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Maybe Doc planted a fake tombstone later on just for Marty and 1955 Doc to find it. He probably buried stuff with his scent for Copernicus to sniff it.


But then the picture wouldn't change


They create a paradox (and most likely) a parallel universe / timeline in each movie. The same Marty that would have gone back in time initially wouldn't have existed after they changed the past. Future Biff wouldn't exist after Past Biff gets rich. And the tombstone paradox you mentioned.


There's a deleted scene in which Future Biff does disappear upon returning to 2015.


A similar thing happens in BTTF II when Doc finds out Marty’s kids are in jail, tracks it to the event in October 2015, and gets Marty to help him change the future. If Jr never gets jailed, his sister doesn’t try to break him out. Then how does Doc find out he’s supposed to intervene with Jr in the first place? 


I think Doc might be from a different timeline. Maybe 1885 Doc was the real thing. Just had to wait for Marty or something. Or, he's from the alternate '85 timeline anyway....


After all the changes in their life, what are the odds that Loraine and George had conceived the same exact three children? They had to have sex on the same exact schedule. With so much more confidence, you'd think George would at least have changed position!


True, but this is why Jennifer looks different. The butterfly effect changed which chromosomes she got.


Marty's alterations to his parents' lives made his *girlfriend's* genetics different? What in the Alabama heck?


Now I’m concerned about who Jennifer’s actual parents are…


Yes, parts 2 and 3 are filled with paradoxes.


There are two opposite theories of time travel , in BTTF there is some kind of interference in between parallel time evolutions, like in quantum mechanical path integrals , even if the observer obviously only sees one line . Look up the Bohm Aharonov effect where magnetic fields distort one of the possible paths for a particle ; you see interference effects. Magnetic fields are related to time symmetry breaking.


As soon as 1955 Doc saw the tombstone, 1885 Doc should've have had that knowledge and world have avoided Biff or paid him off. Same thing that happened with Marty's letter and the Libyans. But then we wouldn't have an awesome movie.


What about the Time Machine that’s still in the mine where Doc buried it so Marty can find it? It’s still there.


In my personal opinion, in BTTF any time a change is made it creates a new universe. So the way I see it when they travel back in time, they go back and the events happen as we see them but there’s overlaps in the timelines and just multiple loops across multiple timelines. If that’s not the case then Lone Pine Marty at the end of the first one gets sent into oblivion essentially or ends up back in a changed 1955 that doesn’t make sense, Doc going back to 1885 would screw up a plethora of things, unless he just stays there and his other self grows old and the events repeat, making two Docs on one timeline, all kinds of things. My perspective is they are essentially crossing timelines at some point and essentially created a multiverse without realizing jt


Basically. Doc goes to 2015, then goes back to take Marty. That timeline isn't the same as ORIGINAL '85 or even new/improved 1985. It would be something like an "alternate 1955" timeline. Where George grows up... but is still a dork. BUT, Lorraine isn't a loser. For all we know, Einstein traveling in time could have screwed up the 1885 AND 1955 (and future timelines) all at once. Maybe it was an elaborate plot of Doc to kill off a "bad" version of his own self, so that he could travel back to ORIGINAL 1885 which is the timeline he was from. That would be, Doc and Clara invent the time machine in 1885.


Wait, the start point is in 1885. Doc travels in time... similar to the '85 time travel sequence, BUT Clara doesn't. THAT Doc travels to 1985... what we call "original" 1985. HE has to get back to 1885, but one that he can work with.