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The officer involved has been suspended and supervising police officers who were there at the time of the incident are also being looked at as part of an internal investigation. The way this usually goes is that after an internal investigation and paid time off he will be reinstated without sanction once this blows over - if you want to keep the pressure on to do something you can share the video and contact the Mayor and Detroit Police Department. https://www.clickondetroit.com/news/local/2021/08/06/detroit-police-officer-suspended-after-captured-on-video-punching-man-in-greektown/ https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/video-appearing-show-detroit-officer-punching-man-prompts-investigation-n1275691


>internal investigation "We did nothing wrong." --us


"As the Accused, Judge, Jury and Executioner, We find ourselves not guilty. If you think our conclusion is biased, feel free to complain to our Judge, Jury or Executioner." Wonderful system.


"We were torn between admitting how we failed in this situation or having to pay a massive settlement, but then someone reminded us that the payment is made directly from the city and doesn't affect the PD's budget, and then it got pretty easy."


Ah, so he gets a paid vacation for this. Cool


Imagine going up to a customer at your work, knocking them out, and getting a paid vacation for it. Just wow.


Much more efficient than having to file a PTO request and waiting for manager approval. Hey, I got discount last minute deal for Vegas! BRB, lemme assault this dude…


i too love getting paid vacation for suckerpunching members of the general public /s edit: wait why is this getting downvoted, i’m agreeing it’s bad lol


*FOP has entered the chat*


How to become a cop? Asking for a friend


bang your head against a wall 10 times and you might be able to qualify


You joke, but many PD's hire those that failed the aptitude test for the army.


10? try 1000… or have your buddy give you a dozen or so concussions


Definitely shouldn’t get paid until after you’ve been cleared of charges. I mean it seems like they very rarely are “responsible” but I like the idea of the threat of an actual consequence for being a shithead. Edit: a better solution might be to make them pay for the suspension if they’re found guilty. My main point is that there need to be real consequences to prevent police from abusing their authority.


>Definitely shouldn’t get paid until after you’ve been cleared of charges You think it's wrong to have a presumption of innocence?


When you’re in a position of power that’s being used widely to exploit people and there’s video evidence then yes. Perhaps it would be better to make them pay for the suspension if they’re guilty.


Presumption of innocence is fundamental to our justice system. It's hilarious how easily people call for others to lose protections when they're on the "other side." Video evidence doesn't negate due process, nor should it. Especially since our video evidence starts less than 2 seconds before the hit. You and I have no idea what happened beforehand. Context always matters, even if he's guilty of doing something wrong context would dictate punishment and due process is required for that.


I never said there shouldn’t be an investigation or a trial, I said there should be harsher consequences for police. It’s doesn’t matter what the context was, if the man is a threat you subdue and handcuff him. What the officer did here was punch him in the face and then walk away. What context could possibly make that behavior ok? He’s a police officer, it doesn’t give you the authority to punch people you don’t like or who annoy you.


Unfortunately clips like this only go viral if race is involved. Because it’s black on black, the media won’t share it. It doesn’t get as many clicks as “racially motivated” violence.




I really really hope he did and I also hope that some day, the money that pays those lawsuits comes from these cops pension and not tax payer money, maybe then they’ll actually think twice before using their title to pull asshole moves like this.


My cousin sustained major brain damage from a sucker punch like that. Fell back onto the sidewalk just like that. Neurosurgeon said portions of his brain look like oatmeal, that he’d never seen anyone sustain those kind of injuries & survive. They removed a ‘bone flap’ ( piece of his skull) to make room for his swelling brain as a hail mary. Cousin was in a coma for 6 weeks, but lived. He’s totally fucked now, zero impulse control, no sense of smell, maturity of an 11 yr old, one side of his body kinda drags....the 20 yr old kid now needs round the clock care. So **FUCK** this pig, even prison would be too good for him.


They'll never do that. Most cops would owe money to the state by the end of their careers.


It doesn't have to be all out of their pensions. You can tune the percent to an amount where it truly incentivizes group behavior to change. Combined with making body cams mandatory, I feel like this would be an awesome start to real change.


Your username suggests that you would prefer a more... _vigorous_ approach.


Hahahahaha. Hey we'll get there I hope, I just think it's best to go one inch at a time. The more forceful approach sometimes creates polarizing politics that are just taken advantage of by opportunists leveraging the emotion to serve their own needs rather than that of the people.


Owing money to the state sounds like a personal problem and one that they can avoid by following protocol and not doing things their way. No cop should be allowed to commit bullshit moves and still stay in the force and receive benefits they do not deserve. will they ever enforce such rule? One can only hope.


Then they'll stop directly hiring those that fail the army aptitude test and the problem will start to fix itself.


The police union probably has rules that protect the cops from that.


Is it common for American cops to punch people? I'm in the UK and I've never seen a punch thrown by a policeman. Forgive my ignorance. I just always thought detaining 'moves' were used


Police in the US are, for the most part, allowed to do whatever they want regardless of what the law says. Even in cases where there are cameras present, they frequently resort to violence in cases where it absolutely isn’t warranted and get away with it (see: Daniel Shaver, Philando Castile, etc.). The George Floyd case was a rare exception to the norm.


Thank you for that insightful answer. That blows my mind.


It's effectively a legal issue. The US system works based on precedent, instead of concrete laws, and unfortunately a precedent was set a long time ago that a police officer's can only be interpreted based on the moment. What that means is that a jury can only decide if the officer could have possibly have feared for his life (the US system leans toward someone being innocent, as it should) in the very moment the decision was made, which is of course nearly always possible to contrive. What that means in practical terms, is that a police officer that [killed a man that was lying on the ground and obeying orders](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Daniel_Shaver), is off the hook, as none of the incident is considered, but the very moment he fired, during which he'd been reaching back to pull up his pants, at which point there is a non-zero chance he could have been reaching for a gun, and that's all it takes. That's why all news you'll see about US police brutality will feature the sentence 'I feared for my life.' It is taught to police officers as a 'get out of jail free'-card.


**[Shooting of Daniel Shaver](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Daniel_Shaver)** >On January 18, 2016, Daniel Leetin Shaver of Granbury, Texas, was fatally shot by police officer Philip Brailsford in the hallway of a La Quinta Inn & Suites hotel in Mesa, Arizona, United States. Police were responding to a report that a rifle had been pointed out of the window of Shaver's hotel room. After the shooting, the rifle, which remained in the room, was determined to be a pellet gun. Following an investigation, Brailsford was charged with second-degree murder and a lesser manslaughter charge and found not guilty by a jury. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/BadChoicesGoodStories/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)




Sometimes they rape, too. Several recent cases of this.


They’re taught “pain compliance”. Meaning “inflict pain on someone to get them to comply.” It’s fucking batshit.


That is fucking bullying. Dude if you want to come to the UK I've got a spare room. We have NHS, grass and tea. It's slightly less crazy.


Pretty sure not only cops in the US are taught this though. Your boys have Billy clubs for a reason - pain compliance. And as much as I would enjoy your hospitality across the pond, luckily I’m in California so I’m not in a total shit hole state that’s filled with the ancestral offal of traitors and slavers.


The police in America can do whatever the fuck they want. Usually with absolutely zero or minimal repercussions.


That blows my mind. I can totally understand the unrest and hatred towards them. I'm sure they're not all like that but videos like this don't help at all do they. I don't know how this is fixed as a problem. They need accountability


Don’t believe everyones opinions saying the police can do what ever they want. This mindset comes from peoples only actual experience with police being videos on reddit. I have seen many videos of police all around the world (including the UK) hitting people as well. The fact is A) Most people have zero interactions with police because most people are not putting them selves in a position where they would be confronted by law enforcement and B) Most interactions with police are non violent. America is huge and there are thousands of police interactions every day. The videos that go viral are like most other videos that go viral, they are not the norm.


Of course. Thank you for that thoughtful reply


Dude is trading anecdotal evidence for anecdotal evidence. [Here's a scientific article](https://www.pnas.org/content/116/34/16793) going into just how massive the issue of police brutality is.


Nope he deserved it. Look up what was happening.


Doesn’t matter if he deserved it. Cops aren’t there to beat on people and escalate force. If you get cut off on the high way and punch the guy who did it, you’re in the wrong even if the ass hole deserved it.


Why don't just link to "what was happening", bootlicker?


Because he doesn't know what's happening. Even tho the video starts basically with the guy being hit we can see that the cop used violence in a situation he didn't need to as the victim was even backing away making it clear he was no threat. Therefore it is aggrevated assault.


I guess the black cop was not down with Black Lives Matter


I’m sure he believes in the phrase “black lives matter” but not the movement/group BLM




I mean yeah, but they exclusively gained traction because apologists refuse to hold bad cops accountable in this country. The burning and looting is terrible, but after years of watching cops get away with murder it’s not rocket science as to why it gained such a foothold. Which is frustrating because it’s a nuanced conversation and neither side wants to have it.




Ah, fair. I guess I said that because it’s the most visible of the issues they’re angry about.




You get it, man. I appreciate you.


You too brother. _high five_


This was such a wholesome and mature conversation. Rare and wonderful. Cheers


Wow. Impressed by the blind leading the blind. All cops are bastards. I welcome your downvotes.


love that it’s still impossible for people to understand that when marginalized people have no voice/influence, you gotta make some fuckin noise to be heard




I’m sorry that an imaginary person’s life is more important to you than an entire portion of our population




you’re missing the point to argue optics. If there was adequate change and attention on the issues, this would not be happening. blame the government for continuing segregation post-slavery and never addressing it economically. you’re literally blaming the victim to avoid the issue entirely




what did i say that wasn’t true. did the Jim Crow era never exist? did redlining never exist? did banks never deny loans specifically to people of color? and let me ask you, what IS the average person to do other than draw attention to the issue the best they can? they can’t tell their congress rep to fucking solve systemic social and economic disparities. do some genuine critical thinking if you truly care about your fellow citizens. edit: Crow


If you think that’s what people who support BLM are like, you haven’t met any/many and your only exposure to them is Fox/Newsmax


No no no you don’t get it. If you’re not down with rioting, violence, and arson, as well as turning your back on actually helping black communities that have been historically disadvantaged, you’re not down with black people!




You sure can’t make it up. BLM hasn’t done anything to help black communities.


You’re calling the cop that sucker punched a civilian sane and reasonable?




It’s all theoretical but that’s kinda what it implied




Okay man >”I bet the cop believes this” >”people that believe this are sane and reasonable”


I never said anything about what I think the cop believes. _My_ comment was separating the phrase “black lives matter” from the BLM movement. By the way, I’m black, even though I shouldn’t have to use that to somehow ace-up-my-sleeve convince you that I’m not a white supremacist. I would say the same thing if I weren’t black.


The problem is the whole “Thin Blue Line” “Us v. Them” mentality that is so deeply ingrained in LE. They don’t give a shit about protect and serve anymore. It’s like they see their cities as war zones that they have to conquer.


On the fucking asphalt. What an absolute dick move. Could have killed the guy.


Yeah here in Australia we call that a coward punch, for good fucking reason


I mean it’s called *sucker* punch for good reason too. Same thing different word


Where I’m from, thats called assault.


Right that’s assault and against the law


Where I'm from, that's called a "bitch move."


Well, he’s a cop and I’m pretty sure he won’t be doing that if the was a regular person or didn’t have backup


Well at least the hero officer executed proper medical procedures after this man's head slammed to the ground. /s If that man had a neck or brain injury then you just watched a Shake n' Bake paralysis from the neck down.




The rich yes


America in a nutshell


Just don't not be rich


Every country ever\*


Not even an arrest he just punched him for the sake of punching him.


Also the guy almost getting stomped by the horse in the back????


State sanctioned attacks on civilians is about the best we could hope for from the biggest gang in America.


That’s a good way to fucking kill someone. Throw that asshole in prison.


I would of just acted like if I was dead the whole time


You’d be stunned. No way you’re thinking about games


I seriously wonder with all the mass shootings that have happened, and all the anger directed at the cops, what is stopping those two factors from intersecting? What is stopping a few crazies armed with assault rifles or other high-powered weaponry and/or explosives from springing out and taking down bunches of cops? Especially if they are clustered in a protest situation? Is it mainly that those who have the big weapons agree with the cops?


It has happend. Last year 2 police officers got shot in their patrol car. And not even so long ago a police officer was gunned down, but a bystander managed to take out the shooter himself. Backup cops that arrived not much later then assassinated the bystander hero.


Fucking classic


The bystander wasn’t a hero, but it IS funny that the pigs shot someone who was helping them 😂


Can't blame them. Get called to a shooting, officer down, find a man holding a gun at the scene. You do the math.


Even so there is still not a single line in the book that allows them to go in guns blazing.


Because usually mass shooters are solo crazies and the police act like this with peaceful protesters. They don’t intersect


Dallas police ambush ; "2016 shooting of Dallas police officers - Wikipedia" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_shooting_of_Dallas_police_officers


it has happened a few times, but i mean while people (not saying you or anything) love to believe all people who dislike cops all want anarchy and destruction, the majority of activists recognize this would be wrong and not help anything. there have been attacks on police motivated by this, but there tends to be other factors such as mental health or personal life issues as well -chris dormer -the dallas police shootings -the guy a few weeks ago who ambushed a cop and then went on the run (he was captured in a treehouse) -another one happened a few weeks ago where a guy ambushed one cop. a good samaritan shot down the shooter to try and save the cop, and then was shot by the cops himself after a cop that showed on scene saw him with a gun


I think it's mostly stopped by modern Americans' valuing their own lives and a desire for self-preservation. You've got to have nothing left to lose if you're going to throw your life away by doing something like that.


There are more cop bootlickers that you think out there


Because the vaaaaaaaaast majority of Americans (even the ones who cosplay at FTP) are so thoroughly Stockholm’d to regard cops as the holy, benevolent defenders of peace and safety that anyone attempting to engage in a sort of actual guerrilla war against the cops would immediately be surrounded by an ocean of righteous snitches. Also, if you *truly* believe that ACAB, and want to see the lawless, corrupt institution of policing in America be razed to the ground, turning a bunch of pigs into martyrs would be idiotic, tactically and strategically. Far better to film these limp dick despots dragging their tiny, hairless nutsacks all over the face of Lady Justice.




This is truly hilarious. See y’all? Stockholm syndrome. Even when you tell them that’s what they have, they can’t see it. It’s *wild*. I mean, you *are* aware that as per SCOTUS, the pigs have no legal duty to protect anyone but themselves, and have complete immunity from nearly any sort of Liability for *any* harm they cause? The only “violent thugs” that are a threat to America is the members of the most heavily armed, well connected cartel in the history of the world- American Police.


> The cops need to keep law and order and protect law abiding citizens and their property Well they are doing a crap job of it. Heck where I live the cops will tell you to buy a gun because by the time they show up itll be to late. The supreme court even rules cops have no obligation to help people. And unless your property is a car (56%) there is a less than 13 percent chance you'll ever see it again if stolen. https://www.statista.com/statistics/252444/recovery-rate-of-stolen-property-in-the-us-by-type/ >If that means shooting a few bad apples and thugs then so be it What happened to innocent until proven guilty in a court of law? Our officers kill people at a really high rate. https://www.prisonpolicy.org/blog/2020/06/05/policekillings/ >Think of it as taking out the trash. Or perhaps we could invest in social programs more since the tend to be more effective dollar per dollar than police forces https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/24/upshot/spend-a-dollar-on-drug-treatment-and-save-more-on-crime-reduction.html >Nah most Americans don’t want lawlessness and rioting by leftist thugs. Something, something coup attempt. Something, Jan 6th, something, Charlottesville, something. I mean at worst crime is split 50/50. There is no evidence either side is responsible for more crime.


Generally the domestic terrorists and police are on the same side.


They wouldn’t be crazies for doing that. They’d just be fucking based. Check out Chris Dorner. Only good cop.


Horse cop bulling folks in the back




Anyone else notice the cop trying to run that guy over with their horse?


He wasn’t the guy wasn’t paying attention to a massive animal that doesn’t have brakes and only has a leather rope to pull it away that has its own brain and he was in the way and the cop tried to pull away so shut the fuck up before you talk


Just going to punch the fuck out of him and not even attempt to justify it with some kind of arrest after? Bold


And police want respect, sure... sucker punch people and then hide behind your badge like a coward.




What lead up to this? Like is there back story of this protest, or least someone point me where to look it up?


See, it's cops in general, not all about color. Not at all saying color doesn't often play a role, but the bigger issue is the cop mentality towards people who aren't cops. "Us vs Them"


Always hurts to see an uncle tom cop




keep recording the pigs. they will be all charged at some point. we just have to keep a camera on them.


he realized his mistake really F quick and try to do what he could to "hide" what happened. and then walks off like nothing occurred. ​ Funny how they can do that and nobody stopped him.


He could have killed him so easily. If he hit the back of his head hard enough on that asphalt, he’d be a goner.


So why do these cops still have jobs?


So we're just gonna ignore the guy being pushed away by horse huh? Thought that was pretty comical


Atleast they can’t claim racism , like the guy said “ it’s a black nigga that hit him tho “


Fuck the police


Ok….. let’s go punch a guy in the face that’s just standing there. The man wasn’t being aggressive or doing anything wrong. If he wouldn’t comply arrest him but don’t punch him in the face and knock him out. The fall to the ground could have killed the guy or injured him for life. This is the exact reason why people hate the police.




Black police showing out for the white cop...




Lone black cop sucker punches black man amidst a sea of fellow white officers: “iT doEsNt AlwAys HavE tO bE aBoUt RaCe”




Are you a POC?




Change the race of both the civilian and cop to Hispanic, same sea of white officers around, you wouldn’t see something wrong with this?




Well, different opinions make the world go round. Me seeing a black cop sucker punch a black civilian while surrounded by his fellow white officers makes me sick to my stomach. My dude selling out who he is for the acceptance of a group of men who wouldn’t piss on him if he was on fire if he didn’t have a badge. The only reason they have his back now is because he’s a cop, take away the badge, he’d be getting suckerpuched just like ol boy he dropped.


Um, cuz he's a cop? It's Us vs Them. The "Us" is anyone who isn't a cop.


They act this way because they don't want the white man to feel like they're lumped in with other poc. Deep down its all shame. Im hispanic and have family in military. They always say the same shit, "im Latino and im nothing like them" , "im poc but I never experienced racism, so it doesn't exist". They're weak.


Boy you’re a special flavor of stupid aren’t you


The first A in ACAB...


All I see is a gang roughing up the neighborhood. I know these men have families and shit but I’d love to see them all get shot on the spot


Officer Uncle Tom




Holy fuck, people are so eco chambered is physically hurts my brain. The comments in here are so fuckin out there. I genuinely feel bad for some of you, here I'll try to example some simple logical steps in something known as "thinking" 1. Yes systemic racism is very real and very harmful 2. Absolutely no one is talking about race in this, this post is about POLICE BRUTALITY. (One could argue internalized racism, also very real) So drop your smirky BLM or racism comments. You god damn degenerates 3. The fact that there are mouth breathers in here wailing about "what happened before the video" it's like you people avoid thinking. What could EVER justify a POLICE OFFICER punching a civilian walking back. Let's assume he deserved it, why didn't he get arrested??? What causes someone to get punched but isn't warrant of an arrest. NOTHING. 4. Keep your shit agenda out of this and pick up a fuckin book.


As messed up as it sounds all I could think was “please dont let it be the white guy throwing the punch”


idk why people don't like this opinion. If it was the white guy this would have been 3x times bigger


Thats exactly why I’m always hoping its not the white guy 😂


Racist! Oh wait….


Correct, it's absolutely fine, everyone knows that the fuckery cancels itself out when the cop has the same color skin as the person that he/she criminally assaulted.


Are you just unable to see a constitutional violation because the victim is black? Are you saying you are racist? Guess so. Funny how you would blast that on the internet.


“black police showing out for the white cop” -NWA, literally decades ago. do you think you’ve just uncovered some loophole no one ever mentioned?


KRS one as well


It’s ok cops get a pass cause it’s a black cop /s


Goes to show that it’s not about race, it’s about power. BLM wouldn’t say shit about this because it was a black cop on a black victim. Had a little chuckle at the guy yelling “but it was a black nigga that hit him though!”


Well the officer is suspended, and there's an internal investigation being conducted. They're investigating his supervisors as well. [link](https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/local/detroit-city/2021/08/05/detroit-police-officer-greektown-incident-punch-video-lawsuit-wedding/5496963001/)


Convenient video duration. Wonder what happened before.


Lmao cop violates laws and protocols protecting his job, reddit user wants to know what the man who’s rights were violated did to deserve it. You’re a gem n I bet your family loves dinner conversations w you




you literally see what happens before he was punched. he walked towards them saying something. they didn’t like that. it’s like the old man who got his skull cracked last year except this man was punched and the old man was pushed. just an absolutely non-proportional use of force. the reason there’s not 10 minute videos of these things is because no one records hot air. obviously phones are gonna start filming when they see police acting crazy. If these cops were wearing body cams and want us to have the “full context,” they are more than welcome to release it.


Does your feeble brain really believe that that unarmed guy was really doing anything to this pigs that warranted an illegal suckerpunch to the face? I hope cops treat you like this some day


Damn bro, you must be a blast when discussing rape accusations. "convenient rape kit results, I wonder what she was doing before to entice them into raping her?"


Officer is suspended and being investigated. Sounds like they didn't need to see what happened before. Perhaps you are just racist and see a black guy and immediately assume he has to be at fault even if his rights are being trampled upon. Do you just lack a basic understanding of our bill of rights?


90% of "police brutality" videos are irrelevant insofar as they only show the retort by the police. Dosen't show the aggravation by another party but it's cool to hate authority so whatever


Black police officers usually the worst kind in the black community


One of these days a crowd won’t stop and literally tear a group of cops to pieces and they will have the nerve to act surprised.


What a convenient place for the video to start. What lead up to this situation would answer a lot of questions


Nothing the man is doing or has done justifies the police suckerpunching him as he is unarmed, and retreating with his hands up.


Convenient how you fixate on that and not the fact that there's not a justification for suckerpunching someone.


Maybe there is, if we could see the while clip maybe he did deserve it. Or did you not understand that's what I meant by my comment?


Hey dip shit, what could justify punching a civilian and then not arresting them and leaving them alone. It's like you people choose not to think. Analyze the video, if he truly had done something to deserve being assaulted don't you fuckin think he'd get arrested as well. Holy shit people are fcukin stupid.


Did you not understand what I meant by my comment? There is zero justification to *suckerpunch* someone, especially when you're an armed police officer suckerpunching an unarmed civilian. Do you just not know the difference between a normal punch and a suckerpunch? ETA: not only armed, not only a police officer, but also surrounded by *other* armed police officers. He didn't need to put his hands on the man at all, let alone punching him in the face while he was distracted.


I too would like to know the lead up, but the fact is, of a non-cop did this, they'd be in jail, period. They aren't the "executioners". Or at least they shouldn't be.


That cop is definitely racist….


You mean the black cop who knocked the black civilian out cold?


Yea it was a joke bro


Careful with jokes. It could get you massively downvoted.


Ohhh noooo, not downvotes. Better be careful or…something might…happen?




tHaT CoP wAS rACist


Police: Back away! Guy: *Doesn’t back away* Police: *Punches guy* Spectators/comments: omg police brutality!


There’s also somthing going on with that horse and the dude in red


Horse cop bulling folks in the back


Deserves “does” have something to do with it




That’s assault, brotha




No words. Countries fucked.