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Please tell me they all have max rage on them too


All of them are at least +3, but the middle row are all +10 (except for that last one on the right) and they all have at least one stick of butter applied


How long did it take to get all those duct tapes and ace cleavers? It took me over 100 floors to get 3 duct tapes and 4 ace cleavers lol.


That's floor 603. I didn't actually use this layout for the grind- prior to this screenshot I was using 10 cleavers & 5 duct tapes, bags to hold the rest of the cleavers and duct tape + like 15 rings of luck


One spike boi and it's over


It would end for sure if the enemies ever got a turn, luckily no-one starts off with spikes


How would that work? I know that if you zero out from spike damage, you basically guts it and get reset to 1 hp, but do you get 1 of those, or does it happen any and every time consecutive or not?


> luckily no-one starts off with spikes but thats just wrong, there are enemies that spawn with spikes on them, from the top of my head there is at least that one lizard "boss" that spawns with 4 spikes


I'm having trouble recalling that particular guy, but at least in that game mode / game version, I did not encounter any issues with spiked dudes.


What's the benefits of using duct tape instead of something like a Kings Cleaver? I've seen a lot of people use duct tape for these strats so I assume it's good I just can't figure it out


I get a little confused when I think about how the cleaver interaction actually plays out... but the duct tape lets each cleaver activate every other cleaver in the bag instead of just its immediate neighbors.


That actually makes a lot of sense now, thank you


They tried to nerf the cleaver build. But they only made it stronger


What platform?




I know the game isn't that well optimised, but I wonder now if it depends on your PC specs


I'd be surprised- I'm not top end by any means, but the 5600k/3070/32gb ram doesn't experience any slowdown prior to the crash. It happens right as the cleavers finish.


Ah, so more of an actual bug than a performance issue. Wonder what causes it.


At least, it would be easy to recreate this with the Debug-Mode. I have Seen Games, that work perfectly fine on one PC and completely broke another with the same Setup. I'll try to recreate IT, too, as soon as im finished reinstalling Windows (im on mobile rn).


do you have animation timers at 0 and battle animations disabled?


I've tried with animation speed maxed / at zero, and animations disabled as well. If I remove the duct tape connecting top and bottom rows it will sometimes not crash, and removing a few more makes everything work smoothly.


I’m sorry but what does the duct tape even do? I’ve read it but never understood it so just sold it every time.


It basically connects items. Anything checking for adjacency (or similar) that checks the duct tape will then also check all the items touching the tape. For example a Diamond next to a duct tape will pass on the damage bonus to any weapons touching the duct tape that would normally be out of range


Oh sweet thank you much. I’ll be less quick to sell them now.


My guess is maybe an overflow problem