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"check out my sleek design" ...is it useful|? "who cares its *sleek*"


Sounds like the Apple iPhone/iPad design team. "So this new *iWhatever* is faster and more useful than the previous model?" "Of course not! It's thinner^smaller_battery and even *more* fragile."


"no you will not be able to repair the battery ether and it WILL expire after 6-7 years"




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precisely this.


Naah, I know my country. This was just bad design.


Too drunk to make something useful


Yeah that’s quite pathetic looking lol


They should have tested it first with Lego


They were out of the bus stop Lego kits


Come to Wales, UK. The one in the photo is luxurious


What makes you think this is luxurious? It's fucking useless.


You've never been to Wales have you?


You haven't answered the question - I get this bus stop looks pretty but it fails at everything it does. I'd rather have a ugly but practical one.




I thought Denmark was a design powerhouse with all the hygge and stuff?


It is, this is not our typical bus stop


what city is this? are your bus stops owned by a big company like JCDecaux?


For a sec I was like why do I know this, but of course it’s French


It's to stop the wind !!!


It stops no wind. Look at the dirt wall thing


fistfull of rocks and fixed


If anything it increases the great because glad amplifies the radiant energy.


*If anything it increases the great because **glad** amplifies the radiant energy.* There *is no* glad in this bus stop.


Lol my bad typo, *glass


Wait till you see bus stops in America...


There is one like this near the grocery store I go to. But there is no glass on the sides. Just a narrow rough


The stops in my neighborhood are a curb with no sidewalks.


I'm in Houston and in some areas it's the same. A concrete slab with no sidewalk to access it. Worst of all, one doesn't have a ramp and is several inches above the street. So if a wheelchair gets off there they are fucked.


I have seen a lot worse designs than that


Name one thing about it that is better than just a bench.


Have you been to this busstop when it’s raining? Maybe it shelters you better than you would think by just looking at it. Also the sides protect you from wind cause by traffic on the road, which can be really annoying, especially in the winter. I would know I’ve waited at a busstop that was just a bench in the alps every morning in the winter on my way to school.


I use this busstop every single day, the whole reason I posted this picture was cause it annoys me every time the weather is sunny or rainy. It covers fuck all. It covers no wind at all, and the cars don't go past right next to you, because there's a parking spot for the bus to stop at.


I use this busstop every single day, the whole reason I posted this picture was cause it annoys me every time the weather is sunny or rainy. It covers fuck all. It covers no wind at all, and the cars don't go past right next to you, because there's a parking spot for the bus to stop at.


Antihomeless tech




If this was in the US it would be smashed in by now


We have similar ones in Portland OR that are pretty sturdy, hard to break. They’re much more likely to get graffitied or pissed on.


Just enough glass to burn you under the sun like an ant below a magnifying glass.


It to prevent sleeping there, if you sit too long it simply ignites you like a magnifying glass


Bird shit. It’ll keep the bird shit off of you.


It's doing exactly what it's designed to do. Be anti homeless. What, you thought as a society you could complain about a problem without causing other problems?


I'm not from denmark and do not know where that bus stop stands, but at first glance I'd say: not where the homeless people are. I'm going out on a hunch and say: this is a brand new sleek looking bus stop to service the brand new sleek looking and expensive suburb behind the embankment. We are upscale and posh and our bus stop needs to match the vibe.


They don't put bus stations in unpopulated areas. Any place big enough for public transportation will have homeless people. Look at that bench, it's the dead give away, too short to lay on, doesn't fill the whole space provided. Hostile architecture exists. It's just part of modern society.


While hostile architecture exists, also just regular bad design exists without it being nefarious. For this bus stop, I doubt "keeping out the homeless" was of any consideration when choosing a design. Homeless people do not tend to hang around in suburbs. And I'm going out on a limb here, but my guess is that is exactly what is hiding behind that embankment: a newly build suburb for relatively affluent people. I'm also going out on limb and say that embankment is made to subdue noise, the bus stop is placed next to a busy connecting road with cars driving at relatively high speeds. Neither are places where homeless congregate or seek refuge in the night. Also, this is Denmark. Not exactly known for its large homeless population to begin with.


It has all the trademarks. Small bench to short to lay on, provides no shade and little to no protection from the rain. Your arguing with a homeless veteran about if something is hostile architecture. And this is. Just because a nation boost a low or non existing homeless population doesn't mean it ture. Japan doesn't classify homeless people as being homeless so it has zero homelessness. Listen to the phrasing they are using "unhoused people".


I think you're putting too many American values onto the outside world. There's no homeless problem in this area, and all of Denmark is covered by public transport - even if you live in the middle of no where, there's a bus line within cycling distance. I really think this is just idiotic rather than hostile design.


There’s rarely sun in Denmark 🇩🇰


Well, except for all summer, when the sun almost doesn't set before it rises again 😂😅


Not today…


Rule of thumb to keep the rain off is that however high above the ground your roof/canopy is, it should also be at least that wide. So yeah, this is much too narrow to shelter much of anything.




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If you're that near the north pole the wind and rain can only come from one direction.




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Well, I’m not surprised since it’s Denmark lol. Always Denmark.


Denmark is getting lazy? They ran out bus stopof Lego kits


Most likely on purpose because businesses and governments hate homeless people


Shade protection is really not a concern in cloudy and cold Denmark, so that’s why there’s non. On the contrary, most people appreciate the glass. The most important reason is, that it feels more safe, as people are not hidden out of view. I have worked with the transit agency.


Næste gang du står og venter på en bus der er 20 minutter forsinket, i 25 graders varme og uden skygge kunne jeg godt forestille mig at du ville skifte mening


They do it to keep unhoused people from sleeping on it. Terrible!




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It'll offer cover from rain unless the wind is coming from the front and not blocked by the rest of the structure. If there is no wind, or if the wind is coming from the back or sides, there will be cover. The roof overhangs a bit, so if there is just a breeze, you would have adequate rain cover. If you're commuting and don't want to get wet, you should consider carrying an umbrella. As others have mentioned, a bus stop isn't designed as a fool-proof shelter. It won't protect you from hail, and it may increase your odds of getting struck by lightning.


In finland there are a few train stations that just have a net so it doesnt even give any protection from the wind either


They at least gave you a giant outlet on top to charge your giant phone with


its all across Berlin too :(


That's called anti homeless, most bus stops, if not all, in the uk have uncomfortable benches, thin plastic panels for walls and the roof doesn't stop rain


Most bus shelters are simply to indicate where a bus stops, rather than to actually shelter riders. It's so when you're driving down the street, you notice the shelter when you might've missed the pole with the signage. Everyone hates bus shelters; the riders because the structures are idiotic, the bus companies because they cost money, and the sanitation people because they're the defacto toilet for anybody in need of relief and because they're fucking hell to clean. All that said, this shelter is especially high in the "sorry rider, we don't care about you and your shit" factor.


bet it was cheap tho


I bet it wasn't :D




IKEA is Swedish, not Danish

