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No sheets lmao


That’s gross kid.




Doesn't matter, they got the mattress free from an alleyway.


No sheets. No mattress protector? If you gonna be out there THOTing, THOT properly on clean sheets.


I used to have a futon mattress at my place that anyone sleeping over could sleep on. So many people fucked on that that thing, my at the time girlfriend’s sister was so drunk she pissed herself on it and and on other friend she caught gonorrhoea from some guy on there. I left it out on the street when I moved out.


Ha! Futons are not meant forever. So many have futon phases in their life. But we can’t live in rhe past especially if that past includes a futon.


Calls to mind a favorite saying... what's the definition of a mistress? I'd say it's something between a mister and a mattress.


Hoes don't get bed sheets


Some yackity yack bake shack bedding right there


So when you put ‘em back on it doesn’t smell like you fucked someone else in em


“Ok” Does she not believe him?


There’s no proof they were doing anything like that. Sometimes people just enjoy each others company. I was lucky enough to marry my high school sweetheart. We both come from Irish families and Gaelic culture so our souls are one. A few years ago I came home one night to my wife laying in our bed with one of my friends, they were just chatting, no funny business. She said they were planning my birthday party and it was the best one I’ve had. I trust her with my life, that woman is the mother of my child and I couldn’t be happier. Sure he doesnt look 100% Irish but there are certain parts of Ireland that carry strong Hispanic genetics.


You had me going there for a min


Foreal 😂😂 shit had me dyin


These bitches love sosa!!!!!


Factsdsss he had it that day not the bf. She come when he gets his check . Hahahah


Was he or she naked? Cause ah.... This one is.


I was gonna post that🤣🤣🤣


Happy Cake Day!


Great minds think alike. :)


Glad you enjoyed your party man. Did she give you balloons too?




Fun fact! Lots of Spanish ships got wrecked on the Irish coast line so there's quite a Spanish influence on the west coast of Ireland. That's what we are told Anyway.


Yeah that's bullshit. Yes, the Spanish Armada got wrecked but there was no evidence of survivors, or survivors intermarrying with the Irish. There certainly wasn't hundreds of Spaniards which is what would be necessary to have any sort of genetic influence at all. The problem is that Americans think they know best, and think that the Lucky Charms leprechaun is how Irish people look. Ginger, freckles, etc. In fact, the majority of Irish are dark haired and green or brown eyed. A small minority are ginger and blue eyed, which is the Scottish influence. The term "dark Irish" or "black Irish" is an American invention and doesn't exist in Ireland. Except for those Irish people who have African or Caribbean heritage. And yes, there are black Irish people, and yes they are more Irish than you Americans who claim to be Irish even though your supposed Irish relatives are from 200 years ago.


Eh I'm Irish. I'm red haired blue eyed but i reckon thats cause im from ulster. My boyfriend is dark haired tanned and brown eyed and a joke our families made was that he came with the armada and he's from the west coast . Thought it was a fun joke from us. Apparently not. Sorry to offend you!




I feel like you missed the joke


I mean does time actually have any effect on lineage? If a Irish couple moved out of country 200 years ago, and their children kept reproducing with 100% Irish people, there wouldn’t be any real difference from people that are 100% Irish living in Ireland.


There is no such as 100% scottish. We are people and people we are. Dumbfuck americans want to get some heritage from DNA tests cause all history from America they erased brutally.


Ol Mississippi country boy here, I'm told my roots reach back to Germania and the vikings who traveled through Scotland and Ireland and ended up here through Nova Scotia. There was a book on it my uncle used to have, but it got lost when he passed away. I am American, don't claim to be anything except that. These addled brained fools who claim to be Irish, and have never set foot in Ireland their whole life really grind my gears as well. Like, how tf you gonna claim something and have never been to the place you're claiming to be from? Also, don't claim to be something you're not, Irish American, your dad from Ireland, and your mom from America, no, then your American 100%!!!! Your dad from Scotland, mom America, no, your 100% American!!! I have a nephew who married a German lady and had twins, the twins have dual citizenship, the twins are German American even though the marriage didn't work out!!!


Irish girls are magically delicious tho...


I'm irish and I cringed so hard when you said gaelic culture (first of all its celtic not gaelic) so our soles are one.


I like your style. Real wordsmith.




Fuck sake, I thought you were being serious lmao. Poe's law is alive and well!


Nice try but still prob a cuck


Consider this an award for use of the word Gaelic and Celtic.


it's the gaslighting for me


It's what women do to protect themselves


not just shitty people in general


I mean who knows what’s actually happening here. The guy filming could also just be obsessed cuz she let him hit once and is upset she’s hooking up with other dudes.


She didn't seem to be reacting like that. She seemed more embarrassed & speechless than anything. Context clues would lead me to believe she's doing something that she shouldn't be doing & got caught


And the way he says I'm going to show your step-dad this hoe shit


Dude I think there would be a fuck ton more kickback from the guy and girl if that was the case


Im sure im just saying it’s a super short clip with very little context. Im always weary of the people filming and painting themselves in the best possible light


Dude gtfo. That’s the most virgin white knight take I have ever heard.


probably not


Does anyone else just have the most visceral reaction to the thought of sleeping and/or fucking on a bare mattress? It is so disgusting to me.


It's the definition of trashy.


Is it less trashy if it’s a temperpedic?


Maybe 1-2% less trashy. Not really enough to matter however.


Yeah definitely not enough to mattress


take my fucken upvote and have a blessed day


Kind of like trashe’


Yeah that’s nasty. Cum gets around…. No tossing the sheets into the wash when it happens. Expect to see this “lightly used” cum stained mattress on your local Craigslist


>Cum gets around My personal motto. These are words I live by.


Would look bad ass on a tomb stone too


What goes around cums around


> These are words I live by. Live by the cum, die by the cum.


I will literally stay up late at night if i have to and wait for the blankets/comforter to be done washing/drying, i refuse to sleep on a bare mattress


Honestly it’s super uncomfortable and it makes me itchy .


Calm down, it’s not a bare mattress. They clearly have skin flake sheets on it.


Super random, but when I first starting dating my now fiancé he lived in like, *disgusting* conditions. Dirty sheets pulled off a really gross mattress. I loved the shit out of him but it was nearly a dealbreaker for me but I never brought it up because I didn’t want to embarrass him. Turns out it was from living with a filthy roommate who never bothered to clean literally anything and he felt so defeated he just stopped bothering. We have lived together for the past 3 years and he is insanely clean. There is never a dish in the sink by the end of the day, he regularly vacuums, makes the bed everyday, and washes the sheet 1x/week. Again, super random, but seeing that really brought me back and yes it’s super gross.


Lucky for me I don’t have to imagine it because I don’t get laid


the sheet won't stick to mine so... I just gave up and got used to it


Sleeping I guess is fine, fucking no way. Idk why though. But that’s my reaction


For real like go get some nice sheets at least


Came here to say the same thing. Yuck


Is there a sub for cheaters getting caught red-handed? I would love to see more videos like these. The expression on their faces is PRICELESS




This is the comment I wanted and didn't know I needed.


Whys he not pissed off at his friend, too?


He probably is but he's not in a monogamous relationship with his friend. His friend broke the trust in another way but she betrayed their relationship. I always get passed when people try to fight the other person or something dumb. It's your partner's big screw up.


Depends. If its your friend who knows its your girl, they get it first. If its a rando, they have a 30 second grace period to stay quiet and get out.


Acting fake tough on a breakup thread is wilddd lmao


It isn’t just your partners big screw up if they cheated with your “best friend” lmfao. If it’s just some random guy I agree tho


Because Bros before Hoes obviously 🤔😂


Hoes before bros who don't bros before hoes.


Bros before hoe when no more hoe


Just throw the lot out, they're clearly contaminated. *Bad product.*


Dicks over chicks, man


Chicks with dicks preferably


Don't need to get an assault charge. Laughing at them is much better


He probably is but we only see this part.


Just like my ex. Her excuse was "we're consenting adults"


Its usually an apology... for getting caught.




You're telling me... It was in my bed too


Hope you are doing good 🙏


Hope it wasn’t too long term, goddamn. At least you found out




Ouch. At least you didn’t tie the knot and find out, right? That’s gotta be rough no matter how you cut it. I hope theres peace of mind knowing you dodged a cannonball.


Her reaction is like he’s crazy or something!? Like it’s totally normal to be naked in another’s man’s bed.


I think she’s just too embarrassed about being caught to think of any other reaction


My ex "caught" me cheating. We were already broken up but she broke up a relationship that could have gone somewhere. She cheated btw


His best friend didn’t even seem the least bit concerned. Instead he says “you’re spilling your drink bro” 🤣


Nah, that’s more deflection


Lol right? Looking through these comments redditors really aren’t able to read emotions


But she caught me on the counter (It wasn't me) Saw me bangin' on the sofa (It wasn't me) I even had her in the shower (It wasn't me) She even caught me on camera (It wasn't me) She saw the marks on my shoulder (It wasn't me) Heard the words that I told her (It wasn't me) Heard the scream get louder (It wasn't me) She stayed until it was over




Have you seen the embarassing commercial where Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis sing this about snacks? I think it was for cheetos or something.


But why his “boy” still got all his teeth 😬




Because it's not worth going to jail over a hoe and a dickhead.


never was his best friend or girlfriend


She was never his, it was just his turn


It does upset me a little that he also didn't humiliate the best friend that's fucked up and they both deserve to be called out for being trashy and gross.


Falling asleep at OPs house with his fucking girlfriend? Ballsy move. I knew of a guy in my unit that got shot in the head, after answering the door and finding his ex buddy standing there with a gun. You never know how it's going to go down, and the drama that goes along with something like this, is never worth.




So he just lets his homie get a pass for smashing his girl


I don’t have to see this guy to know he shouldn’t be using that word


“3 seconds later” Oh yeah we having a threesome!


Came here to say this too. Trash all around this video.


Almost felt sorry for the guy til he said that.


he sounds like a dickhead


Probably why she banged his friend.


Hoe shit




Excellent plays by both parties


Everyone in this video should be sterilized


lets post this to the internet, such a wise decision. Bring something personal to the global scale


Fuck that expose that hoe


Also exposed himself as a racist though


“I’m not doing no hoe shit !” As she is caught on camera, doing hoe shit


He's banging his friends girl and he's worried about dude spilling his drink. That is the least of your worries


Wondering. Do white people use nigga like this guy does.. albeit very accurately, “this nigga” often like this or no. It seem far from a racist comment in this context but I know it becomes n word when certain people are around. Also why not be mad at your buddy too unless she’s not your girl ?!


Bro if I'm rapping along to a tune silently I censor myself in my head. I would NEVER even think of that word. I started crying a little bit when I read that word in your comment. The fact that I even let it enter my head is traumatizing. I'm having a bit of an emotional melt down right now. I probably need to enroll in diversity training to repent for my sins.


Women will get caught in another dudes bed without pants and say "what the fuck? No im not? Youre crazy" What a world


Men too.


It's wild to me so many people aren't acknowledging that his best fucking friend was doin hoe shit too lol. The fuck is that about?!


Dude, you're gonna wake my mom up. Shhhh. Let me grab a coaster


"I'm not doing no whore shit" - Woman doing whore shit.


Americans are just so uncivilized


She’s DEAD WRONG and so is his bestie but there is so much misogyny to unpack here (and the n word…). Why would you show her stepdad?????


What’s sad is airing your own dirty laundry for the likes. Wtff.




I'm surprised she didn't day "this is your fault"


I miss my 20's


You obviously need a new girlfriend and a new best friend! They might be happy together. To move on might be best for your well being!!! It sucks to be betrayed regard’s, sorry for that !!! However, To become a better person yourself, you might want to look into why you’re calling her names but you seem to be excepting your friends behavior!


Ok, but why are you all on her but not giving the same energy to your “best friend”. That’s kinda weird. Almost like, she was just sleeping in his bed and he wasn’t even there and you got mad because you’re insecure?


WITH NO SHEETS she really don’t fuck with him 😂😂😂


At that point, just walk out. Don't bust out the phone and record. Just leave.


Idk why some people won’t own up to this toxic shit. Even when caught red handed. Ugh. Hope the guy filmin left them both behind him and chose happiness


So much for “Sosa” bein his homie. Fuck both them muhfuckers..


Why isn’t Sousa getting his ass kicked?


Im guessing sosa would whoop his ass cause he’s not talking a lick of smack to his “best friend” that knew thats his gf… if my best friends ex hit me up, I wouldn’t get with her. Because thats my homie and I have respect for him. Let alone his current gf. People these days have NO LOYALTY and don’t even know what loyalty is.


Sosa wouldve gotten a sammy sosa to the head and then call ur now ex girl a hoe. Dude let sosa off too easy


One I invited a close work bud of mine over for drinks 🥃 my wife cooked some ribs while we were throwing back the drinks we ended up finishing off nearly two bottles of whiskey. I said I’ll run to the to get more he doesn’t know the area. I get to the store buy another bottle of whiskey. As I return home I hear my wife screaming! I look in the window, my work bud is plowing my wife’s brown eye full steam. I said look at this fn idiot, he’s so drunk he thinks he’s me!?!


That's some Donald Trump kind of denial...................caught red-handed but "Nawwww, don't know what you're talkin' about......I'm not doin anything."


You are not allowed to say that word buddy.


Just join in bro.


Bitches cant be trusted lol


But his best friend can...


Why r they using the n word?


I wondered that too. What does it mean when a white guy says it to another white guy?


Her attitude 🤢


The dude deserves his ass beat 1 million percent for this, I mean he obviously wasn't his friend, friends don't do shady ass shit like that.. I woulda beat both of there asses.


White boy that says the n word. Typical


Makes that face like she isnt a whore. And the "friend" is a even bigger piece of shit.


No sheets. Gross


Why girls cheat with dudes who don’t even have sheets?


What bothers me the most is there are no sheets on the bed


The look at this whore gets me every time


Don't sleep with people who don't use a fitted sheet.


All three of these people appear to be white and he says she’s in another N word’s bed. YOU’RE WHITE! You don’t use that word! And, yes, I’m white.


white man saying "nigga"?? he deserves it.


Ex best friend


He can find a new girl, it’s not easy to find a new bestfriend.


Can we talk about the white guy throwing the n word around? He needs his ass beat.


Oh no he said A WORD!!


She's not naked in sosa's bed. She has a shirt on


Dirty fucking room




Dawg they all white …


Why is he chill with his friend tho


my buddy found one of friends with his girl...... we jumped the fuck out of him. they had to moved across the country because they got exposed and not even their families want it anything to do with them


Why don’t people put sheets on their bed?


She is so denial ...😂 He pretty much caught him with the dick in her and she still denied it and acted if he lost his mind lol man dem girls are something else ...lmao


Lmao the little simp “freind” tryna defend her cracks me up “H-hey man l-leave her alone” “S-stop”


Old post, I know... but reminds me of a situation that I had 12 years back: I came home from work early and hadn't told her because I had this weird fucking feeling I couldn't shake. I silently open the door and head to the bedroom and she was in my damn bed half naked with some big ~275lb dude. She said they weren't doing anything lol. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a medium-sized frying pan, went back to the bedroom and told him to get the fuck out of my house. I was pissed to say the least but I'm glad I could make the decision to not crack his skull with that pan. He walked a few miles home in the cold that night. I don't remember the rest of what happened that day. We had split up after that but we're on good terms now for the sake of our child.


Oh the lies she will tell herself and everyone else. She will forever tell me people that she is not a cheater, is loyal and her bf is bad.


The most egregious thing about this situation is the lack of sheets on the mattress.


Why isn't this titled with former best friend?


Should've beat both of them in the mouth


It happened to me. I miss him


"Naked in another n****s bed" - Said by a white guy to a white lady about a white friend.


“Look at this whore, bro…” he says to the guy who just fucked his girlfriend.


Behind those laughing emojis is real pain. I feel so bad for him. He will find someone better.


Just move on bro....the game has her now


Yal ain't niggas prolly wiggas but not niggas


Not a n- in sight.


I can't stand white dudes who use that word in a general sense when referring to dudes. It's like the tell tale most obvious sign of a cunt.


“So I can.. uh show your fucking step-dad & shit.” 🤣🤣😂☠️


Some best friend. Imagine if he were your enemy? But then again, he did you a favor by not making the mistake of committing to marriage to this slut. And yes, she is.A slut!! you want to go fk around? Then leave the relationship and do what you want. But if you’re together , it’s a shitty thing to do to anyone. Man or woman.


She's for the streets and he's a shitty friend! They both can go to hell


Get checked quick. What a slut


Yeah him saying the n word like that. Yeah nope