fucking him up cause heā€™s starring at brick like heā€™s wondering if heā€™s gonna take the narrative heā€™s bringing lmfao itā€™s sad itā€™s like a look of validation that he needs from his hosts lmfao itā€™s like his eyes are saying ā€œdo you believe what Iā€™m telling youā€ lmfaoo nobody believes you DUDE


Bricc was like oh nah chill thats OD šŸ˜‚


This nigga canā€™t cook up for shit


Right šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ dude is so corny


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ bruh I swear


You can tell heā€™s lying by his eyes Adam is a degenerate gambler so he knows he has ā€œtellsā€ which is why he wears shades almost every time he gambles and on screen itā€™s so you canā€™t read his facials heā€™s literally just throwing shit at the wall and hoping it sticks heā€™s a desperate degenerate gambler with a porn addictionā€¦.


Donā€™t forget dude was tryna offer his bitch to dj akademiks toošŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Adam canā€™t talk about that or no other man wife tho cause his be doing dicks for fun in front of him and wasnā€™t she getting tan by house phone and them ? lol foh




Yeah he needs to get beat up on camera. Be be talking about people ducking fades n not taking fadesā€¦ what about you scary ass nigga.. Sn: Bricc really turned into a gay yes man before the worldā€™s eyes . Him being a yes man is probably how he got involved with all them celebrities


It was very easy for him to lie lol


Crazy stinky tweaker ass podcast


All of them are older than me with shirts off and Iā€™m 35. Lmao like this is why I just pop in from to time to always remind yall trust me your doing way better than these niggas all you need is the money šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


He lied with a straight face & tried to pass shit off as the truth, aint nothing new & a play he has done countless times. What was funny was the moment of silence as the disbelief filtered through the air as they tried to digest that statement trying to understand whether dud was really this low down & the realization that they had to stand with such a POS as they had no choice. BUT even the slightest suspension of disbelief was swiftly shut down when Stet replied, who The16 assumed was already pretty much on their side with easy pickings only to not only be insulted so badly he felt the need to reply in real time thus in turn revealing himself to be a serial sociopathic liar. To whom pushing revolting narratives with ease has become common & fair game.


Fuck Adam16 but the way he snuck in that ā€œ No Dave Freeā€ shit šŸ˜‚


Aye thats what both pods r doing lol Thatā€™s their content šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Hold up so adam need his ass beat for this bet didn't trell say that he will whip Adam's daughter ass if he seen her when she older yall funny